i SPANISH INFUENZA WINNETKA WEEK Nearly Everybody In Winnetka Reads The Talk LY T VOL. VII, NO. 27. WINNETKA, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1918 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS STOPS JACKIE DANCE Between 25 and 30 Cases Reported in the Village by Health Commis- sioner Dr. C. C. Schneider A COLD IS THE SYMPTOM Disease Is Very Contagious Form of Grippe; Patient Must Be Isolated The "so-called" Spanish Influenza has reached Winnetka, and a recent | interview with Dr. C. C. Schneider, health commissioner, revealed the fact that there were between 25 and 30 cases in the Village, all of them traceable to the boys at the Great Lakes. As a precaution to prevent the farther spread of this disease, it has been deemed advisable to dis- continue the dancing parties for the sailors at Community House on Sa- turday evenings for the present: and until this epidemic is over. It is also suggested that all people take the precaution not to entertain visitors when they come from homes or training camps where this disease is known to be prevalent. This epidemic is a severe and very contagious form of Grippe, and the disease should be considered serious- ly, as it often results in pneumonia, meningitis and other complications which may cause death.. The first symptoms of the influenza appear from one to four days after exposure, and they are similar to those of an ordinary cold. This is soon follow- ed by chilliness and a general aching throughout the body, severe head- ache, fever, throat symptoms with some coughing and sneezing. Some- times the disease takes the gastro- intestinal form, when nausea and vomiting with severe abdominal pains may be prominent symptoms. The profoundness of the prostration, is one of the most characteristic features of this disease. As this dis- ease can very easily be communicat- ed to others, it is necessary that the patient should be isolated until ful- ly recovered, and the attendant should wear a mask of gauze over the nose and mouth for their own protection. The patient should at once be confined to bed, and any one at large spreading this disease and thus robbing us of our health, should be considered a greater criminal. than one who only robs us of our goods. BONDS, BAYONETS, BERLIN GYMNASIUM SCHEDULE AT COMMUNITY HOUSE Monday--Girls, 4:15--5:00. ing--Militia. Tuesday--Small Boys, 4:15--5:00. Older boys, 5:00--5:45. Young ladies, Even- 7 :30--8:30. Friendship circle, 8:30-- 9:30. Wednesday--Dancing class, boys and girls. First class, 4:00--5:00. Second class 5:00--6.00. Thursday--Small boys, 4:15-5:00. Older boys, 5:00--5:45. Scouts, 7:15-- 8:15. Older boys. 8:30 9:30. Friday--Girls, 4:15-5:00. Evening Motion pictures Saturday--Afternoon and evening. Reserved for sailors. BONDS, BAYONETS, BERLIN | DON'T FORGET Winnetka headquarters of the Fourth Liberty loan is in McGuire 2 Orr's office, 541 Linden avenue, just south of the post-office. SALUTE AND BUY HERE'S HOW YOU CAN BUY LIBERTY BONDS Banks Make It Possible For Any Person To Purchase War Bonds On Easiest Possible Terms SPLENDID INVESTMENT Every Resident of Winnetka Asked To Join Help the American Boys On The Line By H. A. deWindt Fourth Liberty Loan bonds will be dated October 24, 1918 and carry four and one-half percent interest payable semi-annually, April 15 and October 15. The terms of payment will be: Ten per cent at the time you sub- scribe. Twenty per cent, on December 19, 1918. Twenty per cent on January 16, 1919. Twenty per cent on January 30, 1919. If any person cannot pay for the bonds subscribed for by January 30, N TO MEN WHO LIVE IN WINNETKA BUT WORK IN CHICAGO Uncle Sam is personally and vitally interested in the world war now raging. Therefore, you are personally and vitally interested. Now, this isn't from Uncle Sam of the United States. There is not one of his in- spiring Liberty Loan subscrip- tion blanks enclosed. It is from Winnetka. "Winnetka" is the word I want to register with you. Pride in that Village, its splen- did community spirit, war record, and the active work of its men, women and children, for the boys in service, is the thought I am presenting. I want to ask you to put the word "Winnetka" on your desk calendar or in your tickler file under date of September 28. That is the date of the com- ing Liberty Loan drive. .Uncle Sam does not care where your subscription is credited. Win- netka does. Winnetka wants UZ Zara rrr ULL LLL 777 777077, N 1919, they should take the subscrip- tion to any bank where the money will be loaned at a very low rate of interest and the loan will be taken care of without difficulty. Fourth Liberty Loan bonds are the best collaterel to borrow on. so you need have no fear in subscribing for them. They .are better than cash for they pay four and one-half per cent interest while cash deposits in a Savings bank pays only three per cent. It is easier to save with your money invested in Liberty bonds than if you had the cash loose in your pocket, because the temptation to spend that cash is almost too great to resist--whereas you know the bonds are a safe investment and you think twice before you allow yourself to let go of a good invest- ment, especially when by making that 'tment you are helping to take "care. of those boys who are right now fighting magnificently on Germany's border land about 10 miles from the city of Metz--one of the enemies greatest strongholds. BONDS, BAYONETS, BERLIN BOND BULLETINS WHO STOLE THE CANNON FROM THE VILLAG GREEN? The Boy Scouts are searching Winnetka for the thief and the will get him for Scouts never fail when they are once on the scent. This time, though it isn't the "cent", they are after, but it's the dollar with which to buy Liberty bonds. the benefit of your subscription. See that "Winnetka" is credited with your coming sub- scription--all of it or most of it. See to it as a matter of pride and as an inspiration to other communities. See that Winnetka's sub- scription flag is covered with stars as is her service flag. Sincerely, H. A. deWINDT, District Chairman. \ N N N N N N N \ Ny 2) IL HAE A Arr) Have you read the words on the big bulletin boafd at the Winnetka station? Here they are anyway, but never- theless go up to the station and see for yourself: PART OF THE BELGIAN-FRENCH LINE IS IN WINNETKA-YOUR PART--GET BEHIND THIS 4TH LIBERTY LOAN AND FIRE YOUR SHOT. See that you do "your part" and that means you must subscribe your limit "and then some" to the Fourth Liberty loan. BONDS, BAYONETS, BERLIN Schedule For Red Cross Work Surgical dressing--All day day except Saturday, Wednesday evenings. Tuesday morning--French Refugee work. Tuesday afternoon--Hospital gar- ments. ~ Wednesday morning--Hospital gar- ments. Wednesday afternoon--Italian Re- lief work. Friday morning--French Refugee every Sunday and VILLAGE CANNON FOUND! Yes, sure enough, the Scouts found it up at the raiiroad station in front | | work. Friday afternoon--French children. VETERAN YANK AT ~~ PATRIOTIC MEETING Sergeant Sam P. Barre, Hero of Chateau Thierry Fight, To Be Speaker at Community House Sunday TELLS WONDERFUL STORY Films of Sheridan Road Opening To Be Shown as Extra Attraction; Good Music Sergeant Sam P. Barre, who has served thirty years in the American army, and who has recently been in France with the American Expedi- tionary forces at the front, will speak in Community House, Sunday even- ing, September 22, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the War Emergency Union. Sergeant Barre was gassed at the battle of Chateau Thierry and has a wonderful story to tell of the great fight "over there". He is reported as being a most interesting and de- lightful speaker, and all Winnetka should hear him. There will also be a local film of special interest to Winnetka show-, ing "The Opening of Sheridan Road". This meeting is for adults only. The doors will be opened at 7:30 o'clock. The usual good music will be furnished. BONDS, BAYONETS, BERLIN At the Woman's Club The first meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club will be held Thursday. October 3, at 2:30 o'clock. The Highland Park Woman's club will entertain the Tenth District T'ederation, Friday, October 4, at the Bob O'Link Golf club, Fairview ave- nue, one block west of Green Bay road, Highland Park. You are cordially invited to attend. Luncheon reservations must be made not later than October 2, to Mrs. Prouty, Tele- phone Winnetka 1259. All reserva- tions must be paid for whether you attend or not. Please note that the last date at which reservations for the luncheon can be made is the day before the first meeting of the club. Those wish- ing to attend shoull not fail to tele- phone Mrs. Prouty. | The Woman's club has voted th open its departmental rooms for the entertainment of sailors beginning the first Sunday in October. They will be welcomed and served refresh- ments by different committees. un- der the general supervision of Mrs. J. Allen Haines of the War Recrea- tion board. of that Fourth Liberty Loan hill SALUTE AND BUY SALUTE AND BUY board. It took six men and a team | of horses to move it up there, but so N EE quickly was it done that nobody |N knows when it was moved. But, cer- NOTICE tainly was was some job to move Attention of Winnetka residents is respectfully called to the that gun, won by Admiral Dewey provisions of Chapter XXXII, Section 60 of the Village Code of at the battle of Manila Bay and Ordinances as follows : R presented to the Village of Win- "No person shall burn or cause ft 3 X, No netka. grass, leaves, papers, wood or other combustible material | le in any paved street alley, park or public ground." WHY IN THUNDER WAS THE Many of our streets are paved with asphalt or asphaltic con- CANNON MOVED ? crete; in addition, all the macadam streets of the Village have been : ids ; recently improved with a high grade tarvia surface. Such pave- You wouldi't have to ask that ments are particularly damaged by heat from burning leaves. uestion if you had read the bill Notice is therefore given that the above ordinance will be board, because, even you, would then strictly enforced in order to preserve our streets and to avoid | have caught on that the cannon is | expensive repairs. H there to typify the "first shot" of the | HL WOOLHISER, Fourth Liberty loan in Winnetka. Business Manager, SALUTE AND BUY Government LL EE TT LT Orders ELT RTT Every Subscriber Should Read . the Order Carefully i 7 7 A EL EE FT 7, LL 2777777777777, Village of Winnetka. WOMEN! REGISTER FOR RED CROSS WORK NOW Comprehensive Plans Are Being Formulated and Women Are Asked To Fall Into Line Without Delay REGISTRATION DAYS SET Women Are Requested To Place With War Emergency Union on September 23 and 24 Names With the first invigorating Fall days the country as a whole is busy setting its house in order for the winter. Schools are opening and winter work is beginning. This year, however, more than the usual Fall house cleaning is going on. Plans of more complete and comprehensive kind are being made, and all with one idea in mind--the WINNING OF THE WAR. The men of the country are being organized, and stand ready to help the government when and where their help is needed. It is not enough, however, that the' men alone should be organized. If the war is to be won, and won quick- ly, every man, woman and child mist help. And in making plans for the winter every woman should see to it that a certain portion of her time is left free for war work of some kind. To many women, tied down with household cares, opportunity for such work is limited. One thing is open to all, however, and that is Red Cross work . It is hard to he- lieve that there is a single woman in: this town who could not so plan her life that she could give at least one or two hours a week to the Red Cross. Our boys are now with our allies in the thick of the most des- perate fighting of the war. The lists of the wounded grow and will con- tinue to grow, More and more sol- diers need our help. More and more pitiful women and children need our help. The work of the Red Cross this winter will be heavy. Demands To Be Heavy Just at present the Red Cross officials at Washington are busy tak- ing stock, reorganizing their forces and mapping out the work that will have to be done to meet the demands of the winter. This gives us all a breathing space to make our own schedules, and portion of our own time. When the work does begin-- and this may be any day--is will be- gin with a rush. Winnetka women must be prepared to meet the de- mands that will be made of them. In order to know how much of that work we can undertake for the government we must know how many workers we will have, we must count the woman labor at our disposal with which to fulfill our government contracts. : So the War Emergency Union is asking the women of Winnetka to register for the work that they will do, at the War Emergency Union office, Community House, Monday, September 23, or Tuesday, September 24. Please remember two Registra- tion days for women next week. BONDS, BAYONETS, BERLIN SURRENDER HOME TO DO WAR WORK Mr. and. Mrs. FE .S. Beld :np 2nd small daugh r, 'have given up their home in H bard. Woods and are leaving to & cinnati, Ohj retained in nd the winter in Cin- where Mf. Beloen is vernmient const: faction work. 3 hl The family will remain in the Ohio city until Mr. Belden has. completed his assignment at that ace, a SALUTE AND BUY 77007 Every Néwspaper in the Country has Received the Follow- ing Official Order from the War Industries Board: "Discontinue Sending Paper After Date of Expiration of Subscription Unless Subscription in Three Months." (This Ruling This means that all outstanding accounts (or must be paid, and that no paper i by mail unless paid for in advanc is Renewed and Paid for With- Goes Into Effect Oct. 1, 1918.) arrearages) n the United States can be sent e. In the pas year and in some cases longer. | pay in advance if they wish the paper sent them. We have no [t is Government order. voice in the matter. tion is not now paid in advance, at once. t the I'ress has allowed subscribers to owe for SASH, ys LLL 7072 > ¥ " a nder 'the newjorder all must AAAI LI IP Your subseripigy please atten to the matter ; The Government ha low. We ask yo s Taid down the rule that we must fc J t % a7 rr, us in carrying it out.