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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 4 Apr 1919, p. 4

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1919 Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK ; : by | The Lake Shore Publishing Company | 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, IlL | po Business Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1921 | Editorial Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1920 Winnetka Office Telephone. . Wirn. 388 SUBSCRIPTION. ........ $1.00 A YEAR Strictly in advance | Address all communications to the Winnetka Weekly Talk, Wilmette, [li Anonymous communications will be passed to the waste basket. The same applies to rejected manuscript ited return postage is enclosed. articles for publication should reach this ig by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- ance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of | thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged tor | at regular advertising rates. Entered in the postoffice at Winnetka, | Hlinois, as mail matter of the second | tions is only the beginning of the disruption of the nations that enter l into it. "SEPTEMBER MORN" When "September Morn" was writ- | ten some years ago, the tango was at the height of its popularity. This dance was seen on every stage; and im every entertainment. 3ut the times have changed and now jazz has the limelight, while the old cakewalk | is coming back into popularity again. With the revival of "September Morn', Messrs. Rowland and Clifford have injected plenty of jazz and have also introduced the cakewalk and along with these, all the modern dances, done by experts in their var- ious lines. The result is a dashing, dan¢ing show, full of ginger and "pep" and one that will make its ap- peal to old and young. This enter- | tainment of jazz and joy will come to | the Victoria theater for one week | starting Sunday, matinee, April 6, with a company of fifty entertainers, land among them talented singers and dancers, well the merriest | comedians. | elass, under the act of March 3, 1879. as: as FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1919 SHERLAND CO. SELLS FIVE AUTOS FRIDAY; WEEK'S TOTAL EIGHT Five automobiles and trucks were sold by the Louis J. Sherland com- pany Friday. One of the purchasers was J. E. McBrady, who bought a Hudson cabriolet, making the fifth Hudson he has owned. He purchased another popular] | make of car at the automobile show | and it was delivered to him last | | Sunday. After he had ridden it for | | 5 : 2 - "Phere 'is much that is fine in the; 20° 92 he drove up to the Sherland | History Repeats Iiself The wisdom of our forefathers is | being continually quoted by those] who are seeking argument any sort of reforth in government.! If it was not so written in the early days of the republic it should not be so now, according to the ancestor worshippers who ever appear in the | legislative bodies of the nation. against | : : a States... The | 2E0¢Y and turned it in on a Hud- | history of the United States. he | son. | patriotism of the founders of the na-| The other cars sold by Mr. Sher- | land and his salesmen, Charles Dona- hue and Harold A. Fischer, were a Hudson sedan, a Hudson sportster, tion is beyond question. The vision | that they exercised in the formula-| tion of the constitution is acknow-| i"; shree-ton and a five-ton Hall ledged. The high purpose which | truck. In addition to these, they sold actuated them is beyond a doubt, still | three other cars in the last week. it is possible that wisdom did not! The Sherland company is selling s : a large number of Hall and Master die with them, that there may yet s et 3 : | trucks. arise conditions which they did no St. Agnes' Eve DISCUSS LABOR AT SUNDAY EVE. CLUB The feast of St. Agnes was former- ly held as in a special degree a holi- day for women. It was thought pos- sible for a girl on the eve of St. Ag- Professor Graham Taylor, Well|nes to obtain by divination a know- Known Social Worker, To Speak i ledge of her future husband. She might take a row of pins and pluck them out, one after another, stick ee ---------- them in her sleeve, singing the while WILL HOLD QUESTION BOX | a paternoster, and in this way insure i that her dreams would that zht farantis the gentleman in question. Sunday Evening, April § General Discussion of Labor Condi- | Jesus saw the dark side of respect- able human nature, but never made a cynical remark. : PAINTS {Of all kinds in large and small cans | WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Finishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE | FREE PAINT INFORMATION FRI: tions Here and Abroad To Follow Address of the Evening "What | | | | | | ; | of | | the present labor situa- on and its relation to the church oo to the state? This question will be discussed be- tween audience and speaker at the joint meeting of the Wilmette Sunday Evening club and the Wilmette Church Union Sunday evening, April FOR O, The speak ill i P s Grahan hong wise SH LEHIGH VALLEY be, "The Program for Industrial Democracy." ; { § k Professor Taylor is one of the lead- ross ree ing authorities on sociology in this Winnetka Coal-Lumber Go. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS THF COAL SALES CO'S Lehigh Coal country. His discussions always arouse interest. In the course of his address he will touch upon 'the var- ious labor programs including that of | the Federated Council of Churches and of various sects. As on last Sunday evening, follow- ing the address by Raymond Robins two hundred people remained until 11 o'clock to ask questions about Russia, so on next Sunday there will | AND THE DELAWARE, LACKAWANA AND WESTERN Celebrated Scranton Coal he zn opportunity after the address| for the audience to take part in the | discussion. An interesting program of special music has been arranged for the oc- casion. Miss Clara Louise Thurston, | harpist, Miss Anna Nyberg, violin- Small Egg Coal a Sh a ist, and Mrs. Marie Edwards Von! Ritter, organist, will appear in sev-| Range Coal Wot edaiaiiv. vie x oie eral ensemble numbers. i The hour for the meeting is 7:30] Chestnut Coal swale eet vie o'clock. Those attending regularly Pea Coal AP ELE are requested to come early to get the available seats. foresee, that must be adjusted in wif cordagce with the interests of the | nations concerned with them. It is interesting at this time to | consider a circumstance somewhat] simitar to the situation today, the argument, which centered about the adoption of the Constitution of the | United States. There was animated ' discussion, in the convention as well | us out, of the advisability of seeking to 'bind the several states into a union | closer than that then existing under | which the sovereignty of each state | established the interest of each unit! he considered separately from that) of the whole. Such men as Patrick | Henry, patriot of the highest type, | were firmly, of the opinion that the | adoption of the federal constitution | meant the undoing of all that had | been accomplished by the war. The! 'broader that which the | possibilities of the future and reckon- | OR " 3 TCH J HID IH OH view, saw TORI I ed with those which could not be 5 foreseen, is that expressed by George ' |& SOR . Washington in a letter to a friend whom he had invited to spend the [Ed winter para- | 'graph relative to the Constitutional Convention which had just finished its session ran as follows: | "The constitution that is submitted | |& is not free from imperfections; but] io under his roof. 'he there are as few radical defects in it |! in hE as could well be expected considering ' [= : y le the heterogeneous mass of which the | It 4 convention was composed and the di- | versity of interests which were to be | UTR reconciled. A constitutional door be | [Ef ing opened, for future alterations |B - . | and amendments, I think it would be X CHICAGO. wise in the people to adopt what is offered to them and I wish it may be by as great a majority of them as in the body that decided on it; but this is hardly to be expected, because the | importance and sinister views of too | many characters will be affected by | MUO) ZN FT the change. Much will depend, how- & ever, on literary abilities and the rec- B® | PS ERIK oro SPIO ORS © ommendation of it by good pens, | should it be openly, I mean publicly, | "attacked in the gazettes." To those who fear to venture upon | the untried sea of the league of Na-. : 'tions there ought to be comfort in | the words of the Father of the Coun- | try ¢n a subject that excited much! the same kind of comment, much the | same kind of much the kind of charges. He said then that those who were seeking to ef-| fect the new bonds between the syd eral states of America were bent upon | the destruction of the sovereignty, the welfare, the existence of the in- IB criticism, sane dividual states. Today they say that the formation of the league of Na- Ta PROPOSE TO BUILD A NEW STORE BUILDING--ELM STREET -- WINNETKA. 2 STORIES AND BASE. = MENT 70 x 200 FT. DEPARTMENT STORE OR WILL SUBDIVIDE. FOR SPACE APPLY TO AYRES BOAL, 1515 GAS BUILDING, our Customers Tel. 743-735 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL MAY Ist. Large Egg Coal ..... Buckwheat Coal ...... | Bag Delivery 60c more than above price | $12.60 12.50 12.70 ; 12.95 : 11.30 10.55 | We recommend to those who have not been | OUR DEPENDABLE SERVICE UNSURPASSED QUALITY Earl L. Weinstock, Mgr. SUITABLE FOR morse worth TR A SAN HR A HH SS SRS SCS SRR. 7 7) nd ; : Paint is a necessity --not a luxury "xpenses Down, E. B. TAYLOR & CO., Hardware WINNETKA, ILLINOIS After your. house needs painting, every year you wait it will require more paint and labor to put it in good condition. And every year you wait your house ig less. Good-paint money is good paint insurance. And it's pretty good insur- ance on the value of your property, too. The Guaranteed EVOE. Lead and Zinc Paint Fewer Gallons--Wears Longer If your house needs painting, come ia and lot us tell you what it will cost you to uce Devoe. We say "Devoe" because it's bsolutely pure. That's why Devoe takes fewer Fallon, a I longer--and coo fass by the job or by the yesr. that's why ws guaran.ce evoe without reserve, Ask us for helpful illustrated hook- tet--*' Keep Appearances Up und 2 1 ~ »

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