Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 18 Oct 1919, p. 7

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> ~ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1919 ? | Classified Alverlisoments So per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ sertion, 5¢ per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by -- FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--NEW SINGER SEWING machine; used one month; will sell reasonable. Phone Win. "668-M. T31-1te FOR SALE--HARTFORD SAXONY rug, 1014x131% ft. Practically new. $125.00. 815 Grove street, Glencoe. TG31-1te NEW HARD FOR SALE--ALMOST coal Laurel heater. 237 Wood court. Phone Wil. 1722. LTG-49-1te FOR SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our new pianos, $65 up. Large assortment; easy payments, Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Bv- anston. LTG41-tfc FOR SALE--USED THOR ELECTRIC washing machine at a bargain; also used mangle, Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG49-tfc FOR SALE--USED SEWING MACH- ines, all makes, $5.00 up; guaranteed. Come to our store and see our new Singer. We have no door to door agents. Patterson Bros, 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG49-tfe FOR SALE--A. B. CHASE UPRIGHT piano, in fine condition. $225.00 for quick sale. Phone Win. 690. LTG49-1tc USED WASHING MACHINES AND ironers; guaranteed in perfect order; bargains; see them; Six-sheet copper Thor, six-sheet galvanized Thor, six- sheet copper Apex, nine-sheet copper Judd; 38-inch Thor ironer, used only few times, at 20 per cent discount; also several used vacuum cleaners. | F. A. Darby Electric Shop, 1104-1106 | Davis street, Evanston. Phone Kv- anston 2230. LTG49-1tc FOR_SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR _ SALE--HUPMOBILE; GOOD condition; reasonable. Call Win. 1492. | 599 Kir street T31-1tc i ELECTRIC CARS FOR SALE BARGAINS--CHICAGO, $250; BOR- land, $850; Wards, forward drive, $850; Baker, $750; Ohio, $350. Also one Milburn demonstrator in fine condition; fully guaranteed. George H- Morris, 857 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe. Telephone Evanston 1048 or Glencoe 203. LTG49-1te FOR SALE--TWO 35x4% NEW FISK Cord Tires; cheap; also 32x3% Good- year Solid tires, $17.50 a piece. John Kemmel, Gross Point. LTG49-1tp F LE--OPERA TICKET FOR SALE--TWO 7th ROW BALCONY for alternate Saturday evenings at Chicago Symphony concerts; for in- formation call Winnetka 1i75. FOR RI 8" FOR RENT--WINNETKA FURN. or unfurn. $200, 3-story mode stucco house and garage; east of tracks; beautiful house and beauti- fully furnished; December to May only. 620 Ash street. Phone Winnet- ka 1369. LTG49-1te FOR RENT--APARTMENTS THE FIVE ROOM APARTMENT OVER my garage is for rent to first class tenant who can give good reference or free to party who would look after the W. M. Hoyt premises, 55v Sheridan road, Winnetka. Phone Win. 20. x LTG49-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURNISHED FRONT | room, suitable for lady. Phone Win. 898. T30-2tc FOR RENT--IN REFINED HOME, room suitable for two gentlemen; breakfast and dinner optional; 2 blocks from Hubbard Woods station. Apply Weekly Talk A-355. T31-1te FOR RENT--TWO FURN. ROOMS with bath at 1144 North avenue. ' . T31-1te WANTED TO RENT i of WINNETKA RESIDENT WANTS TO | rent immediately in Winnetka small cottage or would consider sub-lease. Possession October inte, $09 Pine street. Phone Win. 517-W. 809 Pine stree LENE HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--COOK AND 2ND MAID OR general housework girl; 4 in family. 213 Linden street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 608. T30-3te | GIRL IN WINNETKA FOR OFFICE | work to learn typewriting, book- keeping and general business: short hours; easy pleasant work; only small wages while learning. Address P. O. Box 106, Winnetka. T30-2tc WANTED--SALES GIRL FOR DELI- catessen; good wages. John Smith, 819 Oak stret, Winnetka. LTG47-3te WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework; family of 2 adults in Winnetka; 2 blocks from all transportation; must be neat, neat, clean and orderly as well as of unquestionarle character and able to start at once; good home and' satis- factory wages to acceptable party. Davis, 559 Arbor Vitae road. Phone today Winnetka 1350. LTG49-1te WANTED--BOOK-KEEPER; LADY preferred; experienced; good posi- tion; pleasant surroundings. Fro- gressive Groeery, 801 Elm Street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 888. LTG49-1tc _ SITUATION WANTED WANTED TO CARE FOR FURNACES in Kenilworth and Winnetka. Daniel Thomas, Kenilworth 1215. T29-tfe DANISH WOMAN WITH 2 BABIES will do general housework; desires home more than wages. Phone Win. 1564. Lelia TG 1tdl LAUNDRY TO TAKE HOME; ALSO curtains. Phone Win. 513-R. T31-1te AT HOME WILL COPY BRIEFS, MANUSCRIPTS, address envelopes, write circular letters or do any type writing de- sired; experienced. Phone Win. 3. ator onl TEAR fe ti A LTG47-4tc ANY KIND OF MASON WORK. TEL Kenilworth 1307; at home after 5 P.M. LTG46-4tc WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK BY THE day by well experienced laundress; can use machines or mangles. Call Evanston 5020. LT49-1tp "77 LOST AND FOUND LOST--SEPARATELY TWO ANGORA cats, one red with white spots, other completely red. Finders please phone | Win. 986. Reward. T31-1te LOST--SABEL NECKPIECE; BETW. Winnetka and Hubbard Woods; re- ward, Address Weekly Talk A-351. lA mel Tb stl LOST--SATURDAY MORNING BABY"S brown broadcloth bonnet between | Winnetka and Wilmette. Phone Win. 1528. LTG49-1te ) TO BUY--WISCELL ANEOUS WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, OLD clothes and shoes. J. Golinskv. 1705 | forest avenue. Telephone Wilmette | & 1150. "He has his wagon." name on his | LT44-tfc TT WISTEYVANEODS NOTICE--WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS | § at full value in payment on pianos, Ps talking machines, washing machines, | 8 8, Sewing machines. | 828 Davis street, Ev- LTG41-tfc vacuum cleane Patterson Bros., ANNOUNCEMENT Madame C. Billot, French dressmaker. Telephone Winnetka 599-W. --Adv.-T31-2tc Of all kinds in large and small cans WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Kinishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE |} lick PAINT INFORMATION FUER a IIE 2 2 li dead EL Li 2 dd Ladd Ld 2777 RZ 277 FZ R77 777777 SS = NN ~ 7 7 2 rrr rr, ing danger. Let us look over all repair them. able rates 1030 DAVIS ST. 7 IRIEL LT LLL ILLS LL LA A I A AAA FIA A FA AA AAA AAA 7, That innocent looking insignificant little crack in the fabric caused by running over large stones, ete, is the beginning of a serio pair it NOW and sive money besides reducing motor- your casings and tubes and Spring Motoring time is here and you can never have to many GOOD casings and tubes. ALL kinds of tire repairing done RIGHT with STEAM EQUIPMENT and finest materi Js-at reason- THE STANDARD TIRE AND RETREADING CO. Fran® Fisher Mgr. RR RR RR us blowout--so have us re- PHONE EVANSTON 383 LL Ld hd de hd ll RR Yl. rill iiiiiiieiaiiiiiiiiiziiiiiz. Ss The Parcel Post Service offers possibilties well worth investigation by persons who have small surpluses of various farm products. The wide- spread knowledge of the need for conserving the food supply and toe specialties or products of unusual apparent willingness of the Amer-| quality. ican people to co-operate to this end should become peculiarly useful in IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE disposing of small quantities of /§ --$ --$--§ --§ --§--$--$--@ Cut down the High Cost of Living RRS FE ag BACK TO BREAD and go Shithth ERR: fhe ---eat Bread --eat More Bread --eat Butter-Nut Bread --eat More Butter-Nut Bread Baked only by Schulze Baking Company Be sure to order : £ Hr (Registered --U. S. Pat. Office) For the amount of money, there is more food value per loaf in Butter-Nut Eread than any other article of food you buy. More than a million housewives buy Schulze's Bread daily. Sold by all grocers and delicatessen stores. They know. (WoRT7 SHORE 77), EVERY then 2:55 A. M. SHOPPERS--ATTENTION Through "limited and express trains to the Heart of Chicago Leave Winnetka at 4:01, 4:31, 5:31, 6:01, 6:52, 7:22 A. M. and every, half hour thereafter until 12:52 A. M. then 1:52 A. M. Express and limited ttains operate straight through into the business district of Chicago, stopping at stations on the elevated loop, adjoining all Department Stores, Theatres and Business Houses. Trains to Milwaukee Limited trains leave Winnetka every hour from 6:55 A. M. to 12:55 A. M. and every 30 minutes on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays. To Waukegan Express trains leave Winnetka every half hour from 5:55 A. M. to 1 55° A.M. For further information apply to the Chicago North Shore & Chicago Office: €6 West Adams Street, Phone: Central 8280 iG THIRTY MINUTES and intermediate points Milwaukee R. R. Milwaukee Office: 187 Second Street, Phone: Grand 1136.

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