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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Apr 1919, p. 5

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Pl u Tae . TT Ym "WINNETRA WERRLY TALE, RIDA APRIL IR OID. |. uprrrowmemmey - eee \ mia Yocial Happenin S h "North Shore by Ruth Risley : RS. CHARLES A. DUPEE of Hubbard Woods announces | the marriage of her daughter, Florence Bannister, to Ber- | nard Scheibel, son of Mr ; : N. Y., which took place in Scheibel has been in service at W s. Henry C. Scheibel of Buffalo, | Philadelphia on March 29. Mrs. | ashington as a yeomanette since | the beginning of the war, and her husband is an ensign, stationed on | a ship near Philadelphia. Upon hi go to Cuba for an extended trip. & s release from the navy they will \ Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. - Marchant announce the marriage of their niece, Fva Francis Frye, to Henry Reginald Weber, on Tues- | day evening, April 15, at their home, corner of Elm street-and Sher- | idan road. oS h, A The wedding of Miss Katherine Blossom, daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. George Blossom, 955 Green Bacon, son of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bacon of Macomb, Illinois, | will take place June 28, at 4 p. m. in Christ church. -- The regular meeting. of the Mac-| Dowell Musical ciub was held Mon- | day afternoon, April 14, at the home | of Mrs. Arthur Dean, 441 Willow street. A two piano including : "Fingals Hohle" Waltz program was given ak Mendelssohn Arnold Mesdames Arthur Dean, Percival! Hunter, Robert Smith, Benjamin ! Kellum. Concert in E Minor . 00. Chopin Mesdames Charles Ascheim and Robert Smith. Titania's Cradle i 00. Liza Lehman Greek love Song ..... Liza lehman The White Dawn is Stealing ........ a ET PL Tn Cadman | The Land of the Sky Blue Water .. SR a a eR A REE Cadman | Boat Song .....0 0 Harriet Ware | Hindu Slumber Song ..Harriet Ware | Sunlight... sisi Harriet Ware | Mrs. Warner Robinson. accom-| panied by Mrs. Clifford Ewart. | Mrs. Anne Faulkner Obenderfer of | Chicago, the assisting guest of the | afternoon, spoke of her work in sup- | plying musical instruments for the! wounded soldiers in the various! army camps. § re Mr. and Mrs. John Tuttle Balk- | ham of Boston, Mass., are guests at | the Evanston hotel until May t! when they will come to Winnetka to | reside temporaily with Mrs. Balk-! ham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon E.| Stanhope of 610 Ash street. Mr. | Balkham received his release from | the service several weeks ago, where he was- first lieutenant in the In- fantry. Previous to. her marriage Mrs. Balkham was Miss Dorothy Quayle Stanhope. Mr. and Mrs. T. Philip Swift re- turned last Friday from the Virginia weeks on their way home from Flo- Hot Spring, where they spent a few rida. They are occupying the FEd- ward F. Swift residence at 1350 North State parkway, Chicago, un- til May 1, when the senior Swifts will return from White Sulphur Springs. -- fe Miss Kathryn Blossom is the participants in the Junior League overseas revue performance to be given at the Playhouse during the last week in the month. Miss Blos- som and Mr. Donald Kimbark of Fv- anston will appear in a duet. TERA President Nielson of Smith college 1s to be the guest of honor at a luncheon at the La Salle hotel, Sa-| turday. Smith college women who are unable to attend the luncheon are invited to hear President Nielson | speak at 2:30 o'clock. ee Ae A. meeting of the Mission Study class of the Woman's society was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Albert H. Veeder, 633 Maple avenue. one | | ss 5 : I Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal, 789 Sher- | idan road, entertained with a formal] dancing party last Monday evening at the Winnetka Woman's club. if I Ensign Harold C. Strotz, who is stationed at Pensacola, Florida, has been spending a leave of ahsence at | his home, 365 Sheridan road. -- Sergeant Sidney N. Strotz arrived | in New York on Easter Sunday. He, is stationed at Camp Mills, L. [, temporarily, awaiting his discharge. -- a ---- CoMoral L. M. Albright, who has heen "dverseas with Base Hospital Unit No. 14, arrived in New York on Easter Sunday. ------ The Delta Delta Delta sorority of Northwestern university will hold a -dancing party at the Winnetka Wom- an's club on Saturday evening. ---- Lieutenant C. H. Happ of Winnet- ka. registered at the Illinois club house, maintained by the Hilipois, Welcome committee in New York City. on Tuesday. I who | they returned from the east. moved ' yesterday. | Tuesday evening of this week. the former Bay road, to Colonel William S. | | | he Winnetka Woman's club has | issued invitations for a "Free From | Debt" celebration to be held atthe | clubhouse on Wednesday of next | week. A delightful musical program ! will be presented by the MacDowell | Musical club, to be followed by danc- | ing. The hostesses for the oes sian] wiil be Mesdames C. A. Aldrich, M. | K- Anderson, W. C. Boyden, Alfred | Burnham, Charles Howell Coffin, Ar-| thur Dean, Samson J. FEisendrath, William Elliott, A. G. Freeman, F. R.| Greene, J. Allen Haines, N. L. Hoyt, | M. H. Lieber, John Miller, Jr., John | R. Montgomery, Harry I. Orwig, W. A Otis, John Nash Ott, James F.| Porter, Carrie B. Prouty, Leonard| Roach and Eloise Wortley. allt REY | Miss Dorothy Magie, daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogden Magie, attends school in the east, is| visiting Miss Grace Mayo in Roches- | ter, N. Y., over the Easter vacation. | Lieutenant Frank O. Magie, Jr., who | has been overseas for a year, has] been allowed to complete his course | at Montpelier university in southern | France. Upon 'his graduation in| June Lieutenant Magie will receive | the same degree he would have re- | ceived had he resumed his studies | at Harvard. Mr. Magie, Sr., has left | Arizona, where he has been for the! benefit of his health this winter, and | has taken a bungalow in Pasadena | until June. | ae We | Mrs. Morris Townley, 95 South | avenue, president of Le Cercle Fran- cais, gave a dinner Monday evening | at the Skokie Country club for Mme. Fugene Guerin, official lecturer of! the fraternal league of the Children of France, and Miss Parker , national chairman of the] e Following the dinner the attended a Anne lecture given by | Mme. Guerin in Glencoe. | tl | The North Shore Catholic Woman's ! and league will give a dance ) party on Friday evening, April 25, a the Winnet Woman's club. The public i ly invited to attend. | The proceeds will be used for | philanthropic purposes. -- Miss Jennie Johnson of Chicago,, contralto, accompanied by Mrs. D Orcutt of Glencoe, gave a musical program at the meeting of the Mis- | sion Study class on Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Albert Veeder. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom | and Miss Katherine Blossom, who have been at the Blackstone since | to their residence in Hubbard W oods, | | Miss May Cornwell, third grade | teacher in the Greeley school, is de-| | | tained at St. Joseph. Mich., where] she was spending the spring vaca- tion, with a sprained ankle. Myr. Laird Bell, the newly president of the Board of Ec was formally instailed into o ih Mr. .and Mrs. Ayres. W. Boal a children. 789 Sheridan road, have re-| turned from a brief stay at French | lick Springs. | ! : ye | The annual meeting and election of officers of the Woman's society of the Congregational church will take place on Thursday, May 7. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Pontius and family have moved from 609 Cherry street, home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. S. Nelson and family have moved from 916 Cherry street, to 422 Provident avenue. i The Misses Elizabeth and Martha I netka Woman's club on Friday even- 810 Church Street To you who hesitate--and figure on an Intricate three speed car. It will interest you to know that Evanston's best, most substantial, and well-to-do fam- ilies now prefer and drive Ford Cars. Their reasons: The car is not cumbersome --is simple --easy to drive--absolutely dependable--economical --always ready--never laid-up. Closed Cars Equipped With " Ford Built-in Starter" R. D. North Shore C. H. BRIGGS, Sales Manager CUNNINGHAM EXCLUSIVE V oy pa ol CAR UNIVERSAL) a Dealer EVANSTON Phone 4884 will give a dancing party at the Win- ing, May 2. 43% INTEREST BALL AND ICE CARNIVAL BENEFIT FOR HOSPITAL Dr. Maude Sands of Wilmette and Dr. James Fraser of Evanston will give a ball and ice carnival at the Chicago Arena, May 1, for the bene- fit of the Chicago Osteopathic hos- pital. There will be a special program of American exhibition skaters, 'an Interpretative dancer and soloists. 4%% INTEREST -- | It is Far Better to | Buy a FORD | Than to "wish" you had To prove it Ask a large car owner or see R. D. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer 810 CHURCH STREET Pnone 4884 EVANSTON ROYAL - $45.00 | EUREKA - $37.50 | HOOVER - $47.50 | CADILLAC - $29.50, The Four Best Vacuum Cleaners Made Almost every other family in Evanston has one of || these four. We are going | | to move | MAY Ist | / 7/ SLE {o J Jf \/ 828 Davis St. || : 1 | Eng NOTICE! Don't buy any other. The best will last a family '5 years. i Gemmill were hostesses to the Lin- coln Avenue circle on Monday after- noon. Luncheon was served. I as | The Alpha Omicron Pi sorority | Easy Payments | Jadlerdon Brod Pr EVANSTON J 1950 Irving Park Blvd. 1522 Sherman Ave. [2] 1] | o I A. LIPS, PROPRIETOR | --1OEIOT 100K Victory Bonds Pay 43% 100 o i 1010 Emr 0 EI 0 Em O I O Em O EI O = © Let us help you pay tor these by trad- ing with us and saving from 6 to 7% . i | Goods all marked in plain figures. 1 Additional charge of 5c for delivery. | A charge of 1c on thedollar or fraction thereof for carrying charge accounts. Large sales and small overhead ex- pense make it possible to offer these low prices: Campbell's Soup, assorted, can Monarch Baked Beans, 6cans for .................. 85¢ Fould's Maccaroni and Spaghetti, 6 pkgs. for Libby's Pineapple, large can Jello, assorted, package Quaker Oats, package (These Are Our Regular Prices) -- 9 LD) OEIORR LEE EE TEE LEE HE TER EERE TH LT BULL) The Progressive Grocery 801 Elm St., Meyer Bank Bldg., Winnetka Tel. 888-889 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS OX0 Sets A OO r= -- OEXQ UL 2 2d Ea Err rrr A Market That Serves You Not one that just sells Meats. But one that does everything possible to make your marketing easy, pleasant and economical. VOLLMAN'S MARKET 796 Elm Street Winnetka, Illinois Zoo QL i azz 7 7777 777 75 777 77777777 PY LJ rr NEW YOKK C. Victor Twiss Co. YoY xoxx Interior Decorators and Furnishers cHIicA © 0 W. H. COLSON Telephone Wabash 6 925FineArtsBldg. ee

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