i -_- ocial Happenin 5 2 North Shore by Rulk Risley J N WEDNESDAY morning at 10 o'clock Miss Celeste B.| Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Murphy, be- came the bride of James Gordon Murdock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Murdock of Indianapolis. The cere- mony was performed in the church of the Sacred Heart in Hubbard Woods by Father John Cavanaugh of Notre Dame. . Mrs. Edward N. Hurley Jr., a sister of the bride, served as matron of honor, and little Miss Jane Ripley 'was the flower girl. Alexander Gordon Murdock, a brother of the groom acted as best mah, and the ushers were A. Bennett Gates of Indianapolis, Wil- liam Nelson Plamondon, and the bride's two brothers-in-law, Lieu- tenant Edward N. Hurley, Jr., and Julius Thompson Benedict. George Ade acted as master of ceremonies. After the wedding there was a breakfast at the summer residence of Mrs. Murphy in Hubbard Woods. Mr and Mrs. Murdock are planning to motor through the east and west for three or four months and then ex- pect to make their home in Indianapolis. Vv Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cunard Black of Winnetka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Charlotte Atlee, to Louis Livingston | Prospect avenue, is spending a fort- of New York City, son of Mrs. Robert Cambridge Livingston of {night with her sister, in Brookline, New York and Islip, Long Island. 6 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon of this week to introduce her daughter, Miss Louisa Greeley. | William B. Kruse, 927 Oak street, | fand a party of friends went on a| fishing expedition to the Fox River, | on Sunday. Within an hour and a | {half,-- Mr. Kruse tells = us,' 150 | pounds of fish had been caught. an | Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Hope of | 821 Prospect avenue, are spending | the summer at Belmont, Mass., ex- | pecting to return to Winnetka about October 1. tf -- Mrs. James F. Porter of Hubbard Woods is spending the summer at Dark Harbor, Maine, expecting to return to the Village about Septem- ber 1. ---- Word has been received announc- ing the safe arrival overseas of Marshall Knox and of Grinnell Wy- lie. Mr. Wylie says he is enjoying the hot and cold shower and even the luxury of a nice big steak occasion- ally. A The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 29, at noon. | at Christ church. The Reverend E. Ashley Gerhard will perform | the ceremony. & A Wednesday is ladies' Day at Bob O'Link Golf club and on| that day many of the women of the club hold war benefit luncheons | Chicago are spe or play Bridge, for which the prizes are Thrift stamps. | 11943 031 Ju03 dary prOI Avg | 30 ASuoyrvy pIeIdY) 'SIN pue "I | Mrs. W. A. lin Hubbard Woods. Alexander of Highland Park is chairman of the entertainment] committee. Miss Gladys Madsen and Miss Harriett Childs will be presented in recital this afternoon at the Subur- ban School of Music. A small ad- mission fee will be charged, the pro- | ceeds of which will be turned over | to the Red Cross. The following program will be! given: Andante... Shh oe Beethoven | Minuet 7. tens Beethoven | Etude (A minor) ro dias. Heller | Avalanche oui can viii ain nn Heller Dance Caprice s.i.. 0 aeinie: Grieg Autumn cou. an doa inn MacDowell The Chase... A850 Van Laer March ifom 'Faust'... 2... Gounod Etude (Ciminor): i. vis. vies Heller Valse Mignonne .......... Chaminade At the®Dancing ..x550. 00000, Lazarus Party (duo) TheaWargior «5. vuvarsnss Heller | Bude aes Wollenhaupt | Funeral March of a Marionette .... RET ee Hat le Gounod Spanish Dance (C major) (B flat minor) Moszkowski ii Miss MacFarren resumes her French classes this coming week, commencing June 24. The 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders of this last school year will please meet at the Public library in the downstairs room, at 10:10 a. m. Mon- days and Wednesdays. New pupils are invited to present themselves for class enlistment. The Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade classes will be held at the Greeley school, in the Kindergarten room. Old and new pupils of such school grades will please call up Winnetka 1370, or call personally at 565 Lincoln avenue, apartment 4, be- tweent 3 and 5 o'clock, Saturday or Sunday, to confer as to the most po- pular times and days. ---- The Fast Wiliow Street Circle met on Tuesday with Mrs. LL. C. Norton, 370 Walnut avenue, Mrs. Neville, assisting. The entertainment con- sisted of songs by Dorothy and Jack Thomson, and reminiscences by those present. Fach member told why she came to Winnetka to live. Officers appointed for the coming year, were Mrs. Norman K. Anderson, chairman ; Mrs. Charles S. Thorne, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. James Morley, in charge of the social work. ---- An Italian Relief Committee is now organized in Winnetka with Mrs. Cornelius Linde in charge. Those in- terested in making these needed gar- ments for the Italian refugees are asked to meet on Wednesday after- noons at the Parish house. Sewing will be done on hospital garments and refugee clothing. Pt Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lindley Fiske have rented their house on Bryant avenue for the summer and will visit in California. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Burley of Chicago are occupying the home during their absence. . ---- Richard and Dorothy Prouty, en- tertained the second grade class and a few friends informally last Friday a afternoon. There were children present. thirty-two! [2 similar position in Chicago. and Mrs. Randall, formerly Miss Ro- maine Meclllvaine, whose wedding took place here May 14, spent a short honeymoon in Baltimore, and are now at Anniston, Ala., where Mr. Randall is stationed. He is a first lieutenant in the 54th Artillery, U. S.| N. G.,, at Camp McClellan. rr pee Mrs. C. C. Poole of Evanston, for- merly of Winnetka, announces the engagement of her daughtér, Doro- thy, to 'E. N. Ware, Jr., son of the Reverend and Mrs. E. N. "Ware of Chicago. Mr. Ware is in France, having volunteered his services in the American field ambulance serv- ice in May, 1917. -- Mrs. Raymond Durham, 849 Lin- coln avenue, has gone to Highland Park to pass the summer with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gre- gory, who are in their country home. Mrs. Durham's sister, Mrs. Arthur Sweetser of Washington, is expected to arrive in Highland Park later in the summer. ion Corporal and Mrs. Paul Starr an- nounce the birth of a son on Satur- day, June 15, at the Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago. Mr. Starr is sta- tioned at Camp Meade, near Balti- more, but has been spending a. few days here recently. Mrs. Starr was formerly Miss Elizabeth Kultshar. ---- Mrs. Lyman T. Walker, Mrs. Tho- mas Taylor, Jr., Miss Jeanette Wal- ker and Mr. Kent Tenney are spend- ing several days at the Huron Moun- tain club. Miss Walker's engagement to Mr. Tenney was a recent an- nouncement. Ry Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Klein of Chicago have rented the home formerly oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Harned at 1215 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods. Mr! and Mrs. Harned and family have taken an apartment at 1328 Elmdale avenue, Chicago. mn Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Benedict and Lieutenant and Mrs. Edward N. Hurley, Jr., are spending the sum- mer with Mrs. John B. Murphy, the mother of Mrs. Benedict and Mrs. Hurley, in Hubbard Woods. a -- Mrs. Edward W. Beach, 532 Oak street, has gone east to join her husband. They will take a motor trip to Crawford Notch, N. H., with their nephew, Dr. Orman, before the lat- ter leaves for France. --e---- The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union met with Mrs. Edward Hanson of Wilmette on Monday. Miss Elizabeth Gordon related her experiences while in the Massachus- setts campaign for the Prohibitory Amendment, which resulted in its being the eleventh state to ratify the same. Mrs. Overturf of Chicago spoke on, "Flower Mission Work". re pn Miss Louise Otis, 644 Oak street, has returned from Cleveland, O., where she has been holding a posi- tion as a commercial chemist, to take | week to spend the summer on Long Lieutenant Blanchard Randall, Jr. |Island. ironado Beach. Mrs. Frederick K. Copeland, 655 Mass. ------ "Qpleyyq 1® pul Jdwwns ua3.1r) wo Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Witherby nding the summer | ---- Mrs. Carrie S. Goodchild left this ------ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hamilton, 412 Walnut avenue, are summering at Lakeside, Mich. ET, Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie have moved into their new house on Ar-| bor Vitae road. ---- tf Miss Ruth Lieber, 988 Elm street, will leave Saturday for an extended visit in the east. { eg Miss Helen Happ, 826 Spruce street, left yesterday to spend a few days in Clinton, Ia. a hl Mrs. Arnold P. Gilmore and daugh- ter, Miss Isabel Gilmore are at Co- -- Mrs. Susan Totten, 568 Elm street, is ill at the: Henrotin Hospital in Chicago. -- There will be a meeting of the Ra- vinia club on Friday afternoon of this week at the Casino in the Park: rt ie Mrs. Arthur S. Coffin and daughter, Miss Lois Coffin, 841 Prospect avenue, are spending the summer at Non- quit, Mass. ' CARNIVAL WILL BE HOLIDAY (Continued from Page One) John and his Monkey The proverbial organ grinder and his monkey will be on exhibition, and Mr. Frank Bersback, imperson- ating a colored mammy, will sing songs to the kiddies. Several at- tractive and desirable articles will be raffled off to the lucky choosers. Mr. Walter Wallace will raffle off a child's kitchen stove with all its ap- purtenances, Mr. James Prindiville will raffle a "Shoot the Chutes", Mr. Lawrence Howe a baby grand piano, Mr. Frank Bersback a farm wagon. A pedigreed Scotch collie from the Island White Collie Kennels, will be raffled by Mr. Harry Street. The posters advertising the Car- nival have been drawn by Mrs. Fred Mason, assisted by Mrs. Damman and Mrs. N. H. Blatchford, Jr. The society hopes that the parents of Winnetka will not fail to bring their children to enjoy the fun and do their share toward giving the little tenement children a chance to live. Jasperson Smith Dies Jasperson Smith, 428 Cedar street, died Tuesday morning, June 18, fol- lowing an operation at the Washing- ton Boulevard hospital, Chicago. Funeral arrangements have not been announced. EY LUNCHEON AND DINNER UAXIIIASR TABLE D'HOTE 60c Totem Arid ala Carte Afternoon Te ht Leservations by phona Kandolph 1923 1% Russian Tea Room 116 S. Michigan Ave. Mrs. Morris L. Greeley, 655 Maple | Remerber! the men in our avenue, entertained at tea from 4 to | anl Army Navy do not expect luxuries. Should we at home expect them? Buy necessities and War Savings Stamps. Fi Values Have Increased. House Fully covered by Insurance? H. A. McLAIN Writes All Lines of Insurance . 1347 SCOTT AVE. Phone Win. 56 HUBBARD WOODS Is Your = Into Your Game By Using Salisbury's Live / and correct The Annex Pleating and Button Shop 25 E. Washington St., Chicago Above "Store for Men" Tennis Shoes "The first game will prove their worth" ] 1 Room 1035 Buttons Most complete styles Se 2 y Q and sizes GEA ILD L : SOU y& O. S RUBBER .WE HAVE IT. EST. 185 Button Holes For all purposes Hemstitching, Pleating Tucking, Shirring, etc. Best Service Convenient Location Phone Franklin 5744 308 West Madison Street, Chicago "ON YOUR WAY OVER" 16D 4 QED ¢ CRESTED § 0 625 0 0 GED 4 dell 1 TR ULL LLL TLE 20 7 LTE 7 Ed Za Td dd La Td diz vari 7 FZ Ll 2 Za 2 EL P2777 Pel R24 7777 7 RN \ Ny N N Ny \ \ \ \ Ny \ N \ N \ N \ \ \ \ \ Ny \ \ N \ \ A ZL a FORT DEARBORN Fireproof Storage Company 4615-29 Clifton Avenue Wilson Ave. L Station Phone Ravenswood 100 TIT 615 Davis St., Evanston Matinees 2 and 4 Evenings 7 & 9 Friday June 21 America's Leading Comedienne [.Iabel NORMAND in "The Venus Model" A Goldwyn Production Burton Holmes Christie Comedy. LE A AE TL ET AR Have You Decided? To place your household goods and valuables into storage, or ossibly to change your loca- P y Saturday Only June 22 The Prince of The Screen tion, if so Arrange Now For Storage Packing Moving Shipping An important feature is our private Elevated Switch Track which runs Directly to Ware- house Doors, thus saving extra Handling and Hauling of your In a Paralta Picture "The Turn of the CARD In Seven Parts "The Movie Dummy" NEXT WEEK Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday June 24, 25 and 26 belongings The Year's Absolute Sensation For Information as to Rates and "Tarzan of the Apes" Estimate Produced in the Wildest Jung- Phone les of Brazil at a cost of Ravenswood over $300,000 100 Thursday June 27 Day or Night A Paralta Picture HENRY B. WALTHALL in '"Humdrum Brown" Under control of the State Utilities Commission of Illinois Public 2 a Er FZ Far ar rr a a rE Ea Fd aa a 2 aad di Ws AALS LY SSS SISLSSSS LISS SSS S SSS SS SSS SSAA SSS SAA SAIS SSAA A Aspegren & Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 Olive Oil, Syrups, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruits, Jams, Preserves, Soap, and Ammonia, // 7 Iv". & are some items particularly valuable purchases 7 Z 7 N \| at present. Government regulation has done much to preserve food. Anything we can do 0 5% to offer Quality food at the lowest price and 7 7/7 W % serve . customers in the most satisfactory way 2 22% will be done gladly. Welcome to our store. 22% Z Store Open All Day Thursday. No delivery in the afternoon. 72% Som i Tennis Balls 8 J. Warren KERRIGAN| Hearst Pathe News and Toto in a