di - WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1920 S Si -----" Sha Im iam) | ---- I nm "41 Weak Links in a Strong Chain Winnetka. s Hubbard Woods. 4 i ump ni IE. by Ruth Risley sco That's just what imitation parts are when they become a part of your Ford car. They look strong enough, but the metal isn't there--the strong, durable Vanadium steel that goes into the Ford chassis and every Ford part. | Ford parts are specially cast and heat-treated, each according to its use. Some require a hard, flint-like wearing surface, others need resiliency, and some meed just "toughness." / A HE THIRD of the series of musical afternoons given at the Winnetka Woman's club under the auspices of the Music| committee, will take place on Wednesday, January 14, at 3! 3 Ford metallurgists have been studying these problems for sixteen years and know just how each unit should be made to endure a maximum of wear and tear. They know that best results can be obtained only by the use of special formulas for different parts, and that honest Ford parts wear from thirty-five to one hundred per cent longer than counterfeits. o'clock. An interesting program is being prepared. Mrs. | Austin Jenkins will read a paper on the development of the | Symphony. Movements from Haydn and Beethoyen Symphonies in | eight hand piano arrangements will be played by Mrs. Arthur Dean, Mrs. Percival Hunter, Mrs. Clifford Ewart and Mrs. Benjamin Kel- 'lum; a string quartet will assist. Mrs. Emory C. Andrews will play «a Mozart Theme and Varitations for piano. All club members are cordially invited to attend this meeting and to bring their friends, who are admitted on payment of the usual guest fee. We carry complete assortments of genuine Ford parts for both passenger ears and trucks. And our garage is equipped to give careful, prompt Ford service--from minor adjustments to complete overhauls. Drive in, it's better to be safe than sorry. Come to the Authorized Ford dealer for service. Miss Hilda Salveson announces the engagement of her sister, Hariott Susan, to George H. Wissmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wissmann of Glencoe. No date has been set for the wedding. R D i i NNIN( H AM LJ ® The engagement is announced of Miss Mary C. Taylor, daughter of Joseph W. Taylor of Rochester, N. Y., to John ¥. Holland, Jr, son of Mrs. John F. Holland of Winnetka and the Virginia hotel. EE IE BE are Exclusive Dealer . i Payne SS HE HOME of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Judson in Evanston, was the scene of a pretty wedding on New Year's Eve, when their MP. LOURN, Sieg Min, "SCARY 510 Church Bureet daughter Helen became the bride of Robert E. James, son of Phone EVANSTON 4884 UNCER YB EVANSTON Mr. and Mrs. FE. R. James, 1304 Forest Ave., Wilmette. Rev. Horace ~~ G. Smith read the service. Miss Nona Hakes, Rogers Park, a sorority sister of the bride, attended her as maid of honor, and the Misses Eunice Thorp and Marion Judson, stretched the ribbons. Mr. James' sister, little Alice James, was the flower girl, and Mr. Bryant Jud- son, who had just returned from Galveston Texas, for the wedding.| acted as best man. Following an extended wedding trip, Mr. and | On 2 : Monday evening Miss Alice Mrs. James will make their home in Evanston. | Trappe entertained her chapter of & ¢ | Phi Sigma Delta at an enjoyable The Art and Literature department | holiday party at her home in Hub- of the Winnetka Woman's club will {bard Woods. start a second term of ten lessons in| French under Mr. George Cauuet, on | Monday, January 12. This class is |their mid-winter dance on Insist on Genuine Ford Parts J a mm QE Ee a I The wedding of Miss Catherine Schildgen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schildgen and Christ Hen- richsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Henrichsen of Winnetka was solemn- ---- The Alpha Sigma fraternity held Tuesday ized on Wednesday morning at 9|made up oi those who are reviving | evening at the Ouilmette Country o'clock at St. Joseph's church. Father | their French after a period of years | club. F. J. Schildgen of Lamont, Ill, an|or those who have never studied =3= uncle of the bride, read the service. | French. The class is completing ten Mrs. William Ernest Seatree of Ar- Miss Rose Schildgen was her sister's only attendant, and Lawrence Schild- gen, a brother of the bride, served as best man. Following the ceremony there was a wedding breakfast and reception at the Schildgen home, 1703 Lake ave- nue. Mr. and Mrs. Henrichsen left Wednesday evening on a short honey- moon and upon their return will make theirshome at 1703 I.ake avenue, Wilmette, until spring. i Mrs. Frank B. Fulton of Hubbard Woods, who is assisting Mrs. Joseph Bowen of the Fair Price commission. under the Department of Justice, will speak on "The High. Cost of Living", at the Chicago Beach hotel at 11 o'clock, January 5, and in the after- noon of the same day at the Travel club in Morgan Park. £3 Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Norton, and daughter, Miss Lillian Norton, 370 Walnut street, are spending the holi- days in the south. On Christmas day they were the guests of the W. F. Whitman's of Winnetka, who are spending the winter at El Repose Cottage. Miami Beach, Fla. Miss Nor- ton will stop in Thomasville, Ga, during the remainder of the winter. i Weis Mrs. Francis Peabody Butler, 777 Bryant avenue, gave a luncheon and dance on Tuesday at the Saddle and Cycle club for her sister, Miss Mar- garet Hunter, who is at home from Farmington. Conn. and for her brother. William Hunter, who is Thome from Yale. wire Sixty young people were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenton of 1154 Pine street, at a dinner-dance given Tuesday evening at Indian Hill club for their daughter, Miss Bea- trice Fenton who has returned from Miss Bennett's school. -- tp Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lamont, Jr., of Larkspur, Colo. who have been guests of Mr. Lamont's parents in Evanston, are now visiting Mrs. La- mont's parests, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hopkins of Winnetka. -- A class in Parliamentary law, under whe leadership of Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, will be opened on Monday, January 5. at 3:30 o'clock, at the The class "Winnetka Woman's club. is open to anyone who cares to en- roll. if Mr. and Mrs. Victor Elting gave a lessons of the Berlitz system and will continue the work to the end of the hook, which will give them a conver- sational use of French. The class meets Monday afternoons at 2:15 o'clock at the Woman's club. New pupils may enter at any time, whether members of the club or not. For further information inquire of Mrs. J. R. Fletcher, 948 Hubbard street, Hubbard Woods. + AT A special Holiday dance was given lat Community Fouse last Saturday i evening by the Young Folks' Dancing {elub. These dances are a continua- tion of the sailor dances, which were jsuch a success during the past year. They will be given every other Saturday evening hereafter. A most mteresting program is arranged for the coming year, including a costume ball, a Washington birthday party and many novelty dances. Young people of the community and of all the north shore towns are eligible to membership by presenting their names to Noble Hale, secretary and treasurer. ------ Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom have opened their home in Hubbard Woods for the holiday season and have with them Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fran- cis Blossom, and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bacon, formerly Miss Katherine Blossom. -- if Miss Caroline Sanborn, who is mak- ing her home this winter in Wilming- ton, Del, spent Christmas and the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Sanborn in Kenil- worth. -- fe Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson, accompanied by Mrs. William J. Calhoun of Chi- cago, left today for Santa Barbara, Cal, where Mrs, Calhoun will be a for several months. --f The East Elm Street Circle will hold its regular all-day meeting on Tuesday, January 6, at the home of Mrs. Richard Nash, 418 Sheridan road. -- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vissering of Kenilworth returned Tuesday morn- ing from a three months' trip abroad, visiting in France, Switzerland, Bel- cium, Holland and England. -- Miss Julia Greeley of the University of California, is spending the holidays dancing party on Monday eveningiat the home of her parents, Mr. and of this week for their sons, Victor and Winston, at their home, 830 Mt. »-Pleasant Court. ® --pe Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Bly gave a danc- ing party for their son, Robert, on New Year's Eve, at their home, $92 Cherry street. i pe Miss Elizabeth Brack is spending the holidays with ker sister, Mrs. Harry 1. Orwig, 548 Willow street, 'Mrs. F. H. Greeley on the Skokie. een finn Miss Mildred Light of Leaf River, Illinois, is the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 988 Elm street, en route to the University of INlinois. ---- . Miss M. Lillian Smedley of Mount Vernon, La. is a guest at the home of Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, 988 Elm street. guest at Mrs. Johnson's winter home ; Winnetka 85 bor Vitae road, gave a young people's dancing party at Indian Hill club on Friday evening of last week. -- | The Beta Zeta Phi fraternity will hold their annual Christmas dance this evening at the Kenilworth club. -- fp A subscription dance will be given at the Winnetka Woman's club on ' Saturday evening, January 10. KEEP NAMES OF WILMETTE FIGHTERS IN LIBRARY RECORD | Mrs. H. B. Gates Authorized by wi | mette Guard to Collect Data of { War Records Names of Wilmette men who serv- ed in the World War are to be en- tered into a record to be preserved in the Wilmette Public Library, ac- cording to announced plans of the Wilmette Guard, Wilmette's war or- oanization, dissolved at the con- clusion of the war. The business of collecting the data has been placed under the direction of Mrs. H. B. Gates, 1014 Lake ave- nue. It is desired that information concerning the war records of Wil- {mette men be volunteered Mrs. H. IB. Gates at the earliest possible time so that the record may be completed as soon as possible. { Not a Chance in the World. "A good husband ought to tell his wife all his faults," is the advice given ! husbands of more or less doubtful | status by a Milwaukee authority on | domesticity. But the average husband | will have to be very, very quick about jt or the average wife will tell him first.--Pennsylvania Grit. { HERE'S T0 A PROSPEROUS 1920 We desire to extend our greetings and best wishes to our host of friends for a Happy and Prosperous Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. We desire to thank our patrons and friends who have been responsible for the large in- crease in our business during the past year. We hope to conduct our business in the years to come in the same spirit of helpful- ness so that we will merit a continuance of your patronage. J. F. ECKART CO. 736 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill. Phone Winnetka 844 Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Tools, Glass PAINTS | Of all kinds in large and sueall cans: WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Finishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE FREE PAINT INFORMATION FREE N. J. FELLOWS REGISTERED OPTICIAN Eyes Tested. Frames Fitted Lenses Duplicated Franses Repaired Phene Room $ Prouty Bldg. HOUSES WANTED FRANK A. REID Member Chicago Real Estate Board WINNETKA HUBBARD WOODS GLENCOE REAL ESTATE 933 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winnetka 1300