WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919 CLASSIFIED ADS Rates for classified advertising in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS 10c per line first insertion in any paper. Beper line for eachsucceeding insertion 15c per line first insertion in any two papers. 7 1-2¢ per line for each suc- ceeding insertion. 20c per line first insertion in three papers. 10c per line for each succeeding insertion. Mini- mum charge on one time Ad 30c. Count five average words to a line. BARGAIN ANTIQUE PERSIAN (iran) runner, Coral center; black border. Phone Win. S83. T51-1tp FOR SALE--RELIABLE GAS STOVE | in good condition; reasonable. Win. 534. T51-1te FOR SALE--ROY CROST ROCKING chair; solid oak; real leather seat; good as new; for $9. Phone Glencoe | TH1-1te | 168. ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVING TOWN will sacrifice brand new bedroom suite, breakfast room and sun porch. | Call at 312 Lee street, Apartment 1, Kvanston. LTG17-1te FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO. TEL. Glencoe 551. TGH1-1tc HELP WANTED Advertisements for the Lake Shore News must be at our office by Wednes- day noon; for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News by Thursday noon. FOR SALE $74.00 TAKES MY NEW §250.00 SIZE Tyrolia phonograph, including $8.50 worth of records, $3 worth jewel needles; still crated; will ship C. O. D. on approval; act quick. Mrs. Waverly Brown, 317 Greenleaf ave- nue, Wilmette, Ill LTG14-8te FOR SALE--1 PAIR HOCKEY SKATES on shoes, new, size 7; 2 flexible flier sleds; 1 bicycle, excellent condition; tires almost new; bargains on above; leaving city. 557 Elder Lane. Phone Win. 1061. T51-1te AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE WANTED--_HAND SEWERS ON LA- dies' dresses, also girls experienced on power machines and girls to learn. Frank Kaplan & Bros. 1051 Bensgon avenue, Evanston. LTG 14-4tc' WANTED--_MOTHER'S HELPER. MRS. J. R. Leonard, 861 Bryant ave, Win- netka. THl-1te WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL in each town in New Trier to rep- resent us during spare time. Address Lake Shore News A-A. LTG17-tfe WANTED YOUNG NURSE GIRL TO come in by the day; permanent posi- tion. Win. 1112. T51-1te WANTED _--EXPERIENCED GENERAL | housework girl; white; good cook. Phone Glencoe 494. TH1-1te SITUATION WANTED IMPORTANT!'--IF YOU WANT TO save money on electric car,. com- municate with me at once. Address Lake Shore News C-2. LTG-3tc FOR SALE--OVERLAND LIGHT roadster; just painted; good condi- tion. Address Lake Shore News A-T. LTG17-tfc FOR SALE--HUP NO. 32 TOURING; excellent condition; have no use for car; will sacrifice for $200. Address Winnetka Talk B-55. TH51-1te ---- WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY OR RENT--ON OR before May 1, modern 8-room house in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, or Highland Park; family 3 adults; will be permanent tenants; state location and price. P. O. Box 210, Evanston, Ti. T49-3tp REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--2-FLAT HOUSE IN WIN- netka, $3,000. 823 Colfox street, Ev- anston. < FOR RENT T FOR RENT--ROOMS. 905 WEST ELM street. Phone Win. 415. T47-tfe FOR RENT--_ROOM. 947 OAK STREET Phone Win. 932. T51-1tdh FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM Phone Win. 513-W. T47-tfc HOUSEHOLD GOODS TRADE IN YOUR OLD PIANO IF NOT in use on a talking machine, sewing T50-3tp ! SITUATION WANTED--BY FIRST class laundress; cleaning by the day. Phone Evanston 5020. Can give ref. if required. T51-1tp LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. T29-tfc CARPENTER AND JOBBER, PROMPT service; first class work guaranteed. A. M. Olsen. Phone Win. 513-R. T49-4tp FOR FIRST CLASS MAIDS AND FIRST class positions call Winnetka Employ- ment Agency 545 Provident avenue Mrs. O. Spegel, Winnetka 1475. T49-tfe MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND clothes. Horsman, 524 Davis street Phone 4676 Evanston. Drop postal. LTG34-tfc DEALER IN SECOND-HAND FURNIT- ure and clothes. 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston, telephone Evanston 103 and 5512. LTG13-1Tte WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, AND we pay the best prizes. Papers, rags. iron, bottles and all kinds of junk J. Golinsky, 1705 Forest ave. Wil- mette. Telephone 1150 Wilmette Junk collecting for the Red Cross. LTG10-tfc MR. A. B. COLLINS OF THE NEWS Agency has the Glencoe News at his stands and is also the agent for snwnreriptions D.-H.-tf 12x3 feet; perfect condition. Tel, | US at our recent bereavement. STUDENT thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors, the names too numerous to mention, for the sympathy, floral offerings and acts of kindness shown Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Anderson T51-1tp Nyberg, | LIBRARY Adult thought we NEW BOOKS AT THE | i And they fight, Gibbons. Ambassador Morgenthau. With those who wait, Huard. Indexing and filing, Hudders. Beginner's Psychology, Tichener. African game trails, Roosevelt. Autobiography, Roosevelt. The galosine automobile, Lougheed. How tn become a wireless operator, Hayward. Gas, gasoline and oil engines, His- COX. The desert of wheat,Grey. Birth, Gale. Java head, Hergesheimer. In the heart of a fool, White. My Antonia, Cather. The roll-call, Bennett. Buck, Stewart. Almanzar, Davis. Twenty three and a leave, Rinehart. The curious quest, Oppenheim. Wolves of the sea, Parrish. The Marne, Wharton. Juvenile Story of the Pilgrims for children, Usher. Home life around the world, Mir- ick. Girls of old glory, Du Bois. Blue Heron Cove, McKinney. The secrey wireless, Theiss. wouldn't Morgenthau's story, half -hours On the overland stage, Sabin. Jane, Joseph and John, Bergen- gren. Captain Lucy, Harvard. Sniffy, Snappy, and Velvet Paw, Dyer. Brownie primer. Banta. Circus reader, Buffington. Three Cheers for Feathers! The Featherweights have a chance for the league championship in their class. They took the championship son they have triumphed over every team they have met. And expect to] do the same to their future rivals. | They will meet a team from the west side at New Trier Saturday. All-Day Meeting An all-day meeting was held by the Woman's society on Wednesday. The day began with a business meet- ing at 11 o'clock, a luncheon at 12 and an address by Dr. Joseph B. De lee of the lying-in hospital. A large number of women attended the rr | 3oys do not like to be wept over by a woman or prayed over by a man. meeting. COLIOX 0) --(.). =--IOE=IOI IOEIOL --10E=20 20th Century Method of Merchandisi i erchandising : Prices marked on each article. An extra charge of 5c for each delivery. Two deliveries daily at 10:30 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. An extra charge of 1c on each dollar or ° fraction thereof is made where credit is extended. i Large sales and small expense enables us to sell cheap. Our prices, quality guaranteed. ET RTT RE TT EE EE ET TE TH TR TH HT I ] | Special While They Last i Assorted Cookies, lb. A i --IOXJOX ENE LA LE TT 25¢ Kirk's Olive Soap, toilet, 3 for ............ 25¢ Jap Rose Soap, perbar ..............c..0. ..10c Campbell's Soups; all kinds, per can ........ 10c A Good Drinking Coffee, per lb. ......... "i 350 I Blue Ribbon Peeled Peaches, per Ib. ........ 28¢ : Fancy Oil Sardines for Lent, can .......... 25¢ Monarch Baked Beans, large can 15c; 6 for 88c Honey Sweet Peas, good quality, can 18c; Geans for i... hanes ea 98¢c OOS Quaker Oats, fresh goods, per pkg. FEE I ann HER THEE The Progressive Grocery A. LIPS, PROPRIETOR 801 Elm St., Meyer Bank Bldg., Winnetka Tel. 888-889 --(OIOE= -- OE OL i " in the northern section, and now have i Wo give the best Biv RR Td Card of Thanks to meet several other championship WINNETKA, ILLINOIS o son Bros. 1522 Sherman avenue, Ev- . r-- teams from other _sections. Under 1 anston. LTG17-tfc We wish to tender our heartfelt |the expert leadership of Jack Patter- | QEIOE 100 = -- OI OL= TOI 0 1030) I WE i | Ti VILLAGE OF WINNETKA OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that a GENERAL ELECTION is to be held in the VILLAGE OF WINNETKA cn TUESDAY, APRIL 1ST, 1919, for the purpose of voting for the following officers: NOTICE ONE VILLAGE PRESIDENT THREE VILLAGE TRUSTEES ONE VILLAGE TRUSTEE TO FILL VACANCY ONE VILLAGE TREASURER ONE VILLAGE MARSHAL AND COLLECTOR TWO VILLAGE LIBRARY TRUSTEES ONE POLICE MAGISTRATE PRECINCT NO. 1--Shall be bounded on the north by the north limits of the Village, on the east by Lake Michigan, on the south, east of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, by the center line of North Avenue: on the south, west of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, by the center line of Fig Street; and on the west by the westerly limits of the Village. That the office occupied by Wm. Aitken, located at 1065 Gage Street, in the Village of Winnetka, is hereby designated as the polling place in PRECINCT No. 1 for the purpose of holding said election. PRECINCT NO. 2--Shall be bounded on the north, east of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, by the center line of North Avenue, on the north, west of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, by the center line of Fig Street: on the east by Lake Michigan, on the south by the center line of Elm Street, and on the west by the westerly limits of the Village. That the office occupied by Byron A. Nelson, at 807 Elm Street, in the That for the purpose of holding said election the Village of Winnetka shall be divided into four election districts or precincts as follows: Willow Street Willow Street polling place it That for the purpose of said election the polls shall be open a t the respective o'clock A. M. and shall remain open from such hour until the hou r of 6 o'clock P. W. A. Village of Winnetka, is hereby designated as the polling place in PRECINCT No. 2, for the purpose of holding said election. PRECINCT NO. 3 Elm Street, on the east by Lake Michigan, on the south by the center line of That the store formerly occupied by the Winnetka Weekly Talk, No. 22 P'routy Annex, 3 place in PRECINCT No. 3, for the purpose of holding said election. PRECINCT NO. 4--Shall be bounded on the north by the center line of . < _ on the east by Lake Michigan, on the south by the southerly limits of the V That the store known as Indian Hill Inn, located on Winnetka Avenue near Wilson Street in the Village of Winnetka, is hereby designated as the Shall be bounded on the north by the center line of and on the west by the westerly limits of the Village. in the Village of Winnetka, is hereby designated as the polling illage, and on the west by the westerly limits of the Village. , PRECINCT No. 4, for the purpose of holding said election. pollings places above mentioned at the hour of 6 M. on the said 1st day of April, 1919 HAIRE, Village Clerk.