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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 27 Jun 1919, p. 8

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- "+8 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1919 | cuassirmp abs | A . ----------------, _ __ TH a or ----_--_ -- fer classified advertising in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS per line first insertion In any paper. Soper line for eachsucceeding Insertion 16e per line first insertion in any two papers. . 7 1-2¢ per line for each suc- eeeding insertion. 20e per line first fasertion in three papers. 10c¢ per line for each succeeding insertion. Mini- 'mum charge on one time Ad 30c. Count five average words to a line. vertisements for the Lake 8hore ws must be at our office by Wednes- noon; for the Winnetka Weekly k and Glencoe News by Thursday FOR SALE FOR SALE--$75.00 TAKES A 60-INCH cabinet talking machine and records. Size of a Sonora; it is a bargain; 1f you like the tone make comparison. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG32-tfc FOR SALE--PRIVATE COLLECTION of very fine jewels. Diamonds and emerald dinner ring; diamonds and emerald cluster ring; pearl opera glasses, with handle; bargain. On exhibition at jewelers, 1166 Wilmette _avenue, Wilmette. _ LTG33-1te FOR SALE--GIRLS BICYCLE, IN good condition, $10.00; can be seen at 548 Cherry street or phone Win- netka 1239. T15-1te HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--ELECTRIC PORTABLE sewing machines; slightly shop- worn; Singer, $33; Western Electric, $29; Eldridge; $25; New Home, $30; other bargains in used machines; don't buy of agents, our prices are lower. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis s street, Evanston. LTG32-tfc FOR SALE--$65 TAKES MY NEW 50 inch Cabinet Talking machine; used 3 weeks; mahogany finish; plays all records; act quickly. 317 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. LTG30-tfc FOR SALE--USED THOR WASHING machine; also Thor mangle: reason- able. Patterson Bros, 828 Davis street. LTGS81-tfe FOR SALE--_USED PIANOS TAKEN in trade on our players; Steinway, $90; Meisner, $90; Schultz, $165; Chickering, $240; new Moganda, $225; Peck .Bros., $115; other bar- gains; payments. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG32-tfc TO EXCHANGE--UPRIGHT PIANOLA piano of best make, in perfect con- dition, for baby grand piano. Address Winnetka Weekly Talk A-15. T15-1tp AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE--A NEW AUTO KAMP Trailer Ideal camping outfit; reduced price. Phone Win. 165. LTG33-1tc FOR NENT FOR RENT--STEAM HEATED HOUSE Large, handsome lot; garden grow- ing. Lake 4 blocks. 533 Hawthorne Lane, Winnetka. LTG33-2tp igi HELP WANTED WANTED--GIRLS SECOND HAND bicycle. Phone Win, 216. T16-1te WANTED--TWO GOOD GIRLS FOR delicatessen store; hours from 8 te 6; wages $12 a week, John Smith, 819 Oak street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 112. : T14-2tc WANTED--A NEAT GIRL, SIXTEEN years or over, to help with house work in small family; good wages, Phone Win, 479, TG33-1tc WANTED-- YOUNG WOMAN TO HELP prepare lunch and dinner every day; private family; hours 12 to 8 P. M.; - $2.00 per day. Phone Win. 506-W. T15-3tc SEAMSTRESS; WANTED--A GOOD light upstairs work; best wages. Phone Win. 58, T15-1tc WANTED--I'OR MONTH OR SIX weeks, before leaving town, maid for general housework; 3 in family, 6 P. M. dinner; evenings free; $15 per __ week. Phone Glencoe 298. TG15-1tc SITUATION WA NPED WANTED --GARDEN WHRK ©Y AN experienced man. Phone Wil 708-M LTG26-1fe SITUATION WANTED--AN EXPER. teacher in upper grade subjects is at liberty to do tutoring during July and August, Call Winnetka 1275 in the afternoon or evening. T15-1tc PRACTICAL NURSE WANTS POSI- tion as nurse of invalid or child for summer monthsg; will travel; A-1 ref- 'erences. Phone Win, 1205. T15-1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--BLACK AND WHITE CHECK (Shepherd check) ladies guit coat; orange colored silk lining, near North Shore Health Resort, June 22, about 11 A. M.; reward. Miss Marie Rausch- er, 1045 Washburne avenue, Chicago. A A ak SE TOST-- PAIR OF SPECTACLES IN aluminum case Friday night at New Trier, Return to Mrs. Mehlhope, 300 Woodland avenue. T15-1te LOST--ON SEPRIDA ROAD, NEAR south limits of 'enilworth, one white pump. Mrs. W. C. Pearl, 595 Fir street, Winnetka, T15-1te #5 MISCELLANEOUS Wanted TO BUY--SECOND HAND clothes. Horsman, 524 Davis street. Phone 4676 Evanston. Drop postal, of lL os on LTG34-tfc INSTRUCTOR OF HAWAIIAN GUITAR, Ukalele, Banjo, Cornet and Saxa- phone, 73656 N. Ashland avenue. Tel. Rogers Park, 6988. LTG33-1tp FOR FIRST CLASS MALIDS AND IF [iin class positions call Winnetka Employ - ment Agency 545 Provident avenue Mrs. O. Spegel, Winnetka 1475, TA. tfc Tress. Hero diy Nelson Rich has returmed to the ome of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rich, 1016 Linden avenue. after having landed in New York with the Rainbow Division, he was taken PI seriously ill with pneumonta, and forced to remain in one of the New York hospitals for several weeks. HUPMOBILES -- SEE -- BRIDGES & GAGE NEW TRIER PLANS TO COLLECT WAR LETTERS Ask Parents To Send Interesting Ex- tracts From War Letters To High School for Collection MAKE PERMANENT RECORD Desire Record of Experiences of Fighters In All Branches of Serv- ice Here and Abroad the men who fought for Uncle Sam and his allies in the great World War are "chock-full" of history. Every letter from the shell-torn battlefield has portrayed to you some thrilling episode in Liberty's supreme struggle. In addition to those precious words which are the property alone of the recipient, these letters tell the real story of the war. They are messages direct from the field of action. The students and teachers of New Trier Township: High school have set about upon a plan of contribut- | ing to history these messages from America's fighting men. Within a few days the parents of every New Trier man in the service of the Unit- ed States or associated nations in the war, will be asked to send to the High school at Kenilworth, such extracts from letters as in their opinion will be of general interest, bearing upon experiences in the service, whether on the firing line, back of the lines, in the hospital, aboard tha transport, on the convoy ship, on the sub- chaser or submarine, in the training camp or station here or abroad. Ask Voluntary Response It is requested that parents -and friends send extracts voluntarily. It is the plan of the high school auth- orities to hava these extracts placed in permanent record. Extracts are to be addressed to Miss Ora B. Cole, New Trier Township High school, Kenilworth, Illinois. It is the purpose of the school to establish this collection as. a per- manent memorial to and rzcord of the New Trier men who fought to save humanity from the terrible curse of hunnish vandalism. PICKPOCKETS GET $100 FROM CHICAGO MAN RIDING ON CAR Pickpockets who annually infest elevated and railway stations on the north shore when the Independent Order of Grand Templars hold their picnic at Ravinia Park were at work Sunday on the cars of the Chicago, or Foe and Milwaukee Electric railroac and took from the hip pack of Charles Sand, 1621 WificHa Pysre $100. ago, a bill old containing over Last year the pickpockets worked t the Central street station of the electric road and secured $85 from the pocket of ome man, while the previous year two men were victims of their deft fingers. This year Chief Leggett of Evanston and several policemen in plain clothes remained at the station throughout the day which was the central transfer point for the ten thousand persons who attended the picnic. In his complaint to the police, Sand reported that the money was taken from his pocket while riding on the car between Evanston and Ravinia Park. > CHURCH UNION TO HOLD * SERVICES OUT-OF-DOORS During the month of July the Wil- mette Church Union will hold its evening services out of doors from 7 to 8 o'clock. The place of meeting during the month will be the lawn to the north of the Wilmette Meth- odist church. Provisions for comfort- able seating and for special musical programs has been made. In case »f inclement weather the meetings will be held in the Methodist church auditorium. 'Fhe sermons will be given by the local pastors as follows: July 6, Dr. George P. Magill of the Presbyterian church. July 13, Reverend H. C. Carleton of Those letters you received from' maa a St. Augustine's church. July 20, Reverend Lloyd of the Congregational church. July 27, Reverand J. L. Walker of the Methodist church. Milan Lusk, Violinist, at Home for Summer Milan Lusk, well known violinist, has just returned from New York to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milan Lusk, 810 Michigan avenue, for the summer. Among other activities in New York, he formed a_Czecho- Slovak trio which filled many import- ant engagements in the neighboring states. During the Victory Loan' rally, Madam Pasqaalli, a star of the Met- ropolitan Opera. company, and Lusk were invited to play in East Orange, N. J. After his first number, his playing aroused 'such enthusiasm that the chairman of the committee announced the. violinist .would play the Humoreske if $20,000 would be subscribed. In" a few minutes the sum was realized, whereupon the de- sired number was rendered. It may interést tha various friends of this violinist to know that he has made some new records for leading phonogtaph companies. ? JUNE THIS YEAR : BEATS OTHER HOT Our Knowledge Protects You You éan buy your Meats of us with the positive assurance that - Cur thorough knowledge of meats enables us to guarantee you good wholesome food at all times. WINNETKA MARKE 734 Elm Street A. PETERS PROPRIETOR Telephone Winnetka 920--921 JUNES BY MARGIN This June's unusually hot weather has caused a great amount of com- ment among those who pay particular attention to the temperature record and several people declare this month so far, compares. most nearly with the first part of June in 1918. Official temperature records, however, which have been kept at the coast guard station on the Northwestern *Uni- versity campus show that this June is considerably warmer than than of 1916, '17 or '18. } The comparison of the first twenty- 'Why Take Any Chances ? of having your oriental and domestic rugs ruined by in- experienced and unskilled cleaners, who claim they are experts. Nazarian Bros., born and raised in this trade, give you the most reasonable prices and the best workmanship. The best proof of this is our continuously enlarging business. Don't worry, your rugs will be well taken care of while you are away this summer, if you will send them to us. We will clean, repair, and store them for you. Give us a trial & Wo Meir Call Winnetka 150 Wilmette 803 4 Carlton Building, Winnetka, Illinois A one days in June, 1916, and this month show that in the first twenty- one days of the 1916 month there were nine days when the temperature | registered in the fifties, whereas this month, and there was one day of under sixty-seven degrees and that was the onlv day registering below seventy in 1916 there were eight of the twenty days that the temparature rose to somewhere in the seventies, to fourteen such days so far this month, and ther was one day of eighty degrees then to two of eighty, one of eighty-four, two of eighty-five and one of eight-eight this June. This year is also marked by other unusual conditions. There have been five cloudbursts in the Chicago vicin- ity, making an extraordinary water- fall TET, - ON THE JOB AFTER JULY 1 One of the consolations offered by the United States government for July 1 is the return of the 2-ceat| stamp. The 1-cent postal card comes back also. Persons caught with a large supply of 3-cent stamps may ex- change them, according to the local postmaster. A 2-cent stamp will also serve to carry an ordinary letter to Europe, it was announced. BROKEN GLASS SLASHES GASH IN ICEMAN'S ARM Frank Meier, proprietor of the Wilmette Ice and Teaming company, is nursing a painful left arm the re- sult of an odd accident Friday, June 20, when in falling from an icewagon he pushed his arm through a glass window in the cab of the wagon. The jagged glass cut nearly to the bone in thz forearm, necessitating 10 stitches. Go West to Live E. A. Tucker and family, of 229 Doyle Court, left Wilmette Thursday to make their future home in Tac- oma, Washington. The Tucker fam- ily had resided in Wilmette for many years and was well knows in the Village. IT PAYS TOC ADVERTISE. From Evanston to Glencoe WINNETKA 524 LINDEN STREET Tel. Winnetka 1544 FOR SALE North Shore Property HILL & STONE REAL ESTATE OPERATORS Vacant and Improved WILMETTE 404 LINDEN AVENUE Tel. Wilmette 1644 Less Carbon ~~ More Mileage A Perfect Motor Oil No Friction Reduce Repair Bills FOR SALE BY WINNETKA MOTOR COMPANY Why Pay More? When You Can Get More For Less by sending your worn-out automobile tges to us to be retreaded, instead of junking them anfl replacing them with brand new tires. Our Live-Rubber "DRI-KURE" retreads cost one-third to one-half as much as new tires and are guaranteed for 3500 miles WHEN YOU DO NIMED NEW TIRES AND TUBES buy them here. We have a complete line in all sizes at cut prices EVANSTON TIRE TREADING CO. The Tire Merchants of the North Shore Phone Evanston 6537. 1613-1615 Sherman Ave., Evanston OPPOSITE CITY HALL -

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