ET rrr WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1919 a --------r--y------------ Time Has Come For Church to Awaken Bishop Anderson of Chicago -- Nation-Wide Campaign To Arouse Members From Their Slumbers An experiment to see whether religion, when religion is taken ser- ously, is capable of exercising a con- structive and stabilizing influence upon the chaotic conditions of the war- torn world, is the characterization of the Nation-Wide Campaign of the Episcopal church as given by the Right Rev. Charles Palmerston Anderson, D. D., Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. - Bishop . Anderson was head of the commission of American clergymen sent to Europe to sound sentiment and arouse interest there in a world conference of Christian churches. He is one of the outstanding advo- f cates and orators of the Nation-Wide - Campaign. . When the commission on : chosen, Bishop * that campaign was Anderson was'the first prelate selected, the choice being dictated by his natural fitness for the place and his warm sympathy and enthusiasm for the cause. Born and ordained to the priesthood in Canada, he. became rec- tor of Grace Church, Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago in 1891. In 194 he was elected Bishop Coadjutor of ° Chicago and in the following year succeeded to the Episcopate. "The Nation-Wide Campaign is no longer a plan under consideration," says Bishop Anderson, "It is a program in operation. The ma- chinery has been set in motion, and nothing can stop it. "It is primarily a campaign of edu- cation. Its purpose is to inform the mind, to quicken the conscience, to deepen men's spiritual convictions, and to awaken the Church from its uncon- scious slumber to meet the perils and needs of the new day. The move- ment is so wisely plannec that it can- Hot fail to unify the Church, to in- crease the efficiency rof its working gh jzation, and to ina te a new 2 sphtual wer. It makes no beyond er eSionibie appeal % plain statement of facts concerning i and needs of the ce "straight to all classes alike soci Fith same challenge to the best RY. REV. CHAS. P. ANDERSON. Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago that is in them. No class or group can afford to hold aloof. 'Some capitalists say that the Church is socialistic. Some socialists say that the Church is capitalistic. All church- men know that it is neither, but that it furnishes the only environmen. wherein both can meet in their proper relations to each other and to God. **O for a few days of sanity," said Secretary Lane when the Industrial Conference adjourn: med | in failure. '0 for a few days of Christianity," men might as well say when everything is being tried except Christianity. Some egy that the Church has failed. 1f so educationphas also failed and so has science. No, she has not failed. What has failed has been a sordid and materialistic civilization. Tt is only through = resurgent faith'in the power of Christianity to assert its corporate oe th that we can look through the revolutions of taday to the social pm of tomorrow." I i Announcement! To our numerous satisfied patrons and to the prospective customers at large, we announce a new department, in addition of our dry cleaning, rug cleaning and repairing department. Upholstery and Drapery Works New furniture made to order, mattresses and box springs renovated. Cushions of all kinds made to order. Try us with, your next order. We guarantee to save you money and to give you satisfaction. We will safeguard your interest. OUR WINNETKA PHONE IS 150 OUR EVANSTON PHONE IS 727 OUR WILMETTE PHONE IS 803 Parisian Upholstering and Drapery Works INC. 4 CARLTON BUILDING, WINNETKA ifm uses 2 BIG SPE CHRISTM CONTAINING Jonathan apples, 6 oranges, 1 saskise mine nuts, 2 quarts of cranberries, 1 Saran 2 grape fruit, 1 jar salad e meat, | pound mixed dressing, 3 pounds sweet potatoes, 1 package poultry seasoning, 1 can peaches, 1 pound Overseas brand coffee, 1, gallon cider, 1 pound powdered sugar and 4 pounds of granulated sugar. Purchased singly price is usually about $5.50. UNTIL CHRISTMAS PRICE ASREDIS ........ 0.0. ai me 1. X. 1 With $5 order or more (not including Xmas Basket 6 3 butter, soap or flour) 5 pounds of sugar for ....... C CANNED GOODS-- Trojan Sugar Corn, regular price 25¢; 3 cans Sch dozen it. 0. co Ra a en $2.19 Antonini Olive' Oil, pint iii... 00n a. $1.00 Jones': Pinnan 'Haddie, can' ..... 0... 0... 30c Del Monte Loganberries, No. 2 can ........ 43c Reputation Beets, can. .. 0 rn nl 0 21c Borden's Evaporated Milk, can ............ 19¢ Richeliew Okra, can 80k. oivanes sic eniin. 17¢c Monticello No. 2 can Pork and Beans ....10c Hunt Supreme Grated Pineapple, No. 1 can 15¢ California State Brand Asparagus, quality gudrafiteed: "Cuan tis dhe ee eh 25¢ "Kippered Herring, «Cam «.....ciiondhnrnnee, 30c Richelieu Salmon, flat, 1 1b. can45¢c; 15 1b ok vl Lr pe LT a RCP TR 28¢c Richelieu: Salmon, tallican .,............\s 40c Bingo Salmon, can Li sein Ci cov dea 38¢c "California Ripe Olives,'small § oz. can ....10c Monsoon Beans, Wax or Green, can ...... 18c Richelieu Small Beets, can .i........ciaxs 23c Monsoon Pumpkin, regular 20c can for ..15¢ Patsy Muscat Grapes, No. 1 can for ...... 20c Bewverly Apricots, No. 2% can .........:.. 45c PEAS-- Monsoon Sweet Wrinkled ............... .20c Cherub Sifted, Can. conic tidus rn sns 25¢ Boulevard Brand oo ii nora iivoleiaa 25¢ Richelica' Farly June... . cic dvvinive 25¢ MONSOON = i. rita sins ve oman ins sis asin 22¢ PEARS-- Colton Bartlett, No. 215 can "......... ce: 45¢ Eagle Brand Bartlett, No. 2% can ........ 45¢ Everett Bartlett, No. 215 can .............. 45¢ Patsy, No. 'Vlean; flat': oc. fumes vg 20c Del Monte Bartlett Pears, No. 2 ¢an ...... 37¢c CORN-- Richelien, ican = ..00. 0 chen nt, 25¢ Genesee, 2°¢alys £0... io la did vin ni in sion 35c Junior Brand, special, dozen for ........ $2.00 PEACHES-- Calpac Yellow Cling, can ........... 0... 42¢ Beverly Free, can i. lo isan adidiviey 45¢ COFFEES-- Righelieu, pound =... hoi a vias 55¢ Chase & Sanborn, pound ........... 0000 55¢ Richelieu Midas brand, special ............ 47c Manor House, pound. onic aviv sd 55¢ Old Colony, extra fine quality .............. 47c Our best bulk coffee, try it, pound ........ 42¢ SOAP-- x Classic, 10: Bars. for i... ici tare sem yss 65¢ Lenox, 10 bars for... . Suivi SW ve 49c Wool Soap, 5 bars for ......ceveevvvim vow 40c FOR BAKING-- Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 12 oz can ....23¢ Mazola, Wesson or Douglas Oil, pint for 40c quartss, Lie Sap Pe vs da my a See 75¢ Crisco, pound can 38¢c; 1% 1b. can ........ 55¢ Lar dup oti. Sioa eile vo uv vision sis vss valerie 32¢ Rumford Baking Powder, 1 1b. can ........ 25¢ Snowdrift, Cami ia a hae Tera a 35¢ MISCELLANEOQUS-- Extra Fine California Figs, Ib. ............ 40c Prunes, 60-70 size, 1b. ..........oeweiuus ps 23C SO-00- 8128 4st es veins vivo RET FR Se rs 28C Richelieu Extra Large Prunes, Ib. ........ 35¢ Mixed Nuts, 1b. i is ere rawness 40c St. Croix Brand Maple Syrup, Pr pint 5 oz. CRI. Tia Ti a aie a Sage Fares a a wie euler ly 48c Spratf's. Dog Cakes, 'phir... ..cooiraesa iss 35¢ Pure Richelieu Aople Cider 1; gallon ....60c gallon on. or RAR Se ey $1.15 i OTE I CR na SER Ca Sd A I RE 75¢ Jello, 2401.1 sissy rak rains ves SAN ae ...25¢ Log Cabin Syrup, small can ......00 0 32¢ Jarge Cam ii oe ce rs we See a TR 65¢ _ Fancy Jonathan Applés; box ............ $4.00 Cee Se, POUNEL Juin vie es ne ope fos minis os 2s 45¢ Dates, reg. price 60c; pound .......c.vvirnn 40c FIs PON fy ea any aan sie SR 30c Rice, pound nav oiviove rea A RS ae Vee 15¢ Prunes, large 35¢; medium, 1b. .......... -..28¢c 5 1b. Stone Crock Pure Strawberry or Rasp- berry Jam, '$2.25;-3 Ibs. for ......i. 0 3.31.35 Best Christmas Trees .......... 50c, to $2.00 Mixed: Candy, 'pound oC ur arash 48¢c Safety Home Matches, 5 packages ...... 29c 50-foot clothes line, reg. 50c for ....... ...40c Washboards' Jul bos die ii au hl isis 68c Armour's Spaghetti, Noodles, Macaroni, 23 Ib. pkg., 3 packages: for i... 0 anil 23c CEREALS-- Quaker Oats, 3% Ib. pkg. 32c; small pkg. 4c Armour's Oats, 2 for 25¢; large pkg. for 30c Corn Flakes, Kellogg's or Armotr's, 2 for 25¢ Puffed Wheat, Hc; 2 for ...... inks doit 27¢ Puffed i Rice, iv. i iisitianiaisefotyusasdoad sn 16c Quaker Cracked Wheat 23c; 2 for ...... 45¢ Grape Nuts ...c.oiivisvarsnarsaslorencs eases 15¢ Richelieu White Corn Meal, pkg. ........ 14c Quaker Yellow Corn Meal ................ l4c Ralston Wheat Food, pkg. ..... nad Fra 15¢ Old Fashioned Scotch Brand Oatmeal ....20¢c FLOURS-- Gold Medal, Ceresota, Richelieu, ig barrel $1.95 Swansdown Pancake, package ............ 40c Aunt Jemima Pancake... ........ca0h 0 16c Richelieu Pancake: ....... i. veivenrneinsin 15¢ Quaker Pancake ......... ou cine, eae 18c Graham Flour, S Ibs. for... einai 39%¢ Big Line of Christmas Trees Subscribe for Your Local Paper] Hubbard Woods Cash Grocery 901 LINDEN AVENUE, HUBBARD WOODS TELEPHONE WINNETKA 400 73 °o © &