WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919 3 SCOUT W. S. S. RECORD = EE Ee VILLAGE THEATRE | WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Phone Wilmette 1441 M. L. Sparr, Mgr. 1150 Wilmette Ave. Theatre Beautiful of the North Shore Saturday, March 15th ovothy Gish in "Boots" Monday, March 17th, and Tuesday, March 18th EVENINGS 7:30 & 9:00 TUESDAY MATINEE 3:30. WALLACE REID | Sold $42,367,265.75 Worth of Stamps' acre ny in 1818--Total for January of wi ye no "war gardens" i Sls year, but "victory gardens" will This Your, 47902173 ! take their place, and under the new 3 . : name the need is double that of last HEA Foouts a America sold §42,- a year, if Mr. Hoover is to get the Tt EE worth of War Savings and . Y000 tors of ood he has sched rift stamps during 1918. They are for. The War Savings Organization gong right: ahead with their cam- for Illinois, of which Martin A. Ryer- pagan, son is Director, suggests that now is During the wonth of January, this the. time to prepare for the Victory year, the scouts obtained subscrip- | dors tions for stamps to the amount of 'The slogan "Food will win the war" $1,479,721.75 from 74,795 persons. This was without any special urging, be- ing the result of the program of hav- ing scouts constantly alert for the promotion of sales in their homes and neighborhoods. It does not in-| volve street solicitation. i This year the scouts will work un- | der the supervision of the various county chairmen, so that credit for sales will go to the proper district. | a has been transmuted into "Food is the best antidote for poison," and vic- | tory gardens in the United States the coming summer will help to feed ! the hungry millions of Europe, as well as to solve the problem of an i adequate supply of green vegetables | at low cost for many - families of | { moderate means. | As reported, the average value of | last year's war garden crops was but | Lhe plan was outlined last week by i |W. A. Colledge of the Savings | one dollar, but this of course includ-| Divisi . £ H . ra A a i ed many near and some total fail- | Division of the Treasury Department, ures. accounted for by poor soil, lack | who was in Chicago for the N. E. A. convention. bog of fertilizers, and oftentimes ignor- ] ance or lack of interest or energy on| The scouts have started a whole | The normal- | army of citizens on the march toward | the part of cultivators. { ly successful garden vindicated its |¢ : reason for being, not only by its | ity which can come only to the man money value, but the satisfaction of (ror. woman who has laid away in some producing and consuming the de-|sal€ investment the funds to sée him licious green things for the table, and through days of adversity. The 250,- in these days even a dollar saved in| 000 boys enrolled obtained from 2.- Mis way is not to be despised. One| 136095 persons the signed' pledge dollar will 'buy - four Thrift stamps, | cards that bind the individuals to and Thrift stamps grow into War | carry. through a systematic savings Savings stamps, and--well, we are all| program. The splendid result was acquiring the habit, and while helping | achieved only because of the keen Uncle Sam are building independence | rivalry among .the 15,079 troops and | for ourselves. among the individual members of The calamity prophet is still with | these troops. competence and that sense of secur- us, and there are vague predictions] x &. TRS Vimy psdoes, M7 he's 41h) se 38 WOME Acad | in "Alias Mi 4 Bn Lo at Lh ER Sa sevice FLAG in ias Mike Moran famine menacing Yurops: apd the Na71 Have you a service flag in your 1s for enormous ; Adapted from Frederick Orin Bartlett's "Open Sesame" tions calling upon t 129 3 Ro ef quantities of foodstuffs, will not the! home representing a soldier who has back-yard gardens free much cul-| returned? If you have, take it down. tivable jand and the necessary labor | The nied Safes Wa: oss hureay EE ah stant: 1as ordered the demobilization o to produce the more substantial | 74> 7 LS a a service flags, except in the case of a WHAT A LOT OF TROUBLE A FEW FIBS CAN CAUSE! Wallace Reid Never Did Anything Finer than this Picture Extra Monday Only: Pathe News and Christie Comedy Extra Tuesday Only: Houdini in "The Master Mystery" is which alone can be exported. | 1 fonds wile : | soldier who has not yet :returned. gs | These are the only-flags which should | be left hanging. As soon as the sol-! "TELLS WHY DOCTOR CARS| fier returns he his Boutin the el C | lag should be taken down. | bd SANS IT Has 235 Species of Ferns By C. E. Bridges Physicians realize the need of a| ,. Oras 348 dependable automobile. The majori- | The island of Mauritius, less than | than one-third the area of Delaware, ty of them select the Franklin car; A \ : hii y has 235 native species Of rerns; Java, Wednesday, March 19, and Thursday, March 20 ul A : there being no radiator, water pump, , «3 : Ins, wh ater tacliets Ser UNDP: | 4 little larger than New York has | or water jackets to freeze, less tire 460 il Bazi contains 387° All| 3 trouble, and an overworked doctor Foros tor i Yor EE < vecte the : 3 13a Lurope nishes b 7 species, the. ikes a car that 1s easy to ride in and | +k Shes P dik Te ? Artic zone, 26; North America, north | EVENINGS 7:30 AND 9:00 WILLIAM FAVERSHAM in "The Silver King" mr HR UR RR EEE ER THE GREATEST EMOTIONAL ACTOR IN AMER- ICA TODAY IN A PLAY THAT ABOUNDS IN TENSE SCENES AND MANY THRILLS Terre er LE TE TE EE EE TE CELT CHEE ER REET TT STE Extra: HAROLD LLOYD greats: in "Why Pick on Me?" cover w easy to handle. On account of the service brake being on the drive shaft rather than on the rear wheels, Franklin cars sel- | i dom skid. There is also less valve | grinding and carbon removing. | Dr. Webb of Rogers Park came 1n- r to our place a few days ago to have! of all kinds in large and small cans | his car oiled and volunteered the in- WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING | formation that. he had run 30,200 : miles on his front tires with his hs Floor Finishing a Specialty ed Franklin, and he didn't have any RASMES*N'S PAINT STORE, Winnetka, Ill. blowouts and they had not been re-| ppp PAINT INFORMATION FREE : . treated. Last Sunday there was one Frank- lin car advertised for sale in the Chi- cago Tribune, the owner having or- dered a new Franklin sedan. He had twenty-two answers to the ad. : In the same paper appeared an ad of a party who wanted to buy a Franklin of Mexico, has about 175 native spe- | cies. car, and he didn't get one answer. When a person buys a Franklin car dealers in other cars scratch his name off their lists of prospects, they tell us, for they realize that that per- Friday, March 21st, and Saturday, March 22nd Evenings, 7:00, 8:20 and 9:30 Matinees Saturday 2:30 and 3:30 son is absolutely lost to them. If he had sought a water-cooled car there would still be a chance of selling him another car some time, but when he buys a Franklin he will always be a Franklin owner. "DADDY LONG LEGS" ! AT VICTORIA THEATER | When "Daddy Long Legs," the play from Jean Webster's novel of the same name, is presented at the Vie- toria theater, for the week com- mencing Sunday matinee, March 16, north shore residents will have an opportunity of seeing a play that has a record of a six months' engage- ment at Powers theater down town | : in "PUPPY LOVE" and which has been a success in DE i er rE TE ER TT EH TE ERR TT be." Ameren, England and Australia. : he quaint little orphan drudge of ALL YOUNG LADIES WHO ARE IN LO uty fey | EE THINK THEY ARE, SHOULD SEE THIS PICTURE. | § won and amounting to something in H LILA LEE GIVES SOME EXPERT ADVICE ON i life, is its weal of real humor and Suits Made $35 "HOW TO WOO AND HOW TO BE LOVED," ES- i its tender pathos and final happy PECIALLY IF YOU 3 |B | - ending, is a stage story of much To Order Only LILA LEE IS THE I AN ep iAan HEAR PICTURES. DONT MISS HER--SHE' A E'S SIMPLY EE CE EL CE EE ER EE EH TT EE EXTRA: PATHE NEWS ----------------_--_ i ia I Ee a COMING MICKEY " "FALSE FACES" "THE MARRIAGE PRICE' charm. bo £ Sn 8 ExtraPANTS Free The World's Diamonds - fi Diamonds of the weight of 28 2-5 With Every Suit tons, of a value of $1,000,000,000, have | been taken from the earth from the TAKE THE TRAIN earliest time to the present day. These figures, however, only concern the Spend 50 or 60 cents for CR stones before cutting, which reduce car fare and save $15.00 their weight by half, but multiplies f their value by five. to $30.00 on your suit. . GS SPIE . 5 . ; . % | All You Have To Do Is Leave Your Their Need for Safety Pins : Measure and I'll Take Care of the Rest An archeologist recently dug up a safety pin from the ruins of ancient |= Habyien. gooang from the pletares - HARRY MITCHELL oe Hab Sloman St Rao x ot re bin be) 16-18 East Jackson Boulevard DRIES, py .-it seems that satety Between State and Wabash, Chicago pins were worn mostly by the grown- ups in those times. a |