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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 11 Jul 1919, p. 2

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1919 The most picturesque feature of | Last Year $ 2337.75 46,591.76 2,174.38 26,837.61 52,552.76 1,200.00 5,000.00 Bal. in Fund at Beginning of Month............$ 59,383.23 the long journey will be the manner | / ADD Income-for>Month....- 0... Jain a 6,801.21 in which the long snake-like train of | et motor vehicles will wind its heavy | Roti: ds id LR Heavens Ese ES $ 66,184.44 bumping way over the Rocky moun- | DEDUCT EG PENDITURES-- « tains. It will cross by way of the Stearn Generation ution. i anit ioe rs sci $ 2449.82 Continental divide. The engineering Electricity Generatioft:.. voi vidi i ior tow, 388.42 staff of the army has carefully figur- Distribution 475.82 ed Hw the journey so that no mech- < S ! D OU Loon wu erisimainiv era's sate i'w v's pa'siu sin iaisinte'sle i anical or engineering obstacles stand onsumption BN IW 3 1 PEE TWEE. EOE 66.5: in the way of its success. Commercial ,.... cin iii inna a, 66.90 The start was made on the morning General Expenses. . on visio aan, 1,326.47 of July 7 from Lafayette square in| * front of the White House. Total Operating... ic a cris Sam = $ 4,773.96 Merchandise Purchased we. oni nul Bossy 151.53 Construction and Betierments................. 5,156.83 Transfersito Other Bunds 0. ois i ai. ir Total Expenditures.viiii cic. oc toned $ 10,082.32 Balance in Fund at Close of Month............ $ 56,102.12 ELECTRIC PRODUCTION AND COST. WILM ETTE K. W. H. Furnished Consumers for Baghting Li nessa le 42956 Mon, and Tues, July 14 and 15 K. W. H. Furnished Consumers for AA ? POWEE. ilu io iin filon sao enn i ia 6,327 : :00 : .e . hy Bysnings 3 wud 3% K. W. H. Furnished Water Depart- ; 4 4 ment {ori POWer ... ides avila ines ore ts 43,321 LSIE<FERGUSON K. W. H. Furnished Village for : ' Street Lights: ilies min 5.983 A K.-W sH."Used at Station ...... 1.796 2 6 " pire Hen A LS A SRLS DRA LL Gf RR eR Se 3 in 'The Avalanche Total Consumption... i cun ono 100,383 EXTRA... PATHE NEWS 1/5 W. 70 13s 1a Distritwston corres = 11762 EXTRA, CHRISTIE COMEDY ; . 11,762 Wed. and Thurs, July 16 and 17 Total Generation .......o...... os 112.145 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 Operating Expenditures per K. W. H, generafed ©... cov iin ions ie 0425 Depreciation per K. W. H. generated 0055 "Stol n S Loss ip' Distribution per K. W. H. gegerated PRIS be SS in JR SL ORE ERT .0057 4 / Total Cost per-K. Wo Hi sold. oo oe. one. 0537 EXTRA, HA 4 WATER FUND--MONTHLY OPERATION. Bal. in Fund at Beginning of Month RS $ 7,402.69 EXTRA ADD Income for Month io... od 32.50 Pe. ao ang ely eRe $ 7435.19 venmys DEDUCT Expenditures-- YOR Pumping Expense ....c.iivivvarive a abt ici cis $ 1,696.73 ANIT ST ART Distribution ...i.. ili cori nr re 367.34 Commercial .. a aia sa lat 6.06 . General Pxpenses ....... onal 80 a nl 437.80 in "A CR EXTRA Motal- Operating". ci ...i vi vrei oe $ 2,507.93 |_Aominc Transferred to Sinking Fund...... Marguerite Clark in. "GIRLS" Interest on Time Warrants ....... Big Special "White Heather" Charlie Chaplin in "Sunnyside" J|............ $ 2,507.93 $ 2,752.64 Constructio and Betterments ...... 180.13 $136,694.26 $409,964.33 $ 5,173.69 25,958.50 $577,790.78 $ 10,304.12 433,600.00 1,876.28 14,646.42 57241.24 2,306.61 52,796.11 5,000.00 $131,990.38 $577,790.78 $ 16,213.23 7.398.64 $ 23,611.87 1,544.70 137.13 1241.73 5,182.85 751.65 107.38 A $ 8965.45 $ 14,646.42 10 CROSS COUNTRY AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS MAY 31st, 1919 By order of the war department a motor transport train, three miles ; ASSETS. : long, left Washington on July 7 and | Cash-- Current Year willicross the continent tothe Pacific] General .....ovivic iid ities vas) *$ 1,663.13 coast, sreaching San: Francisco over]. Blectric i... tives in finde sai 0 19,076.98 the Lincoln highway. : WALer 2. ilies tins rinsing os 4621.46 , This long journey is to be made in| Fectric Depreciation © wv. fol iioanio as * 2666.00 Sixty days. It will serve as a test of | 'gpecial Assessment ..........oooen 83.466.91 the efficiency, but what is considered P Cash Fand. ils sas sar senses, 9,400. : : etty Cas TL hal aS Dm EA 1.200.00 more effective, will demonstrate to Water Depreciation 20 the nation the inestimable value of a @ler AICDIeCIRUION oo ov hw aalyuaipuus oot 9,880.84 system of national highways. Plans Arranged Totals Cathe io ntvnnion mgntsns sv iend $113.916.97 The plans for the adventure have been completed by the war depart- Acconnts Receivables ment. All equipment has been as-| ',. £ Tag : JE RS A ree et Ee eA $ 7,704.10 sembled and the personnel detail as- Shoal Aros Rolle Sey signed. This transport train will be] pecial Assessment Rolls...................... 8 43.487.21 the heaviest in the history of any| Tax Certificates eR SEE va a RE 5.704.97 army. It will be even heavier than | County Collector ...........ooeee, iin, 52.672.28 any single unit of the huge transport| Due from Electricity Consumers.. 6.568.09 service used to keep the armies of the Due 'from Water .. ici ios 125.67 allies supplied along the French Due Irom Sundry Persons... ... vo a nad 3,717.69 front. No motor transport train of 7 3 ad any nation has zver before atterlipted 3 pi : > a continuous journey of 3,000 miles in Total Accounts Receivable................... $619, 980.01 sixty days with full war equipment. |[nventory of Coal at Plant.......... . .. . . .. ... $ 4257.05 The motor trucks will carry not only | Bond Investment--Electric Fund ................ 25,000.09 their own supplies to last the entire| Bond Investment--Elec. Depr'n Fund............ 61,122.07 journey, but will carry supply and a repair units, as well as full comple- Potal 'Current Assets... ois ifiwin io $824,276.10 ments of men and officers. The marching orders call for an average: i ¢ of seventy-five miles a day. 'This{- =-. LIABILITIES. : 3 schedule necessitates a speed of fif-| Special Assessment Time Warrants.............. 11,304.11 teen miles an hour all the way from | Special Assessment Bonds... niin sini ed 455,400.00 Washington to the coast, no matter| Special Deposits ....ccvvviivervinesnisi vin 2651.28 how unfavorable th: weather or geo- | Current Surplus or Deficit-- : = P graphical conditions. General Fund: oo. on imal anos 7.107.38 The war department, through the| Electric Fund.........ooovvevreuenn 56,102.12 chief of the motor transport corps,| yy ter Bund re ee 4747.13 Brig-Gen. Drake, has officially not-1 Electric Depreciation: Fand.....o0 ». 5845508 fied the war camp community service Beas. of the departure of the transport Water Deprec. Pund ov. ia sail. 9.880.84 train and requested it to-carz for the [Special Asst. Fund ..« oi. iiviivivviiasavivinsis 218,627.26 men all the way from Washington to SARA Re San Francisco, sending the itinerary Total Current Surplus. cic iirres dee. vous $354,920.71 of the line of march. The war camp . community service has been author-| moa) Current Liabilities. vee see oriin ross $824,276.10 ized to make official announcement GENERAL FUND--MONTHLY OPERATION. of the event for the war department Lin Being £ Month S 0/5 s and has already dispatched special Bal. in Fund at Beginning o $ 9145.23 "letters with instructions to all of its | ADD Income for Month.....covvivuunsoennnnnnn.. 4,766.92 organizers and field workers along the line of march. Plans for the Bota] i ARI Ta ee SR $ 13912.17 men's care and recreation during | DEDUCT Expenditures-- their brief evenings in each communi- | Public Affairs ...........ccueueueennns nononin.., $ 222081 ty have already been perfected. General Office Expense......... AE he 316.57 Train Three Miles Long Health Department. ...c... cease 1.444.67 The decision to send three miles of Publi ra arse vey Ce said yal 4 3 Wb Works u,v ha a 620.63 army motor trucks across the country Poli D was reached several days ago in olice epartment oo. vie i 1,749.16 Washington "after consultations be-| Fire Department.......cooovvvuunne 5... 392.95 tween General Drake in command of fry the transport service, Colonel Owen Total "Expenditures... . ives enor sspinns $ 6804.79 Seaman and Lieutenant-Colonel J. : M. Ritchie Spring mn eins ena Balance in Fund at Close of Month.............. $ 7107.38 BR a vay | ELECTRIC FUND--MONTHLY OPERATION. $ 56 776.59 5.930.96 $ 62,707.55 -$ 2,546.44 389.22 403.62 47.70 62.65 862.31 $ 4311.94 $ 5466.31 § 5724124 29,983 4,649 11,946 6,162 1,626 54,366 18,359 72,725 .0458 .0083 5,609.17 A Ro 2,107.91 $ 275264 Total Operating and Fixed Ch~r~ne 549.92 LEI aaa Transfer to OEEPUNAS wo cuinrs iv, orsimrsit anasto SE SEE Total Expenditures ....... ccc oii is $ 2,688.06 $ 3,302.56 Balance in Fund at Close of Month.............. $ 4747.13 $ 2,306.61 WATER PUMPED AND COST. Winnetka Consumption (ia 1000 gal.) Glencoe Consumption (ila 1000 gal)............ 13,275 11,320 Gross Point Consumpt. (in 1000 gal.) Fire Serv. Consumption (in 1000 gal.) Total Consumption .............. Loss in Distribution coi oi Total: Wate: Pomped. ..........0 00.0. 000. 35.360 35,063 Operating Expenditures (per 1000 gals: pumped) ail il hae pe Aa ee 0708 0530 Depreciation (per 1000 gals.) pumped............ .0060 .0059 | Loss in Distribution (per 1000 gals.) pumped' od 0 a sendin es ra Total Cost (per 1000 gals.) sold................ 0768 0589 FUEL CONSUMED. | 1918--389 tons of coal at $4.76 per ton........... 185396 oi haa { 1919--470 tons of coal at $4.13 per ton............ $ 1941.10 *These figures are "in the red." == i = | The Cemetery Bamiitul amidst nature's own beauty, ereated a beautiful park ceme- man has created 4 we, The sanken gardens, the winding gs and the imposing chapel makes this spot a vidinm of boauty. It is indeed a fit- ting Smeal restimg place for our beloved ones. MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY| and AN N EX 03 Mar uette Bldg. to havg/one of our representa. bile to take you to and ion. Investigate NOW| Central Cenretery Company 703 Marquette ing, Dept. B861 Chicago Su pot cry famds are on deposit with the of the Central Trust of Illinois. El _, A Word About Summer Beverages ngs is without doubt the KLEIN'S GINGER ALE Groce i vithout doubt the Klein's Ginger Ale commands the At wf of users of high grade beverages by reazon of its manysgoo qualiti~s. The price is moder- ot 't Lhasa de- ate. Pure spring wi'er is uged i licious, mild flaver f ginger "that issdcligh ful. It has a.pleasant, snappy taste. ~. KLEIN'S SUMMER BEVERAGES Birch Beer Sarsaparilla FARR ERR. o, SET TN PERSE Br TERRE For Sale fe AlF Grocers HINCHLEY & SCHW Ig, 1a Ay Yous Root Beer / £ Ginger Ale { X EVANSTON TELEPHONE EVANSTON 980 LLL Lad Lr rd LTTLI TS 18S LIATI 0 45 FTL STH TILL TASS IIS SAO dF SAIS IIASA SSA SS NORTH SHOR Lr iiad RUBBER CO. Aute pik bt HONE foe 2037 1620 MAPLE AV EVANSTON, JLL, A ddd LT 77 A RAT ZT TT DALI RB KTR Cl rr Cn Why we ar our soot "proud of ve ee veal service. 4 we please our custo- mers. . 4 BECAUSE we have the largest Hardwire store in Winnetka. E. B. TAYLOR & CO. Hardware. Phone 999 PT Ba ity ne CR vA -- D3 a a -- ET ---- i =

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