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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 18 Jul 1919, p. 5

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ETT TE Tree - r-- ' : WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919 % 5 = = z mm ed SNS; TOO (® ocial Happenings on y tthe d "North Shore by Ruth Risley VERY WEEK motors go up from Winnetka to take con- valescent soldiers from the hospital at Fort Sheridan for an afternoon's outing. homes in Winnetka for ice cream and cake before returning to the hospital at 5 o'clock. The committee in charge of these ar- FE Often they are invited to various. rangements plans to have a large summer, to entertain 100 men at after the motor rides. A special picnic once a month during the supper-and during the evening, point is being made to include some of the wheel-chair patients, as it is much more difficult for them to leave the post. Only by can it be made possible for them to. join with the other soldiers in these supper parties, which make a great change from the routine of life in the hospital. The next picnic is to be held on July 25, and at least 15 wheel-chair patients will be numbered among the 100. The supper, the truck and some of the other arrangements must be paid for, and the committee asks for the support of the community in this enterprise. Mrs. Frederick Thomas, 680 Walden road, will be glad to receive contributions. M team against eight clubs in the second series team champion- ship of the Women's Western Golf association. The match was played at Glen View Tuesday. The Indian Hill team was composed of Mrs. F. C. Letts, Jr. Miss Elizabeth Klotz, Miss Dorothy Klotz, Mrs. Philip Swift and ~ Mrs. Howard O'Brien. Onwentsia was represented by Mrs. Arnold Jackson, Miss Edith Cummings, Mrs. Bruce D. Smith, Mrs. Howard Linn and Mrs. Earle Reynolds. Mrs. Letts, Jr., and Mrs. Arnold Jackson tried for low individual score at 91. Miss Edith Cummings a RS. F. C. LETTS, Jr. with a card of 91, led the Indian Hill sending a truck for their chairs | had a score of 82. & 4 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durham of Kenilworth announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Ida, to Randal F. Hathaway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hathaway of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, for- merly of Chicago. & ad The engagement is announced of Miss Virginia Ridgway, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway of Kenilworth, to Leon T. Ellis, son of Mrs. E. T. Ellis of Evanston. On Tuesday, July 15, fifty child- ren from Chicago Commons were en- tertained by the East Willow and Fir street circles, Mrs. J. A. Morlzy and Mrs. C. B. Hill, chairmen. The child- ren were brought in charge of Miss Hipp and Miss Evans. As soon as they alighted from the train, they made one grand rush for the waiting automobiles and were taken to the home of Mrs. Roval Hoagland, East Willow street, where a Junch was served. They played| games, picked wild flowers, went to the lake, and were given an automo- bile ride to Wheeling. Before leav- ing the children sang a number of songs, the last one with especial zest-- "Oh me! Oh my! We'll gat there bye and bye! If anybody likes this picnic, Its. 5 1-111 It was a red-letter day for these little city children, some of whom had never even ridden on the train before. Their genuine appreciation was shown in such remarks as, "Say, teacher, is this the country?" "I ain't never goin' back to the city!" "Look a' them swell roses!" "My Ma'll be awful pleased with these wild flowers, ain't it?" And towards the end of the ride. one little sleepy head went down on the arm of the lady driving, and a sleepy but happy voice said, "Don't nobody say nothin', I'm goin' to sleep!" The guests of the day were Mrs. C. E. Jewell, Mrs. Ebert Harrold and daughter, Rose, Mrs. Harrold's sis- ter, Mrs. M. J. Quattlebaum and daughter Ruth, of Aiken, South Carolina, and Mrs. C. G. Smith of Wilmette. The circles are indebted for auto- mobile service to Mrs. Douglas Smith, Mrs. A. R. Dean, Mrs. T. M. Brooks, Mrs. G. D. Wolfe, Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mrs. G. H. Morris, Mrs. Walter Bemis. Miss Laura Fisher and Miss Lillian Norton. RN A Mr. and Mrs. George S. Murphy of Des Moines, Iowa, are the guests of Mr. Murphy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Murphy, 905 Elm street, for a few days this week. They have been making an extensive automobile trip stopping en route at Mount Vernon, Ohio, where Mrs. Murphy's parents reside. MN Mrs. Richard B. Barnitz of Fort Sill, Oklahoma, arrived on Saturday +of last week for a visit with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Russ- ell who are spending fhe summer in Winnetka. 'Mrs. Barnitz's marriage was a fashionable event of the late spring. : ss Gf mn Mrs. Charles F. Spalding has clos- ed her home on Astor street, in Chi- cago, and is spending the summer in Winnetka. % The A. N. Nelson family of Evans- ton, formerly of Winnetka, are spsnd- ing several weeks at Benton Harbor, Michigan. . substantial { , Truly one of the most delightful out of door presentations was given on Friday evening and Saturday after- noon of last week on thé lovely crounds surrounding the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Scott in Hub- bard Woods. Ths weather on both occasions was simply ideal, and large catherings of society assembled to witness the fairyland operetta. "The House that Jack Built," which was rresented by the children of Win- netka, assisted by Miss Hazz1 Sharpe and a group of young girls from Chi- cago, who are regarded as cuite the most talented dancers in that city. The proceeds of these affairs, amounting to nearly two thousand dollars, will be used for the brnefit of Arden Shore Rest Camp, located at Lake Bluff, a resort and haven of rest for the mothers and children:of the tenement districts of Chicago. Mrs. T. H. MclInnerney, ge=neral chairman of the presentation, wishes to acknowledge with sincerest ap- preciation the invaluable assistance rendered her by Mrs. John S. Miller, Jr, Miss Augusta Fenger, and Mrs. Charles H. Poole, in the work of producing the operetta, and also by Mrs. E. W. Conable, Mrs. John Mec- Ewen, Mrs. Cornelius Lynde and Mrs. John Ott, who gave much valu- able assistance with the costumes. The Arden Shore committee in charge of the presentation at the Scott estate is comprised of : Mrs. A. W. Shaw, Mrs. Victor Elting; Mrs. Tohn Stuart. Mrs. Kent Tenney, Mrs. Arthur Tuttle, Mrs. T. Philip Swift, Mrs. A. C. Magnus, Mrs. Mancel T. Clark, Mrs. William P. Sidney, Mrs. Cornelius Lynde, Mrs. Henry Tenney, Mrs. F. W. Scott, Mrs. C. T. Mordock, Mrs. R. H. Ripley, Miss Augusta Yenger, Mrs. H. L. Hollis. Mrs.'J. H. Hardin, Mrs. George J. Farnsworth, Mrs. George Thorne, Mrs. George Massey. Mrs. Edward Ellis, Miss Ruth Matz. ant im At the meeting of the Ravinia club last Friday, it was decided to chance 'he time of meeting from 11 A. M. to 1:15 P. M. Luncheon will be serv: ed at 12 o'clock each Friday, to any who can come. The bLusin:ss meet- ing does not begin until 1:15 o'clock. 'The opera for Saturday evening is "Tosca," with Miss. Faston and Rothier in the principal roles, and on Sunday evening the new opera of "Lakme," with Miss Garrison, Or- ville Harrold and Rothier is to be given. Lo = Mrs. Norman W. Harris of Win- netka is co-chairman with Mrs. H. D. Jones on Thursday of each week at the Chicago Babies' Free Milk Fund shop at 205 North State street, Chi- cago. Mrs. Charles S. Sargent is general chairman of the shop, and every day different hostesses are in charge. Sandwiches, home-made cake and soft drinks are obtainable there. Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty, 559 Lincoln avenue, left last week to spend the remainder of the summer at "Gris- wolda," Ludington, Mich. : | | FEO AON GRY | | K Buy at Home. GOONER NEON KEY eavivaxtravivaxtvarivavivavivevivan Friends say that for the past two weeks this paper has been conspicuous. Notice- ably conspicuous due to the absence of an advertisement on Ford cars. The reason for withholding my ads? The demand for Ford cars (good cars) is so great that the production, 4000 cars daily, does not begin to satisfy. a better reason for buying a Ford in pref- erence. to an imitation? R. D. CUNNINGHAM EXCLUSIVE 810 CHURCH ST. EVANSTON Could you ask Assure yourself good service. arya, FOr ppaLER {tHE CAR CTL VTE PHONE EVANSTON 4884 Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Callahan of Chicago, who recently returned from an outing at Wequetonsing, will move to Winnetka on July 25, to make their home the rest of the summer, A dance for the benefit of the In- fant Welfare society will be given this evening on the tennis court of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hibbard's residence at 840 Willow street. --p-- Mr. and Mrs. Morgan K. Arm- strong, 796 Pine street, are at Lake- side, Mich., for the summer months. ee Last Saturday afternoon and even-! ing Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford | entertained fifty guests, including | en party at their home, 835 Elmwood avenue. During the afternoon | announcement of the engagement of | Miss Harriet Owen and Mr. Howard | Andrews of Faribault, Minnesota, was mada. ee fin Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Tillson, 807 Seward street, Evanston, announce the birth of a daughter, Susanne, on June 18, at the Evanston hospital Mrs. Tillson was formerly Miss Ag- nes Flentye, daughter of Mr. Henry I. Flentye, 729 Lake avenue. RL Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tansill will give a dinner picnic on Saturday evening on the large lawn surround- ing the Tansill home, at 1010 Chest- nut avenue. There will be about twenty couples in attendance. ---- Mr. Henry .L. Flentye and son, Harry, 729 Lake avenue, left last evenine to spend several weeks at Bay View, Mich. Miss Laura Flent- ve will leave on Monday to join her family. --_---- Miss Dorothy Smith, daughter of Mrs. Robert S. Smith of Cumnor. road, Kenilworth. left yesterday to] spent two months at the home of her sister, Mrs. Taylor, in Greene- ville, Mass. 0 Fe O £1 0 ee O I 0 Em] O 1 O Ee O EI 0 EI O EI O es O EI OF ---- Mrs. Charles Mack and her daugh-' tar, and Mrs. Mary Springer, of 707 Central avenue, are spending a fort- night at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. ---- Mrs. George Bird, 610 Washington avenue, was hostess to two tables of bridge last Tuesdeg afternoon at Skokie Golf club. : ome ems Bridge clubs will be entertained next week at the home of Mrs. Percy W. Andrews, 411 Lake avenue. tf Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Thayer, 610 Central avenue, are spending the month of July camping in northern Wisconsin. ; Mrs. Clifford Hubbard and small son of Rock Island have been the quests this past week of Mrs. Wilbur at present Mrs. Hubbard is spending a few days with relatives in Chicago, previous to her return home. A Mr. and Mrs.- Albert Zandt of Chicago have taken the Harper home at 711 Park avenue, for the summer. relatives from out-of-town, at a gard-! One of the Thesday Luncheon and | § Mrs. Zandt has recreation work in New York during the past winter and spring. ; semen ont been doing war, The Road To Sucess in Merchandising "Quality First" is our the best. ing hours grade goods we carry. at all times. by phone. is due to Quality-Service and Price Our Service is unquestionable. We have plenty of help to serve you. Four times daily, 9:30-11:30A. M., 2:30 and 4:55 P. M. Orders must reach us at a reasonable time before leav- Our prices are extremely low for the high A Good Selection of FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Give us a call personally or We will be glad to serve you. Motto, we always handle Delivery-None Better, The Progressive Grocery A. LIPS, Prop. 801 Elm St., Meyer Bank Bldg., Winnetka Tel. 888-889 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS : Horm OI OE J 030 | i | i | o i CEO I0E3a0 Better Buy Now! If you need anything we have--buy it. Hardware prices are advancing, Manufacturers' stocks are far more depleted than a year ago, To wait for lower prices will be a choice of paying an advance price or not be- ing able to obtain the goods at all E. B. TAYLOR & CO., Hardware. Phone 999 522 Central avenue, accompanied by G. Glover, 1236 Forest avenue. Just | Mrs. D. K. Dickinson, 511 Washing- ton avenue, are spending the remain- der of the summer in California. tin is Mr. and Mrs. John R. Harper and family, 711 Park avenue, are spend- ing the summer on their farm in northern Mickiger, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke L. Hayes, 810 Chestnut avenue, will return the Mrs. Williard Thayer and daughter, latter part of the week from a fort- Fe a AE night's visit in the east. Be Ready I am whispering in your wear, for the spring is here--as Madame Nat- ure to yourself be sure--before you make a summer tour; take care of your coiffure--its important--I can curl your hair so it stays permanent. Satisfaction guaranteed at modarate price. Delebecque, 747 Elm street, Winnetka. Telephone Winnetka 822. hadi tite. iid Ro LT sage { 3 noni, A og bn, AEN emission. .

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