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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 14 Dec 1917, p. 2

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2 mE EE WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1917 ne = om om 3 PERSONAL MENTION. Favaols : RE Winnetka Weekly Talk ONAL MENTION the members of the Horace. Mann |wool; to the Naval hospital, for |rine division included sixteen sw. ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by The Lake Shore Publishing Company 1222 Central Avenue, Wilmette, Ill Business Telephone...... Wilmette 1921 Editorial Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION. ...... ..$1.00 A YEAR Strictly in advance -- Address all communications to the Winnetka Weekly Talk, Wilmette, Ill. Anonymous communications will be passed to the waste basket. The same applies to rejected manuscript unless return postage is enclosed. Articles for publication should reach this office by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- ance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, card of thanks, obituary poetry, notices of en- tertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered in the postoffice at Winnetka, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1917 Thrift War Stamps. The plan of the Thrift war stamps to give the children and those who can spare only small amounts of money opportunity to help the gov- ernment in its prosecution of the war is one which will be effective for good in more ways than through the money which will be thus provided to the nation. The establishment of the habit of thrift in a small way, and thrift means the conservation of lit- tle things, the extension of a feeling of personal financial interest in the war by making .it possible for many to help though not able to buy Lib- erty bonds, and the stimulation of patriotism in the children who are growing into citizenship, all will con- tribute to the strength of the na- tion in its present crisis. ; We have always regarded our small coins in America as bits to be given to children to be invested in trifles. No child taches to the small pieces of money of American parents at- the importance which they are given in other countries of the world. The possibility of buying a government certificate by the saving of only a few of the pennies, nickels and dimes which almost every child is given, will develop in the younger genera- tion a new regard for the small sum, and, it is hoped, a new idea of sav- "ing. * kk kk The Vanishing Small Coin. The small change scarcity is being felt in this country as in the others which are at war. Here the tendency is to attribute it to the war taxes which make an annual drain upon pennies and nickels, but general ex- perience seems to show that small change is a convenience which van- In Eu- ropean cities there has had to be a ishes under war conditions. resort to issues of paper currency to replace the copper coins and those of small denomination which have been made in their stead out of inferior metals and cheap alloys. In Turkey metal money has gone out of exist- ence, it is said, its place having been taken by reinforced stamps issued by the government. In France, except in Paris, there is the same general situation, no money of small denomi- nation. There seems to be but one explana- tion of the dearth of small coins, a disposition to hoard small amounts "because conditions are such as to make the saving of large sums im- possible." It is one of the mysterious The Winnetka branch of the Infant Welfare society will distribute Christ- mas toys to the poor children at the Chicago Commons. Anyone having discarded toys or willing to donate new toys may deliver same to Mrs. W. F. Anderson, Auburn road, near North avenue, or Mrs. Robert Steven- son, Jr, 220 Linden street. If impos- sible to deliver, telephone Mrs. H. A. Gardner, Winnetka 476, whereupon they will be called for. ---- The Misses Genevieve and Dorothy Martin, 1040 Cherry street, will re- turn from the convent of the Sacred Heart in Lake Forest on Tuesday to spend the Christmas holidays. Their brother, George Martin, will also re- turn from Campion college, Prairie du Chien, Wis., next week. -- i -- A dehghtful surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Richards at their home on Asbury avenue last Thursday evening. The affair took the form of a farewell party, as Mr. and Mrs. Richards will leave shortly for San Antonio, Tex. where Mr. Richards will enter training in the aviation corps. | OF Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Weeks re- turned last Monday from a two months' motor trip in the east, visit- ing friends in Atlantic City and Washington, D. C. Their route was through the White, Adirondack and Gray Mountains, and they report a most marvelous trip. tf Lieutenant and Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Collins' mother, Mrs. Whitney, who have been occupying the Weeks' residence at 600 Ash street, have re- turned to their Chicago residence. Mr. Collins received his commission as first lieutenant in Field Artillery at the second officers' training camp at Fort Sheridan. rr a en Miss Lois Nelson, who is attending Radcliffe college, Cambridge, Mass., and Mr. Curtis Nelson of Milton academy are to arrive December 21 to spend the Christmas vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nelson of Hubbard Woods. ------ At the Foreign Mission Study class of the Congregational church on Wed- nesday afternoon Mrs. E. N. Rhodes spoke on "The Geographic Conditions Affecting the Development of Africa." A one-act play written by Miss Edna Keith was presented. x: There will be a dancing party at the Woman's club for its members and their guests on Wednesday evening, December 19. Mrs. Leonard Roach is in charge. PRL Mr. Charles N. Strotz has been ap- pointed campaign manager for the Red Cross Christmas drive for the state of Illinois. ------ Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Pitkin, 522 Wil- low street, celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary with a dinner for ten guests last Friday evening. ---- The North End Winnetka Naval auxiliary of the Red Cross will meet next Monday at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. F. Grund, 81 Foxdale avenue. --_-- Mrs. Hubert Hilly, 563 Provident avenue, has returned from a two months' visit with friends in St. Louis, Mo., and in Champaign, Ill. ---- Mrs. Ira Fisher, who has been ill at her home, 638 Ash street, is re- ported to be convalescing. FY TD The Ridge Avenue circle met with Mrs. C. B. Ewart on Ridge avenue on Tuesday afternoon. ee rine Elliott Stearns of Cleveland, O., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt of Sheridan road. ------ Mr. George Pierce of West Elm street has returned from the east. . Mrs. E. M. Marble entertained at her home Wednesday afternoon, De- cember 12. -- Mr. C. D. Dallas conducted the Sun- day school at' Parish house last Sun- day in Mr. Street's absence. -- A baby girl was born to Dr. Ida Laird 'Barroll of Linden avenue at Henrotin hospital on Wednesday, De- cember 5. (Continued from page 1) 17 helmets, 48 socks, 20 wristlets, 4 scarfs. Thirty complete baby kits were received from Miss Elmer and from students at the New Trier High school. Eight knitted afghans and other accompaniments of wartime.' knitted articles were received from ' school. Fifty-one garments, dresses and bloomers were made at the Com-| munity house under the direction of Mrs. McClain. Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Jr. Chairman. Navy Committee Report. The following articles were given to men in the service during the month of November by the navy com- forts committee: 12 comfort bags, 12 sweaters and 12 scarfs to the jack- ies attending the dances at the Com- munity house. Twenty-five sweaters, 13 scarfs, 11 helmets, 13 pairs of wristlets and one kit to the jackies at the Jolly Tar club in Waukegan. Twenty-four sweaters, 3 scarfs and Tar club a number of victrola records an on November 2 and 3, an entertain- ment was given for 300 boys from the Great Lakes Naval Training sta- tion. Twenty-seven scarfs, two sweaters and two helmets were given by individuals to men in the service. We have given to the Junior Navy league in Winnetka seven pounds of Notice is hereby given that a spe- cial meeting of the stockholders of The Calenduline Co. will be held at 7859 Eggleston avenue, Chicago, Ill, on December 28th, 1917, at 2 o'clock, ror the purpose of reducing the cap- ital stock of said company. T38-3t EXCHANGE -- Winnetka homes or vacant for Wilmette, Kenilworth, Evanston or Chicago homes, vacant or appartments. Send us what you have to exchange. Write us or tele- phone Wilmette 698, or call PAUL SCHROEDER & Company \ 414 Linden Ave. Wilmette WL 2 7 2 a Zar 7777, LL, ULLAL LIL Ld ddd dd ddd dddddia. LLL llddzarzrrrrriirizidiiiiiiilidddd Hardware and Paints Specialist--Diseases of women, children, ob- stetrics and electric treatment. Office and Residence, - 741 Prospect Avenue Phone Winnetka 1537 E. S. PARR 809 Elm St. Winnetka, Ill ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. AND REPAIRING Bryan Marsh Electric Bulbs Bicycles new and second hand Bicycle repairing and supplies Lawn Mower grinding and repairs Grinding of all kinds. Baby Car- riage Tires. 5: LN EN PHONE 122 Thanksgiving, eighty glasses of jam and jelly, which were sent by the school children, and in addition to this donation we sent 107 glasses of jelly and a generous offering of fruits, cake, cookies and other deli- cacies; also flowers and flowering plants. The work finished and ready for distribution to the merchant ma- ers and ten pairs of wristlets. On Thanksgiving evening, in an e fort to raise funds for the comfo committee, Elsie Ferguson was pr sented in the Artcraft film featur "Barbary Sheep," at the Woman club. HARRIET M. MORS Secret known a was org ednest ter grar ladies ir NOW IS THE TIME TO FALL TREES----CUT TO LENGTH-- and split for your fire place. We will do it for you ---right now-- at a low price. Telephone Evanston 4950 Estimates given BARRETT & JOICE, Foresters--Central and Broadway, EVANSTON, 'and of ¢ 'of assist or sewir the Red parish h | ni 43 Sp. m. O 4 helmets to the men at the Great LES ERE ERE RRERRERREEREERRERREREER Lakes Naval Training station. Nine 4 = : : ; surgical shirts and fifteen housewives 5 SAVE YOUR CLOTHES to the Naval Auxiliary of the Chi- |® KEEP THE DUST OFF BUY A DRESS BAG cago Red Cross. Twenty-five pairs |B 60c White. 75c Figured. $1.00 Figured. $1.25 for X Size- 32 in_ | of bed socks and ten caps for pneu- pg | wide x 65 in. long. Laundry Bags to match, $1.00 | monia patients at the Naval hospital, Beads | One Initial 35c extra. Two Initials, 55¢c extra. Stamping Great Lakes, Ill. In addition to these |H 2303 THE RRAL XMaS GIFT articles, the Jolly Tar club received | HE Initialing | Parker Embroidering & Braiding Co. 1000 i iri era a I Be EE MERE Members of the Navy League have [0] ------2_" 17 N. State St. Chicago, Ill 16 North Wabash Ave. '-------- contributed through us to the Jolly EEE ENR NEED ESE EE EEE EEBEE HEE [1 most ir "E Package "| munity #tday, an = care of N Soldiers' Families Attention When visiting CAMP GRANT, stop at the New Hotel Blackhawk Weekly Large, beautiful outside rooms, single or ensuite, rates a specialty. Never crowded. 530 State Street Rockford, Ill. Chicago Office, 849 Otis Building, Phone Franklin 4584 ie Mr. a ie St. Lou Bt their d: : Conrad, | Bolte, s ® Bolte o | cember | brated = J. Will presenc From ment o = trude H BF, Bisse | Mrs. F. | Bissell Eat Cam; Dr: YOU don't have to have a frozean raditor and engine this winter. You don't have to use an anti-freeze. You don't have to have radiator covers. Y our garage need not be heated. The air-cooled Franklin relieves you of all water cooling troubles. More real pleasure and efficiency than 36Emse. |N you ever thought possible, if you buy a J. F. ECKART %imna: Franklin. a JESSE D, PAYNE, M. D. Franklin Woods Dual Power Oldsmobile C. E. BRIDGES Evanston Franklin Car Company 510 DAVIS STREET ~~ PHONE 5886 Dodge Bros. nounce day eve {Mr E dena, C the hou erly oc Miss guest C 0 n Ver Serge station N.C. i days. ance ut Hamm, of nex EW. ter Ob: are we eg 4 i ¥ The ' meet Ww Fisher, Work be 'don Fulton. Chicag ra Td dd ZZ ZZ 777707777, On the way to school. Guar. your little g. wgmemwe nitese cold, damp, raii fail days with this guarantecd waterproof outfit. To duce you to our retail rubber store we will 4 sell this £6.25 ouifit for this week pA For Little Boys--rul... _oo!s, rain- lz ccat and slicker-hat ou:fit, $56). If you cant call, mai] or pacue cur order, giving child's shoe iength and chest size. Phone Erankl'nm 5744. e I=ve everything in the Rub- ber lire, fresh, live and new. HM | HI Sualrsbu 200. RUBBER WE HAVE (T= EST 185% & 508 W. Madison Street 4 BEET EEEEES EER EBRDREOS 'Ba Between Franklin and Market Sts. a 4] | ULL 2 7 2 Li 2 77 7 2277 77777, LLL L707 EL EE 0 AT the last election an issue of bonds was voted for the improvement of certain roads in Cook County. The first road to be built is the proposed military road on what is now known as the North Branch Road. Upon the completion of this high- way the acrerge adjacent to it should be in good de- mand. We have for sale several parcels of land in this vicinity at prices that are exceptionally low. Among which are: 9 1-2 acres 3 miles west of Winnetka just off main road, all wooded. Price $325 per acre. 18 acres with choice home site, good soil, on main road. A bargain at $350 per acre. 20 acres just off Lake Avenue 2 1-2 miles from Wilmette. Very good soil. Old inprovements. A bargain at $350 per acre. For further particulars see [ALIS ESTATE Pe OTIS BUILDING -CHICAGO TELEPHONE MAIN 4724 LLL LLL ELLE Ld TLL. TE 777777 tion." 720 A nu being this we dence the W afternc Mr. Walnut rg McClon consin, brother princip school. Amo: Woods Thursd Mesdas Lowen Fita S Miss daught ident home visit in Mrs. Hampt to this magazi Frank, tional 3 Mr. Prospe ULL LE 77777 rr rr No ak Hetzel

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