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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 29 Nov 1919, p. 7

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1919 ~ Classified Advertisements a IS vise per line for first i sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. nsertion. Each succeeding in~ Copy must be in by HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR RENT--ROOMS YOUNG WOMEN Have you ever investigated what we have to offer you? Our work is easy to learn. We teach you how to handle calls be- fore you are sent to an office. We give vou a liberal starting salary and advance you frequent- ly thereafter. Cozy, attractive rest rooms are provided for your enjoyment. Visit our office and see what a position with us means to you. Young women, 16 years of age or over, wanted for this work. Apply to Chief Operator at Wil- mette, Winnetka or Glencoe. FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISHED room with private family. Address Weekly Talk B-25. T34-tfe FOR RENT--SUNNY SOUTH ROOM; suitable for gentleman or woman employed; near transportation. Ad- dress Weekly Talk A-398. T36-2tc FOR RE NT--GARAGES FOR RENT--N EW GARAGE, $73 WilL- low street, Winnetka. T37-1tc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, OLD clothes and shoes. J. Golinsky, 1705 Forest avenue. Phone Wil. 1150. "He has his name on his wagon". LT44-tfe WANTED TO BUY OR SELL--HOUSE- hold goods; any description; also buy old clothes; best prices. 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Telephone Hvanston 103 or 5512. LT50-tfc LOST AND FOUND LOST--HALF-GROWN MALE AIRE- dale puppy wearing padlocked collar. Reward. Phone Win. 714. T37-1te LOST--A "SHEP" PUPPY; BLACK, with new collar and leather strap attached; '$2 reward. Edward Yeo- ans. Phone Win. 306. '37-1tc LOST--TUESDAY AFTERNOON, BE- tween Horace Mann school. and Smith's grocery brown veil with chased gold bar-pin attached; reward if returned to G. M. Pearse, 968 Elm street, Winnetka. T37+1te ; MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE--WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS at full value in payment on pianos, talking machines, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines. Patterson Bros., $28 Davis street, Bv- a ato ~d an n. LTG41-tfe FOR SALE--MISCELLANEO SALTED NUTS. THIS IS THI SEASON for salted nuts. The best ae entertaining or at home are the Riverside. They are a home product carefully prepared, of delicious flavor and quality always maintain- ed. They make a most desirable gif Place i: > your order with Mrs. . R Fletcher, 948 Hubbard Straot ne bard Woods. Phone 520-W.. CTR T37-1te IR --CHEAT'; CHICKEN COOP ' dae % Funway, Phone Win. §99 >. H. Monday. or Friday evening. 7 EEN Yo day. or Friday ide LOA V oi-1tcC FOR SAT CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO.! ) rT TT WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST WIT H © housework; mornings 8 to 10; no Sun- day work. Phone Win. La if c! WANT LRD--GIRL FOR GENL. HOUSE work: small family; good wages; | room bath; mo laundry. Phone Win. $21 Prospect avenue. T37-1te WANTED--A COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework; small family; wages $15.00; ref. required.! 25 Green Bay road. Phone Win. ns [37-1tc and 1026. FER SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOCDS FOR SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our new pianos. $65 up. Large assortment; easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Ey-i anston. LTG41-tfe TOR SALE--USKD THOR BLECIRIC washing machine at a bargain; also used mangle. Patterson Bros, 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG49-tfe SA SEWING MACH- 5.00 up; guaranteed. > and see our new no door to door Bros, 828 Davis LTG49-tfc LE--CHEAP; USD HDEN ashing machines; in-good condition. 554 Railroad avenue. Winnetka 44. T +» LO our s We Patterson Evanston. SITUATIONS W ANTE "FURNACES UTOMOB S SALE--1918 DODGE excellent condition. G. H 857 Greenwood avenue, Glen- FOR SALE--HOMES FOR SALE--6 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE; hot water heat and all other con- venien 4 bloeks from depot; fine locality $6,500. 748 Center street, Winnetka. LTG2-2tp 8 01 3 TO RENT--HOMIES ROOM HOUSE; FURN. or unfurnished; Hubbard Woods or Winnetka. 1086 Spruce street. Phone Win. 762. T37-1te FOR ~ RENT---TWO __ CONNECTING south front rooms, with private: bath; A. MARKOWITZ 1532 ROOSEVELT RD., CHICAGO Phone Haymarket 3359 Will Pay $3.00 to $15.00 for your second-hand Suits, Overcoats. Write or Phone SAFE INVESTMENT . As illustrated and described in former copies of this paper we will soon have a fireproof warehouse in our vicinity Warehouses never fail to pay good dividends and there is no reason why this would not be true in this territory. Kindly telephone Wilmette 32 for further particulars. To the Ladies of the North Shore THE Ruth E. Thorup SALON offers for your trial ard approval its superior work in MARCEL WAVING MASSAGE SHAMPOO'NG HAIR DYEING HAIR GOCDS REDUCED 33 1-3 During November We also offer at this time our "NAIL TONIC for Briitle Nails" * 1016 Stevens Bldg. ' 16 N. Wabash Ave. 17 N. State St. CHICAGO suitable for two gentlemen friends; vate family. Address Lake Shore News A-4 LTG3-1te T:lephone Central 2644 | LT SE AVR. Telephone Evanston 455 ; = 1. I | "1709 SHERMAN AVENUE Residente Telephone Evanston 3397-J CONRAD SCHMEISSER PLUMBING 1nio ey % EVANSTON LLL Le 2 dd Za Zl OP, CLL Lr Zr Zid a 2 2 7 227 Zar 7 Fe 0s, RICKLEFS & SCHUETT CO. Inc. EVERYTHING 1557 SHERMAN AVE. SILI LILLIA LIAS SSLS SIAL, AY Evanston CL at a a a RR or 27 7077 7 To a. ELECTRICAL PHONE 5995 CONFEDERACY TO RAISE LARGEST SERVICE FLAG TR -- The largest service flag in the country, containing 187,948 stars, representing the grandsons of con- federate veterans who were in the service with the war against Ger- many and the central powers, is soon to be hung in confederate head- quarters in Memphis. George H. Bowling, quartemaster- in-chief, adjutant-in-chief and chief of staff of the Tennessee division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, who was named custodian of the flag at the recent convention held in At- lanta, is to have charge of the flag. Each star on the flag represents a grandson of a confederate veteran. SANDY HOOK PROVING GROUND TO BE GIVEN UP The Sandy Hook proving ground will be abandoned as such by the war department in the near future and tests for big guns will be made at Aberdeen, Md. This is due to the crowded condition of New York har- bor and frequent interference with traffic. An investigating board recommend- ed that the post be utilized by the middle Atlantic artillery district as a vocational school for training en- listed men and officers for short periods in practical artillery. The shops and storehouses will be turn-| ed over to the engineers' department. RIGHT PIVOT A darky was unloading horses and when he had the halter hanks of six horses he started up the road toward camp and the stables. Just before entering camp the road turned sharp- ly to the right; in fact, it made a right angle with its previous course. At this point the darky with his six halter hanks experienced some diffi- culty make the turn and in getting all the horses to] [ first essential is the preservation of he was heard to' law and order."--Theodore Roosevelt shout: "Here, what's the matter with | to strikingin teamsters in Chicago in you all? Don't you all know how to 1905. make a tiyn to da right? Number one pivot! Pivot dar on the right."-- Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. WHERE IS TESCHEN? This is the latest breakfast-table problem. Although the town has fig- ured prominently in European history at various times for over a century, Lloyd George had to confess, when it was mentioned at the peace confer- ence, that he did not know exactly where it was situated. Nor was he alone in, his lack of knowledge! It is doubtful if one per- son in fifty would be able to give you any information about the town. And yet it was once the scene of a great peace conference--that of 1779, when Vergennes, the foreign minister of France, arranged the peace of Teschen, thereby avoiding a great European war, and also, in all prob- ability, securing the independence of the United States. LAW AND ORDER "I am a believer in unions. I am an honorary member of one union. But the union must obey the law, just as the corporation must obey the law, just as every man, rich or poor, must obey the law. As yet no action whatever has been called for by me, but most certainly if action is called for by me I shall try to do , exact justice under the law to every man so far as I have power. But the Best Prices Paid For Second-Hand Military Clothes Phone Evanston 157 Reverse Charges GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY AS USEID SV ND VED VR H Forres BOTTLE HOT WATER BOTT LE mmm (RUBBER is the )) Tl [RUB BE KN RUBBER GLOVES RUBBER GLOVE Our Assortment of Rubber Goods Largest and Best in Chicago Your Rubb N ities D Pur From Us and Guarantee their Wear W.H.Salisbury&Go. Established 1865 308 W. Madison Street, CHICAGO Between Franklin and Market Streets Phone Franklin 5744 THE RUBBER STORE + CEE CHEERY CET SUBSCRIBE NOW The Salon Sedan S a family car, for year round use, the Lexington Salon A\ Sedan has won instant favor. The mechanical perfec- tion of the famous Lexington chassis has been matched with smartness of coach work, upholstery, and finish. Refinement and elegance "are evident without being car- ried to the point of extravagance. This car unites beauty and distinction with the practical qualities of performance 'and economy which appeal to those who require full value in their car. The Lexington Salon Sedan is roomy, with ample space for five passengers. 'Plate glass windows are set in grooves, making it possible to have an entirely open or closed car: at will. "Exclusive Lexington features, including the Moore Multiple Exhaust System, non-rattle frame, one-finger emergency brake, oilless bushings, and non-metallic universal joints, insure a performance as gratifying as this car's splendid appearance. Let us show you this remarkable car C. M. McDONALD 519 Davis Street Lexington Motor Company, Connersville, Indiana, U. S. A. : i ' RIT RRR Phone Evanston 307

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