a WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1918 ocial Happenin S bh on the . North Shore by Ruth Risley | ISS JEAN HOPKINS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ty Hopkins has chosen Tuesday, October 29, as the date for her | marriage to Robert P. Lamont, Jr., son of Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Robert P. Lamont of Evanston. The ceremony will take place at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon at Christ church. Miss Hopkins will have as her maid of honor her sister, Miss Ruth Hopkins. The bridesmaids will be Miss Sylvia Shaw, Miss Dorothy Lamont, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Louise Stone, and Mrs. John Holabird. Miss Hopkins is at present staying with Miss Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Doren Shaw, in Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins are in the east, but will return in a week or so. Mr. Lamont was in France last year, where he served in the army transport service and won the French military medal and the Croix de Guerre. While under fire on October 7, he received ten wounds in the body and his left hand was shattered by a shell. Cannon Le Seure and Captain William Houghteling, October 12, at Danville, Illinois. The wedding will take place at the First Presbyterian church and will be followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Xavier Le Seure, 418 Vermillion street. At home cards are inclosed for 1759 Q street, Washington, D. C. | NVITATIONS have been issued for the marriage of Miss Virginia | & ad First Lieutenant Reed G. Landis! Mr. and Mrs. August C. Magnus of of Chicago, American aviator in| Winnetka gave a dinner dance on France and son of Judge Kenesaw | Monday evening at the Woman's 'M. Landis, has been cited by the | Athletic club for the bridal party of British royal air force for effective | Miss Rosalie. Wacker, and Major destruction of enemy aircraft in a! Earle J. Zimmerman, quartermaster report showing that fifty enemy air- corps, U. S. A. The wedding will take planes and seven enemy balloons place on Saturday, October 5. were brought down by American ne A aviators with the British royal forces in the period from July 1 to "August 25. The contests of American air- men spécifically mentioned in the British Royal Air force, included the following: Lieutenant R. G. Landis. Chicago, after a combat with a hostile machine which he sent. down in a cloud of smoke, attacked a hostile balloon, |of the Cook County Woman's Chris- but, observing an enemy two seater [tian Temperance union will be held near, diving east, engaged and shot |at the Woodlawn Presbyterian it down. Returning to the balloon. church, on October 10 and 11. Mrs. he fired into it at very close range, Evalyn C. Norton will represent the whereupon it went down in flames. Wilmette--Winnetka branch. Lieutenant R. G. Landis in a gen- ---- eral engagement with enemy scouts, Lloyd F. Hollister, formerly manag- shot down a Fokker plane, which ing editor of the Winnetka Weekly crashed near La Bassee. He then |Talk and Glencoe News, has received attacked a triplane, which was on |his commission as second lieutenant the tail of a Bristol fighter whose ob- | in the tank corps. server was apparently hit, and get- RE sad 'ting below its tail, brought down this | Mrs. Preston Boyden, formerly Polly Chase, will return the first of the week from the east, where she has been with her husband, Lieut. Boyden, to spend the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Chase in Chicago. - ------ The seventeenth annual convention Miss Ruth Lieber, 988 FIm street, machine also. has returned from the east tem- The engagement of Lieutenant | porarily. At present she is located Landis to Miss Marion Keehn of. with the City News Bureau. Kenilworth was announced last year, isk i me shortly before he sailed for France. a Mrs. T. Philipp Swift, has received word that her husband, lieutenant Swift, has arrived safely overseas. Mrs. Swift, formerly Miss Betty Hoyt. of Winnetka, who was at Spar- ta, Wis., with her husband from the time of their marriage in August, un- til they departed for the east has re- turned from New York with her mother, Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt, and her younger sister, Emilie, who had been spending a few weeks there. Mrs. Swift will spend the winter with her mother and grandfather, Benjamin Allen, who will close their summer place about November 1, and move into their town residence at 50 East Cedar street, Chicago. -- The meeting of the Home Mission- ary Study class, which was to have been held next week Thursday, has been postponed until the second Wednesday in November. A Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Sturgis and family have closed their home at 660 Prospect avenue, for the winter, and will be at the Virginia hotel, Chicago. fp Beginning October 5, the Art Ins- titute Extension class will be held as wsual at the Winnetka Woman's club. Miss Matilda Klemm, is director. re Wf Henry Rapke, operator for the Chi- cago and Northwestern railway com- pany, is confined to his home with Spanish influenza. Owing to the quarantine in the Village, for the epidemic of influenza, the clubhouses, movies, schools and churches have been closed for at least the current week. As a result, all BOND BULLETINS (Continued from Page One) PUT WOMEN IN EVERY JOB WOMEN CAN FILL | Community Labor Boards Directed To Supplant Men in Non-essen- tial Industry Where Possible State 'Council War workers! Advertise this in your respective communities. Women who desire the opportunity to help win the war may now hear said opportunity knocking, if they will listen. The government, through instructions sent to local labor boards, is calling upon them to get into every line of work they are able to do, and to get into it at once. "Wherever and whenever a woman can replace a man in a non-essential war service, she should do it," is, in effect, the government's appeal to women. : To help get women in greater num- bers into places now filled by men, local labor boards are instructed to add two women members to each board. Also local boards are to be called upon to list the industries of each particular community in which wom- en can take the place of men. It is indicated that such lists should in- clude clerks, ticket sellers and at- tendants of all kinds. Further, it is proposed that who are filling positions women might fill will be routed out of them by the "work or fight" order, if they do not get out and find jobs for themselves at essential war work. Men who do not do that, it is in- timated at Washington, will be look- ed upon as slackers and be treated as such. men Safe as the United States. Liberty Bonds. Buy He buys best who buys quickly. Buy your Bonds Now. Fi Values Have Increased. House Fully covered by Insurance? H. A. McLAIN Writes All Lines of} Insurance Phone Win.567 | isi 0 wobts: Is Your Can You Wear? A 1( SIZE Cer COAT, SUIT or DRESS ¥f so, we can fit you in a wonderful sample garment at wholesale prices Fall and Winter Showing Sample Cloak and Suit Shop Fifth Floor North American Bldg., 36 So State, Chicago Centra: 1830 THE ART INSTITUTE EXTENSION class, Miss Mathilda Klemm, in- structor, will be held as usual at the Winnetka Woman's Club, com- mencing October 5, at 10 A. M. T29-1tc FAN TOLVALRIRS TN eR ND UNGERSTAN RUBBER 0 ERNE RR Rl NW if not, cee our windows ! "it's Worth While" W. H. SALISBURY & CO. Distributors of Essential Rubber Goods 308-310 W. Madison St., CHICAGO ! Phone Franklin 5744 CR WWW WWW WE oo B- LOT ZZ 7 a rrr 77 FORT DEARBORN Fireproof Storage Company 4615-29 Clifton Avenue Wilson Ave. L Station Phone Ravenswood 100 LL LTT 7 TTI FILES S AAAS, Have You Decided? To place your household goods and valuables into storage, or possibly to change your loca- tion, if so Arrange Now For Storage Packing Moving Shipping An important feature is our private Elevated Switch Track which runs Directly to Ware- house Doors, thus saving extra Handling and Hauling of your belongings For Infor ation as to Rates and a TY ry YT Fw ALISA, Estimate WS S 2 Phone wwossmes | Ravenswood ISSUED BY THE + UNITED. STATES , 100 Day or Nigh Under control of the State Public Utilities Commission of Illinois SASSI SS COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUS CLARA OSBORNE REED CTOR CHICAGO WILMETTE BRANCH PEARL MARIE BARKER, Principal Village Theatre Building FALL SEASON OPENS MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16 PUPILS MAY REGISTER NOW AT LAST!! FREE TIRE REPAIRS We Will Keep Any Tire You May Buy From Us in Repair Forever No Matter How Many Miles It May Travel This offer is made on the following tires: 1942 Asbury Ave. Mohawk Tires Globe Tires Fisk Tires PHONE EVANSTON 6272 SERVICE TIRE & VULCANIZING SHOP At Railroad Ave. Evanston HOYBUR 615 Davis St., Evanston Matinees 2 and 4 Evenings 7 & 9 meetings of clubs and circles have | the Ourc, and the machine gun nests been postponed either temporarily or , beyond. until the latter part of the month.! "We were on the move for nine The Montessori kindergarten, which days, marching or fighting, night and was to have opened on Monday, will day. We got pretty hungry at times, not open until the following week. | and thought nothing of rolling over a The West Elm Street circle, schedul- | dead German to get at his haversack. ed to meet next Tuesday at the home | After three days and nights I slept of Mrs. Charles Ostrom, has been | where I had stood, and in the morning postponed indefinitely. found my clothes covered with blood. Femi They told me that the next man had Mrs. George Baum, Jr., of Win-| had an arm blown off by a shell and netka has returned from Connecti- | had been carried to the hospital-- cut, where she spent several weeks without my knowing anything about this summer. She is still suffering |it. On the ninth day we were given from a broken shoulder blade, the | the task of burying the German dead result of an automobile accident.|--horses and men." The Baums expect to take quarters These are the things for which our in Chicago for the winter. Mrs. boys subscribed "over there." How Baum is an active worker at the many bonds are the equivalent--for Fund for French Wounded head-|you--*"over here?" quarters. EG mts Dr. Brown's Letter The meeting of the North Shore -- Catholic Woman's league, which was An interesting letter from Dr. Alice to have been held on Thursday, Oc- Barlow-Brown, Winnetka War Relief tober 10, has been postponed until | worker in France, will appear in the October 24, owing to the epidemic of | next issue of the Winnetka Weekly influenza. Talk. HEN. TWIG Miss Iidith Chandler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chandler of Essex road, Kenilworth, is seriously ill at her home with the Spanish in- fluenza. .Dig In! Buy Bonds. Buy More Liberty Bonds. Bonds Buy Bayonets. Buy Liberty Bonds and Keep them. Carry On! ese Send the Ammunition Over. Buy Mrs. Montague Ferry of Winnetka Liberty Bonds. 2 . has joined her husband in Washing- Enlist as our Soldiers do. Juy FRIDAY Oct. 4 Burton Holmes Travelogue Special Feature Marguerite Clark in "Under a Clear Sky" Christie Comedy SATURDAY ONLY Hearst Pathe News With the Stars and Stripes Over There. DOROTHY DALTON in "VIVE LA FRANCE" Harold Lloyd Comedy Oct. 5 NEXT WEEK Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Douglas Fairbanks in "He Comes Up Smiling" ' Thursday Only SHIRLEY MASON in "Come On In"' NS ton, for the winter. , { Bonds and Keep them. CORN OIL--Douglas popularity. N you get. best. 22 Aspegren & Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 OLIVE OIL--Imported and Domestic. Some of the familiar popular brands--Antonini, Avanti, Cen- torbi, Old Monk, Red Lion, Richelieu, Ehmans. and Mazola -- Growing. in WESSON OIL Giving excellent 'satisfaction. OLIVES--A good time to buy. CANNED GOODS Not only but a greater certainty SWEDISH MILK WAFERS New Excellent APPLES By the bushel basket or barrel. Quality the Open all day Thursday, but no deliv- ery in the afternoon. Ji PH better prices at present that the kind you want 77%, Z Z 7% Z 7 Z 7 % WY % NN