$a ne Essex Braves Terrors of Old Mormon Trail "Art" Hansen, San Bernardino mer- chant, is not a descendant of the pioneer band of Mormons who fought their way to the Pacific coast in 1847, but he had heard of the "Old Mormon Trail" through Cajon pass, so deter- mined to find it. Part of the old trail is still distinguishable, but much of it, across the roughest part of the Majave desert, has long since been abandoned and lost. When the Mormons, harassed and well nigh driven_to despair, with nearly half their complement of men already dead or dying of thirst and privation, determined, in spite of overwhelming odds, to "carry on" un- til they reached the promised land of milk and honey, they were so des- perately pushed by the Indians they covered their trail with the greatest care. No one has since had the temerity to attempt its location by motor car until Hansen essayed the feat. He knew his Essex was capable of ac- complishment, for it was light enough to overcome the sand, powerful enough to negotiate steep mountain grades and with stamina enough to go the pace and come back again, not once, but dozens of times if neces- sary. The Mormons came into southern California over Cajon pass, not where the paved road is now located, but across the summit where the wash cut a steep pitch down the south face of the ridge, 4000 fect above sea level. Hansen sent his Essex through the juniper brush, up steep washes, plow- ing through sand and gravel where a motor car had never before at- tempted a trail. "I knew what others reported of the Essex," said Hansen, "and how they praised its power and hill climb- ing ability. I watched the Essex per- form at the San Bernardino hill cilmb when it beat every car in its class by such a big margin that no one has since attempted to lower its record, and I have driven it on 'high' where I didn't believe a motor car could possibly go, but this trip over the old Mormon trail made me fully appreciate its really capacity." NOW REDEEM SERIES V-XK TREASURY CERTIFICATES | Bi Governor J. B. McDougal of the |g#" Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has | {4 received a telegram from Secretary of the Treasury Glass containing an important announcement for the holders of United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, Mav 1, 1919, and maturing October 7, 1919. Following is the text of the announcement the Treasury: "All United States Treasury certi- | ficates of indebtedness of Series V-K, dated May 1, 1919, and maturing October 7, 1919, are hereby called for ES and ll nm ibe fhidlh TELEPHONE EVANSTON 140 Columbia Six A I Before ale wh your next car oli us 0 demonstrate HARA Maxwell A i C. H. BRIGGS 1549 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON answer should av; oid ong telephone in busy sigfals to other sub- scribers/ who may want to get your/telephone or that of yourjcorrespondent. We ask your co-operation in our efforts to make the service satisfactory. Co-operation VERY telephone call is an inter-related service between the caller, the operator and the person called. PS # To get the best.out of telephone service there m among the thre £ The persdn calling prop Make sure of the er by » first consulting the , tele- phone directory. Speak distinctly, with the lips close to but not touch- ing the mofithpiece. The rE cdlled should CHICAGO TELEPHONE be co-operation | romhptly. Both COMPANY AE DEER. eS wonderful | i dated | jase from the Secretary of | @8 redemption on September 15, 1919, at par and accrued interest pursuant to the provision for such redemption contained in the certificates. On September 15, 1919, interest on all certificates of said series will cease ' 2 to accrue. SUBSCRIBE NOW 0YBUR $15 Davis St, Evanston Matiness 2 and 6 Evenings 7 & 11 Friday | EUGENE O'BRIEN September 12 "The Perfect Lover"' 8 Saturday September 13 DOROTHY GISH "Nobody Home" NEXT WEEK DOUGLAS : FAIRBANKS § "His Majesty, | The American' Yoh Gea RMN pal An Invitation| , To All The Ladies Of The North Shore I WIHT Nou are most cordially invited to call and in- spect our most novel line of Samples and Unique line of styles. : Our designers are ready to make you a suit, skirt or' | coat in any style, any material. /They will also ad- vise you just what will wear apd look best. Ou fit and dg are nxcelled. Don t frost that this1s a fondling? invitation" and that we will always give you a most cordial wel- come, regardless of whether or not you order. m-- The Evanston Ladies' Tailors 1112 Davis Street Telephone Ev. 5618 EVANSTON, ILLINOIS : It BAER HE ER RT |The Simple, Econontical and Worry-Saving So- lution to the Heating Pro em : The Allen Nel, Oil-Fuel System ~ -- Adapted to ANY ~ "Boiler or Furnace We make no alterations on your present heating plant, but simply attach our system to it. than coal. without waste.' forever. Thermostat. Open Evening Till 9 Pe... ve den 5 Fuel-0il furnishes a heat superior to and cheaper It provides any degree of heat desired Furthermore, it eliminates coal shoveling, dust, soot and the drudgeries of ashes The system is automatically controlled by a Simply set the Thermostat to the desired temperature and the CONTROL WILL AUTOMATICALLY MAINTAIN THAT TEMPERATURE. Day or night, on cold days or warm days the same temperature will continue St ; > Lae UNTIL YOU YOURSELF CHANGE IT. SSNS Be Comfortable All Winter and Be Independent of the Coal Man Call and see our demonstrations, or write for descriptive literature JAWORSKI & DU 1004 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON EE | yd No Dust No Smoke No Odor No Ashes No Labor No Worry ' JINN, North Shore Distributors eo if "Phone Evanston 2330