WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919 Xmas Tree Warning By John G. Gamber, (State Fire Marshal) Discard the Christmas tree candles, or ban the flimsy, inflammable de- corations. For safety's sake, use electrical illu- mination, or trim the tree only with non-inflammable tinsel and orna- ments. This is the advice of State Fire Marshal G. Gamber in a warning against Christmas tree fires, urging that every precaution be taken to prevent the day from being marred by accident. "Every year Christmas tree fires take a toll in lives and homes in Illi- nois," says the Fire Marshal. "Each year there are homes in which Yule- tide joy is turned to sadness on this account and every now and then a whole family is bowed in sorrow over some Christmas tree tragedy. "A Christmas tree is a thing of beauty. It is also a potential torch, for its branches are full of resin. Trimmed with paper festooning, tis- sue paper bells, celluloid ornaments and other highly inflammable decora- tions, it awaits only a spark from a lighted candle or momentary contact with its flame to flare up into a roar- ing, consuming mass of fire. "Then danger can be practically eliminated by the use of electrical illumination and, where candles are used, can be minimized by decorating only with non-inflammable tinsel and ornaments. "Nothing but electrical illumination should be permitted at public fetes, such as in schools and churches, where large numbers of children are present. Every home which is equip- ped with electricity should use elec- trical systems of lighting. They are just as attractive and effective, be- sides being safe. In case of public celebrations and where large trees are used, an expert electrician should be consulted so that the circuit will not be overloaded. AVOID THE CROWD! Why struggle in the down- town crowd? Shop here in comfort and save time and money. All Kinds of Electrical Appliances, Lamps, Trains, Etc. A complete set of Xmas Tree Lights with Mazda Bulbs, n'everything will be given FREE with every Washing Machine ANY MAKE . YOR ne Vacuum Cleaner Ohio, Sweeper Vac "Eureka" purchased at my shop from Dec. 6 to Dec. 16, inclusive. EASY PAYMENTS Come in and select your machine now for Xmas Delivery ~FA DARBY FLECTAL SHOP 1104-06 Davis St. Evanston the following advice is given: "Be sure the tree sets firmly in an adequate base, so it will not tip. I "Place it a safe distance from lace curtains and other inflammable furn- ishings. "Don't put cotton under the tree to resemble snow, nor on the tree itself. Use asbestos snow and micca. "Discard festoons of ordinary tis- sue paper, celluloid ornaments, and all flimsy,. combustible decorations, using only non-inflammable tinsel and | ornaments. "See that there is ample clearance | about all candles and do not leave a lighted tree unwatched. "Don't let children touch a lighted tree and don't remove presents until candles are extinguished. Clothing or presents might become ignited. "Don't permit a draft of air to sway branches while tree is lighted. "Everything should be done at Christmas time to safeguard the holi- AsK for "HILLS" FIVE MILLION PEOPLE USED IT LAST YEAR HILL'S BROMIDE Standard cold remedy for 20 years --in_ tablet form--safe, sure, no opiates--breaks up a cold in 24 hours--relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores "For those who will use candles, day joy, especially of the children, who are usually the innocent victims." friendship, and talents, and patronage, and family chances, and good positions, and good health, and good nature; it is made out of faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness and brotherly kind- ness and love.--Inninger. boosting Bliggins as an art critic. He doesn't know anything about pie- tures." "That's why. He's more like- ly to pick out something that doesn't amount to muchgyand so assist some struggling beginner." Daily Thought. Life is not made out of money, and influences, and good Encouragement. "What makes you so strong In AMERICAN RED CROSS cH Ri iL... SRE HEALTH AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR The Latest. It used to be "love in a cottage" with the bards of long ago, but the modern bards have changed it to love In a bungalow, Four of the Best Talking Machines in the same room Victrola Grafonola This gives you an unusual opportunity to select the instru- ment which most appeals to you by c same room with the same record. We will gladly demonstrate Brunswick, Sonora, anyftime. Extended Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings 828 Davis St., Evansten e You can See Us from the L Telephone Evanston 654 PATTERSON BRO Telephene Wilmette 265. payments if desired. direct comparison in the Wilmette Cafeteria 1101 Central Ave. Wilmette It Is Popular "There's a Reason" Breakfast 7. A. M. to 9:30 A. M. Lunch 11 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Dinner 5 P. M. to 8:00 P. M. Sunday 8 A. M te7P. M. EWELRY is an appropriate gift because it appeals to a wide variety of tastes and meets a number of needs. tions for every member of the family. Whether you wish to choose a useful present or an intimate personal gift, you are almost certain to find in our stock something that will meet your requirements. Let us be your Arranged for your convenient selection here are a number of gift sugges- Note.--In compliance with the fuel saving order we have discontinued our plan of remaining open every evening until Christmas. The store is open on Saturday even- ing only until 9 p. m. On other week days the hours are 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. FOR THE HOUSE FOR HIM Phone Evanston 2230 gift advisers. LAVALIERES Brooches Bar Pins RINGS--Coral Cameo, Sig- net, Cluster, Birthstone, Dia- "mond. Lig SONS Pearl Necklaces Wrist Watches : Toilet and Manicure Sets in - silver or ivory. Hat Pins Rosaries Beauty Pins Ribbon Bracelets SHEFFIELD HOLLOW- WARE -- Sandwich Plates, Coffee and Tea Services, Vege- table Dishes, Relish Dishes, Baking Dishes, Cake Baskets, Water, Pitchers, Vases, ete. Carving Sets Plated and Sterling Silver Tableware and other flatware. Hand Painted China Desk Sets Clocks Cut Glass FOR THE YOUNGEST Napkin Rings Children's Sets of Knife, Fork and Spoon. Baby Cups Baby Spoons Lockets Baby Rings Scarf Pins Cuff Buttons Belt Buckles Tie Clasps Waldemere Chains Knives Cigarette Cases Military Sets Shaving Sets Smoking Sets Rings -- Japanese Signet, Emblem, Diamond and other stone. Watches The above are only a few suggestions. There are countless other gifts which we shall be glad to show you. TELEPHONE 2635 A. RODELIUS & SON, Jewelers 827 DAVIS STREET -