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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 3 Jan 1919, p. 3

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TC TUR TL CRIN 7 11 heh fr re, | Mrs. Gerald Burnham and small Parent-Teacher Meeting daughter, of 519 Cedar street, are| Central School Parent Teacher's spending the holidays with Mrs. gssocistion meets Tuesday, January! N. J. FELLOWS Burnham's parents, Mr. and Mrs.|{7, at 3:15 p. m. sharp, in the gym-| Frank N. Brown, in Columbus, O. nasium building. Miss Parks will FITTING AND REPAIRING ocial Happenings on y tthe 3 K . North Shore A regular meeting of the Woman's by Ruth Risley = club was held on Thursday, Decem- UCH interest is being evidenced in an exhibit of paintings by ber 26. Mrs. Prouty read a letter from Teleph Wi tha 85 Miss Harriet Blackstone of Glencoe, which is being held at | Mr. Weinstock enclosing one from poh elepnone, YWinneves Gairing's Art shop, 1613 Orrington avenue, Evanston. This |the Food Administrator in which Office hours:8 10.03 $0 4-7 10 8 is the second week of this splendid exhibit, which will close they expressed sheie thanks so the : on Friday, January 10. Miss Blackstone, who has studied in New | support the Food Administration in WINNETKA TIRE SHO York and Paris, has included in her exhibit a number of her most |its new campaign for conservation. | choice paintings. She has beep honored with many important com- rs, Jags Hen 5ad i agoous: of is : S g rs, Re : all f : ax - e enth 1stric meeting held 1n AL pg missions and has been a constant exhibitor in all of the leading ex Vulcanizing - Repairing Hood, Mason and Firestone Tires Monarch}Perfection"Red Tubes MILLERAD-CN-A-TREAD PUT CN YOUR OLD CASINGS sing, and Dr. Caroline Hedger will speak, her subject being, "The Child". AT WOMAN'S CLUB | A large attendance is desired. : _J'1 DR. DONC. McCOWAN Physician and Surgeon Office Prouty Bldg., Winnetka, Ill. PROMPT SERVICE Phone Winnetka 85 Room 3 Prouty Bldg. 723 Oak Street, Winnetka TELEPHONE WINNETKA 1565 1188) ; : Highland Park, November 14. hibitions in the country as well as at the Paris Salon. On Tuesday | Mrs. Veeder introduced the speaker afternoon of next week Miss Blackstone herself will be present at|of the day, Miss Harriet Monroe, the exhibit. Among her works being shown are quite a number of Noss Yomie. was, "Modern Poetry." Indian figures, which were painted this summer with the main pur- | 27S Spoke of its alm and read inter- Fool. dove i os a n Bele ad otl i esting poems by Carl Sanberg and pose ot seli-deve opment, anc paintings done m Belgium an ot 1er | Florence Kiper Frank, concluding foreign countries. But Miss Blackstone's main forte is in portrait | with one of her own entitled "Amer- painting of which her exhibit mainly consists. There are included ica." The meeting was then adjourn- portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Barent Poucher of New York City, for- ed until January 9. 1 {FE { Citho Holbrook P 1 ho Is Ie January promises - to be a fine merly o "vanston; their son, Holbroo oucher, who is a teuten- month for club members. Following . ant in the United States army and is at present in a hospital in |is the order of the programs planned: France; Mr. James Edwin Miller of Evanston, whose portrait is so| January 9. Mr. Edwin Cooley will widely known as "The Man With the Cane"; Mr. and Mrs. John W. speak on "Vocational Schools, Fu- 3 . ES 3 ropean and at Home. Douglas of Evanston; their daughter, Suzanne ; Miss Alise Gersten- Yarnary 23. Mrs. Philip Post will berg, the prominent Chicago writer; Mrs. Ww. Ernest Seatree of | give her observations made in a| Winnetka, and a number of others. In addition there are photo- | Canadian hospital on the Re-educa- graphs of portraits of all of the above mentioned people and other Ri) [Of ie cripnled Solder This A . . . . 1 o 1e S o notables, including Lieut. Clifford de Roode, a French aviator, the |W!" "¢ ° [OTe IMioresiing Docause 5 on January 13, Mr. Davies of Chica- son of Holger de Roode and the nephew of Madame de Roode-Royce | go, will tell us our government plan of Evanston; Andrew Royce, for whom Roycemore school was |for the re-training of our disabled named, and Bishop Walter Taylor Summer of Portland, Ore. men, . : PY The Monday meeting will be an LLLLLLLLT LL LLL LL Td Ld 2 dd ddd dd Ld Ld add dd dd ded ddd dd dd dd dd ddd dl bbb ddl bbl bd ld lll Vollman's Market, 796 Elm Street Where you are sure of getting the best that can be had at the lowest price, consistent with good quality. Full line of Canned goods, Catsup, Olives, Pickles, Sardines and Salad Dressing. \ N N N N \ NZ a add 7rd 2 dd Zl Td ddd ddd ida didi dedi iadidseiiddddidadiddddidiids * . : r & ™\ ISS ROSE CAROLYN DENNIS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, | open meeting, and all in the Village. : 4 5 ally S Fh av S Charles M. Dennis of 823 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe, and Especially a thre oe YWINTER SPECIA LS oi i E+ Harry Tyler Booth of Lake City, Minn., were married New intelligently informed on the sub- 5 ! 3 ; Year's night at the Union church in Glencoe. The bridegroom is set, Keep these three dates in your PERFECTION OIL HEATERS four sizes | 4] a great-grandson of President Tyler. mind. Sy ¢ Miss Wilma Ponder of Urbana was maid of honor and George "EYES OF YOUTH" DRAMA $5.65 $6.70 $8.15 $8.50 . Irvine of Lake City, Minn., best man. Miss Dennis was graduated PLAYS AT THE VICTORIA Galvanized Snow Shovles, strengthened by strong iron from the University of Illinois last June and is a member of the Chi braces, at before the war prices, small, 18 inch, Omega sorority. Mr. Booth is a graduate of Carleton college, Min- | .. ; "wil x : 0 : nesota, and of the University of Illinois, and is a member of the Phi MW of Youll ol bejthe a $1.25 large. 21 inch. $1.5 Ga Beta Kappa, Sigma Chi and Gamma Alpha fraternities. next week starting with the Sunday . . 3 They were married on the twenty-eighth anniversary bf the |afternoon performance. This offering | E. B. TAYLOR & CO. Winnetka, Phone Win. 999 marriage of the bride's parents. A group of sorority sisters from SOMES 36 the Victor Mie B Secord -t the University of Illinois aided in the wedding. The are the Misses | Ejjiott theater ew Yok City and} -- Ruth Kerber of Elgin, Katheryn Raithel of Ravenswood, Emily |ten weeks at the Princess theater in | OQJEIOEK Oor=I0 IOI OE OE O Eom O EI O Champaign, and Ruth Lieber of Winnetka. introduction to local patrons. It was COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC Mr. and Mrs. Booth left for their future home at Stearns Park, grisea ny Bx Matein a Chars CLARE OSBORNE REED, Director Roosevelt, Long Island, after a reception at the home of the bride. CHICAGO matic fantasy in three acts and four WINNETKA BRANCH episodes. It is the visualization of a KATHLEEN AIR, PRINCIPAL NEW BANK' BUILDING : The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. Dee Of interest in university circles is| girl's glimpse into her own future-- A. Stoker* on Monday. Mrs. Mar-| the engagement of Miss Gladys|a future that is revealed to her PHONE WINNETKA 974 LINCOLN AND ELM STS. : SCHOOL NOW IN SESSION ~~ J J Downing of Ashburn, Edna Decker of Austin, Josephine Dodds of | Chicago. The play needs but little nl | 0 "A garet B. Platt spoke on Anti-Nar- | Balch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.|through an understanding of her own sotics." Mrs. R. T. Burrows, accom-| Balch of Evanston, to Herman K.|heart. The play contains four of| panied by Miss Laura Fisher sang| Hoff, also of Evanston. Miss Balch | these mystical dream episodes. | "Phe King's Business", and "Ratify". | attended Northwesterin university,| The production is the original and © Each loeal union is asked to observe]and is a member of the Pi Beta Phi|the cast supplied by the Messrs. 3A ~ OEIOL= ET PL y % kis January 9, as a day of prayer for "Ratification in Illinois." The Wil- mette-Winnetka Unien will meet in the home of Miss Laura Fisher. on Ash street, at 2 o'clock on that date, and for that purpose. 15 states have already ratified, Florida being the last. --f-- There will be an all-day meeting of theWoman's Society of the Congre- gational church on Wednesday, Jan- uary 8. The order of program for the day will be: business meeting at 11 a. m.: luncheon at 12; program at 1:30 p.m. The subject for the after- noon is, "Reconstruction Abroad." Other meetings planned during the month and the program will be held as follows: January 15, Annual din- ner, 7 o'clock. January 22, All-day sewing. January 29, Missionary meet- ing. ---- Of interest in the Village is the wedding of Miss Bernice Bach to Roland Roberts, which was solemniz- ed on New. Year's Eve at the home of the bride's parents in Chicago. Mrs. Roberts is one of the teachers at Girton school, and will continue her work here until summer. After a short honeymoon trip the young couple will make their home at the Kenilworth Inn. EL. md Mrs. George W. Blossom and daughter, Katherine of Green Bay road, Hubbard Woods, who -are spending the winter in New York, have gone to Lakewood, N. J., for a short stay at the "(Laurel in the Pines." Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom Jr., annuonce the birth of a son, a week ago at the Kimball hos- pital at Lakewood. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox Owsley of 720 Prospect avenue, are leaving shortly for Santiago to join their son-in-law and daughter, Major and Mrs. Lon Hill. Mrs. Hill was for- merly Miss Georgiana Owsley, 519 Cedar street. --_---- Mrs. Charles Van Deursen, 1111 Spruce street, attended the Woman's Legislative Congress in the Gold . Room of the Congress hotel on December 28, as a delegate from the Winnetka branch of the W. C. TU. ---- The Theta sorority gave.a dancing «party New Year's Eve at the Kenil- "worth club. sorority. ------ Miss Bernice Hubsch will entertain at dinner this evening at her home in Winnetka, in honor of the Misses Shubert is a Metropolitan organiza- tion headed by Mabel Brownell, and Private and class instruction in Piano, Harmony, Ear-training, Sight Reading and Rhythm. Practice teachers to go to the homes. Ruth Hodgson and Margaret Has- kins. Miss Marjorie West of Wil- mette, will also be one of the guests. -- Ae The Misses Dorothy and Emily Miss Helen Cresap who returned from Madeira school, to spend the holidays in Kenilworth, will leave for the east on Saturday. -- Forsman of Kenilworth, will return the latter part of the week to the east, where they will resume their studies at Smith college. re Wl ee Mrs. C. T. Northrop entertained at a stag party New Year's Eve, at her home, 1044 North avenue, in honor of fndeoe Northrop. There were twelve guests, A Miss Alice deWindt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger deWindt of Sheridan road, left yesterday for Sinsbury, Conn., where she will at- tend Miss Walker's school. ---- Dr. J. O. Ely and son, Robert, 592 Cherry street, are spending several weeks in Arizona. Mrs. Ely leaves this week to visit relatives in the east. ee We Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weeks, 600 Ash street, will spend the months of January and February, in southern California. mii Mrs. Therese Neville, spent Shrist- mas week in Rockford with her daughter Ruth, and her husband Lieut. Riemann. tain i ome Miss Helen Thurston has returned from St. Luke's hospital, where she underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis. ents Mrs. Charles Jewell, 459 Provident avenue, has been confined to her home with a severe cold. i ees Mr. Walter Dean Peck, 456 Elder lane, left for Memphis,! Tenn., on Thursday on a business trip. FRE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heinig of 782 Railroad avenue, Hubbard Woods, left Monday for Magnolia Springs, Alabama. | lands. Dr. S. V. Perez of Teneriffe including Maurice Barrett, C. Russell Sage, George M. Clark, Franklin George, Daryl Goodwin, Edna Fran- dini, Vera Kelley, Richard Castilla, Francis Gaillard and some twenty others. Matinees will be given on Sunday, Thursday and Saturday. Peculiar Rain Tree Rain from tree foliage is an inter- esting phenomenon of the Canary is- notes that the famous rain tree of Ferro, Canaries, grew on a head land where the mountain mists from the trade winds collected, and by means of water tanks under it the poor in- habitants of that island, where there are no springs, actually gathered enough water for drinking purposes. The effect of the foliage in condens- ing moisture is said to be evident to anybody passing through a mist-cov- ered forest in any of these islands. Farm Community Organized--Gets Results What a farm community can do for its own progress when the get- together spirit prevails is well shown with the Burwood communty, Wil- liamson County, Tenn. This com- munity, encouraged by the county agent, formed an organization which embraced men's interests, women's interest, canning clubs, corn clubs, and poultry clubs. In this way they received a community charter and proceeded to work. When the wheat increase was asked, 50 acres was as- signed to Burwood community; the community came across with 323 acres in 10 days. Similarly organized communities made it possible for Williamson County to pledge an in- creased acreage of 2,000, while the county was asked for only 1,369 acres. Pine Street Circle Entertains The members of the Pine Street circle will entertain members of the Oak Street circle and the Elm Street circle in the Neighborhood room at Community House in the afternoon of January 14. Two hundred pounds of Chocolates on sale at Dr. Alice Brown Gift Shop. IOESOE IOEIOr IOK=IOE WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK WE HONOR YOUR DRAFTS There's no waiting or checking up. We know how your ae- count stands at all times be- _cause our system is perfect. Every officer and employee spells efficiency. Place your ac- count with us and we'll justify your confidence. CAPITAL $35,000.00 Formerly BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 1894 JUST WEST OF DEPOT WANTED WINNETKA HOMES TO SELL AND RENT A large list of prospective buyers and very \ desirable applicants for spring renting prompts me to seek more listings. The selling season is now on and the most de- sirable tenants usually locate early P. W. BRADSTREET WINNETKA instantly and glad to do it. N

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