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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 28 Feb 1919, p. 2

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2 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1919 - Winnetka 'Weekl T Jedi eens line extended of Sher- y a ' idan Road, Frcspt the pavements here- ri A = in proposed 0 be constructed at the ISSUED FRIDAY. OF EACH WEEK intersections of said Elder Lane with : | Poplar Street, Myrtle Street and Wood- The (Lake Shote Publishing Company land Avenue; Sunset Road from the r ve., Wilmette, Ill. pavement herein proposed to be con- 4 = structed in Poplar Street and from the Business Felepune canals Wilmette 1921 | present pavement in Wilson Street maitgrin; CON as Hustle 1920 ' the west line of the Remy Park Sub- ods en 0 elephone. . Winn. 388 (djvision, except the pavement herein SUBSCRIPTION. ........ $1.00 A YEAR | proposed to be constructed at the in- Strictly in advance | tersection of Said Sunset Road with : Myrtle Street; also Sunset Road in said Address all communications to the Remy Park Subdivision fr C 3 F: 8 E rom the west! yinietka Weekly Talk, Wilmette, IlL line of said Subdivision tery dg nonymous communications will be northeasterly along curved lines to a | | | | passed to the waste basket. The same point north of and opposite the : ; 1 ¥ f site > eas ZDpites to Telected manuscript unless end of the curved 2s EL Ha a ostage ls snolosed. articles Northwesterly portion of the | a S Is office Park in said Subdivision lying west of By puesday aftr noon to insure appear- | Woodland Avenue, thence east in a ssue | straight line parallel with the straight | Resolutions of condolence, cards of line and said straight line extended | thanks, obituary poetry, notices of bounding the north side of the Vv - entertainments or other affairs where eral public parks in said Subdivision | an admittance charge will be made or to a point northof andopposite the west a collection taken, will be charged for |end of the curv i i 1 , y urved line bounding the at regular advertising rates. | easterly portion of the public ak in Entered in the postofiice at Wi said Subdivision lying east of Essex lilizos innetka, | poaq, thence easterly, southerly and as mail matter s eInaR rider tre dor BL aT ne second westerly parallel with the said curved - line bounding the easterly end of said last mentioned public park to a point ; | south of and opposite the west end of | EE SE said curved boundary line, thence | Me west in a straight line parallel with | Building--The Panacea the straight line and said straight line | 7K 4 jextended bounding the south side of the AE res | several public parks in said subdi- | The injunction to the public is to |vision to a point south of and opposite | . ai] AR . the east end of the curve ine be 1- | build. Building is recognized as the ing the Sha J the Surveq line bung} panacea for the unemployed, the dis- said Public Itark lying west of Wood- | 1879. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1919 ie . . land Avenue, thence northwesterly | satisfaction and the delay of which and westerly along curved lines to! the men in the service complain so |2nd connecting with the pavement] bi ' | hereinbefore proposed to be construct- sitterly, because the opening of a ed in said Sunset Road at the west line | {of said Remy Park Subdivision, except new drive in building operations the pavements herein proposed to be | means the booming of all other constructed at the intersections of said | Sunset Road with Woodland Avenue, ! trades as well. ' > and except the pavements herein pro- | | posced to be constructed at the inter- | The fact that le z raw - A : that labor and raw mate | sections of said Sunset Road with Es- | 0 VILLAG WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Phone Wilmette 1441 M. L. Sparr, Mgr. 1150 Wilmette Ave. 777777777 000 00727707 202277 E THEATRE Monday, March 3rd, and Tuesday, March 4th CHARLES RAY IN IN A 7% Whenever Cuthbert saw a girl--he dived into' the linen closet! Now you know the truth --Cuthbert was bashful! But a joke on Cuthbert's weakness developed into a crisis and the crisis de- | that weighs a building down with an | rials must now be bought at a figure investment cost that forever beggars | it as a producer of legitimate income | seems not to have entered into the calculations of those who are hymn- ing the refrain, Build, Build, Build. | Every thing is at hand for building. Timber, steel, cement, plumbing ma- terials, men, everything is to be had, | but at a price which discourages the man who has to puts into the stones of the structure in to do business or to produce his home. consider what he bricks and which he is And yet the public can recognize the patent fact that building is the basic thing in the reorganization of industry on a peace basis. A con-| tract let for the erection of a build- ing automatically releases other con- tracts for supplies,--steel, cement, plumbing, lumber, bricks, and so on and so on. Anybody will agree that the way to start the era of pros- other ; ; perity that requires only a start to be netka, as fa realized, is to begin, and yet few are | Winnetka Avenue extended, by a . it Tin . | justing present manhole covers, ad- in a position to sacrifice their | justing present catchbasin covers, ad- | aA i rae Phe alts ¢ | justing present concrete sidewalk ap- financial interest upon the altar of | roaches, resetting present fire hyd- | the national prosperity. The way |rants, resetting present electric light seems to lie first through the carry- ing forward of plans for public build- ing, that the realm of private enterprise which will follow as fast as the resumption of something like pre-war prices is attained. and through means into Stomach Trouble Edna. four, was going next door to her auntie. She was told by her mother not to eat anything while there as her stomach was upset. When she came -in she said, "Auntie, mamma said I shouldn't eat anything because my stomach has tipped over." VILLAGE OF WINNETKA NOTICE Winnetka, Illinois, February 28, 1919. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the improvement of Walnut Street from the present pavement in Willow Street to the pavement herein proposed to be constructed in Haw- thorn Lane; Poplar Street from the present pavement in Oak Street to the present pavement in Cherry Street; al- s0 Poplar Street from the present pave- ment in Cherry Street to the present pavement in Ash Street; also Poplar Street from the present pavement in Ash Street to the present pavement in Willow Street; also Poplar Street from the present pavement in Willow Street to the present pavement in Wilson Street; Myrtle Street from the present pavement in Willow Street = to the pavement herein proposed to be con- structed in' Hill Road; Fairview Ave- nue from the present pavement in Ash Street to the present pavement in Wil- low Street ;also Fairview avenue from the present pavement in Willow Street to the pavement herein proposed to be constructed in Elder Lane; Woodland Avenue from the present pavement in Willow Street to the pavement herein proposed to be constructed in Win- netka Avenue: Crescent Avenue from the pavement herein proposed to be constructed in Hawthorn Lane to the pavement herein proposed to be con- structed in Elder Lane; Essex Road from the pavement herein proposed to be constructed in Elder Lane to the pavement herein proposed to be con- structed in Winnetka Avenue; Fir Street from the present pavement in Wilson Street to the pavement herein proposed to be constructed in Fairview Avenue, except the pavements herein proposed to be constructed at the in- tersections of said Fir Street with Walnut Street, Poplar Street and Myrtle Street; Hawthorn Lane from the present pavement in Wilson Street to the southwesterly line extended of Sheridan Road, except the pavements herein proposed to be constructed at the intersections of said Hawthorn f.ane with Poplar Street, Myrtle Street, Fairview Avenue, and Woodland Ave- nue: Elder Lane from the present pavement in Wilson Street to the - xi lin the sex Road; Hill Road from the present pavement in Wilson Street to present pavement at the west line of Trier Center Neighborhood Subdivision: that portion of Winnetka Avenue with- Village of Winnetka from Northeasterly line extended from the northwest of the Right of Way of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad to the west line of the south- east quarter of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East; also Win- netka Avenue from the said west line of the southeast quarter of Section Twenty-one (21) and from the west line of the northeast quarter of Sec- tion Twenty-eight (28), Township and Range aforesaid, to the east line and the east line extended of the west half of the said northeast quarter of Sec- tion Twenty-eight (28) aforesaid; also that nart of Winnetka Avenue within | the Village of Winnetka from the east | line extended of said west half of the | | | | { |] | | northeast quarter of Section Twenty- eight (28) aforesaid to the southwest- erly line extended from the northwest of Sheridan Road; Bertling Lane the pavement herein proposed to be constructed in Winnetka and connecting with the present pave- ment in said Bertling Lane fifty-eight (58) feet north of and parallel with the north line extended of said Winnetka Avenue; also the street returns of Winnetka Avenue at Wilson Street, Warwick Avenue, Abbottsford Road, and that portion of the south street return of said Winnetka Avenue at Essex Road within the Village of Win- back. as the street line of | poles, furnishing and setting! new cast iron manholecovers and cast ironcatch- basin covers, constructing brick mason- ry valve vaults, constructing concrete sidewalk approaches, structing vitrified salt glazed tile road drains and connections, brick masonry manholes with cast iron covers, constructing brick masonry combination manholes and catchbasins with cast iron covers, constructing brick masonry catchbasins with cast iron covers, constructing cast sewer inlets each on refilling tile road drain trenches un- der proposed pavements with sand, re- filling all other tile road drain trench- es in said proposed improvement with equal parts cinders and earth, excavat- ing, grading and preparing the sub- grade to receive the proposed ment, grading and leveling the park- surplus ways, grubbing, removing all excavated materials and paving with a one (1) course reinforced Portland cement concrete pavement with inte- gral curbs, with asphaltic felt filled joints, including a two (2) inch earth covering upon said pavement, the crete wearing surface of said propos- ed pavement, including all labor and material, and engineering and super- vision during the construction of the said improvement, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, said improvement being otherwise known as General Number 235942 in the Superior Court of Cook County. in accordance with the ordi- nance heretofore passed therefor, will be received by the Board of Local Tm- provements of the Village of Winnet- ka by or before eight o'clock P. M. on Tuesday. the eleventh day of March, A. D. 1919, at which hour all the bids will be opened at a meeting to be held in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall, in the said Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois. . The specifications of said improve- ment are on file in the office of the Clerk of said Village of Winnetka. Contractors will be paid in bonds bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (59,) per annum for all estimates approved by the Board of Local ITm- provements, in the sum of One Hun- dred Dollars ($100.00) and over and when the amount of ballance due on any estimate is less than the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), the «ame will be paid bv time warrants. In addition to the usual bond for construe- tion and maintenance in the sum equal to the amount of the bid accepted by the Board of Local Improvements, the successful bidder will be required to furnish an indemnity and defense nolicv in some reliable company, in- demnifying the Village of Winnetka against loss from liability for damages on account of injury or death suffered by reason of the performance of the work required to be performed by the 2aid contractor, by anv nerson or per- sons, including such liability imposed under the emnvlovers' liability and workmen's compensation law of the Qtate of Illinois, and the amendments thereof, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). WM. D. McKENZIE, president of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T50-1t - the | | the | | from | Avenue to | new | con- | constructing | iron | a concrete base, | pave- | wetting and cleaning of the said con- | "THE GIRL DODGER" veloped into--What? COME AND SEE EXTRA MONDAY--PATHE NEWS EXTRA TUESDAY--HOUDINI in "The Master Mystery"' EVENINGS 7:30 & 9:00 TUESDAY MATINEE 3:30 - i to --_---- D.W.GRIFFITH'S "A ROMANCE OF HAPPY VALLEY" A Page from the book of life "Yep," he was bound to see the white lights | and Broadway. All right, let him go! And if you want to see what happened to him and to his trusting sweetheart back on the farm come to "A ROMANCE OF HAPPY VALLEY" | | EVENINGS 7:30 AND 9:00 MARGUERITE CLARK Mrs. Wiggs mie Cabbage Patch" Founded on the novel by Alice Hegan Rice There may have been a more famous novel but we don't know of it. There also may be a more lovable screen character than Marguerite as "Lovey Mary" but we haven't heard of her yet. Won't you come down and get acquainted with her? Evenings, 7:00, 8:20 and 9:30 Saturday Matinee 3:30 EXTRA--PATHE NEWS. . EEE

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