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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 4 Apr 1919, p. 8

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WINNETK A WE ERKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1919 3 CLASSIFIED ADS Rates for classified advertising in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS 10¢ per line first insertion in any paper. 'Scper line for eachsucceeding insertion 16c per line first insertion in any two papers. 7 1-2¢ per line for each suc- ceeding insertion. 20c per line first 'Insertion in three papers. 10c per line for each succeeding insertion. Mini- mum charge on one time Ad 30c. Count five average words to a line. Advertisements for the Lake News must be at our office by Wednes- day noon; for the Winnetka Weekly i Talk and Glencoe News by Thursday i noon. rr ---------- FOR SALE FOR SALE--WHITE PEKING _ eggs. Phone Glencoe 208. DUCK Gll-te AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILE; MODEL 79 Overland; driven only 13,000 miles; self starter; engine guaran- teed perfect condition; must be seen and tested to be appreciated; for a quick sale at your own price. Win. 673. LTG21-1te FOR SALE--GOOD STUDEBAKER surrey; $20.00 C. T. Northrop, 556 Railroad avenue. T3-1te FOR SALE--1914 CADILLAC, 5 PASS. Good condition. Address Winnetka Shore | Phone ! | | | { 1 { | } | | | | FOR SALE--FURNITURE. £33 ry street. F'fhone Win. 514-R. FOR SALE--DINING, LIVING AND bedroom furniture; cheap. Phone Win. 500-J. 503 Willow street. T3-1te HAVE SOLD HOUSE--THE ENTIRE furniture for sale including beauti- ful Walnut Weber piano, new vie- trola, living room, dining room, bed room, kitchen and porch furniture; also garden tools, etc., electric wash- er, mangle, fan, ete. Must be sold im- mediately. 1312 Asbury avenue, Hub- bard Woods. Phone Win. 673. LTG21-tfe IN YOUR OLD FIANO IF NOT on a talking machine, sewing CHER- T3-1tc | TRADE in use b¥: ine electric washing machine, : jacuum cleaner or cash. We give | ALL, KINDS OF GARDEN WORK; the best allowance. Patterson Bros., such as grading, landscaping, etc. 1522 Sherman avenue, Evanston. Highest workmanship; best referenc- LTG21-tfe | es Call Wilmette 1907 or Winnetka | SEFORE BUYING AN ELECTRIC 494, The Wilmette Garden and Home vacuum cleaner see the three best Service, N. Anderson, proprietor, 1211 vacuum cleaners made--Hoover,, Wilmette avenue. LTG20- -3tp | Royal, Eureka; try one; try all; easy | CARPENTER AND JOBBER, PROMPT payments. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sher- service; first class work guaranteed. man avenue, Evanston. LTG18-tfc A. M. Olsen. Phone Win. 513-R. FOR SALE--A SOLID MAHOGANY T1-4tp 2 chair Kimball piano and furniture; good condition; 964 Willow street. T2-2tc dresser, other reasonable. REAL "ESTATE FOR SALE--6 ROOM RESIDENCE; | living porch and sleeping porch, very neat appearance; built only two vears; stucco; East side. Phone Win. 1492. T3- Ite sy YOR NENT FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. 964 Willow street. ROOMS. T3-tfe Weekly Talk AX. TG3-1te FOR RENT--SMALL FURN. HOUSE; > k near public golf links; possession at FOR SALE--] [AXW ELL, Lg PASS.; once; cheap. Phone Winnetka 1529. an economical car, $150. Address T3-1tc Winnetka Weekly Talk, B-13 | ey _T3-1te TG 3-1te | WANTED TO RENT Se WANTED TO RE NT--SMALIL FURN. A OUSEHOLD GOODS cottage, 3 or 4 rooms, from April 12th } FOR SALE BROWN REED BABY 1 to July 1, in Wilmette or Winnetka. carr jage; in good condition. $18.00. | 670 Grove street, Glencoe. T31lte rvinnetka 717, T3-1tc | WANTED--ROOM AND "BOARD BY FOR SALE--OAK LIBRARY TABLE.| two teachers for eight weeks. Ad- 362 South avenue, Glencoe. T3-1te dress Winnetka Weekly Talks Ci FOR SALE--PRETTY QUARTER- -- illo sawed oak dining table; in good con- HELP WANTED dition. $10.00. Phone Winnetka 590. | WANTED MAN FOR GARDEN AND N ~ «Tr rare « - housework; one or two days a week; FOR SALE--LARGE ANCO STICKLY steady position. Call Win. 941. setee, with leather seat, and large * T3-2tc Stickley living room table, dresser,| -- -- _-- -- --u ha two bedroom chairs and rocker, two | WANTED--( OOK; EXPERIENCED; book cases and kitchen table. Phone wages §15 per week; excellent posi- Win. S08. T3-1tc tion. Phone Win. 58. 3 T3-1te FOR SALE--REL TABLE GAS STOVE; | WANTED--A YOUNG NURSE AS F, in good condition. $20.00. 900 Oak mother's helper; one speaking street. Phone Win. 534. T3-1tc French preferred. Call Win. 1538. FOR SALE--MAHOGANY AND BROWN I3-1tp f veloured davenport; good condition. |W "ANTED--GOOD GENERAL: HOUSE } Phone Win. 961. '3-1te girl; good wages. Call Winnetka 1538. FOR SALE--DOUBLE TRON BED AND ; LS, Top springs; brass finish; also 50-gallon WANTED--MAID FOR GENL. HOUSE- gasoline tank. Phone Glencoe 723. work: family of three adults: no . Gll-1te washing. Call 829 Elm street or FOR SALETHE HOUSEHOLD FUR- phone Win. 106, after 6 P. M., Win- niturei of 602. Maple avenue, Wil-| netka Tl... 03 i CREE -mette, including books, pictures, | WANTED--YOL1 NG LADY FOR STORE piano, gas range, a beautiful Krotch work. Apply 554 Railroad avenue, mahogany side board without a| Winnetka. TG3-1tc blemish, $100; this piece of furniture | WANTE MAID FOR GENERAL would bring over $200 in any furnit- work: to go home nights; small ure house. L21-1te family; good wages to experienced FOR SALE--IRON BED, MATTRESS girl. Call 915 Elm street or phone and springs. 610 Ash street. T3-1te Win. 1133 LTG21-1te 'waA ANTED--A RELIABLE for definite work by the hour at Com- munity House; to take charge of the i kitchen. Please apply at Communty House Monday or Tuesday after- noons at 4:30. T3-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GENL. HOUSE- work; small house; 3 in family. Phone Wil. 1373. LTG19-tfc WANTED--GIRLS AND WOMEN TO learn hand and machine sewing and draping on ladies' dresses. We pay vou while you learn. We pay ex- perienced workers from $13.00 to $30.00 per week. Apply to Frank Kaplan and Bros, 1851 Benson nue, Evanston, 111 LTG19-4tc ave- FOR FIRST CLASS MAIDS AND FIRST class positions call Winnetka Employ- ment Agency 545 Provident avenue Mrs. O. Spegel, Winnetka 1475. T49-tfc DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winnetka 911 before § a. m. T29-tfc | | LET MISS CARLSTEN WOMAN | | Wanted--More Homes FOR SALE AND,RENT Also Furnishes Homes for the Summer Having sold over 25 homes in Kenilworth, Winnetka, Wil- mette and Evanston in the past three months, we want a larger Winnetka list for our Wilmette office. | TELEPHONE WILMETTE 698, OR WRITE Paul Schroeder & Co. 414 Linden Ave. Wilmette What we always do for our custo- mneysS.-- SEE THAT THEY GET THE VERY BEST MEATS OBTAINABLE. V JLLMAN'S MARKET 2 ZZ Za 72 7. 2rd 7 ede Za ddd ddd Zid lll 2 Fai Ze dl le eld res Phone 4676 Evanston. Drop postal. LTG34-tfe DEALER IN SECOND-HAND FURNIT- ure and clothes. 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston, telephone Evanston 103 and 5512. LTG13-1Tte WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, AND we pay the best prices. Papers, rags, iron, bottles and all kinds of junk. J. Golinsky, 1705 Forest ave. Wil- mette. Tele hone Wilmette 1150. LTG21-tfe MR. A. B. COLLINS OF THE NEWS Agency has the Glencoe News at his stands and is also the agent for subscriptions. D.-H.-tt WANT TO TAKE WASHING HOME; N ol Jaca y and > firs glass only. Address Winnetka v0 lm Stree: Winnetka, illinois N a ee ce esi a aS. ee mania T ' 3 WANTED--GARDEN WORK BY DAY > N or week. Phone Wil. T24-R.:~ T3-Tte | a EE a Ea Ze 27277, LOST AND FOUND ~~ _ _- m-- N LOST--"OVERLAND" WAGON; RE- | [| ward. I'hone Win. 550-R. 564 Provi- dent avenue. RA T3-1te S | A | LOST VIOLET COLORED CIRCULAR pecial Attention pin at Glencoe school gymnasium on Tuesday evening; finder please phone | pd i Win, 8. T3-1tdh MHHTREBREN Ieee UN} nL LOST--A BUNCH OF KEYS ON RING | : : on Walden road; reward. Phone Win. | \X/ E are the only exclusive 1534 T3-1tc rug cleaners and repair- PERSONAL = ers of your home town. We { CAN HELF YOU FIND A PROWIT kindly call your attention to the able home business if vou send me cleaning of your rugs for this your name and address on a post season. We clean rugs by an zr, This is A-1 truth ne & get- ion h- oriental method, we use no quick schemes. You lose if vou don't |} FHemicals San acids !- reply today... A. M. Schaefer, Wil- |} chemicals and acids. mette, Ill LTG19- | vr - Eh atid Crd i 20% less from the regular MISCELLANEOUS | price for the months of March WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND ||| and April. All our work is clothes. Horsman, 524 Davis street. ||! guaranteed. Call Winnetka 150 or Wilmette 803. HHL AIEEE ER EEE TH En gh-- 4 Carlton Building Winnetka, Ill. Pr lun, Dh, LL. 27277277: aiid 4 388 for | Demonstration Le 2 Ze EZ 2 de Ze dd Le Zi LZ, Tr rrr rrr rrr ziazraiiiad ARETE TET The mechanical changes in the chassis will prove to you that the New Studebaker 1s designed and built to give service Come in. let's talk it over. and satisfaction. 27 F777 77 777707, redler didi drs ida 7 el dll dad dd dd Ld liad dud id 2 Have You Seen the NEW STUDEBAKER? It will pay you to look them over EEE TH CHR LE CE EE TTA UE ETE EL IE CT CL TLL It LL KOON"S GARAGE FLOYD KOON, Proprietor 125 N. St. John's Avenue Highland Park, Ill. Telephone Highland Park 388 for de monstration or appointment a ZT a ad da a 2d 2 Ze ddr Studebaker Phone 388 tor before you buy ERT TET TH Demonstration S-day Waltham e¢clock, delivered ................ 0.00 0000000 $2145 BIG SIX, 7-Passenger Touring, e nipped with cords tires 35x4% and "se

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