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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 22 Nov 1919, p. 2

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Ld 2 : WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1919 NORTH SHORE FIRST losis Institute is able'to acéomplish| district, the principal hotels and WOMAN'S CATHOLIC CLUB through the sale of the Red Cross| theaters." HOLDS GUEST DA seals will be installed. There will nas, ~. S Y NOV. 28 GET XMAS SEALS be noon meetings also, at which Elimination of bus-rides, transfers prominent physicians will make ad- and change of cars is set forth as Friday, November 28, will be Guest PELE dresses. another point in favor of travel on} Day at the Woman's Catholic club of Soroe Road Station Henry R. Hale, Cashier of the Win-| To emphasize the importance of a ihe North Shore fing, Srpetinispden: Wilmette. Residents in the South East section Astin State Ban, Has Honor of tae this yean the Institute DO ms ig service, hel = The program has been arranged by of the ViMage will be interested to Placing First Order For Red dE on ne Sy a Jaret Tg i Pracs Jonesy and_promises to ' ie . : . c appro: a 5 8! a : g he mos ing. know id he Connell wil) Sonsien Cross Seals tuberculosis in Cook county alone | Grand Opera season in Chicago. | Bradley, the hil on Rriiai A es Sa uss a ar -- hich need attention. About 150,000, Persons attending Grand Opera will) his subject, "Joyce Kilmer, the ls jag, | gogmn ih ox ie LR Henry R. Hale, cashier of the Win-| Persons die of tuberculosis in the | be discharged at Congress street at|and the musical program is Be be » Bviss ity i Ae £280 | netka State Bank, has the honor of Unied States svere year, although $he Jory doors of the Auditorium| given by the Reverend IE Bourget 4 » d 1 V Trey. : h seg S ) a rT, : i q a . e. ' tric railroad to discontinue the Sun i Ea Cook curable, is both preventable and Diocesan Musical director. set roa station. C I : S S 8 Sy | : or win : y avon: | backbo f the 1 ains = ChE STR oS iH a culosis. Mr. py oh. Aig Vig CALLS NORTH SHORE LINE ; 4 D seals was received Monday hel BEST ROUTE FOR SHOPPERS proposed change. j.32ak G etved Monday at the] : > This matter is considered to be of gies of is 1s Jere Moss Superintendent of Transportati COMMUNITY HOUSE great importance, inasmuch as the 0 : i: ra buliding. {Simons Polints Out Ad Spe ation platforms at the Sunset road station| Under the leadership of James F.| tc Pat yantages are dangerously narrow, because of Phillips, County Campaign director, | Qi airons : the limited Rte between Wilson and Mrs. Annie Peaks Kenny, for- | Q : : Fri. Ni ht N 28 Straet and the richt of way of he merly of the American Fund for § uperintendent of Transportation . gang, Nov. , 8 P. M. str : 1g : y le | prench Wonnded, the lar htt J. W. Simons of the Chicago, North railroad. The Electric road has, hich willl ge organiza- | Shore and Milwaukee Electric rail- S Mati agreed, in case the discontinuance Bt Jou hic J will handle the seal sale] oy this week placed lesfets and at. atinee, Nov. 29 this station is allowed, to improve 1 ecember 1 to 10 has been practical-1;,, 7 cards in household d off i ' actu : oo fn cilithe Indian Hill | ly completed. It is estimated that § ang onces/ at2:30 o'clock Admission 20-25 the station facilities at y : 1 ol ic ond te roth the Sunset] about 2000 women will'be. at work, Lhroughout the north shore calling} Bh Ane O replace the i all of them volunteers. ». attention to the excellent service that The Bi 0 . road station at any time in the ; railway is determined to afford the 1g utstanding future, when the Village so desires. Establish Headquarters Christmas - sho c i ; "hris ppers of the north. v : in = Bat Baron h the Souriasy of the Inland | shore. | . 1. H I T -. est o ew Fire Engine ubber company, which holds a lease The leaflet points out in brief that ! The resuit of the test made onion commodious space on the first| "trains of the North Shore line run : November 10 complies 15 SH the ot of hs Lamont hiding Ran- 2 Orage vi 30-minute intervals Every Foot A Thrill ' requirements of the Board of n- street an fichigan avenue, | throughout the da and evening, | ill: or writers. It will be noted that| campaign headquarters. will be es- | circling the Freraved Loop and dis. | Millions Have Read whereas the pump is- gunranteed to tablished there. A complete exhibit | charging passengers at the doors of | The Novel deliver 750 gallons at 120 4 pound showing what the Chicago Tubercu-, the big retail stores in the shopping' - pressure, under test the elivery B ; was as high as 803 gallons per |QI= 1010 nex -- " : Se hs wih 4 pressure varying from i) =O X0 oro IC; CAOK OL 010 =I 0 FI O EI 0 eX OE 0 Emm I OE O 130 to 140 pounds. © Eom f Council Authorizes Additional In- { 75 surance 2 Because of -tiie increased cost of 84 i building, the Council has decided it to | fo ° be advisable to increase the insurance o v \) p n carried on the Village Hall from hh ® 8 ] $14,000 to $25,000. i "add JAR. NT Bertling Jane Question Decided q i CA youd: At the Councii meeting on Tues- 4 Ret 4 day evening, the Council decided that CIA : it will be necessary to carry out the No, RE paving work at the south end of o Bertling lane, in accordance with the | ki Il specifications, rather than to make OC 0 certain suggested changes which the 1 property owners in the vicinity have | © ] requested. While these changes seem- | ! ed very desirable, the Council took | 1 > the position that to make any alter- y ation whatever in the plans for the > KR oi f pavement at this time would neces- 1 eR ° sarily jeopardize the legality of the ° | ll N 1} entire improvement. & y : i. v ' o At the same time the Council de- 1} JN 3 : i cided i to be wise to reject the pe- © > IS : tition of William F. Tempel and com- 7 4) . pany for certain changes in street PP ® ® A fines in the vicinity of Winnetka ave- . 1] nue and Bertling lane. The Council O) 0 viii ee o suggested to the property owners in | |] 1] this vicinity that they co-operate ino 80M oo) 2. presenting a plan to the Council pro- I ( ) \-- . i viding for a unified improvement in| eq the vicinity of the Indian Hill sta-|F a ur ay ov. Y . tion. ' ' 0 I a J ov. * At recent Council meeting two new . . . ie 1 A have ees Approved ed! We will carry the best and freshest line of vegetables during Thanksgiving week pro- i he Council. ne being that of the i a Thorne property, bounded by Willow, | © Oo Thorne property, bounded by Witlow | curable on the North Shore. As usual the prices will be the lowest, as we can afford South East part of the Village. o . ] f h | d k d I; . The other subdivision is known | lower prices because we dea Or casn on y and make no de iveries. as Winnetka Heights, and is located north of Pine street between Rose- CANNED GOODS-- CLEANSERS FOR THE LAUNDRY-- wood avenue and Locust street, the : x a : property being owned by the Chica- Richelieu Okra, €a8n ......cvovressesnvnnes 17c Gold Dust, large pkg. ..... eins 33c Argo Starch, 1 Ib. pkg. 10c; 3 Ibs. for ..28¢ 0 20 Title and Trust company of Chi- 5 Progressive Corn, can 18¢; 2 or 35¢ Kitchen Klenzer, can ......... cet. 6c 5 bh pounds for 7 ein ve vit et ure uivhe us austere tie eS 47¢ 1} cago. Monticello No. 2 can Pork and Beans ....10c OIE Dutch; 3 fOr ia sscanrn suis 25¢ Kingsford's Silver Gloss Starch, pkg. ....13c Q 1} Hunt Supreme Grated Pineapple, No. 1 can 15¢ Lighthouse ou Slat Ven aiid Sc Elastic Starch lo velar. PLANS FOR ENLARGING THE 4 California State Brand A qualit > Balen BIkes ion faa Ie 'alifornia State Brand Asparagus, quality Fairy Blakes fo, iil ron ovens in tamales noi 9c HAMILTON CLUB ARE OUT Re ae 25 FOR BAKING Lak ii aah 1e 1 ® 3 ING, CAN ..uiniiecerensiionens c Mazol Jess as : .) 5] Tr na noi -- ek HAR WE dea Ta Ty tgeo LY ny Douglas Oil, i Richalin Powdered Borax, 2 pkgs. for ..25¢ North shore members of the Ham- CAN fOr vi cise sees snsnoniansitas 28c y ALL lludivigis fri iinr ox e Ivory Flakes, 2 for ............e, ilton club will soon receive notice|g Richelien Salmon, tall cant: ...... vo vevemns 40c Criskn; Doni can 38s 105 th aah B88 shear de 0 mo A 25¢ i a Cy Jian It additions to i i Bingo Salmon, CAH ..resrinesvsss nnsnsaves 38c Yard, pound ....: fan nL 35¢ SOAP ° olub building. A nve-story addition Monsoon Sweet Wrinkled Peas, can ....20c R i 2 : American Family, bz is to be made to the present ten- ° California Ripe Olives, small 5 oz. can ....10c ai Baking Powder, } Ib. san 33 Classic. 10° b Ye ODT instars rinrennr ed 81% logy nase Sag glover stories are 1 Cantpbell"s Soup, CAN + icrseniensannssnns 10c Snowdrift, can ................e0n 35¢ okt "10 I 5 OF sir tritwisteane viranee 65¢ e added to the four-story part o Extra Fancy Luray Peaches, can ........ 42c nn] PS OT Lea sthavsivenne aes ahve 49c the club. The building is to be of Chereh Sificd Pong, Cle. r is sspormen sen 25¢ MISCELLANEOUS Wool Soap, 5 bars for .................... 40c steel, concrete and hollow tile, with Boulevard Brand Peas, can .............. 25¢ 3 igs EER CEREALS-- a iront of pressed brick and terra Richelieu Early June Peas, small, can ..25¢ iy Pots Totitornis Figs, 1b. 40c Quaser sis, 3% 1b. pkg. 32c; small pkg. 4c 9 cotta. Additional elevators are to be|© MONSOON PEAS arises nrihnrsminnssveesios 22c runes, 60-70 size, 1b. ............ 25¢ rmour's Oats, 2 for 25c; large pkg. for provided." It will have 130 sleeping 1 Prairie View Telephone Peas .............. 15¢ 50-60 size .............. Y einisinian vies 28c Corn Flakes, Kellogg's or Armour's ig Tor 25 a : rooms, a larger and grill| g Monsoon Beans, Wax or Green, can ...... 18c Richelieu Extra Large Prunes, 1b. 35¢c . Puffed Wheat, 4c; 2 for RELA 27c and at least ten private dining rooms Arcadia Beans, Wax or Green, 2 cans for 25¢c Mixed Nuts, If PaBed Rice... ivi 16¢ and a lange waiting and retiring room Richelieu Small Beets, can .......cceuennn. 23c St ok Br: Mole. By HD. iy Shredded Wheat Rie EE A 15¢ and restaurant for women. Monsoon Pumpkin, regular 20c can for ..15c D : > #2 Maple Syrup, pt. Durita Bran Zo, pha. hes 2 tar iy 1% Enlargement of the kitchen to Red "I," Brand Tomitoes, extra fine quality, Se Nk ea ele ia Quaker Cracked Wheat 23c; 2 for AN 45¢ double its present capacity, and ball No. 2% can, regular 25c can; 2 for 35c PU Sy Bn io 2g fone o35e Grane Nits, .....o hae 15¢ ris Audis Lites ornate with) a ' $2.00 5 hi tore Crock Pure gibi 1 Whentena a not as 20c i running track on the tap floor, bowl- 0 Evaporated Mik, 5 brands, choice, can ..16 ele) Ale C ae bra MEA Ra v ing alleys on thé entire fourteenth 1] Richelieu Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 Te Pits Richsiien Apple Cider J; gallon Cream of Wheat RR Sa ae Log ° font i additions are |©@ dozen $4.40; No. 214 can ...... 55¢ 150s Bll aay ny Ricieliss White Corn Meal, pkg. ........ REE | nn SOI Poe Ha TR 3 fe 9% ss was aes eines viuit vrn ey c Quaker Yellow Corn Meal : is Duns, chairman hf THe ren i COFFEES-- LE Youn: Re FOOSE ih 28. Ralston Wheat Food, soll hs ee committee, states that a Chicage irhelie APAPE TUL, 3 TOF abs 2 paisisian gona c Old Fashioned Sc ALR Fond Loree hae sabicriotd For bon Richelien pound Uh CO RRR Mba 53c Log Cabin Syrup, small can 32¢; i Scorer Brand Oatmeal ....20c 000 of the honds For enlarging the Shand Santor, RouRd [150 reread ans 53c fargetenn ool. unl nan 65¢ FLOURS-- 1 club. 2 Richelieu Midas brand, special .......... 47c Safety Home Matches, 5 boxes, 28¢c Pillsbury, Gold : o . Manor House, pound Tre : % ' illsbury, Gold Medal, Ceresota, Richeli gadis at (+) » | 1d, ea 53c Fancy Jonathan Apples, box ..$3.90 Pia-S 2 hi ' chelieu, 1} Old Colony, extra fine qualit 47 his : bind a-Safe, J§ barrel for ........... $1.85 MARVELOUS BIRDS 8 quality ............ c Cheese, pound So. oir. sai Lin 45c Swansdown Pc ce . i Co [=] or ) Our best bulk coffee, try it, pound ........ 40c Dates, reg. price 60c, pound ..... 40c Ao ns ues AEE iri I "Speaking of hens" said A : TEAS: Figs, pouftd i. cove hve dines 30c Pictellcu Phncike.. lusiiisiiaes can traveler, "reminds me of iil 'All varieties. pound Rice," pound ..,........ Fearne 15¢ HR EELENIIRE AY 15. Senay dud tad ona farm to 2 bal §, pond... iil Lalas Rin 80c Prunes, large 35¢; medium, 1b. ..28¢c Graham Flour, 3 Ibs. for... aia ew 13 ta. She would hatch out anything OL OE I0IOL= 10=IOX SEO RE ea pS pao iy O PERE ESO EE O EO aw BBL Ee ne ythin; : = = m-- r =. from Stony al 1 3. levi W hy, | 0x0 O10 O30 oro pull 5 lay s § of ice a Satched a two quarts of oo i : 8 water!" "That doesn't come up to « 5 901 L d A Slithyfooted hen my old nr pn 4 u aX 00 S a mn en ve. 1ad," said one of his-hearers. "They. H W | kad bash fstding hos by mistake on | : ubbard oods sawdust instead o oatmeal. Wall, she T Wi k taid twelve eggs and sat on them, elephone innet a 400 and hel yasy were hatched eleven : : ° of the twelve wer os = -- were poodpockers =0 O=x0 i A I A i aa A =x i OIE OE Oy a " OEIor=----0

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