WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919 Shall Winneiks Have Its Own Motion Picture House? : The question of movies is one not only for parents but also for teach- ers. And it will be, in the writer's opinion, important to get the point of view of the people who are ad- ministering and teaching in the school plants of Winnetka--High, Grammar and Private. It would seem to an outsider that the great desire of school people must always be to conserve the benefit of the school influence and instruc- tion. That in order to have schools effective there must be secured and maintained a certain state of mind in children congenial to the school pur- poses and plans; and that nothing could more effectively dislocate those purposes and plans and undo a larger percentage of what an intelligent school force is doing than moving picture shows for children except very occasionally and then only when the subject is distinctly constructive --as, for instance, the pictures of the Scott Expedition, For there is no doubt whatever that even the best of the usutl moving pictures are de- structive. The temperature of modern af- fairs--as represented by these mov- ing picture shows operated for profit --will evaporate out of childrens' lives the most invaluable quality--a quality that grows only in a quiet and cool place where the imagination and the discrimination and the nervous energies are stored up for the long day ahead and for an old age which will need every particle of this storage to make it both beautiful and happy rather than ugly and sad. It would seem most natural that the educative bodies in this com- munity should be the ones to declare definitely whether moving pictures of the type under discussion will or will not be beneficial to children, and it is to he hoped that they on no ac- count hesitate to declare themselves in very definite terms and with their reasons attached. Edward Yeomans. The members of the MacDowell Musical = club entertained their friends at the home of Mrs. Charles L. Weeks, 600 Ash street, on Tues- day evening, December 2. The pro- gram was as follows: Piano Duet-- 1st movement of the New World Symphony SGI TS Dvorak Mrs. B. J. Kellum and Mrs. Percival Hunter Songs-- "Way Down South" ..Sidney Homer "Candle Lightin' Time" ...C. Taylor Two Negro Spirituals, "Deep River", Burleigh and "Rain" '....... Turner Mrs. John W. Hansel; Mrs. Orcutt at the piano Piano-- French Rigadon, 16th Century, Hubay Scardas dance Mrs. H. 1 Brewer; Mrs. Orcutt at the piano Songs-- The Birch... noi. Gertchaninoff Folksongs arranged by Zimbalist Psyche seria. vi. vi Pahadihle ji Le SORE NG SUR. BNL Scott Her:Dream ...... 0... 4 ou Waller Mrs. Louis G. Schmid; Mrs. Ewatt at the piano Piano-- In a Boao. atu it, 1. ao DeBussy Waltz: nibs vase den Grodzki Concert Ftude .,. e000 MacDowell mire Mrs. George H. Mars of Kenilworth COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL WILL Fran ; : announces the engagement of her Wedding Procession .......... Grieg | daughter, Miss Lillian Mars to Carnival Maurice S. Prenatt. Mrs. Clifford Ewart ee Violin-- GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY a h . The Best in the World (in our opinion) is none too good for the people of Win- netka. Thats the big reason we handle only the best qualities of Meats. You are always making an invest- ment when you deal with us, because we give you a good deal for your money. : WINNETKA MARKET A JEIERS PROPRIETOR 734 Bim Street Telephone Winnetka $20--821 vy; From Evanston to Glencoe HILL & WINNETKA 524 LINDEN STREET Tel. Winnetka 1544 FOR SALE North Shore Property REAL ESTATE OPERATORS Vacant and Improved STONE WILMETTE 404 LINDEN AVENUE Tel. Wilmette 1644 Women'sBrownKid Boots At$9,$10, $12 and $13 to show you. Tel Wilmette 536 We have some very beautiful patterns in the Beaver and Hawaiian shades Expert Shoe Repairing H. M. BUTLER" "Shoes For All Thé Family" 1213 WILMETTE AVE. Telephone Evanston 455 1709 SHERMAN AVENUE Residence Telephone Evanston 3397-J CONRAD SCHMEISSER PLUMBING oe .e .e EVANSTON GIVE BIG HOLIDAY BAZAAR The pupils of the Country Day school bazaar on Thursday, December 11. There will be a sale of various ar- ticles for holiday presents made by pupils. In addition to the sale there will be many attractions including side shows. fortune-telling, grab-bags and other interesting entertainment. The bazaar will be open from 2 until 6 o'clock and also in the evening when there will be dancing. Refreshments will be served in the afternoon and evening. Everyone is invited and a large attendance is expected. Assembly will be at eight o'clock, sharp. Every member be there. W. C. T. U. MEETING The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union will meet with Mrs. Edith R. Pearson, 1233 Lake avenue, on Monday, December 8, at 2:30 o'clock. Reports will be read from very the State and County conventions. BOY SCOUT MOVIES AT THE COMMUNITY HOUSE TO -DAY CHILDREN 15¢ at Two -thirty ADULTS - 20c ISIS SSIS TLS SSIS SSSI ISAS SILL SSS SSSA SASSI IS TSS ESD Carlyle Blackwell and Evelyn Greeley "The Golden Wall" A truly Wonderful picture Extra--"Carter Case" Extra--Prizma Pictures Next Saturday the in Edythe Sterling, Female Bill Hart, '""'Arizona Cat Claw" SAFE INVESTMENT As illustrated and described in former copies of this paper we will soon have a fireproof warehouse in our vicinity. Warehouses never fail to pay good dividends and there is no reason why this would not be true in this territory. Kindly' telephone Wilmette 32 for further particulars. Nerth Shore are to give a AOI OK ER OF OER O 1 0 Em Oy O IW THE HANDIEST is your check book. / you may know you receive your just how you stand. features our bank offers. TT p-- +] Bi | DO IT NOW There are now only twenty shopping days until Christmas. Don't be disappointed, but make it a point to have your photographs taken now, before the usual Christmas rush. Make An Appointment Try Our De Luxe Special for Christmas A 1615 Orrington Ave., Evanston ~~ Phone Ev. 728 In Y. M. C. A. Building Leading Photographers of Evanston BOOK YOU HAVE t all times what monies you have paid out--and when statement from us each month, you know This, however, is but one of the many We @ would appreciate your account. 1] ry IOEIOK: 3.5) 1 WINNETKA TRUST Formerly and SAVINGS BANK ~~ "MM Elhithes ms We close at 12:30 on Saturdays CAPITAL $35,000.00 MENA S-------- TRO EO rm I = 'We Hand! Ea Lil il Gi Gi aa Gi li lle e a Fresh Line of Fruits and Vegetables of Fine Quality Our stock consists largely of Sprague, Warner & Co. goods, which is a guar- antee of Cash Only. the "Best in Everything." No Deliveries Watch for Big Sale Next Week Hubbard Hill i i il UT ET Woods Cash Grocery 901 LINDEN AVENUE, HUBBARD WOODS TELEPHONE WINNETKA 400