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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 Jun 1919, p. 7

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+4 . lage and town desires to honor all its .stitute were held last week in Mem- corial hall on the campus. There pre- 'Evanston and in addition the students «of Garrett who had been engaged in ssional prayer was offered by Bishop -dent Stuart. -constitutency of readers." WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1919 PREVENT FIRES ON JULY 4, SAYS ILLINOIS MARSHAL In response to numerous inquiries as to the attitude of the division of fire prevention concerning the use of fireworks this year, State Fire Marshal John G. Gamber has author- ized an interview, urging community celebrations of the Fourth of July throughout the state. The interview is as follows: 3 "Independence Day, 1919, probably will be elebrated with more patriotic before in the his- In most communities there is a great opportunity fer marketing eggs and poultry by parcel post. Of- ten this plan gives better satisfaction than the usual method. SUBSCRIBE NOW Da NNN NEN NG NENT NG RENIENGN Ne # ig a5 33 ¢ Hanry Mitchell £1 § Pr igi 1 --_n kip ites] fervor than ever 2% tor) f our country. [t will be the occasion not only of rejoicing over] li ) imph in the wi 1 war, | doing honor to our returned | ting men, most of whom are ex- to be home by that time. 'Realizing the tremendous popu- lar enthusiasm which will 'give vent to itself on this day, andwith no idea of discouraging a proper RBXpression of the great patriotic impulse yader- lying it, 1 most earnestly appeal to the people of the state of Iilingjs to keep this enthusiasm within safe and sane channels. 3 "During. the ) great strides have been made in the direction of a safe and sane celebra- tion of the Fourth of July, with the pected past several years result that the toll of dead and maimed, and the number of fires, have steadily decreased. "To many the temptation to go to| extremes will be great this year. The] stimulus to celebrate 'was nz2ver| greater. The need of restraint .s| therefore correspondingly great. The | lesson of restraint was well learned | during the war; let everyone con-| tinue to apply it in time of peace. "In scores of localities throughout the state, plans are already being] made for great community observ-| ances, with rousing hgmecoming celebrations for the returhed fight-| ing men as the big rei. Thesza| events will be marked bj | 1 concerts, addresses by noted speakers, programs of great varxiety | and community displays of firewonks. | "I can not too strongly express my | indorsement of such observances: and I urge them upon city officials, cham- bers of commerce and such other or- ganizations as are accustomed to take the initiative in these matters in their respective communties. Cer- tainly no time is more opportune for a community Fourth of July celebra- tion than this, when every city, vil- teat fighting heroes. "City and village officials are em- powered by statute, to 'regulate, re- strain and prohibit the use of fire- works, firecrackers, torpedoes, Roman candles, skyrockets and other pyro- technic displays.' 1 call upon such officials to exercise these broad powers to bring about such regula- tion and restraint as is necessary in their respective communities in the an:erest of public safety. "It is a misdemeanor in Illinois, punishable by a fine of $25, for any- one to trade, sell or give away any toy pistol so made or constructed that it can be used to shoot blank cartridges. The toy pistol and blank cartridge are the most profilic cause of tetanus, or lockjaw. If any per- son has knowledge of the violation of this act it is his duty to report this knowledge promptly to the police or stat2's attorney. tf appeal to every resident of Illi- nots, individually, to exercise the ut- most carefulness in the use of fire- works. GARRETT CONFERS 4 D. D. ON DR. HOUGH The sixty-fifth annual commence- ment exercises of Garrett Biblical in- vailed throughout a somewhat mili- tary atmosphere, having as speakers 'Colonel Raymond Robins of Chica- go and Colonel John H. Wigmore of national military service present in their uniforms. At the conclusion of the proces- were Nicholson following which Colonel Raymond Robins, the speaker of the afternoon, was introduced by rresi- _ Following the ceremony of con- ferring the diplomas, President Stu- art, contrary to his custom of previ- ous years; left the platform, giving the diplomas to. the graduates to- gether with a congratulatory hand- shake. Of especial interest was .the be- stowing of the doctor of divinity de- gree upon Professor Lynn Harold Hough president-elect of North- western university. In conferring this degree President Stuart said of him: - "Greatly honored and beloved as a member of this faculty; as a distin- guished teacher and preacher of the word of God; as a glowing and in- spiring personality in the world-wide crusade for ideal discipleship and citizenship and as a writer of prose and verse whose charm and power are recognized by an ever growing v4 ie a 7 J ¥ f /] i % ] ; ' ¢ 4 5 i | SEA radar i 4 With Every Suit '¢ EVERYTHING GUARANTEED ¢ 16-18 East Jackson Boulevard sale of fine ics ar t's NEN =xtra Pants FREE Ne EN CENEN WE, eh a Yeh, i wh, in CAD es © > ¢ Fit, Style, Lining--to be the very best HARRY MITCHELL Bk Bh 2 Between State and Wabash, Chicago SN NNN NEN ANENEREAL NNN NNN " WINNETKA TIRE § ren Vulcanizing' - Repairing Hood, Mason and Firestone MILLERAD-ON-A-TRE res To all business men j The great Oldsm years stands behin, Oldsmobile-Torbe it. sen ficient tra Geddyear Cor mileage per gal Complete Tires eledtrical channel, fran North Shore Hotel Bldg. Service Station, Lconomy- internal | gear smission of power. mean n of fuel and lor Be I eed, C. M. McDONALD, Pres. 519 Davis St. 914 Davis St. Evanston, Ill. Telephone 307 lighting, $1,340.00 1,385.00 Ww EY i) ive means extraordinary g life to mechanism. equipment--starting, {emiition. i Fodr-eviinder valve-in head ignition. oyr-cylinder valve-in-head motor. Deep | } i 2A I TT TL "That is salient which 3 strikinely manifest or + which catches the atten- ton at once." -- Webster "Sani "Moline Plow On Stephens Motor Wade a-- conveyance: perfection of, th to the utmostifegree. The pe '= boldly original, yet te: at makes it ideal as sh is apparent in th painting and every de i all of rhich proclaim care and ted over-head valve engine high operating economy, with maximum power and flexibility. The Stephens engine is especiall y con~ structed to burn low grades of gasoline, heating «ud drying the gas before passing it to the firing chambers. Numerous other refinements and im- provements endow it with a performance that is a real revelation in regard to smoothness, silence, lack of vibration, speed, power and economy. You will profit by owning a Stephens Salient Six. We gladly give a convincing demonstration at your pleasure. TRI os GENERAL MOTORS OF ILLINOIS" '| Phone Evanston 578- 79-Y I i EE TCE IALEELEEEEGEITR DASE EORAERREATRAAFod RURAL | -- ---- I -- 'toknow what Fr anklin car 1s, get an understand- ing of the things that a Franklin doesn't need that other cars Bridges & Gage 1629 Orrington Ave. 'EVANSTON, ILL. Tel. Ev. 5886 -

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