4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1919 Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK i by The Lake Shore: Publishing Company' Li] 1222 Ce ntral Ave, Wilmette, mn. .; ; Telaphone PRR SR IER Wilmette 1920 . Winnetka Diiice 'Telephone 'Winn. 388 "suBscrIPTION Say $1.00 A YEAR Strictly in advance All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Thursday afternoon te insure appearance in eurrent issue. Resolutions of condolence, thanks, obituary peotry, entertainments or other affairs where am admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for | at regular advertising rates. cards of notices 1 Hnrtered In the postoffice at Winnetka, Illinois, as mail maditer of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1919 Let Them Stay Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkinan could not give a better ex- hibition of their purposes than in the reluctance that they have displayed in going back to the country which they came. Russia has every- thing that they urge upon this coun- try. There there is neither law order. There no institutions demand the respect of the people. Every man is a law unto himself and life.and property 'have 'no claim for protec- tion. It is the heaven of which Em- ma Goldman and Alexander Berkman have preached, but they don't want to go .there at all. from nor It is characteristic of the trouble | maker that when the trouble breaks he seeks new fields of endeavor. They! of | have no desire to share the desola- tion that they strive to effect. If these two disciples of anarchy had deen able to bring about the results that they have sought we should find thent eagerly seeking passage to for- shores. But they very much wish the shelter of the law they des- pise and deride. No better punishment could have been devised than the back the distracted country to which they belong. They cannot hurt Rus3ia. They will have a beautiful opportunity to see operation the theories which they have tried to teach here. Other na- tions should see to it that they stay | in Russia. H i HOLIDAY PARTY eign sending of these two to in Young people of the Wilmette Congregational planned a good time for other young people who do not have the opportunity of enjoy- ing the entertainments for the youn people held during the school i The occasion is a Young People's Holiday party to be held at the church Tuesday evening, December 30. PAINTS Of all kinds in large and small cane WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Finishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE FREE PAINT INFORMATION FREE Third Annual Masquerade Tuesday, January 6th JONES' HALL, WILMETTE Bulla Bulla Club » Some Difference. CA be When a little friend of mine was three and one-half years old his fa- | Hold Suggestions ther asked him what he wanted to be' when he grew: up. lie replied quick- ly: %A man.) "Welly siid his fa- ther, "what's the difference between a boy and a man?' The little fellow | was puzzled for a moment, finally he | said, "smoke."--Cleveland Leader. ' Men's Shirts a NT 00 to $3.50 Men's, Women's and Children's slip- PEYS i. hiv hak $1.25 to $4.00 Children's Rubber Boots, $2.00 to $3.50 Women's Ballet and Party Slippers RR I RL BR TE $2.50 up N 5 J. FELLOWS EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING REGISTERED H. M. BUTLER a OPTICIAN «Shoes For All The Family" OPEN EVENINGS r= Teal Du 2 raes Fitted Tel Wilmette 596 Frames sr 1213 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette Phone Room 3 Winnetka 85 Prouty Bldg. sai GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY "The Triumvirate" Nash, Stearns-Knight, Scales Motors Dodge Brothers Company 510 Davis St., Evanston Phone Ev. 6636 for, per Lele TOBE IGS OO RR BUR) ni SATURDAY : £2 * ° . ' ° |g lis Bargain Day in ~ 1&0 FAI Depariments) ®) ( J : i 8 regular 30c valué; tomotrow only, 8 & PT) cai] 500 Holly and other fancy boxes of stationery; | 500 boxes of initial correspondence TTC EZR NPS PUTT 5 CHANDL mrdhristmas THEE TOR Ll rami ---- ra a -------- SPECIAL SELLING of STATIONERY at REDUCED PRICES for SATURDAY ONLY 100 fancy Christmas boxes of stationery, $1.50. value, per box... 4. Saal i SRSA | per box 25¢ | | 50 boxes of $1.25 stationery, Broken lot of 500 boxes of initial sta- AAI RS Department adjustable to three sizes; $2.50 value for 10 cards; $1 value, per box. ......... tionery ; values up to $2, per box....... = ; RE sautiful line of photo albums from $1 to $6. Soy adi LOR BI! EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY on 75: pairs Chlldren's 1 ; : Jo ais, ori. 25 boudoir lamps, values up to $5.50, for $4.50. | Slates, $3.50 value for 1 4 oor a woh i FOR THE WOMEN--A = CR CPD Go Se ddd and hoclrey sticls. CHAN FOR THE MEN---a Gillette, Gem or Eveready safety razor, or a complete shaving outfit. Philippine handmade bamboo sew- ing basket, wastebasket or jardiniere. For the young folks--Skates, skating shoes, skating sweaters COE ETA DLER'S THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE FOUNTAIN SQUARE, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIE CHRISTMAS EVANSTON In Main Toyland on 100 sets of Billy Boy Cut-out 100 Jackie Acrobats, Paper Dolls; 35c value, 1.000 tricks; $1.50 value, for... Nn SEY 25¢ for Blocks; 75¢ value, fox.: 25 Winding Taxiplanes; $3.00 "value, for... . 0000 $1.98 100 Winding Autos; 30¢ value, for. 25¢ value, for 100 Whisligige:n ne 00°. va ue; for. iii : In the Basement Sporting Goods 100 Horse Head Kiddie Cars, $1. 79 $2.50 A QT HH TT Desk Sets, at a Reduction 3: for Saturday Only 6 TANT IR matting sets, regular $4 value, for $3. 6 spun brass sets, "five pieces, regular $5 value, for $4. 6 spun brass sets, 11 pieces, reg ruiiat $12.50 value, for $10. Get your Christmas cards, a and tags here. 100 Chautauqua Spelling 500 Double Acrobat Toys; SATURDAY is Bargain Day in All Departments 207: off Men's and Women's Sweat- ers, all colors and sizes, $10.00 to $16.00 values. 50 Wheelbarrows 65c value for Second Floor perform [. A miscellaneous assortment of | Gibbs' Wooden Toys, Walking | Horses, Swings, Carts, etc.; values E0c i to $1. 00; on sale : 50c¢ 50 Tunerville Trollédys; $3.00 value, for........... $1 98 [=] = ja See out displa ~.renzen Purple § "things. the market. sid 75¢ to > Just received, RAT) § Trunks, qo058 tall, 'Sanitary, ~ tiorial. The newest toy on | $5.00 y of Lo- eal Play- | educa- stock of L 25 Winding Trains, %2 00 value, for complete; | $1 50 | Dishes; teguiarisii ser 50 Trains, 3, Coaches, Coal Car and Locomot tive: value, for en Utensils; $3. 00 value, One lot of 'Japanese China 'Play | 25 sets of Aluminum Play Kitch- 100 Dressed Dollis} : $1. 25 value, for. , N. 5c 200 Dressed Dott a and: girls; $1.50 vélue, $1.98 ¢