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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 30 May 1919, p. 5

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" WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1919 ocial Happening, os North Shore | 4y Ruth Risley RE > AST SATURDAY evening the annual May pageant of North-| western University was staged in the Patten gymnasium. The pageant, "A Forest Frolic," is a woodland fantasy, written and directed by Miss Rebeccah Anthony, of Glencoe, a student at the university. The Helen Osgood, daughter of Mr. a1 league. leading role was taken by Miss | 1d Mrs. J. G. Osgood of 521 Cen- | tral avenue, who was recently elected May Queen by the Woman's & i, 4 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plate of Akron, Ohio, formerly of Wilmette, has issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Helen Carson, to Mr. Leonard E. Starkel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. | Starkel, 925 Oakwood avenue, on Saturday, June 7. Miss Plate attended Northwestern university Phi sorority. Mr. Starkel is also of Chicago and the North Shore. and is a member of the Pi Beta well known in university circles 4 The event of last week in the Vil- lage took place last Saturday after- noon and evening at the Woman's club. when the Winnetka branch of the Infant Welfare society gave an entertainment under the manage- ment of Mrs. John Nash Ott, assist- ed bv Mrs. Charles T. Mordock, Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Jr., and Mrs. Don- ald Dallas. Beginning at 2:30 o'clock the early part of the afternoon was given over to the little tots under 8 years, and there was appropriate games and amusements for their pleasure. At 4 o'clock the older children had their share in the party, and at 5 o'clock there was a cotillion, with favors and everything. : In the evening a dance was given under the direction of Mrs, Ayres] Boal. The room was decorated in| Japanese lanterns and the especial attraction was a rose tea garden pre- sided over by Mrs. John Ott, assisted by a number of young girls and mat- rons who wore rosebud frocks. For those who preferred bridge, tables were provided and there were also boxes for onlookers who could thus, without actually participating, help swell the society's fund for carrying on the work at the welfare station. -- Mrs. Willoughby C. Walling is spending a few days this week in Winnstka. Since Mr. Walling's ap- pointment as vice president of the American Red Cross, their temporary home has been in Washington, D. C. They are planning the re-build-! ing of their Hubbard Woods home, which was entirely destroyed by fire last New Year's Day. ---- The Young Ladizs' auxiliary of the North Shore Catholic Woman's' league will give a cotillion on Wed- nesdev evening of next week at the Winnetka Woman's club. One hun- dred tickets are to be sold and may be obtained from Miss Margaret Hayes, or any other member of the organization. ---- Miss Esther, Grantham, director of athletics at Girton school, will leave on Friday of next week, on a chau- tauqua tour of the west and part of 'Canada. She will not resume her work at the school in the fall . TES Dr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson Aldrich have moved from 792 Fox- dale avenue to Scott avenue, Hub- bard Woods. At present the are in Boston, en route on an automobile tour through the New England States. --p-- Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Prouty .and family of 744 Elm street will spend the week-end at their summer cottage, "Binkie Lodge" on the Fox river. tf Mrs. Morris L. Greeley, 655 Maple avenue, will leave Monday for the east, to attend the commencement exercises at Wellesley college. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Marchant Elm street and Sheridan road, and' have sold their home at the corner of have moved to 1611 Ridge avenue, Evanston. Mr. W. A. Haire of 425 Provident avenue, has moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, wheres he has become affiliated with a firm of public ac- countants. ---- Miss Kathleen Air of the Columbia School of Music, has returned to Winnetka, following an operation for appendicitis, a few weeks ago. i The faculty of Girton school were entertained at tea on Wednesday afternoon in the grill room at Marshall Field's. a First Lieutenant Robert C. W, <Meleny of Oak street, has returned "to his. home. from OMers8a su mm mmm "ents have purchased boxes for the lat the North Shore hotel on Thurs- United States air service, which was hott Eos: 'Angeles; Calif = Of interest on the north shore and particularly among university circles is the announcement of the engage- ment of Miss Carolyn Trowbridge,| daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius] Trowbridge of Evanston, to Clyde Leclare Grose of Findlay, Ohio. Miss Trowbridge is a sophomore at Northwestern University, and a mem- ber of the Delta Gamma sorority. Dr. Grose has been an instructor in European history at Northwestern during the past three years, except for a period of army service, as a lieutenant of artillery. He has re- cently received an appointment to a Harvard traveling fellowship and will spend the year, 1919-1920, study- ing in England and France. The marriage will not occur until after Miss Trowbridge's graduation from college. fo The following north shore resid- Music Festival, which will take place on May 30, 31, June 4 and June 5, at the Patten gymnasium in Evanston. tha festival is the greatest musical and social event of the year, and all of the boxes have been sold since last fall: E. J. Schager ,LLyman Drake and Frank J. Scheidenhelm of Wil- mette; Louis G. Kuppenheimer. I. K. Friedman and Mrs. George R. Thorne of Winnetka. -- The engineering society of North- western University will give a. dance day, May 29. The chaperones will be Prof. and Mrs. William Bauer, and Professor and Mrs. William H. Burger. Bie. "YEW Miss Dorothy Magie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogden Magie, formerly of Winnetka, will arrive home from Miss Wheeler's school the end of the week. The latter part of June the family will go to Holder- ness, N. H., to remain until Autumn. Their married daughter, Mrs. C. A. Wardwell, and little girl, who have been with the Magies since Captain Wardwell went overseas, will go Fast with her parents. Ne 2 Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt and her daughter, Mrs. T. Philip Swift, ware among the guests at the wedding of Miss Doris Russell and Lieutenant Colonel Richard B. Barnitz, of the solemnized last Wednesday at St. Chrysostom's church, Chicago. : ---- Phi Mu Alpha fraternity will hold its national convention at the North Shore hotel on Thursday and Friday of this week. On Thursday evzning the members will be entertained with a banquet in the tea garden of the hotel. ---- Mr. Foster Branson, 815 Central avenue, will return Sunday from an extended trip through California stopping in Los Angeles and other cities of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Palmer and two small children, formerly of Wil- meztte, have arrived in Seattle, Wash., where they will make their future home. ---- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook, formerly | of Winnetka, who have besn spend- ing the winter in Pasadena, Calif, are now living at the North Shore hotel in Evanston. a Mrs. W. Lind of 1049 North avenue, is leaving the first of the week to spend the entire summer with her daughter in Fort Dodge, Ia. ee Mrs. R. Floyd Clinch and her daughter, Miss Margaret Clinch, of Hubbard Woods, have returned from a trip to Atlantic City, N. J. : mt Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bruderlin, 615 Willow street, are spending several weeks in Hobbart, Oklahoma. rin gms Mrs. W. J. Sanford, 245 Ridge ave- Mrs. Meigs, pho spend the winter and early spring with her daughter i Mrs. W. A. Haire, 425 Provident ave- her home in nue, has returned to Grand Rapids, Mich. -- Miss Kitty Currie of Aurora, IIL will be the week-end guest of Miss/| nue, is registered at the Lakeview Margaret Casey, 988 Elm street. Miss | | Currie came kere to attend the North i Shore Musical Festival in Evanston Mrs. W. D. McKenzie, 1185 Laurel avenue, has as her guest her brother, | Henry Lane, of Ann Arbor, Mich, who has just recently Franca. returned from PRIA Mr. and Mrs. Howard are spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hoyt, also of Win- netka, on a ranch near Tuscon, Ariz. iro her home, 565 Willow street. Covers were laid for ten guests. Mrs. Norman K. Anderson enter- tained at luncheon on Wednesday at Home on Leave Ensign Willard C. Thayer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard H. Thayer of 522 Central avenue, is home on 1 this weck from Pelham Bay nava station where he recently completed his course of training and received his commission. WHEN IN THE LOOP Why not take Luncheon or Supper at the GINGHAM TEA SHOP 110 South Wabash Avenue 2nd Floor Near Monroe STRICTLY HOME COOKING Table d'Hote Supper Ile Elcie H. Brooks Mabel H. Kennedy LOH Beautiful Petunias !! Rosy Morn, Ruffled Giants, fringed and'double. Also fine Vinca, Cobea, and other vines. All kinds of Geraniums, Dais- ies, fine bushy Sawias. Hardy plants and many others at reasonable prices. LUTE ERO UTR HUET TO TTR EH RAR TEETH TUT GREENWOOD NURSERY 284 South Greenwood Ave. Telephone Glencoe 155 GLENCOE ILLINOIS oe D Established in 1916 We announce the opening of a new depariment for MARCEL AND WATER WAVING Also a new specialty of scalp treatment Only Expert Operators Em- ployed. Private Booths and Clean Linen. Popular Prices THE PERMANENT WAVE As done by us, the Permanent Wave not only means the straightest hair made natur- ally curly within two hours, but also. a treatment guaranteed beneficial to the future growth of the hLair. Ladies with poor or scanty hair would do well to consult us and have our treat- ment explained free. WRITE FOh FREE BOOKLET Permanent Waving System Co. FELIX COUNE, President 30 NORTH MICHIGAN AVE, CHICAGO. Phone Central 8714 | Hoyt, Jr.,| y | 1 0000000000000608000000008600000000000000000000000000000 3 Trade Your Car? Surely. I just took in an Overland coupe on a Ford Sedan, traded the Overland for a Ford, took back the Overland on an Olds, traded the Overland for a Franklin, traded the Franklin for an Oldsmobile. If you don't like your car, Ill trade you THE UNIVERSAL CAR R. D. CUNNINGHAM Authorized Dealer 810 Church Street, (next to Post Office) Evanston C. H. BRIGGS, Sales Mgr. Phone 4884 24 rrr Rrra ar7rrririiiriiiiiiiiss ZL 222 Zr zzz zzizizzzziiii SL LTLSSLLL SSS SLL SILLS LLTSLSLLLS LL SS SS ISLS S SIS SSSI SS SSS SSSI SSS SSA SSS IS SSL SSS SSIS IS SISA SSS FASS SS SSS SS IIIS SSS SITS SSS expect. We recommend it at 30 cents (original price $1.00). which have all been tested. Our Success Proves That Service Counts We firmly believe that our success has been due to one thing. Never being afraid of doing too much ; We've served our patrons instead of being satisfied with just selling things for a cash profit. And we are always going to serve them. We are always going to give them just a little more than they For instance, we are always going to give them the benefit of our knowledge of good groceries. This means that we not only keep our shelves filled with the best groceries on the market, but that we suggest things to our customers which we think are especially fine. One of these things is RYZON Baking Powder. because we are convinced that everyone who tries it will be a still better friend of ours. It costs but 40 cents a pound. We also secure for our customers the famous RYZON Baking Book It's full of new and attractive recipes Of course especially adapted to RYZON. LEG OF LAMB, pound, . Winnetka Co-Operative Co. 722 Elm Street, Winnetka for our customers. 38¢c Telephones 51 and 52 SISA li arziiazzziiziiiiiiiiaiiiiiiziiid WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK We close at 12:20 on Saturdays THE WOMAN by check instead rency escapes a for every penny glad to give you BANK OF M. rrr rrr 7l7i77iziziiiriiiiiziiiziziiiiiaiiiiiiiaiid about money matters. an accurate record of where her money goes and a receipt out. Besides it's so much safer to have the cash in the bank than in the home, Our special department for women will be CAPITAL $35,000.00 Formerly Established 18% WHO PAYS of in cur- lot of worry She has she has paid information. K. MEYER 3 IIIA IAAI IIIS II ASIII ILLIA IIIA ILLIA IIE HLA IAEA IA TD) oe fe oe os of of obo of obs of oo ob ok BoB oR ob bb oR oR LARGEST HARDWARE STORE IN TOWN. We are able to give our customers low prices because we buy in large quantities. Geopodeodobodob oR odobobobodhohobodohbkdokkbkbb bbb bbb Rb bb RRR RRR Rhee Hardware PHONES WINNETKA 998--999 REE YT TELL EE EEE EL LL LE LE ELLE LLL EL bb LLL Lb LLL LA E. B. TAYLOR & CO. PITTI IEEE TELE LL ELLE LX Xd a ol 7 772707777 2777777 7 d7d7zzz7777zzrrzzzzzzizzzziiziiaiiiiiriiiiaiuriiaaiiiiiiiiiiy This is the time of the year when you'llwant to be in the woods-- Such trips mean picnics--picnics mean food--Sandwiches, etc.-- We have the most choice meat, the very kind you'll enjoy for Picnic Requisites your sandwiches-- VOLLMAN"S MARKET 77 77 SSIS IIS SLIS ISSA SSS SAY SAIS ISIS SLIL STILLS TTSISLTISISILSS SILLS LLSS SSIS SSIS SSIS ALL SS SS ILLS LT ISSS SSSI SSIS SSSI SSA IS 796 Elm Street { IZ 7770 lllililiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiriiiiizs

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