WINNETKA WEEKLY T ALK, Pu, ocial Happenings g North Shore by Ruth Risley + L - H} » 1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1918 7 spins -- Vg ein Ea v The Homes = 1 Society met with Mrs. Rok. = gith of Fairview avenue, on Wee Bes \v afternoon. I nt Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer street are spending a Floria. 2 9 --p-- Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dryden of Elm street, have returned from a month's sojourn in the South. a ---- of Willow month in HE Dr. Alice Barlow Brown Gift Shop and Tea Shop are indebted to a number of our north shore artists for a charm- ing contribution of posters and valentines. Anita Willetts Burnham, Mrs. P. R.| most grateful to Mrs. Johansen, Miss Edith Fry, Miss Ruth Legare of Glencoe, and Ken- neth Fagg of Wilmette, for adver Lathrop Graver and Miss Catherine Murphy for original designs | lhe These were beautifully colored by the Junior and chicken pox. Senior high school girls in the Art Department at New Trier. Mrs. Frederick Dickinson's song "The Spirit of 1917," is on | sale at the Gift Shop, also her patriotic verses entitled "America | Materna," illustrated by Mrs. Johansen. be open for business on Monday as well as all other afternoons from | for valentines. three to five o'clock. ------ tising posters--and to Miss Olive Hereafter both shops will The directors are | -- The voungest son of Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Smith of Fir street, is ill with! | pneumonia. irday afternoon at the Club, for the pur- | given last S | Evanston Wi of defraying man's | | pose Tenth expenses in At the next meeting of the Winnetka Woman's Club on February | District War i SB Among 21, the program will be under the auspices of the Education Com- | those guests from 1mette. were mittee, and the subject under disc Alice Hamilton of Hull House, who is at present employed by the | ussion, "Family Limitation." Dr. government as special inspector for occupational diseases, and who has recently been making investigations in munitions factories where high explosives are manufactured, will read a paper on the , history of the movement for birth control; and Dr. Rachel S. Yarros of Hull House, who is chairman of the Committee on Health and Recreation of the Woman's Committee of the Council of Defense, will speak on social and ethical aspects of birth control. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance at this meet- ing whereby we may show our appreciation of the effort that Dr Yarros and Dr. Hamilton are making in coming to us at a- time . Weinland, = Ketchum, Mueller and when their services to the country are making such unusual demands Gotsehaas on their time and strength. AS gd Mrs. George Springer will enter- The MacDowell Musical Club of; Mr. and Mrs. Eisengarth of East |tain at a birthday party on Saturday Winnetka held its regular meeting | Willow street entertained their nieces, afternoon! for her small daughter, February 11, at the home of Mrs.| the Misses Katherine and Mary Mc- Martha, #: honor of her eighth birth- Paul F. Williams. The program-on | Garrahan last week-end. Miss Kath- day, at her home, 724 Forest avenue. "Scandinavian Music" included: A paper--"Music of the Norse- fandst. i. de Mrs. Byron A Suite (for piano) by Ole Olson.. A EA Miss Maybelle Higgins "Soloeigs l.eid"--Greig. "Amber"--lLinding. #Sing, Sing, Nightingale Sing"-- Kieeulf.. . .... i. Mrs. William Thrall; Mrs. Dean at the piano. "Swan"--Greig. "Eventide"--Gronthal. "The lake"--Gronthal. fany Dreams"--Linding. ylvelin"--Linding. Lover He Comes on the Skye" 'Mrs. Roland Whitman at piano. "Sonata" by Ljogren; for violin and piano...... Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. Dean. A group of guests were present, among them Mrs. Prouty, whose mes- sage to the club was an inspiration. The club passed resolutions to give a musical, possibly at the Woman's Club, for the benefit of war service in Winnetka. -- The North End Winnetka Com- mittee of the Naval Auxiliary.of the Red Cross met Monday, February 11, at the home of Mrs. Thomas Ratcliffe, 804 Lincoln avenue. Fortune favored us by a generous host as well as hostess for Mr. Ratcliffe encouraged our needles with patriotic songs. The meeting next Monday, Feb- ruary 18, will be at the home of Mrs. Merritt Linn, 942 North avenue, at one o'clock. Ey The Social Committee of the Win-| netka Woman's Club announces that the next dancing party will take place Tuesday evening, February 26 at eight o'clock at the clubhouse. These parties are proving very popular, as we are all beginning to realize that occasional social gatherings are a necessity in these strenuous days. All club members are invited and they may bring their friends. PE The Educational Committee of the Winnetka Woman's Club wishes es- pecially to urge all loyal members to attend the mass meeting which is to be held at Community House on the evening of February 20. School prob- lems of Winnetka will be discussed. * The best results for our children can be obtained only through the infelli- gent co-operation of every parent in the village. ---- Smileage books will be on sale at the office of the War Emergency Union. One. of these books sent to your boy in camp, insures him many happy and safe hours of recreation at some good sort of entertainment, or movies. For further information call the office of the Union. -- of At the Red Cross meeting at the Skokie school on Monday, the at- tendance was good and a large amount of work was done. ---- The South End Red Cross Unit met erine has only recently returned from an extended visit in the South. a -- Lincoln's birthday was celebrated at Skokie school program arranged on by Monday by a the Program Committee of the Winnetka public { --e-- a schools. A one-act play was pre- The card party given Monday even- sented, as part of the Illinois Cen tennial program which is to be give early in March. a Mrs. H. C. Seymour will return t Winnetka Sunday from Duluth, Minn., where she has been since the first of the year, owing to the illness and anges oY Wher, Mrs. HE More. Sipe The East Willow Street Circle will meet with Mrs. T. M. Brooks on Tuesday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock. Mrs. Brooks will be assisted by Mrs. Pitkin, and Mrs. J. A. Smale of Wilmette will render two groups of songs. -- Clarence W. Happ has won his com- mission as second lieutenant. He has been with the Cadet Flying Squadron, Camp Kelley, and is now home on a ten days' furlough. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Adam Emory Al- bright and their sons, Ivan and Mal- vin, who have been touring South America since early in September, have arrived at their home, the Log House in Hubbard Woods. ---- a -- H. Aishton, Richard president of the Chicago & North Western Rail- | road and an aid to Director General McAdoo, is a grandfather. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Ward, 186 Scott avenue, last Thursday. Mrs. Ward was formerly Edith Aishton. ot Mrs. Sylvan Hirshberg, 402 Willow street, who has been confined to her home the past month with illness is able to be about again. -- a ---- Lieutenant Clark, U.S. N., is in New York. He is expected home early in the week. Lieutenant Clark is stationed at Great Lakes. -- ® Mr. and Mrs. William Forest of East Willow street, will leave Feb- ruary 28 for a month's stay in St. Petersburg, Fla. - ~ of The Hawthorne Lane Circle will meet with Mrs. H. V. Kennington, 508 Hawthorne lane on Monday after- noon. -- Dr. C. G. Darling of 1138 North avenue, Hubbard Woods has been appointed eye specialist to Medical Advisory Board No. 3-D. ---- a -- Frank J. Brady is now a first lieu- tenant, Company B, One Hundred and Eighth Engineers, Camp Logan. ---- Arthur D. Hansen has won his com- mission as sergeant, and is now his way to France. -- a -- on with Mrs. French on Monday after- noon, to sew on hospital garments. The Symonds families are enjoying the winter in Hollywood, Cal. ex Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dennison vis- | (ited in Winnetka over Sunday. a { The ILeckner children have the | CRY | WILMETTE is | | Jetween three and four hundred | guests attended the bridge party] | | | | | Mesdames A. C. Wenban, Wallace] W. Kerr, A. J. Dart, Edward Mend-| isen, Edward Zabel, A. J. Woodard, | | C.. C. Mitchell, Ralph C. Whitsett, ! | Edward R. Thurman, Henry B. Gates, [ Albert Tuerk, C. E. Renneckar, W. H. Towne, John Spear, J. H. Verhalen, Frederick Norman, Louis Crush, Frank M. Hoffman, Albert F. Reichmann, Carl Schroder, Charles E. Lord, Ferdinand J. Brahm, T. J. Leahy, H. M. Van Hoesen, Anton Thalmann, R. J. Burns, Sailor; and the Misses the guests will be the little Mar et Payne, Ruth King, { I, Jane Roberts, Louise ; Mysy Mack, Anne and Betty Lawrence. Marion' Ad pig Evers : ing at the Wilmette Woman's Club by the Ways and Means Committee of the Catholic Woman's Club, under he direction of Mrs Frank J. Oele- 5 enter- | tained infor , Tuesday, : ing at the home of 'the latter, 921 Oakwood avenue. Originally a sleigh- ride party was planned, but owing to the recent thaw, those arrangements had to be abandoned for the present. ee be Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner, have closed their home at 725 Tenth street for the next two months, and are wintering in Southern California. Miss Roberta Skinner is making her home with Miss Virginia Buchanan in Winnetka during their absence. ------ Mrs. W. B. Davies, 530 Forest ave- nue, and her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Dillon and little daughter, Hester May, of 530 Eighth street, will leave Friday for Watervliet: N. Y., to spend about ten days with Marshall Davies (who is stationed at the arsenal there. -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Collier have closed their home at 601 Lake ave- nye for a few weeks. Mr. Collier is up north on a fishing trip and Mrs. Collier is making her home at the Evanston hotel. tn Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lavery of Cleveland, O., are spending a few days with Mrs. Lavery's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cody on Green- wood avenue, before moving into their new home in Chicago. a fires The many friends of Mrs. Anthur Allen, 1029 Thirteenth street, will be pleased to learn that she is con- valescing at her home after a serious illness. ---- a -- Activities at the Ouilmette Country Club have been entirely dispensed with during the month of February, owing to the shortage in coal. eff ee Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Collyer en- tertained with a formal bridge party last Friday evening at their home. 730 Ninth street. Lr REY Miss Vera Gotschaaf of Milwaukee, Wis, s the guest of Mrs. JH. NVer- halen, 1018 Elmwood avenue, this week. -- rf -- Dr. Alice Tuttle Brown, 622 Wash- ington avenue, entertained her din- | | ner club, Tuesday evening. | The regular meetings of the Reading Club have been postponed indefinitely. ° i The Thursday Club will be enter-] purchased the E. G. Stevenson home tained at the home of Mrs. C. R. Morrison, in Evanston this afternoon. at 522 Central avenue. --_---- Mrs. J. B. Olwin was hostess to one of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge Clubs this week at her home on Lake avenue. -------- Miss Alice Shurtleff, 815 Lake ave- nue, returned from Milwaukee, for over the week-end. a It has been repo. y W. H. Thayer of Washingt, = * Byte has Where you can get it. cheaper Buy in Evanston HUI Over 2 million sold each year Singer Rotary ELECTRIC SINGER $32.50 to $50.00 USED MACHINES $5.00 -UP | Repairing on all machines Our prices are lower than agents WE DO HEMSTITCHING PATTERSON BROS. Phone Evanston 654. 1522 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON WE HAVE NO AGENTS fi HI] 1 NEWCOMB-MACKLIN COMPANY Factory and Salesroom N. State and Kinzie St. CHICAGO SALESROOM 233 Fifth Ave., NEW YORK One of Our Stock Mirrors MAKERS OF FINE PAINTINGS, MIRRORS AND PHOTO FRAMES, BOOK BLOCKS, SCONCES, CORNICES, LAMPS AND CURTAIN HOLDERS REGUILDING STOCK PAT- TERNS, PERIOD WORK, RE- STORING SPECIAL DESIGNS. HOYBURN LUG CE TTT 615 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON CR TT ETH TT 1] fonday Only LUTTE "Beauty and the Rogue" Hearst Pathe News. mery Flagg Hlustrates "The Superst February 18 ious Girl" Sa---- T uesday, 19th and Thursday, 21st "ON TRIAL" The famous stage hit of Cohan & Harris in 6 parts. '""The most intensely dramatic offering of recent years" Added attractions at each performance nZZZZZZ ~ Wednesday, 20th HN 10 EO ESI OI OK 4 4) men { o } amenien SOK =o) Thursday afternoons. IO EE OI OE O EI OF THURSDAYS--Government orders may allow us to return to old schedule, open every day, but no delivery on All employees will be allowed some time. If late orders ask us to make some change, we abide by what is the best. Special Values --l OEZXOX J0EX0 Aspegren & Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 Lenten Specials. quick turnover. Olive Oil--Old Monk, Antonini, Avanti, Centorbi, McNally's. SOAP--Olives--Ripe, Queen, Green and Stuffed. Several Attractive Inducements are being made with a desire for a Groceries, Meats, Fruits and V. egetables of Quality -- Ak wT - - v7 } A aed Th b } Ye | | J 4 i LS | 1 | re iN v r LI & 13 a EY . A { i - \ | § x1 i 3 v.23 x 44