Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 21 Dec 1917, p. 4

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4 m Em mm WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1917 mom om mom i) | Classified Ads FOR SALE--USED UPRIGHT PIANO, Lyon & Healey, $75.00; Schultz, $135.00, Kingsbury, $120.00; payments; open evenings; see our new pianos and players. We are cheaper than Chi- cago. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. 5-123tfe FOR ALE, CAN any FIRDS, GOOD wt Tel. mette . singers e 5-123-2tp SEWING MA- FOR SALE--USED chines, slightly used. White Rotary, $13.00 to $20.00; Standard. $12.00; Singer, $13.00; Free, $15.00; Domestic, $10.00; other bargains; see our new Electric Singer, $35.00; Singer Sewing Machine. 1522 Sherman-av., Evans- ton. 5-123-tfc FOR SALE--$200 USED VICTROLA with 50 records, $125.00; also several used small machines. Come in and see our new Sonora, Victrola and Grafanola; easy payments. Patter- son Bros, 1522 Sherman-av., Evans- ton. 5-123-tfc MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS FOR sale. We also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tel. 1128. 603 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. 31-12-52te XMAS PUPPIES FOR SALE--WIRE- haired fox terriers, Airedales, Irish terriers, Scottish terriers. Write Vickery Kennel, Barrington, me 1t -12-1te FOR RENT FOR RENT--HOT WATER HEATED rooms. Phone Winnetka 513-W. T38-tfc FOR RENT--2 STEAM HEATED rooms, furnished, couple or single. 444 Drexel-av., Glencoe. G-1te TO RENT--FROM JAN. 1 TO OCT. 1, furnished 8-room house, N. E. Win- netka. Inquire of J. T. Cheney, 832 _ Bryant-av. 40-1tc WANTED TO RENT--MY ATTRAC- tively furnished 9-room home from 2 to 4 months for less than actual rent unfurnished. Heated garage. Everything a modern home should have. Winnetka 964. T40-23-1tc HELP WANTED WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework, 8:30 to 2 daily. Call Win- netka 648. T40-1tc 'SITUATIONS WANTED LBT MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. T29-tfc PRACTICAL NURSE DESIRES POSI- tion by week or day. Best refer- ences. Reasonable. Tel. Winnetka 513-W. T38-12tc RAZOR BLADES--ALL KINDS OF razor blades sharpened while you wait. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chandler's, 630 avis-st., Evanston. Tel. 123. T38-23-tfc VOICE LESSONS BY EXPERIENCED teacher from Chicago. For informa- tion call Miss Schwartz, Gleneos 773. -2tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--ON SHERIDAN ROAD IN OR near Winnetka, small wicker suit- case, containing lady's apparel. Re- ward. Phone Winnetka 42. T-40-1tc LOST--AN EMERALD RING WITH diamonds on Sheridan-rd., Monday, about 100 yards north of Maple Hill- rd, on west side of street. Reward. Tel. Glencoe 757. G-1te MISCELLANEOUS RAZOR BLADES--ALL KINDS OF razor blades sharpened while you wait. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chandlers, 630 Davis-st., Evanston. ..6-123-tfc WILL PAY 5c A POUND FOR CLEAN white rags for wiping machinery. Bring to Lake Shore News Office, 1222 Central-av.,, Wilmette, or phone Wilmette 1920. 47-tfdh Notice is hereby given that a spe- cial meeting of the stockholders of The Calenduline Co. will be held at 7859 Eggleston avenue, Chicago, Ill, on December 28th, 1917, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of reducing the cap- ital stock of said company. T38-3t VILLAGE OF WINNETKA In the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois--General Number 333500. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, hav- ing ordered the improvement of Hill Road from the present pavement at the west line extended of Ridge Ave- nue, southwesterly to a line running at right angles to the center line of said Hill Road at a point 16.25 feet northeasterly from the intersection of said center line of said Hill Road with the south line of Section Twenty (20), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, including all street returns as far back as the street lines of said Hill Road ex- tended, by grading, including prepara- tion of subgrade, digging side ditches and grading the parkways, draining, constructing Portland cement con- crete base, constructing reinforced concrete culvert, constructing con- crete end walls, curbing, and paving with a bituminous macadam wearing surface on said concrete base an eighteen (18) foot roadway, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordi- nance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said village, and the said village having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement ac- cording to the benefits, and an assess- ment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, General Num- ber 333500, the final hearing thereon will be held on the thirty-first day of December, A. D. 1917, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons de- siring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may ap- pear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments with in- terest thereon at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, Decem- ber 14, A. D. 1917. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the President | of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of "Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney /T'39-2t VILLAGE OF WINNETKA In the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois--General Number 333499. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, hav- ing ordered the improvement of Ash- land Avenue from the present pave- ment at Burr Avenue to the present pavement at Railroad Avenue, not in- cluding the paved intersection at Lin- den Avenue, by paving with a rein- forced Portland cement concrete pavement sixteen (16) feet in width, except at connections with present pavement, the proposed pavement shall be widened along curved lines to conform to the present pavements at points of connections, and said pro- posed pavement from a line sixty (60) feet west of and parallel with the present westerly curb line of Rail- road Avenue shall divide into two (2) roadways of ten (10) feet each in width and shall extend east to and shall connect with said present pave- ment in Railroad Avenue, and by grading, constructing new catch basins with connections, constructing integral curbing, adjusting present manhole covers and adjusting and connecting present pavements with proposed pavement, including engi- neering and supervision during con- struction, all in the Village of Win- netka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same Painters & Decorator }. F. ECKAR 736 Elm St. Phone 4 84 Io Cli Winnetka State Bank Capital $25,000.00 Surplus 5,000.00 3% on Savings Deposits Officers and Directors HENRY P. CROW L, President of r Oats Company. VICTOR ELTING, Attorney. LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER of Kuppenheimer & Company olesale Clothing JOHN R. LEONARD of Bridge and Leonard Grain C Merchants. CARLTON PROUTY, Attorney. WILLOUGHBY G. WALLING, Capitalist HENRY R. HALE. Cashier. Winnetka State Bank will be open on Saturday evening from 7 to 9 to take sub- criptions for Liberty Loans. NY LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLILLLIS EL LIL LLL LASS LS AGLI 1S ILS SSSA SILI EIfEL SSS SOILS AF 5 7 TAY LLLLLL LLL LLLLILL LLL LS LLLLG LILLE SILA SISA VIII IIS 5 7 TII 7 FIT 70 170 700 7 FF (lls 22277727 277277770 STRAYED--YOUNG FEMALE AIRE- dale, crippled in right hip; name "Jane." Klewer 397 Palos-rd., Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 630. T40-23-1tc PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Parsons and daughter, Helen, of Hawthorn lane, will spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers in New York city. They will spend several days in East Orange, N. J., also, before their re- turn. ins Miss Frances Wood has returned from Miss Maderas School in Wash- ington, D. C., and her sister, Miss Louise Wood, has come home for the holidays from Bryn Mawr. They are visiting their mother, Mrs. Ira Couch Wood, who has taken an apartment in town this winter. Ry Harola Bohnen of Willow is ill at his home. street Lu -- Obituaries Stacy W. Osgood, a resident of Winnetka since 1868, died on Sun- day. He had been village president, village attorney, village postmaster, member of the legislature, and as- sistant state's attorney. He is sur- vived by a widow and three children. Mrs. Sarah L. Babcock, formerly of Winnetka and for a few years past residing at Oceanside, Cal.,, died on Monday, December 17, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George O'Brien, Revere, Mass. She had been visiting Mrs. O'Brien and died after a short illness. Mrs. Babcock is survived by an- other daughter, Mrs. William Mec- Kinney, of Winnetka.--Adv. fir 530 State Street Soldiers' Families Attention When visiting CAMP GRANT, stop at the New Hotel Blackhawk Large, beautiful outside rooms, single or ensuite, Weekly rates a specialty. Never crowded. Chicago Office. 849 Otis Building, Phone Franklin 4584 Rockford, III. ---- 4 Notice to Ford Olvners " WE wish to announce the épening of a first-class Ford Station at 526 Railroad Avenue. equipped to do all repairing on all Ford cars and also carry a full line of Ford repair parts and acessories. "Winnetka Ford Station PHONE WINNETKA 1496 We are being on the office of the Vil- lae village having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an provement according to the benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, General Number 33349, the final hear- ing thereon will be held on the thirty- first day of December, A. D. 1917, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. sons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in five (5) annual installments' with in terest thereon at the rate 'of five p centum (5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, D ber 14, A. D. 1917; HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the Presid of the Board of Local Tmprow ments of the Village of Wi netka, Cook County, Illinois, (an such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make | said assessment. : ig FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney Clérk of said village, and the said assessment of the cost of said ims ece All per- T39-2t LL EE 2777777772 rarapianiie Zilina Zr 7 ¥ LLLLLLLLLILLL LLL LL LASS SASSI LLL SSS SSA SSAA UM a ZR LALSLI SIS IL SEA 3 LLLLLLL LL LILI LILIA SSSA AL SILI A SEL LAI AA A IAAI A AAA RECEIVING TELLER A SAVINGS ACCOUNT is one of the best references N a young man can have. It proves that he is systematic, careful, steady and thrifty. It gives him a standing in the eyes of others. Come in and talk it over with us. WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL $35 00.000 FORMERLY BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 1894 Jholect Get the Round Package & | Ask For and GET 4 HORLICK'S A THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ex. tract of select malted grain, malted in our own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions. - Infants and children thrive on it. Agrees with the weakest stomach of the invalid, or the aged. Needs no cooking nor addition of milk. Nourishes and sustains more than tea, coffee, ete. Should be kept at home or when traveling. Anu~ tritious food-drink may be prepared in a moment. A glassful hot before retiring induces refreshing 8 pam OY slope Pleo in Junchs Tablet foots or briny ay SOAS MALTED MILK Substitites Cost YOU Same Price Take a Package Home Used for ¥3 Century. KA 7% # 7% Zizzzzzzzizzzz7z2z2z2z2z2222272227777 % 2% 722% Z. % Z NY Evanston Strand Xmas Week BEGINNING MONDAY, DEC. 24 For days and weeks we searched for a program that would be suitable for Xmas Week. At last after viewing upwards of 25 features we were lucky in securing the GEORGE WALS in a clean wholesome comedy-drama "THIS IS THE LIFE" A picture with a Cyclone "pep." Great Athletic Star 2. 0 We believe you will enjoy Geo. Walsh as much as you have Douglas Fairbanks; his style of acting is the same. Come and see this new star. WE HAVE SELECTED FOR OUR SECOND FEATURE BABY MARIE OSBORNE in the best picture this little darling ever appeared in "A Little Patriot" This is a wonderful story of laughter and joy with just enough pathos and patriotism to make it one of the most enjoyable fea- tures we have presented for some time. A program suitable for young and old. Bring your wife, your mother, your sister, and don't forget the children. NOT ONE OBJECTIONABLE FEATURE in these two big pictures. Continuous Xmas 2 to 11 P. M. Z Zh

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