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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 4 Apr 1919, p. 5

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pi 2 be WINNE' A a nl - fk, rer rg I'KA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1919 aa - va Sarasota, Florida, where they have) been spending the winter. --_------ appenings ik North Shore & Ruth Risley » RS. EDWIN FECHHEIMER of 822 Bryant avenue, has received a be announcing the marriage in Paris of her sister, Miss Mary Louise Root, to Edward Maverick Collier of Providence, R. I., on March 20. Mrs. Collier, better known as "Polly Root," went to France about two and a half years ago to serve in the office of the American Fund for French Wounded. She was transferred to the transportation department of the Red Cross in Paris, and it was there that she met Mr. Collier, who had been working for the same branch since he was injured in an air- plane flight. Their engagement was announced last summer. Mrs. Collier is still in Red Cross service, but Mr. Collier has become en- gaged in business in Paris, where he and his bride will make their home. Mrs. Collier's father was John W. Root, architect, and since his death, she has lived with her aunt, Mrs. William J. Calhoun, who went to France shortly after Mrs. Collier. Mrs. Calhoun will return to Chicago soon. Captain John W. Root, the bride's brother, and his wife "and little daughter are also living in France. L 2 Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Dorothy Eliza- beth Dearborn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A Dearborn, of 'Chicago, to Roger William Erbe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erbe wi Kenilworth. BERS, Pd LE a Miss Caroline Kirkland Sanborn, The annual meeting and luncheon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor : | of the Neighbors of Kenilworth will Sanborn of Kenilworth, who is [oe held on Thursday. April 17. member of the senior class at Smith | Luncheon reservations must be made college, will be assistant property | | to Mrs. Colin Tennent not later than "man", at the presentation of "The | Saturday, April 12. The following Yellow Jacket" to be presented by | baliot will be presented at this meet- 'the class. jing: Te | Vice President, Mrs. Frank M. Mrs. Ira Couch Wood, chairman of { Chaffee. 'the Child Welfare department of the Recording Secretary, Mrs. Frank 'Council of National Defense, will ad-! yy Cherry. dress a meeting Jmder the auspices of Treasurer, Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr. association, at 2:30 o'slock, on Mon-| pi (¢ Director (Philanthropy), Mrs. day afternoon, "April 7, at the Cen-| Ajired McDougal. ' tral school gymnasium. The New Third Director (Art and Literature) Trier High school Glee club will give | yfps. several numbers. Ph Mrs. Arnold P. Gilmore and Walter D. Saunders. eh, and Mrs. W. H. Porter have daughter, Miss Isabel Gilmore, and|rented their home at 816 Elmwood Mrs. Gilmore's sister, Mrs. Marsh |avenue, for the coming half year, to and Mrs. Penny of Chicago, who have | Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dye of Nicauraga, been in Coronado for a couple of |and will make their home for the months, recently motored to Santa |present at the 'Clarendon Beach Barbara, where they will spend six | hotel weeks. her| Dr. fer Albert P. Snite, 112 have returned from sus, ou Mr. Dr. Ida J. Barroll 4nd two children | Sixth returned the first of the week from and Mrs. sireet, Madame Eda Goedecke will deliver a lecture on, "The Music of Ancient Israel" at the Broadview Seminary, | La Grange, next Sunday. This will be followed by a program of classic- al and modern compositions. i fp The regular weekly food sales at St. Augustine's parish house will be | omitted until the afternoon of April Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodgkins, residents of Wilmette for many years, are leaving the Village about! May 1,. on account of business in-| terests out of town. They have leas-| ed their home for three years. ---- Bruce K. Brown returned to the University of Illinois, on Monday, after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brown, 006 Washington avenue. ss Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sheldon of Muskegon, Michigan, were the week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington avenue. Mrs. J. Gi. Wray, 618 Washington avenue, returns tomorrow from an extended visit in New York City and Washington, D. C. hk Mrs. D. H. Powers of Grand] Rapids, Michigan, has returned to her home after spending a fortnight as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. George A. Van Dike, 610 Washington avenue. Salt Superstitions Superstitions concerning among the earliest known salt are to man- kind. There is much evidence in holy writ for the ceremonial uses of it, and the old Mosaic law commands that every sacrifice of a meat offer- ing shall be seasoned with it. Homer calls it divine, and many of the old Teuton races looked on salt springs as holy and worshiped at them. The origin of this superstition seems to be that since salt cannot corrupt it should be regarded as a symbol of immortality. Be Ready I am whispering in your ear, for the Spring is here--as Madame Nature to yourself be sure, before you make a summer tour; take care of your coiffure--its important--I can cur} your hair so it stays permanent. Satisfaction guaranteed at moderate price. Delebecque, 747 Elm street, Winnetka. Telephone Winnetka 822. an extended visit in the east, stopping in New York City, and Washington, D.C Dr. 'Barroll was called east owing to the serious illness of her mother, who: died shortly after her arrival. as low as $150.00. carpenter work. 1239 Lake Ave. Wilmette. a Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Morton will conte to Winnetka to spend the sum- North Shore Contractors and Jobbers March is the month to build Garages. We can build you a first-class garage, concrete floor, and éverything complete for $280.00 Others Call up and get our estimate on all kinds of A. FISCHBACHA, Mgr. Phone Wil. 267 mer months on May 1. Soon after the first of May Mrs. Morton and her sister, Mrs. Paul Bartlett, will go to New York for a two weeks' visit. In the fall Mr. and Mrs. Morton will move into the new home on Welling- ton avenue, Chicago, that they have Personal Property Schedules Skillfully Drawn and Acknowledged CARLTON PROUTY, Prouty Bldg., WINNETKA recenty bought. a The annual business meeting and election of officers of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league. will be held Thursday, April 10, at 10 A. M. at the Winnetka Woman's club. :A /iih.:. Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal, 789 Sher- idan road, will give a dancing party on Monday, April 21. at the Winnetka Woman's club instead of next Satur- dus as dnnecaced | personal calls to do your 3 th Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hart of Ab- ne vour ord hottsford road, Kenilworth, have re- |}! g yoursoraer turned from a two months' trip in Florida. ripen Mr. R. H. Schell is now in New | York and other eastern cities, business trip. on a Louis 724 Elm Street Mr. and Mrs. John Nash Ott, 4 In- | Nea WHY uld you spend your time and waste your energy marketing, high quality and prompt service from us, by simply telephon- 0 'WINNETKA MARKET A. PETERS, Proprietor making when you get the same Telephone Winnetka 920--921 dian Hill road, have returned from ERAS Santa Barbara. The sale of home-made food anc children's clothes which was to have heen held on Easter evening, Apri' 19. in. the pcrish house: of St Augustine's church, has been post poned one week to Saturday, April] 26. Mrs, Howard 'A. Musen. 170 Highland avenue, is chairman of the sewing committee which is prepar- ing all of the hand-made clothes for little folk and she will be glad to receive donations of children's socks |i]! jackets, or anvthing in the infant's apparel. ! pe H Mrs. Russell Smith, 430 Eighth ||| street, and Mrs. William Hutson, 1112 | {|i{ Elmwood avenue, will be in charge {I}! of the Wilmette committees at the Navy club at Waukegan, on Satur- || day and Sunday, April 5 and 6. ----f Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Foster and their son, Henry E. Foster, 120 Wood- bine avenue, have returned from a six weeks' vacation 'at Pasadena, Cali- fornia, and the Grand Canyon. line of HATE HTH ES | V/ritten gua- rantee, 4,000 miles, with each tire. LUE PEP EEE HEN The "H. and W." club was enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |||! F. B. Crossley, 600 Washington ave- | ||| TIRES Goodyear, Michelin and Titan Tires In stock See us before buying. you time, money and trouble. WILLIAM T. WEHRSTEDT, Proprietor Sl === We can save MUI | We recom- mend them. Goodyear and Michelin also in stock. BIH RE N N N N N N N N N N N IN N 'N N N N Ny N N N N N N N N N N NY N N N N N N DN HB YL a Ed La le 2 eZ 0 rrrr, ldo ZZ, ofookeookeookeod e foop ve an you make use of an Electric? A friend of mine has a CHICAGO Electric in excellent operating condition and wishes to trade on a Ford Sedan. The Electric cost $2300. Can be had for $250. Ford cas are scarce and becoming more popular every day. Closed cars with Ford "Buiit In" Electric Starter will be ready for delivery within 30 days. Avoid delay by placing your order NOW. Detail information obtainable over phone if you prefer. Buy in Evanston. Assure your- self of gratis service at home. R. D. Cunningham EXCLUSIVE DEALER 810 Church St., Evanston. Next to Post Office C. H. BRIGGS, Sales Manager Phone 4884 / N N N N N Ny N N N Ny N RN Y NY N N N N Ny N N N N N N N N\ N N N Ny N N N Ny A N N N N N N N N NN N N N N NY N NY NY NS N IN N N N N N N N N N NY N N Ny N] 3 N N N N Ny N N N N N N NY IN NS Ny NY N N NY Ny N N SILLS SILLS LS SLL LSS SSRI ILS SSS SSL LS LLS SSS SSS SSS SILLS SLI S LL SLL LSS SSS SSL L ISLS SSS SAAS SSSA SSS SSS SSSA S SSSI SSAA ISA SIA TIT FH FOR SALE--WINNETKA HOMES Choice Colonial home, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, price $10,500. FOR RENT---Near Lake, 6 bedroom home on big lot, $150.00 6 room Stucco Bungalow, hot water heat, $45.00 per month. 7 room frame, water heat, $75.00 per month: HILL & STONE North Shore Specialists hot water heat, per month. WINNETKA 524 Linden Street Phone Winnetka 1544 WILMETTE 404 Linden Avenue Phone Wilmette 1644 lariat 2 2 rrr rrr rr 7 % AN EASY PROBLEM It requires no brains to solve it, put it requires will power to make the start. Take our advise and come in our bank today with whatever money you have on your person. books, Get one of our start saving and you're on the way to success. WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK We close at 12:30 on Saturdays CAPITAL $35,000.00 Formerly BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 1894 AS IIIS SS SISSS SSIS ISS SS PIS ISLS SS SALAS SL SSE SSS SSS SS LISS SIS SS SSIS ES SSSI SSS & Sok skokodolododokokolob dokob dod od ok ok dol doko dol RR RR RR RRR RR RR RRR bb Spring Necessities GARDEN TOOLS, GARDEN SEED, PAINTS, VARNISHES, AUTO ENAMELS, CALCIMINES, BRUSHES, POULTRY NETTING, PEARL AND BLACK SCREEN WIRE E. B. TAYLOR & CO. PHONE WINNETKA 999 WINNETKA Bedok dk dob dob doko dol k ob ob bk Rbk dk kdl RR ERR RR BRR RRR Eb bd nv oe oe ofa oe oF of oe of of of oe of of of of LAL LLL LI I I TT EEE ETT) C. Victor Twiss Co, ¥:¥ voxx 14 E, 50th Street Interior Decorators and Furnishers CHICA. O W. H. COLSON Telephone Wabash 6° 925FineArtsBldg. The Best Lunch in Winnetka for 40 Cents Just Open--Everything the Best | 55 'Winne'ka Delicatessen & Lunch Room, "WiiNeiga2 ie: Ns nue, on Tuesday evening. ------ =

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