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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 7 Dec 1917, p. 4

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or a mom om om = WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1917 mom wm mm Classified Ads | | FOR SALE MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS FOR sale. We also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tel. 1128. 603 Demp- "gter; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. 31-12-52tc FOR SALE -- USED SEWING MA- chines taken in trades on _our new Singer. Singer, $7.00; Domestic, $5.00; Singer Drop Head, $12.00; Singer Cabinet, $18.00; White Rotary, new style, $15.00; Standard, new style, $14.00; Eldredge, new style, $11.00; Wilcox & Gibbs, $15.00. Guar- anteed. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday een Nes Patterson Bros., herman-av., Evanston. 1522 50s 3-123-4tc FOR SALE $200.00 VICTROLA WITH 50 records, $125.00. 918 Linden-av, Wilmette. 3-123-2tc LOCOMOBILE ROADSTER--IN FIRST class condition, for sale cheap. For further articulars Tel. Winnetka RE 4513-2t0 FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT--WITH OR WITH- out board. 892 Spruce-st., Winnetka. sv Tas-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, with or 'without board. 913 Oak-st., Winnetka. Phone 323 Win. T38-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS, hot water heat, kitchen privileges if desired. Stickney, 2nd apartment, 872 Pine-st. T38-1te FOR RENT--LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also single rooms, after Jan- unary 1. Phone Winn. 893. T38-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman. Call Win. 512-W after 6 p. m. T38-1te OR RENT--3-ROOM FLAT FUR- ® nished, heat and light, near Hubbard Woods. Tel. Glencoe 91. T38-23-1tp R RENT--HOT WATER HEATED RO Phone Winnetka p13, He OR RENT--FURNISHED OR UNFUR- EF nished six-room bungalow, hot water heat, 1 block from electric line, from C. & N. W. Ry. $50.00 fur- nished, $40.00 unfurnished. Phone T38-1te Winn. 851. HELP WANTED ANTED--MAN TO CLEAN RUGS, WA ts ote., Fridays. Tel. Win- netka 243. T38-1te ANTED--EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR a] housework. Small family, $10.00. Must have references. Tel Winnetka 680. T38-1te SITUATIONS WANTED T MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR LEY so aaing and alterations. Phone Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. w2ysite NTED TO DO PLAIN SEWING AND a Apply 807 Rosewood-av., | Hubbard Woods. Will call for work. Phone Winn. 791. T37-1te ACTICAL NURSE DESIRES POSI- PRAC by week or day. Best refer- ences. - Reasonable. Tel Winnetka 513-W. T38-12te LOST AND FOUND OST -- CHILD'S BEAVER NECK- piece. Return to 850 Linden-ave., . Hubbard Woods. Reward. T38-1tc T--NOV. 28, A BLACK MARTIN RO on street car, between Scott-av. and Pine-st, Winnetka, ) between -st. d Commun ouse. Pine-st. an om y Fas-1te LOST--MARIBOU SCARF, THURSDAY evening, near Swedish church, Elm- st. Finder please telephone Winn. 383. Mrs. Wm. Elliott. T38-1te MISCELLANEOUS WILL PAY 5c A POUND FOR CLEAN white rags for wiping machinery. Bring to Lake Shore News Office, 1222 Central-av., Wilmette, or phone Wilmette 1920. 47-tfdh HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED THIS month; your furnace is on and your piano needs tuning. Wilmette, $2.00; Winnetka and Glencoe, $2.50. Pat. terson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Ev- anston. Tel. Wilmette 526. 51-123-tfc IF YOU) HAVE AN OLD VIOLIN AND want to sell it or trade it in, we make you a fine proposition. Repairing on all musical instruments. Open Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday eve- nings. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. 51-123-tfc RAZOR BLADES--ALL KINDS OF razor blades sharpened while you wait. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chandler's, 630 avis-st., Evanston. Tel. 123. T38-23-tfe Notice is hereby given that a spe- cial meeting of the stockholders of The Calenduline Co. will be held at 7859 Eggleston avenue, Chicago, Ill, on December 28th, 1917, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of reducing the cap- ital stock of said company. T38-3t NORTH SHORE COUNCIL READY FOR BIG DRIVE Plans for the Knights of Columbus drive for $500,000, Illinois' share of the $3,000,000 war camp fund to be raised in the United States, were made at the Sherman hotel Tuesday evening of this week. The drive will be open on December 9 and will last one week. The sum of $100,000 already has been sub- scribed by members and the rest is to be obtained by a triple drive against K. of C. members, Catholics in general, and the public. The meeting on Tuesday evening ~ was attended by many prominent Catholics and by delegates from sixty councils. The meeting was called by State Deputy Le Roy Hackett, who presided. Many Wilmette people in- terested in the big drive for the war fund were present at the meeting and they pledged to do their share in the campaign. Enthusiasm was shown and many promised to devote all of their time to the campaign during the week it is in progress. The others pledged to give all the time they can. this district is $1,500, and the local Auditors to France. Dr. Conley in N. Y. | A committee of five were asked to : : 5 see Archbishop Mundelein and to re- committee will make an appeal to all | Wee of 2 pasos has Bech Sent Dr. M. Hinch Conley is in New quest him to write a letter to be read Catholics and the public in Winnetka ey Try ypan . " xy p 3 : ment to audit the accounts of the by the priests of all the parishes at {to assist in this drive for funds. Armv there % 1 3 ise fiekt Sanday. drain ll Cath. y ' work at the Cornell Medical college. olics to contribute freely. The fund is to be devoted to the establishment and maintenance in army camps of recreation buildings for the use of all soldiers, regardless of creed. York taking special post-graduate 22222722 7 ds THE CONVENIENT NORTH SHORE LINE The all-steel Limited 8:24 A. M. North Shore train affords Winnetka residents the most con- venient morning train to MILWAUKEE It takes you to the heart of the city, arriving at 10:15 A. M. No taxi or street car necessary. 7 A number of Winnetka men are members of the Ouilmette council of the Knights of Columbus, and they will assist in the campaign for funds in, the village. The quota assigned to HK % % Painters & Decorator JF. ECKART == : (Official Publication.) 22772277727; REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Winnetka Trust ana Savings Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, before the commencement of business on the 21st day of November, 1917, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES 1. Loans: Loans on real estate ........$ 65,742.00 Loans on col- lateral security. .11,855.00 Other loans and discounts ..... 29,747.88 $107,344.88 2. Overdrafts .... 44 3. Investments: United States bonds: ..,..... 19,550.00 State, county and m uni - cipal bonds.... 101,239.20 Public service corporation Ronds......... 12,250.00 Stock of cor- 77777777 7777777 777% AAA On 5,000.00 stars] Cap ad esources: TILE de | Fare $1.30. . fixtures hy 9,419.75 13,540.75 N\ : . . : | i i gue IN Limited service hourly to Milwaukee from 7:28 Somency, oo GS A. M. to 10:28 P. M. Running time one hour Minor cols 173.78 14,147.63 7. Other Cash Resources: Exchanges for clearing house 6,584.38 Checks and other cash items .. 50 278.80 6,863.18 | Total resources. $306,332.70 LIABILITIES forty-seven minutes. Parlor Cars 9:28 A.M. and 2:28 P. M. Dining Cars 12:28 P. M. and 5:28 P. M. 777727077777 1, Caplial stock \ pa : | FRR $ 35,000.00 2. Surplus fund... A N 3-Undivited Prof- 1750.00 | Er 4. Deposits: 2,630.56 Special deposits 2,324.00 Time -certifi- cates ...... us 4,690.00 Savings sub - iect to notice. 121,123.12 Demand, sub - ject to check. 138,758.62 Certified checks 56.00 266,951.74 Total liabilities $306,332.70 I. M. K. Meyer, President of the Win- netka Trust and Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above state- ment is true to the best of my knowl- edge and belief. M. K. MEYER, President. STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK, g ss, Subscribed and sworn to b this 26th day of November, piore me P. W. BRADSTREET, (SEAL) Notary Public. [REO OOOO BUY NOW We still have a few Large Specimen Trees © =D] UF. SPRUCES --AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES NORTHFIELD NURSERIES Reach Us by Mail or Telephone Glenview 19-W = Or YI )j ANE NESSIN HAS, ) NAAN AN IAN EAN oN - pl ¥ § 3 8

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