Lauds Sait RRR a 6 : : WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1919 POLLARD STARS JOLT | ope shies ™ 8% itis] conte Moree math_shors SE: | 18 t 1 . ' | LOCALS IN FAST TILT drame BS ee sl NT aS 1 IN gomery, Evanston; L. G. Richardson, Superior playing at all stages of the | Bob O'Link Has Big | Bigewater, Chicago. "7" game nas the cause of the Wings : This makes twelve Milburn elec- efeat Sunday afternoon by the Kv- i a withi anston colored team, Pollard's Stars,|: September Program rice Said on the north shors within the last two months. This car is by [he Seore i 2 Le 1, od "ri + | The September program of golfing increasing in popularity very rapid- nl va . x ; pn kg e colore ads playe rings" | at the Bob O' Link Golf club, of which | ly in this section, according to the a a -- pd ; 'around the locals who were never in : : . i ' ; many residents of tl local repres ! The the running. Wilmette garnered on- y 2 the Village 'are presentative | : C a: | | - ore, Lite during the entire pastime Pemibats, is announced as follows: : te kn 4 ; ® September 13--Semi- i EERE ¢ CRETE § | CERI Hanan d th Ind d ; and contributed three errors to they Williams In Lu i 4 a vg | S tee € cpen ences RLS Pollards' victory. - Rosberg was the | Medal play, three quarter handicap. Sint miscreant with two errors' Eiohteen holes, Medal play, handi- chalked aga bist His Ost: cap. Prizes for first low gross, sec- bobbles enabled the victors to score {,n( Jow gross, first low net and sec- their two runs. Borre was In a|,nd low net batting slump, as he struck out three September I Phals Lucian 2M times. The last time he whiffed with Williams trophy. Eighteen holes, : two down and the bases loaded. He | y.¢ch play, three quarters handicap. had a.chance earlier in the game to Qualifying Round Consolation ty & drive in a run but fanned the air. To > > dein ; - - In '98 we told Cuba that we'd take a nand in her scrap with Spain, help her shake off C her troubles and become independent. It was a considerable job but the U. S. with her wealth of power made good her guarantee. Shake off your automobile starting, lighting and eanar trophy. Presente V x | ignition troubles--libe ff e an His pitching was good but not up 3 Phy 72 £ ited by 5 Loren W. i IMPROVE YOUR = ! berate yourseli from the an- Ny th tandard displayed hy CHE Jones. Open only to those who have © oyances and expenses of storage battery failure to the standard displayed by LEU. 560 won in any of the regular sched- GAME OF by calling on the EVEREADY Storage Battery Adams, the colored hurler. Cliff hart! 1.4 events daring es : © for help = Boor oad *uality" Harris, & fad | ¥ £4 83 ents during the season. This : . of 17, took his place in the eighth tor 1 Ri 3e property of fis With this battery you get a definite Guarantee when the sacks were loaded with one [po oyoraved on the rh Lo A yaar SY of eighteen months' comfort and satisfaction. It down. Golbach forced the runner] ny to a A Buy mn ih has such a wealth of power that it is bound to at third and then Borre allowed him- ' goeive an. uapprapiate make good the EVEREADY Guarantee. oo} emblem commemorating the evant. Eighteen holes, Medal play, 16 to qualify. September 27--First round Con- solation trophy. Eighteen. holes, Match play, threes quarters handicap. Blind Bogey event. Prizes. Choice score contest ends. self to fatten "Quality's" pitching record by striking out. Golbach dropped a fly in the second inning but no damage resulted. He and Robinson caught men stealing at different times. Schaefer also was in a batting slump as he struck out three times. He failed to strike out the fourth time as he walked. Strike outs were COMPARES DORRIS plentiful however and Virginia home TO THE EXCLUSIVE runs were asthick as bees in aswarm. FEUROPEAN MODELS Adams' speed was so great at times RR aR . that the locals found it hard to see "For fifteen years Mr. Dorris, the ball coming. president and chief engineer of the Wilmette won the game on Labor | Dorris Motor Car company of St. Day 8 to 7 from the Leewood A. C. of | I ouis, has been building high grad: Chicago. The Leewood pitcher was | motor cars with the utmost success," Spiked Sani in fhe ams, ; Before | remarked Fraank Beck of the Gener- Ee Conta 3 Mors "Ite secret of this Sue Between prankiin sud Market Sirasts 2 so ! : ignes, ess has been the careful and thor- Phone Franklin 5744 will begin duties next Sunday as|gyoh manner in which each detail : score-keeper for another north shore |i, tha construction of the Dorris car Ries RUBBER STORE nine . 4 § CITED 0 6 SIERACREED § EER 0 ' For really efficient and conscientious battery service, --repair work, recharging, and refilling-- the right place is the EVEREADY Service Sta- tion. We are EVEREADY to serve every autoist in this way. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. ; Authorized Sales and Service Willys-Knight-- Overland Cars 562Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA, ILL. EVEREADY . . STORAGE BATTERY ay SoING A LIVE BALL ITS MADE OF LIVE RUBBER and SOLD BY A LIVE HOUSE W.H.Salishury& Go. Established 1865 308 W. Madison Street, CHICAGO has been cared for. wm esd ced 3 - MBSE 1 ial used and the work- z The ma GOVERNMENT SCON TO MAKE manship one finds in the Dorris ARMOR AND HEAVY FORGINGS | plant is unsurpassed in,any of the | | American or European automobile : | factories. new naval ordnance plant at| "The motor and all other uni 9 hp .--- 4 working Disturbed condit to the war hav responsible fora delay in ge work started. The new plant is equipped with every modern appli-| ance for the manufacture of its] specialities, and will turn out an-|3 @&¥ Tt A nually 50,000 tons of armor plate, narked O. ly ror J U guns, projectiles, and miscellaneous | M1l€S more. an eloquen ordnance forgings. ibute to the fineness of Dorris ma VE rE .., | terial and workmanship. Engineers, metallurgists, and mill | "In addition the beauty exclusive and machine shop men will 22 iter body creations reminds noe of the ested in: the positions which are to| od een in pre-war days in the Bois be filled in the supervisory and sub- at Paris or Hyde Park, London. ordinate forces. The United States Civil Service Commission has an- ST 2 nounced for this plant the need of a | DRISCOLL IS MADE superintendent of melting shops at FOOTBALL COACH $5000 a year, a superintendent of ed forge shops at $5000 a year, foremen of heat treatment of armor plate at from $10 to $14.40 a day, foremen of heat treatment of large guns at from $9 to $12.56 a day, foremen of 14,000- ton pre ¢ to do to it. 1 to the own It is delightful now at the beautiful resorts of Wisconsin and Michigan. Why not take this opportunity at the lagging end of the summer to enjoy a short trip into this famous resort district. Paddy Driscoll, known to the north shore as one of the greatest football ba +1 : - T + play in the history of Northwest- ern University, quarterback on the SE for armor and. le all-American service eleven last ; ye was named assistant football caliber guns at from $11.84 to $13. 2 : ; Soisl a day, foremen of small guns at «a | coach of the university last week. a day, and foremen of heat treatment Dus Imes, Loe further an of projectiles at $8 a day. Applicants pounced that the athletic commiifee for these positions will not be given | of the board of trustees approved this appointment and the appointment of scholastic tests in an examination N Elli bere thall oo room but will be rated on their train. | Norman 1b jot jas baskernall coach and tutor of the freshman football ing and experience, weighted at a0 : es ie stad Joona, per cent, and their physical ability, foam, siiionis a graduate of Illinoi weighted at 10 per cent. Detailed in- Wesleyan and coached the North- formation and application blanks western quintet two years ago. may be obtained from the United CRITI ~~ States Civil Service Commission, SUBSCRIBE NOW Washington, D. C., or from the secre- tary of the local board of civil serv- ice examiners at the post office or customhouse in any of 3,000 cities. Journeyman workmen and helpers should apply direct to the labor board 3 :X ARE : YOU : at the South Charleston plant. ; ¥i y rd 'BLANCHE SWEET LEADS : ; ECONOMICAL? AT HOYBURN NEXT WEEK | Fi&% 4 . ®, Olive Thomas, the "Hoyburn favor- ite" is the attraction at that theater on Friday of this week, appearing in * her latest success, "The Spite Bride." Saturday's program leads with, "The Heart ou et I eoion- | JERE 1311] 874 a Resorts like Oconomowoc, Cedar Lake, Beaver Lake, Waukesha, Watertown, Plymouth, Crystal Lake, etc. afford splendid opportunities for a short vaca- 3Y tion. Most of these vacation-spots are within easy reach by electric lines from Milwaukee. Or if you want to reach the resort district of Michigan, you can make con- venient connections at Milwaukee with the lake steamers. Travel Via the | North Shore Use the North Shore when travelling to Milwaukee where connections can be made for Wisconsin or Michigan resorts. Fast all-steel limited trains for Milwaukee leave Winnetka every hour daily, beginning at 6:29 A. M. on week days and every 30 minutes on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holi- days. Splendid dining car service is maintained. For further information apply to the CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Chicago Office Milwaukee Office 66 West Adams Street 187 Second Street i Phone Central 8280 : Phone Grand 1136 BY EATING : | ber 8 and 9, Blanche Sweet will be the drawing card in, "The Hushed Hour." Wednesday's leading film will be, "Cock O' the Walk," with Lila Lee. The main attraction for Thurs- day and Friday is Eugene O'Brien in, "The Perfect Lover." On Saturday Dorothy Gish appears in, "Nobody Home." One of th emost important events billed at the Hoyburn for the near future is Douglas Fairbanks in his first "Big 4" film, "His Majesty, the American." Mr. Fairbanks, it is said, gathered the material for this film