WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1919 Stephens Car Bodies Of Finest Materials ' "In constructing Stephens bodies. says the manager of the General Motors company, "we have taken ac- 'count of the fact that a well finished body adds greatly to the pleasure of ownership as well as value of the car. Stephens bodies are designed and built complete in the Stephens factory and are constructed in evary way exactly like the best grade of custom-built bodies which command. very high prices. Quality is always the keynote in Stephens construc- tion. Beneath the metal body is a rigid hardwood frame, every joint of which is screwed and glued and where strains occur the frame is re- inforced by drop forge body.irons. Because of this strong construc- tion Stephens bodies are free from squeaks and rattles. The body finish is beautiful and lasting as the paint is all applied by hand. First the body is sand blasted to remove all foreign substances and then coat after coat of paint is applied and rubbed by hand until a lasting mirror-like surface results. A "The top and curtains of Stephens cars are individually fitted to each body. The top is made to carry the curtains in neat pockets attached to the bows, so that the curtains are ready instantly to button into place. Door opening curtain attachments are fitted to each door. The top is so constructed that it is easily folded into small space when down and with little or no change of damage to goods." BIG SOCIETY FILM AT HOYBURN LABOR DAY "The Thirteenth Chair," featuring Yvonne Delva and Creighton Hale will be shown at the Hoyburn theater, Evanston, Friday of this week. The film is built upon the suc- cessful play of that title which ex- perienced a long run at a leading Chicago theater last winter. It is a great mystery play by Bayard Veil- er. ¥ Saturday's leading attraction at the Hoyburn .will be the first National pe SAVES TIME i La LIGHTENS GE production entitled, "Choosing a Wife," taken from the society novel, "The Elder Miss Blossom." "Fires of Faith," characterized as an Artcraft Super-Special, will appear at the Hoyburn Monday and Tuesday, September 1 and 2. Louise Glaum will be the headliner on Wednesday in her latest success, "Sahara." . On Thursday and Friday Olive Thomas, the Hoyburn favorite, will be seen in "The Spite Bride," and Saturday's bill will be led by Lila Lee in, "Cock O' the Walk." ROOSEVELT SPEAKS FOR MEMBERSHIP OF AMERICAN LEGION Theodore Roosevelt of New York, one of the founders of the American | tion of the legion's national speakers' I bureau. His tour will be one of the drive to be undertaken by tember to bring the legion's enroll- ment of veterans up to the million mark prior to the national conven- tion in Minneapolis on November 10,11 and 12 The purpose of the Roosevelt tour as well as the speaking tours of J. F. J. Herbert of Massachusetts, head of the speakers' bureau, and John W. Inzer of Alabama, will be to co-ordi- nate the work being done by state organizations, to assist state officials of the legion on behalf of the na- tional executive committee and to tell the country at large about the in- ception, organization, aims and ideals of the legion and its present ac- complishments. Mr. Roosevelt will cover the states of Michigan, Indiara, Illinois, Wis- consin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, California, Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. In each of these states he will deliver addresses and attend conferences GT ALL HOUSEWORK = ge with American legion officials in one or more of the large cities where it will be possible for him to meet the gE AND ENERGY. B A HY and Good A ac Healt When you have an extra big appetite doesn't it give u a real thrill to sit down to a well cooked meal? astes mighty good--such a comfortable feeling of sfaction afterward! are banished from your J Why not guarantee your motoring comfort by putting an extra good storage battery--the EVEREADY in your car, to satisfy the needs of your starting, lighting and ignition service? It banishes all worries, Ruinous sulphation--the indigestion of storage batteries--can't afflict This battery carries a written Guarantee of eighteen months' good + Service; --and we, as EVEREADY Service.Station, see to it that this is EVEREADY Service entire elimi made good. mobile storage battery trouble, WINNETKA MOTOR CO. Authorized Sales and Service Willys-Knight--Overland Cars 562Lincoln Averve WINNETKA, EVEREADY All thoughts of indigestion mind. the EVEREADY. e el tion of auto- Why don't you give us a trial? ILL. 3 legion at both the Paris and St.| [Louis caucuses and now a member of | the joint national executive com- | mittee, started on a four weeks' speaking tour through the middle | | west and far west under the direc- features of the national membership | | | state | branches and local posts during Sep- | largest possible number of ex-service men. Several states have arranged to hold their first annual' conventions on dates when he will be able to at- tend the opening sessions. Mr. Herbert, chairman of the na-| tional speakers' bureau, announces | that it will be impossible for Mr. Roosevelt to accept more than 10 per cent of the hundreds of requests which have poured into national headquarters from American legion posts and state branches. Invitations to attend agricultural fairs, to hunt big game in the Rockies and to de- liver a speech at cattle roundups! gw BW il EI Ci =f I SH = PRCT BEVERAGES MADE IN EVANSTON" For Luncheons, parties, for warm evenings and for your guests at all times. Order A Case Of GINGER ALE, SARSAPARILLA, ROOT BEER or any flavor | All Pure and Wholesome | At Your Dealers or call Evanston 5464 for service. ! SHAMROCK PRODUCTS CO. | have been declined, through the speakers' bureau, so that Mr. Roose- velt may give all his time to Amer- ican legion affairs. Loose quarters may become lost quarters. Thrift Stamps tighten your hold on them. SUBSCRIBE NOW PAINTS Of all kinds in large and small cans WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Finishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE FREE PAINT INFORMATION FREE =] ~The Cemetery Beautiful LANTED amidst nature's own beauty, man has created a beautiful park ceme- tery. The sunken gardens, the winding paths, and the imposing chapel makes this spot a vision of beauty. It is indeed a fit- ting fihal resting place for our beloved ones. MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY and ANNEX Gross Point Road and Harrison St., Vy Mile West of Evanston We want you 'to visit this cemetery. You will find it interesting and attractive. You should reserve for yourself a family lot--all lots in Memorial Park are sold with full perpetual care guaranteed. Suitable easy payments--no interest. Don't miss this opportunity. YOU ARE INVITED to call or write to the main office, 703 Mar 1uette Bldg. and make appointment to have one of our representa- tives call for you in an automobile to take you to and from the cemetery. No obligation. Investigate NOW] Central Cemetery Company 703 Marquette Building, Dept. B86] Chicago Our perpetual eare funds are on deposit with the Trust Pepartment of the Central Trust of Illinois. Var be ] electric lines from Northern Wisconsin. Chicago Office Phone Central 8280 PLEASANT TRIPS FOR OVER LABOR DAY The three day holiday over Labor Day will give many folks an opportunity for their last real vacation trip of the summer. Why not spend the week end in the beautiful resort districts of Wisconsin and Michigan? = Many of the ideal vacation spots of Wisconsin can easily, be reached by Resorts like Oconomowoc, Cedar Lake, Beaver Lake, Waukesha, Watertown, Plymouth, Crystal Lake, etc., give splendid opportunities for a short vacation. Milwaukee. At Milwaukee convenient connections can be made with Lake Steamers, affording short but direct and pleasant routes to points in Splendid Service of the North Shore Line Ja To reach Milwaukee and make connections for Wisconsin or Michigan re- sorts, travel over the North Shore Line. waukee leave Winnetka every hour daily, beginning at 6:29 A. M. No delays. Fast, clean, cool and comfortable. No dirt, no dust, no cinders. 'Dining car service is maintained. For further information apply to the CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD 66 West Adams Street All-steel limited trains for Mil- Se Michigan and Milwaukee Office 187 Second Street y Phone Grand 1136 -