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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 24 Jan 1920, p. 7

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1920 7 --- Classified Advertisements 7 SR per line for first i sertiun, 5¢ per line. for first insertion, Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. nsertion. Each succeeding in~- Copy must be in by eee FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SA USED 88-NOTE PLAYER pianos; einwa 200; Wheelock, $300; Cable, Howard, $395; other bargain. atterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG11-2te FOR SALE--THREE BEST ELECTRIC Household appliances: Ellen Washing Machine, S ylex Ironer and Hoov- er Vacuum Cleaner. Easy payment; fine service. Patterson Bros, 828] vis street, Evanston. LTG11-tfc SALE--USED GAS RANGE; GAS plate; excellent condition; also wash- ing machine. T"hone Glencoe 395. 4 LTG11-1te NOTICE--BEFORE BUYING A SEW- ing machine see the New Style Sing- er and Singer Electric; all factories use the Singer; also 200 used sewing machines, $5 up. Patterson Bros, 828 Davis street, Evanston. ad LTG11-tfe FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY dining set, consisting of side-board, table and six chairs; Hepplewhite de- sign. Inquire apartment 14, 545 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. Phone Win. 501. LTG11-1te _ FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS REMEMBER TO ORDER RIVERSIDE Salted nuts for home use or enter- taining. Best in quality, best in flavor, best in price. Place order with Mrs. J. R. Fletcher, 948 Hub- Woods. T45-2tc FOR SALI--USED CARS bard street, Hubbard FOR SALE--FORD DELIVERY CAR; good condition; one horse 1400 weight, two 1gons and harness, three delivery sleighs; all cheap. A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central avenue, Wilmette. LTG11-1te FOR SALE--1916 DODGE TOURING car, $650. Call Sunday. Phone Win. T45-1te 1564. FOR SALE--HOMES Seg an MUST SELL $-ROOM HOUSE; NEWLY decorated. 952 Spruce street, Win- netka. For appointment phone Win. 344. LTG10-3te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT-- FURN. ROOM; REF. required. 833 Cherry street. Phone Win. 1413. T45-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOMES WANTED TO RENT--MAY FIRST, Lad | SITUATIONS WANTED AR TABLE, FIRST CLASS COLOR- ed houseman desires work by day or week. Phone Glencoe 279. TG45-1tc | CARE OF FURNACES AND | Phone Win. | T42-5tc | LOST LOST--JANUARY AND FOUNI 17, FANCY HAIR- pin between Provident and Center street, on Oak street; finder please return to 462 Provident avenue; re- ward. T45-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--CLOTHES WRINGER; leather couch, solid mahogany 1lib- rary table; oak parlor table, reading lamp, tapestry rocking chair, incu- __bator. 903 Ash street. T45-1tp FOR SALE--GOOD COUCH, SIDE board, china closet. Call evenings. Phone Win. 1413. 833 Cherry street. ERS OV T45-1te FOR SALE--JEWEL GAS RANGE, $10; weathered oak sideboard and dining room table; bargain. Phone Win. 44 TG45-1tc T WAN HOUSEHOLD | "ED TO BUY GOODS ALL KINDS OF JUNK, OLD clothes and shoes. J. Golinsky, 1705 Forest avenue. Phone Wil. 1150. "He hast his name on his wagon." LT44-tfe wa NED TO BUY OR SELL--HOUSE- 101¢ WE BUY goods; any description; also buy old clothes; best prices. 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Teleplione |) or 312. LTG50-tfe MISC FREE OF NOTICE CHARGE - WE will clean your 9x12 rug--with our latest Hoover Vacuum Cleaner--See this Hoover before you, buy. terson Bros. 828 Davis street, LOI, Nans- L'I'Gli-tre ANNOUNCEMENT CONTEMPLATING trip to Europe anytime April 15 and August 15, every detail of it, portation, hotel ANYONE A TRIP between can have including trans- accomodations, ete., carefully taken care of in advance by joining one of our personally conducted European tours. For rates sailing dates, or other information address Winnetka Weekly Talk A-569, or phone Winnetka 520-W. modern T7-room house in Winnetka; good location; two or three year lease. Phone Win. 961. WANTED--IN WINNETKA, FURN. house for May or May and June. Call Tin. 2008 8 aang Tibote WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FLAT or house. Address Weekly Talk A-521. T44-4tp T45-1tc | T45-1tc SAYS SHOE PRICES FOR RENT--DOCTOR'S SUITE; 2 OR 3 rooms. Bank Bldg. Ayres Boal, 1515 Gas Bldg., Chicago. T43-3te WANTED TO RENT--6 OR 7 ROOM house; May 1. Address Winnetka Talk A-570. Ind LTG11-2tp WANTED TO RENT--HOME IN KEN- ilworth, Winnetka, Wilmette or (ilencoe from June 15th to Sept. 15th. Desire a home with sleeping porch; will pay from $200 to $300 per month. J. F. Brown, 20 E. Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IlL LTG11-1te ~ WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--FURN. ROOM (LIGHT housekeeping preferred) for business lady, near electric line. Address Lake Shore News, E-3527. LT11-1tdh D-- ALE hrs WANTED--MAN TO CARE FOR heaters; extra work if desired. N. I. Hoyt, 435 Elm street; Winnetka, or phone Winnetka 319. T45-1tc 4 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL BETWEEN 12 AND 15 years of age as playmate for vounger girl. 903 Ash street. T45-1tp WANTED--COMPETENT, RESPONS- thle nurse for 2 young children; medical training unnecessary; pro- testant and references. Phone Win. 941. Li T45-1tc WANTED--EXP. COOK; WAGES $18. Phone Win. 58. TG45-1te WANTED--BOOK-KEEPER; LADY, experienced in cash ledger and pay- ing bills; pleasant conditions; steady position; good wages. A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central avenue, Wil- melte. LTG10-2te WANTED--SEWING WOMAN, ONE day every two weeks, for mending and plain sewing. Phone Win. 1442. LTG11-1te ARE GOING HIGHER S. Pool, North Shore Shoe Merchant. Takes Exception to Prediction that Prices Aire on the Down ; Grade "Prices of shoes are going up," says S. Pool, north shore shoe man. iu] know it was reported some time ago that McElwain, the big shoe manufacturer, said the prices would come down, but the prices are going up, I'm sure," declared Mr. Pool. "There's nothing else in sight that I can see." "Manufacturers are all oversold. Many of them have taken their salesmen in because they cannot fill orders. There are a great many re- tailers who have not nearly a com- plete stock. Endicott-Johnson, whose production is between 90,000 and 100,- 000 pairs of shoes a day, have their entire output sold and are building another plant to increase their pro- duction by 30,000 pairs a day. One Salesman Takes place of 20 "Today, one salesman, for one company visits all the big middle- western cities and gets all the orders his house can fill. Formerly, twenty men were sent out in this territory. Retailers not only haven't complete stocks now, but they are going to have a hard time getting shoes," says Mr. Pool. "What is the reason for the great shortage?" he was asked. | people are paying from $25 to $40 a LANEOUS ! WANTED-- EXPERIENCED DRESS-| "Principally our large export of Rn treeh, Winnetka. Phone Win | shoes," he answered. "Today, we 1325. LTG11-1tc are practically shoeing the world. FRANK A. REID Member Chicago Real Estate Board WINNETKA HUBBARD WOODS GLENCOE 933 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winnetka 1300 European nations, with their men killed off and business disorganized are not on their feet to take care of their own shoe needs, and will buy all the shoes that we can send them. "Just as an example--an Evanston man and his wife, who just came back from Belgium in the fall, told me of a shoe store that the Walk- over people opened in Brussels. A complete stock of goods had been put in, but the entire stock was sold out by noon of the day the store opened. Soldiers had to be station- ed about the store to keep out the crowds. The people were wiiling to pay any price. Prices Abroad "We talk about the high prices of shoes over here, but in Europe the pair. I think there isn't going to be any lowering of prices this spring, because there has been little reduc- tion in the price of leather, and labor is constantly demanding greater wages. . "I think that things will go on as they are until the factories get over- loaded and quit, and then take the men back at the factories' own price." Mr. Pool criticized the recommend- ation of Attorney General Palmer that shoe dealers limit themselves to 33 1-3 per cent profit. "I can sell for $4.50 a pair of shoes that I buy for $3 and make a profit, but the stores in the loop, with their great overhead expense, can't do it," he says, About 300 dealers, says Mr. Pool, | attended the shoe convention in| Chicago. He predicted that the French style shoe, with the short last which he said manufacturers are try- Ing to popularize, will prove a fail-, ure. ! _ "Retailers will have to put them in, of course," he says, "at least all those who cater to the class of people who fall for the new things." What Trade Journal Says Concerning the recommendations of the attorney general ,the Shoe Re- tailer, a trade journal, has the fol- rowing to say in an editorial: "Now, getting down to brass tacks, to analyze the recommendations of | these fair price commissions, and to find out just how just, how drastic | and how far the regulators of prices and the enforcers of law expect to jump, consider the following--the marking of the manufacturer's price to the merchant on all articles of wearing apparel, such as clothing, shoes, etc., and the establishing of a retailer's maximum gross profit of approximately 33 1-3 per cent. These two ideas are not dreams; they have taken definite form and purpose to such an extent that connections at Washington have been advised to bring them before congress as amendments to the lever act. ~ "Considering this, it is of utmost importance that retailers in all parts of the country view these matters in all seriousness. Many retailers, sell- ing the better grade of merchandise, and occupying choice locations in | cessary to charge as much as 40 per perance Union thought of Miss Brag- cent for overhead." don whose experience fitted her so admirably to fill Mrs. Chez's posi- tion. Miss Bragdon was already JARI { familiar with the workings of the Miss Frances Bragdon, daughter of | base hospital as she had found there Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Bragdon of 1709] four of her "boys" who had been in Chicago avenue. Evanston, whose]|the French hospital and had visited work in a hospital hut near Bordeaux | them. She left Evanston early this is well known to north shore people, | week to take up her duties, which in- went to Fort Sheridan this week to| clude writing letters for the boys, fill the position of hospital mother. | reading to them, SHpervising their On her return from abroad Miss | entertainment and the entertain- | | MISS BRAGDON IS HOSPITAL MOTHER Bragdon went to Fort Sheridan hop-| ments ior the nurses 3 and , officers which are held in the Nurses' recrea- ing to find occupation in the Red; W n ) Cross. but at that time the hospital |tion rooms, and, mn short, being what staff was filled. When, however, the | she 1s so nttingly called: Hospital hospital mother made plans ts join | mot 2 : Cpt her husband abroad Miss Anna Gor-| Miss Bragdon will live at the hos- | pital. don, of the Women's Christian Ten Recently a new motor car organiza- tion came into existence. Unquestion- ably Composed of men whose names have heen associated with the development of fine motor cars for fifteen years. [From their fertile brains have come motor cars whose quality is a by-word among North Shore folks. America's After the preliminaries incidént to or- ganization, several storage battery manufacturers' representatives elbowed their way through to the chief engi- neer, asking that their battery be spec- ified as factory equipment upon this "Really Great Car." His answer was, "I have already reached a decision relative to that equipment; it will be what is Unques- tionably America's Best, Exide." What a Tribute to Exide Quality--and by an automotive engineer whose fame reaches to every nook and corner where motor cars are known. This car, upon which production will soon start, will receive a warm wel- come along the North Shore--it's one of the world's few "really great cars." 'Evanston "Exide" Battery Station 1007 Davis St. aie 3 Prouty Ct. BATTERY ad "hex {0€ =" service Evanston Winnetka It's a recognized fact that Exide Batteries make a great car greater. We'll be glad to tell you about the correct size for your car. busy shopping districts, find it ne- liable t as prec service. smn The Other Day We Saw a Horse and Buggy OLD DOBBIN looked like a Novelty--and the rig was a sight worth seeing. They trundled down Davis Street at a mile and a half per hour--in no danger of being arrested for speeding, but They were a relic of the olden days--when time was not erations. Even the most scrupulous income tax bloodhound would allow their owner to charge off ninety per cent for obso- lescence. Some Motor Cars grow old almost as fast as horses and buggies. wants a "horseless carriage." 'and best in looks, mechanics, riding and driving qualties. FRANKLIN and STUDEBAKER CARS meet Ie dT o a charge of obstructing the traffic. i A ious as now, and comforts were secondary consid- You may imagine the picture they presented. = = = = = BEB ee = = = a. Others are always "in style" and giving constant In these days of attention to appearances, nobody Everybody wants the latest | Hill every requirement of the most exacting motorist GAGE They Please --- They Serve --- They Satisfy 1629 Orrington Avenue MOTOR SALES CO. = Phone Evanston 5700 = ONE-HALF BLOCK NORTH OF FOUNTAIN SQUARE =

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