Ld WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1919 17 LUTHERAN CHURCH CHILDREN GIVE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Annual Celebration for Children Will Be Held at St. John's Church Christmas Eve Children of St. John's Lutheran church, Prairie and Linden avenues, will participate in a unique Christ- mas celebration Wednesday evening, December 24, at 7 o'clock. The pro- gram announced by the pastor, Rev. Herman W. Meyer, will be as follows: : Processional, "Come hither ye Faithful." Hymn, "Let us all with gladsome voice." Recitation, "Hallelujah." Hymn, "Now raise. your voices." Recitation, "What Jesus brought." Hymn, "From Heaven above to Earth." Recitation, "What Christmas is." Hymn, "Silent Night, Holy Night." Recitation, "Jesus foretold by the Prophets." Hymn, "Let the Earth now Praise." Recitation, "The Christmas Story", Luke 2. Hymn, "Come hither ye Children." Recitation, "The Shepherds." Luke 2 happy Hymn, "Praise God, the Lord." Recitation, "The Wise Men," Matth. 2. Hymn, "In Bethlehem the lowly." Recitation, "The Wise Men." Hymn, "Lift up your Heads ye mighty Gates." Recitation, "What Jesus said and did." Benediction. prayer. Nunc Dimittis. Silent Distribution of gifts. Tuberculosis Kills Producers Bcanbe Prevented Se Red Cross PROHIBITION ENFORCEMENT JOBS ARE READILY FILLED Bureau of Internal Revenue offi- cials say that no more applications for appointment in the prohibition enforcement service can be consider- ed from Illinois. The number of applications in Illinois now on file is so great that the full quota of ap- pointments can be made with well qualified men immediately, officials declare. It will be impossible, they say, for local officers to investigate and report upon additional appli- cants. XmaeSeals KENILWORTH BOWLING ALLEYS TO BE CPENED MONDAY NIGHT Kenilworth Bowling Club To Start Season; Plan To Organize Wom- en's club Kenilworth bowlers are preparing for the opening of the alleys to he opened in the Village gymnasium i Monday evening, December 22. The alleys. will be open to members of the club only. The alleys, which recently received a new coat of paint, were re-decorat- ed throughout and provided with a new and up-to-date lighting system. Regular bowling nights are Mon- days and Thursdays. Jack Patter- son, New Trier High school athletic department genius, will direct the bowling events. An endeavor will he |made to make Tuesday evenings | "open night" on the alleys. | Should present plans materialize i Patterson will also organize a Wom- | en's Bowling club. Set 'em up in the other alley, Madame! | Bloody Civil War Battle. In 1862, on thte 31st day of May, {the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. took place. It was a small engagement, but in proportion to the number of | men engaged was one of the most sanguinary of the Civil war. An ad- vance guard of the Army of the Po- tomac, numbering 10,000 men, was at- tacked by a force of about 15,000 Con- federates a few miles east of Rich- mond. The battle lasted a day and a half and resulted in a technical vic- tory for the northern soldiers. Fach side lost more than 7000 men in killed, wounded and missing. : 1S ogo) wr PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY or dining table. IN WINNETKA [Le Say Merry Christmas With Flowers Augment that gift to your mother, wife or sweetheart with a special gift of flowers. It gives the day and the senti- ment an added touch of thoughtfulness, sweetness and completeness. If she is receiving on Christmas Day the flowers will add greatly to the decora- tion of the home whether on mantle vase If she is calling on Christmas Day a corsage will be greatly appreciated. The choicest of seasonable blooms are here now--delivered promptly when and where you want them. SCS \ a Z 1 LORIS An American $2 Bill Did This Motherless, fatherless, homeless nameless, hungry ard clad only in rags, the pathetic little three-year-old shown at the left wandered into a Near East Relief orphanage in Ar menia. Another photograph of the same child, shown at the right, was taken a week later, this time showing him happy, well clothed and well fed. Somewhere in America is the happy man or woman who contributed the $2 bill which wrought this miracle... More than a quarter million other helpless little victims of Turkish cruelty. and oppression are knocking at the doors of the Near East Relief orphanages in Western Asia. Many more American $2 bills are needed now to let them in and to care for them until they can care for themselves. BEFORE. AFTER. Courtesy First The ordinary family does not buy an automobile often. They expect it to last a long time. They want maximum comfort and satis- faction from the car they buy. They want to protect their investment by purchasing from a dealer who has proper service facilities to maintain the car on the road and who considers the owner's satisfac- tion first. Our present owners depended upon our judgment and advice in automobile mat- ters--we shall be glad to talk with you whether you intend buying now or not. Come in any time. We always have a goodly supply of courtesy. : Columbia Six and Maxwell C. 11 BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Ave. Let Us Be | Business Partner Your partner has a knowledge of your business and you look to him for advice and counsel on important matters. You are en- titled to all the help he can give you. Do you get a partner's help on your printed matter? Do you get the most from the special- ized knowledge which we have regarding printing and paper, and above all the service which a combination of the two can render{ Our job department has every modern equip- ment for doing work on rush orders, For letterheads, billheads, and all kinds of forms, we carry in stock, recommend and use MER ar a The Utility Business Paper Let Us ServeYou asa Partner LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY Printers and Publishers 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette. Phones 1920-1921