mmm Satan au ad . Mrs. Arrowood is an old friend of | - merly Miss Eleanor Snider. - cablegram from her husband, Lieut. , T. Philip Swift, stating that he ex- to have been held with Mrs. Stoker «of Kenilworth on Monday, December : 16, will be postponed to December a faithful and valued member. - Bunker were hostesses to the For- North avenue, are spending a fort- 'might in New York City. . street, is confined to the house with 'street, 'are confined to their home with iliness. i WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1918 eee eee eee Rm ocial H : 2 North Shore by Rutk Risley » appenInNQs aliinh oc eine BRE HE WOMAN'S COMMITTEE, of the State Council of Defense is awarding a decoration to its members throughout the state of Illinois as a testimonial to the faithful and arduous service they have rendered their country in the greatest crisis of ifs history. The decoration is in the form seal and colors and the words "Woman's Committee, State Council of Defense". Years later this armband will be an historic souvenir of real value and significance, while now it testifies to practical patriotism. Recognizing that a possible change in the organization may take place with the approaching consummation of peace, although ! for many months to come we shall be actively engaged with re-! construction problems, the Woman's Committee has provided itself with what it believes is an adequate supply of armbands to decorate all its members, if applications are received within the next few weeks, while it is still authorized to grant insignia. ' The armbands can be secured through local chairman of the Woman's Committee (or, with the written O. K. of that chairman, from the Woman's Committee, 120 West Adams street, Chicago) and the cost of furnishing them is 35 cents for each member. Winnetka women should apply very promptly to Mrs. C. C. Wortley for their O. K. at the office of the War Emergency Union, with the necessary fee, &- of an armband, bearing the state Miss Margaret Ledyard Field, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Field of Evanston, announces her approaching marriage to Arthur | G. Thomas of Winnetka, which will take place on February 1. --e Mrs. Edward MacDowell, wife of | our greatest American composer, who will be heard in her husband's works at the Wilmette Woman's club on the afternoon of the 18th, will be entertained at dinner later by Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Arrowood | at their home, 836 Michigan avenue. ! Mrs. MacDowell and will invite a few | close friends to meet her. Among the guests will be Mr. Frank H. Mc- Culloch and his wife, Catherine W. McCulloch, of Evanston, and Dr. and Mrs. Milton B. Blouke, of Chicago. ------ The Sisters and Sweethearts auxil- iary of the 149th U. S. F. A. and the Fathers' and Mothers' association will give a musical and dance at the Hotel La Salle, on Saturday evening, December 21. All relatives and friends of the "boys" are invited. Tickets may be secured from Miss Lucy Rich, 1016 Linden avenue. -- rf -- The regular monthly meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league took place at the Winnetka Woman's club on December 5. The 'meeting opened with the singing of the "Star Spanled Banner". After the business had been disposed of a very interesting program was given. Dr. Maury Mars of the Speakers Bureau of the National Council of Defense brought the horrors of the 'war home to us very forcible by tell- ing of his experiences as a German prisoner, and how after many hard- ships he managed to escape. Mrs. Jane Stone, soloist, accompanied by Miss Emily Roberts, presented sev- eral numbers in a pleasing manner. "Joan, the Maid of France" and "The Girl at the Ticket Window", two humerous sketches were presented by Miss Grace Bischoff. reader. After ithe program, the meeting adjourned to spend a social half hour over the tea cups. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hoyt of Win- 'netka, who have been spending the past three weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Snider, 730 Washing- 'ton avenue, left yesterday for Tus- con, Arizona. Mrs. Hoyt was for- -- Mrs. T. Philip Swift, formerly Miss Betty Hoyt, daughter of Mrs. P. B. Hoyt of Winnetka, has received a pects to arrive in Chicago in time to spend Christmas. i 3 5 SE The W. C. T. U. meeting which was 30. Mrs. Susan Salveson, who recent- ly passed away, will be greatly missed by the Temperance union, as she was Mrs. J. Wallace Beals and Mrs. J. eign Missionary Study class of the Congregational church on Wednes- «day afternoon at the home of Mrs. .Bunker, 655 Lincoln avenue. : Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ripley, 878 -- Mr. J. J. Bruderlin of East Willow illness. ate bi Af Mr. and Mrs. Philip Post of Maple | | I he December meeting of the Mac- | Dowell Musical club was held at] the home of Mrs. Louis Schmid, 355 | Linden avenue. The program was | devoted to the music of Tchaikowski. | Mrs. Harvey Brewer read an inter- | esting paper. Songs were given by | Mrs. Barton Atwood and Mrs. L.| Schmid; a group of piano numbers | was rendered by Mrs. H. H. Anning, | and two movements of Tchaikowski's | sixth Symphony, arranged for four | hands, were played by Mrs. Arthur Dean and Mrs, Percival Hunter. m -- 'Mr. and Mrs. J. M. C. Bell and family of 964 North avenue, have moved to Milwaukee, and are resid- ing at Hotel Carlton. -- The East Willow Street circle will meet with Mrs. Norman K. Ander- son, 565 Willow street ,on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Seymour S. Cunningham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Porteus R. Cunningham, 1036 Forest avenue, returned Satur- day from Camp Taylor, where he has been in training in the field artillery school for officers. Mr. Cunningham did not complete the course, having | received his honorable discharge, and therefore did not receive his commission. Previous to his entrance into the officers' training school, he was a sergeant in the ordnance de- partment. es fn Mr. and Mrs. Burt A. Crowe en- tertained at dinner on Saturday even- ing at their home, 1009 Chestnut avenue, preceeding the first formal dancing party at the Ouilmette Coun- try club. Covers were laid for the following guests, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Clarke, of the Edgewater Beach hotel; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Kenyon, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Townsend, and Mr. and Mrs. S. LL. S. Harman. ------f---- Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Wolf enter- tained at dinner preceding the danc- ng party at the Ouilmette Country club on Saturday evening at their home, 819 Greenwood avenue. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Spinney, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Harwood, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Deuch- 'er, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Scott and Mrs. Lester E. Mee. -------- Friday, December 13, there will be an auxiliary all-day meeting at St. Augustine's parish house. Luncheon will be served at 12:15 o'clock, and the hostesses will be Mrs. R. G. Read, Mrs. George Phillips and Mrs. R. E. Kenyon. The auxiliary meeting will be held at 2 o'clock, followed by a conference of the Messengers of the Advent Call. Reports of the Messeng- ers must be turned in before the conference is called. elf Mr. Herbert B. Mulford, 835 Elm- wood avenue, left Saturday for At- 'antic City, N. J., where he will meet yovernment officials in regard to the Yifth Liberty loan. Mr. Mulford was 'he advertising manager for the Seventh Federal Reserve district in the previous loan. ---- Mrs. Frank Barrett entertained in- formally last Friday afternoon at her home, 941 Sheridan road. Among the guests were Mrs: John T. Ling, Mrs. Percy Skillen, Mrs. Jacob Grein- | er, Mrs. Robert Kenyon, Mrs. Wil- liam O. Belt, Miss Mary: Barrett, and Mrs. Riberts. ; -- tf ---- 'Mrs. Fred Buckman was hostess to another of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs this week at her} home in Chicago. Mr. Alvah Bournique will hold a Christmas party for his dancing classes next Tuesday afternoon at the Winnetka Woman's club. Jane Greiner and Curtis and Henrietta Bird of Wilmette will be in attend- ance. i Four officers of the Wilmette Wom- an's club, Mrs. Fred Gardner White, 730 Lake avenue, president; Mrs. J. C. Baker, 347 Hill street, first vice president; Mrs. John C. Mannerud, 904 Oakwood avenue, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, 1311 Greenwood avenue, a director, are confined to their homes with influenza: fe Mr. Clarence Worthington, 602 Lake avenue, was called east this week, by the sudden death of his father. Only a month ago, Mr. Worth- ington received word of the death of his mother. -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown enter- tained at dinner last Saturday even- ing preceding the dance at the Ouil- mette Country club, at their home, 612 Lake avenue, a Lieutenant Myron L. Sparr is spending a leave of absence in Wil- mette, while awaiting orders from Washington. He has been confined to his home this week with illness. -- The Thursday Luncheon club will be entertained this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Richard Cody, 908 Greenwood avengg, wt fn Dan Haggin of the Hospital school, Great Lakes, will spend the week-end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Greiner, 631 Lake avenue. of -- Another of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs met at the home of | Mrs. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central] avenue this week. goer | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Webster will | entertain at dinner Sunday evening at their home, 502 Washington ; avenue, -- " ~ | Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson Casse| closed their home at 633 Forest ave- | nue, yesterday and will spend the | winter at the Edgewater Beach hotel, mee fp The Round Robin Dancing club will give a dinner dance on Saturday evening, December 28, at the Edge- | water Beach hotel. ---- One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs met this week at the home of Mrs. Percy Andrews, 411 Lake avenue. ¢ tts 4 Mrs. R., E. Hall of the Edgewater Beach hotel was hostess to the Wed- ne sday Luncheon and Bridge club yesterday. an Mrs. Robinson, 630 Central avenue, is visiting at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Richard Allen in Minnea- polis, Minn. ls Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, 610 Washington avenue, entertained at tea last Sunday evening at their home. -- The "H. and W." club was enter- tained at dinner on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mec- Cue, 631 Washington avenue. -- Mrs. W. D. Collyer, 524 Hill street, will entertain the Fortnightly Bridge club next Tuesday at her home. i Miss Helen Shurtleff, 815 Lake ave- nue, is confined to her home with in- fluenza. Ea Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher, 716 Central avenue, is in a sanitarium at Battle Creek, Michigan. Fo, Miss Pearl Couffer, 903 Lake ave- nue, was hostess to the Comanci Card club on Tuesday afternoon. ne tie Mrs. L. P. Sykes, 825 Lake avenue, has returned from an extended visit in Rockford, Illinois. . Mf Miss Mary Barrett, will entertain at tea on Sunday evening at her home, 533 Forest avenue. Ea SA Mrs. Arthur Rice and family, 518 Central avenue, have been ill with influenza this week. iret Mr. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central avenue, returned Tuesday from New York City. A Mr. Burt A. Crowe, 1009 Chestnut avenue, is spending the week in New York City on business. AS A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Avery W. Kinney, 1425 Forest avenue, on Wednesday, December 4. -- Mrs. Frank Baker, 507 Lake aven- ue, is ill with influenza. Ne Mrs. W. E. Ingersoll, 517 Central avenue, is ill with' influenza. I a Keith Drake, 933 Lake avenue, is ill with influenza. - i a Gf Miss Hazel Pierson, 730 Lake ave- nue, has' returned from a two weeks' |, visit in Elgin. GROSS POINT NEWS By Harry E. Hasselberg would eat his Christmas dinner in Paris. How the boast failed to be made good the world has seen, even with two advances almost to the Smith Funeral Services Funeral services for Mrs. Eva Smith, daughter of Henry Hoth of Wilmette avenue, were held at St. Joseph's church Monday. Mrs. Smith is survived by her husband and two small children, Orville and Dorothy. She died at Walden, Colorado. Bur- ial was at St. Joseph's. "Flu" Sufferers Residents reported ill with the in- fluenza are Mr. Harry Hasselberg of Ridge avenue and Mr. Joseph Rau of the Klinge and White grocery. Returns From Michigan Mr. E. Meyers of Schiller street re- turned this week after a three weeks' visit in Michigan. Convalescent Mr .and Mrs. Joseph Borre and the Misses Julia Schwall and Bar- bara Brown are reported as recover- ed from serious attacks of the In- fluenza. Christmas In Paris Four years ago there was loud boasting in Germany that the Kaiser 3 Se mara AB] you walls of the French capital. The futility of human schemes is being demonstrated in this, the first Christmas after the war, for it is the President of the United States who will eat' his Christmas dinner in Paris, while the former head of the German nation dines, with the bitter- ness of defeat for the sauce to his feast, under the reluctant hospitality of little Holland. YOU CAN EXPECT A permanent wave at a moderate price by Delebeque. We have the most perfect apparatus which will not injure your hair. We also give a beautiful long permanent curl to little girls. Call for information at Delebec- ques, 747 Elm street, Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka 822. --Adv. Antiques Chest of drawers, wardrobe, chairs, sofas, etc.; as well as several hand painted articles, brasses, and old china at reasonable prices, make suit~ able Christmas gifts. You can purchase them at H. A. Lindwall's Upholstering and Cabinet Shop, 508 Linden street, Winnetka, "CHOICE We have made a special effort and Salad Dressing. thing in meats this year for our customers' Christrnas Dinner Full line of Canned goods, Catsup, Olives, Pickles, Sardines Vollman's Market, 796 Elm Street LLL a a a a a rrr rr) MEATS to have the very best of every- Watch for Our Announce- ment Next Weels SILLA I AHL AIA SIA ASIA S SAA AAAI SIS AISA "WANTED WINNETKA HOMES TO SELL AND RENT LHR] desirable applicants sirable tenants usual A large list of prospective buyers and very prompts me to seek more listings. selling season is now on and the most de- P. W. BRADSTREET JUST WEST OF DEPOT for spring renting The 4s, ly locate early WINNETKA Groceries, Me Vege Aspegren & Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 Ea A A AV ALAL AL Christmas Planning of Food Purchases assist to- ward "mutual satisfaction" BELLY rex 7a l® [ra SEAS [| Y1I78 7a Y 78 Yi exile ai 7 ne avli7avivavi Navi * h \ 'av BYITa Ie I av! 7aY ats, Fruits and tables