Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 11 Oct 1919, p. 7

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v EAE -------- I -- Classified Advertisements I Ris per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5¢ per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by it es SE RE TER FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--REASONABLE PRICE gas stove; good condition. Phone Win. 129. T29-2tc FOR SALE--GAS RANGE;GOOD CON- dition; reasonable. 520 Fim street. T30-1te FOR SALE_BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY upright player-piano. $200 cash or $250 on installment. Tel. Glencoe] 746. T30-1te FOR SALE--RELIABLE GAS STOVE; 2 ovens. Phone Glencoe 340-R. T30-1tc YOR SALE--JEWEL COAL RANGE; used one year; good as new. 422 Provident avenue. T30-1te FOR SALE_RUG AND FURNITURE. 461 Maple avenue, corner Cherry. T30-1tc FOR SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our new pianos, $65 up. Large assortment; easy payments. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Ev- 'anston. LTG41-tfe FOR SALE--ALMOST NEW HARD coal Laurel heater. 237 Wood street. Phone Wil. 1722. LTG48-1tc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SCREEN FOR fireplace. Phone Glencoe 631. LTG48-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE_PAIR OF PET DRIVING goats and harness; $25. Box 71, Winnetka. Atul T30-1tp FOR SALE--BLACK CONEY FUR coat, pair of andirons. Address Weekly Talk A-339. T30-1tc mower, - hose, wheel, hoe complete; geveral garden tools. 461 Maple avenue, corner Cherry. T30-1te FOR SALE--FINE CHICKEN COOP wire complete; very cheap. Phone Wil. 1455. LTG48-1tp FOR SALE--HANDSOME FONY; ALSO cart, harness and saddle; for children 8 to 15. 109 Woodbine avenue. Tel. Wil. 840-W. LTG48-1tc WANTED 10 BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, OLD clothes and 'shoes. J. Golinsky, 1705 Forest avenue. Telephone Wilmette 1150. "He has his name on his wagon." LT44-tfc FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--5-PASS. OAKLAND, $400; four extra tires. R. Skelton, Wilmette Terminal Garage, 4th street and Linden avenue. . LTG48-1te ELECTRIC CARS--FOR SALE DOUBLE DRIVE OHIO ELECTRIC, $400. Rear drive Detroit Electric, $4086. Milburn Electric Demonstrator. George H. Morris, Fashion Auto Sta- tion, Benson avenue and Clark street. Telephones Glencoe 203, and Evans- ton 1048, LTG48-1te FOR X RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT---FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for lady. Phone Win. 898. T30-2tc WANTED T0 RENT--HOMES : WANTED TO RENT--A MODERN house; 3 bedrooms; fair sized lot and garage; in Winnetka. Address Week- ly Talk A-337. T30-1tc WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED, until May, 1920, modern house with atleast 2 baths, in Hubbard Woods | or Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 143. T30-1tc WANTED _TO_RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--3 ROOM FLAT or garage and rooms over it. Will take good care of same; good ref. | Weekly Talk A-335. pon AT30-11p | WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD IN private home for 6 mo. old baby boy. Address Talk A-340. wg _T30-1tp WANTED TO RENT--1 OR 2 FURN. or unfurnished rooms with bath, pre- ferably in vicinity of Willow street and Elm street station. Phone Win. 1499 or address Weekly Talk A-350. Gs T30-1te | WANTED TO BUY--HOMES on WANTE 5 OR 6 ROOM MODERN house; 75 to 100 ft. lot, in Winnetka or Hubbard Woods; state lowest cash price. Address Weekly Talk A-336. T30-1te ~_ HELP WANTED--FEMALE GIRL IN WINNETKA FOR OFFICE work to learn typewriting, book- keeping and general business; short hours; easy pleasant work; only small wages while learning. Address FP. O. Box 106, Winnetka. T30-1te WANTED--COOK AND 2ND MAID OR general housework girl; 4 in family. 213 Linden street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 608. T30-3tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GENL. housework. 1064 Spruce street. Tel. Win. 1041. T30-1te WANTED--SALES GIRL FOR DELI- catessen; good wages. John Smith, 819 Qak street, Winnetka. pm cn oon LTG-47-3t0 WANTED--SERVICES OF A RE- fined young woman afternoons to care for 3 children; one with kinder- garten training and a knowledge of | music and French preferred. Phone | Win. 623. LTG48-1te | WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework, full time or any part of the day or week. Phone Win. 1233. LTG48-1te id TSE. SITUATION WANTED WANTED TO CARK FOR FURNACES in Kenilworth and Winnetka. Daniel Thomas, Kenilworth 1215. T29-tfe DANISH WITH 2 BABIES WOMAN will do general housework; desires home more than wages. Phone Win. 1564. ; TG30-1tdh AT HOME WILL COPY BRIEFS, MANUSCRIPTS, address envelopes, write circular letters or do any type writing de- sired; experienced. Phone Win. 3. LTG47-4tc ANY KIND OF MASON WORK. TEL. Kenilworth 1307; at home after 5 P.M LTG46-4te -- . -------- \ ------ wl oie LOST AND FOUND LOST--BOYS' LARGE VELOCIPEDE; last seen at Skokie school; reward. W. B. McAdams, 734 Lincoln street, Winnetka. T30-1te MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE--WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS at full value in payment on pianos, talking machines, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines. Patterson Bros., $28 Davis street, Ev- anston. LTG41-tfc Rolalinz System and Supervision of Play Important Factorin Winnetka School Work Cg "The children nowadays seem to go | "to school just to play," remarked al passerby the other day as he saw | the perpetual recess going on in one | of the school playgrounds. The re- mark was repeated by a friend to Superintendent C. W. Washburne. He~ laughed and replied: "I do not wonder the man thought so. He sees a considerable number of children outside of each school playing all day long. He doesn't go inside and see 'that the great ma- jority of children are inside quietly at work. Neither does he see that the group of children that is play- ing is a constantly changing one. The children in the Winnetka schools get no more play time than in any good school system, not much more, in fact, than the old fashioned re- cess of the district school of fifty years ago. But instead of getting 1t all at once one group or grade gets its recess at one period, another the next period, and so on through the day. makes it possible to supervise the children's play much more adequate- '7, and makes physical education adapted to the needs of individual pupils a possibility. Every child has che opportunity of entering into the games that are played and the physic- al exercises which are prescribed. These games and exercises can be adapted to the particular grades which are out at any one time. The system is therefore much better than the old time one of turning the whole school loose for twenty minutes in the middle of the morning and again in the middle of the afternoon. "Moreover, the play period is not merely a recess. It consists of act- ual work in physical education. No part of education is more important than the training of healthy, capable bodies. It is with this aim in view that our physical education super- visor, Mr. Clarke, and his staff have organized their rotational play per- iods and their carefully worked out courses: in physical education for the children on the playgrounds." This system of rotating the recess MEMORIAL WINDOWS T0 HONOR 3 HEROES aspire to the high ideals established by them. Select Beautiful Designs Three beautiful and appropriate window designs have been approved by a committee in charge of the Franklin Bellows, Purcell Mack- lin and Manierre Ware, three of Kenilworth's heroes who lost their lives in the Great World War, are to be honored by the Sunday school of the Kenilworth Union church where they attended before enlisting. Three Memorial windows are to be erected in the church Sunday school room as an expression of appreciation of their valor and splendid character and as an inspiring reminder and in- centive to the school members to movement, parents of the children in i the Sunday school and officers of the church. The cost of the three | windows is estimated at $500. The Sunday school has already contribut- ed $25 from its treasury. The balance is to be secured by voluntary contri- bution from church members. Miss Virginia Ridgway, treasurer of the Sunday school, is receiving contributions. The committee in charge of the project is composed of Mrs. S. Y. Ball and Mrs. Roy C. Hulbert. SCHOOL CHILDREN TO HEAR SAFETY FIRST LECTURES Safety First principles will be brought to the attention of Wilmette school children Monday, October 13, when Mrs. Florence Riddle, lecturer on public safety, will speak at the Village schools. The lecture is in connection with a Safety First cam- paign now being conducted at the joint expense of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric rail- way and' the Elevated railway of Chicago. Mrs. Riddle travels throughout the United States speak- |ing in schools and at public gather- The quality of the Elgin speaks for itself. Youare sure to find the one you want in our selection. A. Rodelius & Son JEWELERS 827 Davis St. Evanston 2 - : ORY, FF Willagd TRADE MARK REGISTERED Not Your Money But Your Good Will We want the good will of every car owner in this town. We want everyone to say wht lots of folks say now-- "Willard? That's wherz you get a square deal and value for every dollar." We'd rather have your good will than an extra dollar or two on a repair job. We'd rather sell you a bat- tery that wll give longer and better service than to make a living by repairing poor batteries. Of course good repair work and good batteries cost more, but we b:lieve they make friends and buy good will. Let's get together. Evanston Battery Station 1648-1650 Maple Ave., Cor Church St. Phone Evanston 4445 ings in the interest of public safety. The Monday lectures will be: the i Wilmette Mrs. Riddle spoke in Ev- anston schools this week and will second schools. to 'be given in ee Eres in the near future address the childs ren of Kenilworth, Winnetka, and, Glencoe. Lectures will also be giv= en in the Wilmette parochial schools at a later date. WILMETTE TIRE & VULCANIZING CO. 633 West Railroad Avenue DAVIDISCHWARTZ, Manager Guaranteed Vulcanizing First-Class Tire and Tube Repairing Agency for the Goodrich, Racine, Firestone, Hood and Mohawk Tires [TTT TTR ERT EA oA Set "dd S\N HS se. fi ' eyo Announcement trucks. The Latest Models of Dorris Motor Carriages and Trucks on Display in our show rooms from October 8th to 14th We have just received the largest shipment of motor carriages and trucks ever con- signed to a North Shore Dealer. This shipment consists of five distinctively New Models of Dorris Motor Carriages and We cordially invite the public to inspect these latest Dorris models now on display in our show rooms, 1019 Davis Street, Evanston. General. Motors of Illinois Telephone Evanston 578 1019 Davis Street Evanston, Ill. METZ & HART, North Shore Agents Flgin Six and Moon Motor Cars Id iaiiiiiaariariiiiidlidiiiddidids 1555 Sherman Avenue : Telephone Evanston 6800 Rl ld LISS S SSSI SSS SS LSI SISSSISIISSIS IIIS SL ILSSS SLL SS SLL SA SS ILS SSS LIL SILLS LLL LIL TLS LSS SILL ILL LSS LY ASSIA LL SL SLL SSIS AS SS SILLS SSS SAA Ys. Evanston " WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, EH YE Pn i eS rom

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