Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 11 Apr 1919, p. 7

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y Ww. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL, 11, 1919 TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR'S ANNUAL STATEMENT STATE OF ILLINOIS, ] County of Cook, SS. Town of New Trier, The following is a statement by Gertrude M. Thurston, Supervisor of the Town of New Trier, in the County and State aforesaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended by her during the fiscal year just closed, ending on the 25th day of March, A. D. 1919, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expended and for whatt purpose expended, during said fiscal year, ending as aforesaid. The said Gertrude M. Thurston, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following statement by her subscribed is a correct statment of the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal vear above stated, the amount of public funds received, and the sources from which received, and the amount expended, and purposes for which expended, as set forth in said statement. 7 GERTRUDE M. THURSTON, 3 Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before this 7th day of April, 1919, DANIEL M. MICKEY, Justice of the Peace. Date 1919 Funds Received and From What Sources Received Amount Amount of public -funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year, commencing the 23th day of March, ADI. aS Re TE he 2 108.20) Receiver from Wilmette State Bank, interest ....i. .... 533 April 3 Hoyt King per cent collections for Town Fund ........ 2,742.12 Hoyt King, interest on 'tax. collections i. 0. viciedii.. 521.90 April 30 Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank ...... 7.37 May 31 Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank ...... 7-42 June 30 Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank 7.138 July 31 Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank ...... 6.84 Aug. 6 Tax percentage for Town Fund from County Treasurer.. 76.83 Aug. 30 ; Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank ..7... 6.01 Sept. 30 Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank ...... 5.57 Oct. 30 Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank : 4.46 Nov. 30 Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank ...... 4.05 Dec. 31 Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank ..... 6.10 Jan. 31 Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank 3.95 Feb. 28 Interest on checking account Wilmette State Bank ...... 2:68 otal Credits oe a ee i BE NE Re $ 6,604.01 $ 1,066.82 Plus 1 voucher outstanding Balance, March 25th-1919: Funds Expended and for What Purposes Expended Mch. 26 Village of Glencoe, office rent for 1917 ........c.cuiivinn legal Adviser Co. statoanery and bills'. ....U.oi ui ei. Gertrude M. Thurston, time and expenses for supervisor W. 5. Crozier, services as clerk, 7 months previous...... F. P. Coliier, meetings Highway Commissioner ........ F. A. Sager, meetings Highway Commissioner .......... W. F. Wallace, meetings Highway Commissioner ........ D. M.Mickey, auditing of books Ji... ar. Sisal rior J.:R.iCrokersanditing of Dooks": Joust Lh oor) imhs ras G. M. Thurston, auditing of books. = 0 ri lasek A. FE. Reynolds, auditing of 'books '*... vu... oo nn ha W. S. Crozier, auditing of. books G. M. Thurston, 1% money expended Road and drodge Fund September to "April T1918: fi ohn loinsn my RE Adviser Co. stationery ic. iu. savior sai a ye of Winne FumiBation: of house 0 00 J. A. "Sheppard, constables fee (tp). .... .... ... 0 2 an Perfection Legal Blank Co. stationery .... 0.0 adoria M. T. Lane, judge JA. G. Ligare, judge GCG TaaMalin,Mudoe i i ra a SE F. L. Holmes, clerk J. N. Fawcett, clerk ABR Collins clerk: Jog. oil oil le Ta SEE W. Wilmarth, judge S. R. Hurford, judge H. 1. Moeller, judge R. E. McKay, clerk H.'E. Nutt."clerk G E April 4 Di; Park, clerk *H. A. Mclain, judge H. J. Klauke, judge W. J. Trapp, judge Lucelle V. Trapp, clerk F. M. Kloteman, clerk T. J. Mclain, clerk G. B. Walkey, judge Fo AWindes, judge. oun. 0 Ani i I cee B. A. Nelson, judge Anna M. Walkey, clerk Mabel R. Windes, clerk Edw. Flynn, clerk Gertrude M. Thurston, judge J. Schafehen, judge H. Roberts, judge Gertrude Anderson, clerk. ..........i cv cided nidas vs Louise Schafehen, clerk Loretta Peterson, clerk Otto Werneke, judge Chas. 1. Thorne, judge.............. A LEE ES Jonas Madsen, judge aC. Windes, Jr. clerk i... i. as ead Mary Merrilies, clerk Wm. Mahoney, judge Fred Schramm, Judge'. ciao ci isi died sled CA Thorsenpiudge:. or be Turd. sl Sas rom tse 5 9m W. D. Schemp, clerk |. iin. el i i ie ii dan By Cora l.. Thorsen, clerk Mina Peterson, clerk Ford Jones, judge P. F. Law, judge BA CWaidner, clerk. © al i a se vas has in hs en C. K. Gould, clerk TP. Gage, clerk .. i... nnd dadrgto nn Bi Lose H. A. Gould, clerk J. H. Foster, judge Mo Millerjijudge ....... a a a aL Th W. Dl deeary Judge oc i oi inital wie vs Wie arias are H. B. Reynolds, clerk R. W. Connor, clerk 1.. V. Pierson, clerk Jos. Heinzen. judge ' D. M. Mickey, judge J. Ai. Sheppard, judge J.. H. Heinzen, clerk P. J. Wagner, clerk W. H. Zibble. clerk Jesse W. Tuthill, judge A. P. Snite, judge "H. W. Happ. judge I. D. Beeker. clerk W. B. Hough, J. B. Johnson, clerk Jos. Schafgen. judge Paul Nanzig, judge Jos. TGukeisen, Clerle. ©. «Ful ov vi wl rine es se AS Joseph Braun. clerk Wm. Klinge, clerk 5,537.19 5.00 | 90.00 | 99.45 281.25 16.60 10.00 14.00 I 1.3 50 | | gagement with Sunday, Thursday and | Saturday' matinees, to | "TWIN BEDS" "Twin Beds," Margaret Mayo and makes an entertainment that keeps an audience keyed up to expectancy. Salisbury Field's highly amusing Theatrical records attest that laugh festival will be the offering at | "Twin Beds" is one of the emphatic the Victoria theater starting Sunday | standing comedy successes. It is a matinee, April 13, for a week's en-| healthy amusing piece lic endorsement dramatic renew the highly satisfactory impression of its previous visits to this city. Spread- ing sunshine and laughter with its by its of hilarity which earned and held its long pub- incessantly swift moving action; its carefully, skillfully drawn char- acters, all of them less amusing than and refreshing and appealing story, it|they are true. JF. Wiedlinyijudee. i atisidi md Ril he vive anl ca ol 5.00 Jos. Arms, Judge' on. co navn ei sans 5.00 BE. We Sperber, judge... firma th innit in Lan 5.00 Margaret Wiedlin =clerk, 00 To nil sas lh dh 5.00 Gertrude "Arms; clerk ooo 0 aR ae 5.00 W. Reinert, clerk... eS A PASTE, 5.00 M. T. Lane, posting election nOLICES .. uv. vivutn ins viie 2.30 W. W. Wilmarth, posting election notices ............. 2.50 H. A: Mclain, 'posting election notices .... +i... 50. 2. G. B. Walkey, posting election notices .......... 0.0... 2 Gertrude M. Thurston, posting election notices ........ 2.50 Otto Werneke, posting election notices ................. 2.50 Fred Schramm, posting election notices ................. 2.30 Ford Jones, posting election notices ........... 0.00. 2.50 Mathias Miller, posting election notices ................ 2.59 Jos. "Heinzen, posting election notices... .. 0 8 0 2.50 A. P. Snite, posting election notices i... i 0 uu Kk 2.59 Paul Nanzig, posting election notices .......w.vui. iid 2.50 Roy Shaw, posting election notices ..................... 2.50 Glencoe Union Church, polling plage... .... 050 0.0... 4 5.00 Vilage of Gleficoe, polling place... = iid ahi iii 3.00 Co Lo Wyman, polling place. 0. viol oii Jonnie 10.00 Edw. Flynn, polling place... 0. a i a ban 5.00 James Horn, polling place ou ie sisi 5.00 J. N."Papajohn, polling place o..,. 5. vr mbar i nln 5.00 Harcy Linn pollingiiplace |. vi. i uh vn sabi sia li Bi 500 Village of Wilmette polling place ........ oid a iiisiss 3.00 Village of Wilmette, polling place... ..... ci ain, 5.00 Wilmette Fire Station, polling place... ois ia i 5.00 Robertc Rae polling place: ......5.0 0, Soe SoA ST Tong 5.00 Village of Gross Point; polling place ..i... 0.0. 00 0 5.00 Wilmette Library, polling place .......0. cove tiven soi 3.00 W. F. Wallace, services Highway Commissioner ......... 26.00 F. P. Collier, services Highway Commissioner ........... 34.00 Lake Shore Publ. Co., printing ballots and advertising.. 134.31 Nelson's Garage, Taxi service for Supervisor ............ 1.00 North Shore Livery, Taxi service for Sugcrvisor ........ 1.09 W. 8S. Crozier, carfare, telephone, postagc, taxi, etc. ...... 29.65 G. M. Thurston, 2% tax collections Road and Bridge Fund 145. J. RB: Croeker, auditing of hooks... vu din winsvonnn ie (15 A.B. Reynolds; auditing of 'books J... d5ruiiiilo. vids I G.'M. Thurston, auditing of books voi ida Tuils : 8 D.-M: Mickey, atnditing ofibooks 0. oi distil einai 15 W...S. Crozier; auditing of 'books orc conidia is 1.5¢ May 4 Gertrude S. Buell clerk of election bz SNe i Slay 5.50 June 28 Delany Coles & Co., printing envelopes and letterheads.. 9.75 Lake Shore Publ. Co., publishing Treasurer's and Super- ¥isor's AnnualcReports i. uli A i een 61.24 Legal Adiser Co., stationery and supplies ............ 32.18 W. SS; Crozier, taxi and DOSAGE... i... iiiivae cvintaniviens 5.55 Martint & Co, Rubber stamps i vada oh dae nab id 30 G..M. Thurston, taxi on Town business .'. i... vvi. inden 2.00 D."M. Mickey, special Audit Board -meeting ".........5.5 1.50 F. B. Crossly, special Audit Board meeting ............. 1.50 G. M. Thurston, special Audit Board meeting ............ 1.59 W. .S. Crozier, special Audit 'Board meeting... ....0 0% 1.50 G. M. Thurston, envelopes and supplies ............. ol. 1.19 North Shore Livery. taxi for Supervisor... . ii il. 4.00 July 15 A. B. Revnolds,; ady. Audit Board meeting. oun: ovens 1.50 D. M. Mickel ady. Audit Board meeting ii. i icicv.v. 1.50 G. 'M. Thurston, ady. Audit. Board meeting ....... vi . 1.59 W. S. Crozier, .ady. Audit' Board meeting ...c.oe. veins 1.50 G. M. Thurston, time and expenses Supervisor, 3 months. 135.97 H. H. Sherer, auto on road Work ww. i uum se ved Pian 64.19 W. S. Crozier, services clerk of Township .............. 177.50 H. H. Sherer, services Highway Commissioner, 3 months 340.00 | Lake Shore Publ. Co., advertising for bids .. 0.000 vows 29.521 l.egal Adviser Co., Haines Township Laws for T 4.58 Martin &: Co... Rubber: stamps. ih Chueh. on vn sists ore wnis .60) | Delany Coles & Co., Rubber stamp and holder ........ 1.50 Ri Mo Pate. P.O, Stamps'. {oti il nino sve sas tont ee mara 1.0( W. S. Crozier, 1 Shannen case for Township office ....... 64 Sept. 3. .:D. M. Mickey, Auditing Board meeting ....vciai ei ui vis 1.50 G.:M. Thurston, Auditing 'Board meeting ...»s iv, oun 1.50 W..S. Crozier, Auditing Beard meeting .... sivvios es 1.50 G. M. Thurston, treasurer Road and Bridge Fund ........ 88.47 G. M. Thurston, time and expenses Supervisor, 2 months 135.76 iW. S. Crozier services as clerk... iuidve sie umans cn ivis 117.00 H. H. Sherer, use of auto on Township road work...... 55.86 H. H. Sherer, services Highway Commissioner .......... 260.00 - kegal Advisor Co. blanks ii. 5. i. ates dainssame Ta avies van 1.05 A. B. Reynolds, ady. and Board meeting ue 1.50 D.-M. Mickey, ady. and Board meeting ........ 0v. 00% 1.50 J. R.. Croeker. ady. and Board meeting ........... i. 0.0 1.50 GM. Thurston, ady.-and Board meeting. ..... 0.0 ais 1.50 'W.. 8S. Crozier,;ady.-and Board meeting ....i. i. idee iis 1.50 H. H. Sherer, auto for Township roads. .... c.... ive 30.24 H. H. Sherer, services Highway Commissioner .......... 125.00 . 'W.-S. Crozier; services. ag clerk 00. i vor iid, 57.00 G. M. Thurston, services Supervisor, 1 month. .......... 46.90 Pulblic Taxi Co. taxi for Supervisor i. «. ive adios ~4780 Legal Adviser Co, stationery 7 4. lies ila. ive as 5.11 Dr. C. O. Schneider, services auto in emergency case .... 8.00 Dec. 2 F.. B. Crossley. Auditing 'Board meeting .........«...c... 1.50 G: M. Thurston, Auditing Boardimeeting :.......0. 0.0 4 1.50 D. M. Mickey, Auditing Board 'meeting ..............:» 1.50 J. R.. Croeker, Auditing Board meeting ................ 1.50 W. S. Crozier, Auditing Board meeting ................ 1.50 North Shore Motor Co., taxi on Township work ........ 10.50 R. H. Schell, 2. prs shoes for children bought by Supervisor 6.47 G. M. Thurston, services Supervisor, Oct. and Nov. 150.49 W. Si Crozier, services Clerk, 2imonths oo iis 96.00 WW. SO CroZies, poSIage; etc. aes iin. oii Bi nde dey bins 1.90 H. H. Sherer, auto hire on Township work, 2 months.... 61.14 H. H. Sherer, expenses, April to November .......... 8.75 H. H. Sherer, Highway Commissioner, Oct. and Nov..... 225.00 G. M. Thurston, time and expenses Supervisor, December Lo and January a ate ian ESE LL Der 201.55 W.:S. Crozier, services Clerk, Dec. and Jan. '\............ 114.00 H. H. Sherer. Highway Commissioners... chee 0 vie vs 170.60 Hi -H. Sherer, €XpeNSes: rte os i seats sass enavas 32.84 BM. Pate P.O. postage... oa ean Senses ian rns 1.50 W. S. Crozier, -posiage and telephone. ................. 1.69 Public Taxi Co., transportation for Supervisor ......... 1.50 North Shore Motor Co., transportation for Supervisor ... 10.00 Village of Glencoe. office rent for 1918... ............L 900 | G. 'M.: Thurston, adj. Audit Board meeting ........ =... 1.59 W. Si.Crozier: adj. Audit Board meeitngi...W.. ....o0.0.0 1.50 W. S. Crozier, postage for mailing bulletins ............ 54.00 Village of Glencoe, express charges on stationery 1.77 Feb. 5: "W. S Crozier, auditor ro ives anal aninl il Shays 1.30 3 D. Mi Mickey, auditor 5c ver en se ee 1.50 IR. Crocker, auditor cv. Zvi ioe 0 8 8 0 Un a LO 1.50 Dellay Coles Co., printing bulletins ...... 0.000 166.50 Village of Winnetka, addressing envelopes .............. 2.09 Margaret Rahfield, addressing envelopes ............... 5.00 H. H. Sherer, expenses to Champaign .................... 39.75 H. H. Sherer, Highway Commissioner ................... 69.52 $ 5,537.19 NOTE--Owing to change in Board Meeting, salaries of Township Of- ficers for eighteen months included in this statement. | | i Regarding moderate | priced cars, it stands to reason hat a better four- cylinder can be built for the same money than a six-cylinder, and it is quite generally known that the Hupmobile is the | best moderate priced | four-cylinder car on the 'The long stroke, small | | 1 | | | | | bore motor means econo- my of gasoline, and simooth, flexible opera- ition. The factory has concentrated eleven years' experience on four 'cvlinder construction. The result is-an absence 301 of repairs, and a surpris- ling economy of gasoline 'and tires that has given them a reputation every- where as an extraordin- arily good car. Bridpes & Gage 1629 Orrington Avenue EVANSTON, ILL. Tel. Evanston 5886 itemise fa

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