WINNETKA WEEKLY TET AA hai rr -- TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1920 3 OL. ) and Program of Modern Music will be given under the auspices of the Music committee at the next regular meeting of the Woman's club on Thursday afternoon, March 18. . This program will enlist the services of Miss Priscilla Carver Mrs. Morris M. Townley, promises to be one of the most en- joyable of the season. Miss Carver has established herself among the best of Chicago young pianists. She has made extensive concert tours and has appeared in great success as soloist in the Chicago Symphony and the New York orchestras. Mrs. Townley, who is well known as a charming singer, will : give two groups of songs, accompanied by Mrs. Dwight C, Orcutt. Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Violet Nelson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson, 993 Ash street, to Andrew Lilja of Belvidere, South Dakota, to take place on Saturday evening, March 27, at 8 o'clock in the Scandinavian church. Follow- ing the ceremony there will be a reception and wedding supper at the Nelson home, after which the young couple will leave imme- diately for Belvidere. & An interesting announcement of yesterday was the engagement of Miss Pauline Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fenimore I. Cooper of River Forest, to William Young Wildman, son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry G. Wildman, of 648 Cherry street. The monthly meeting of the Mac- Dowell Musicale club was held Mon- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Hansel, on Hamptondale road. The following miscellaneous program was given: Current Events ..Mrs. William Thrall Ftude'D Bhat ......0000...... Liszt Campanella, Paganini ........... Liszt Dance of the Gnomes .......... Liszt Ballade F Major............... Chopin Berceuse Ll. 0. Chopin Scherzo C Sharp Minor ...... Chopin Mrs. Herbert Anning Wild. Ceese: in. iis Rogers Silhouettes .............. 5 Carpenter Eastern Romance ..Armsky-Koraskn Old Wishes for the Clothes of Heaven SI REE SN ae Fogel Pilesrott o.oo ciiiia Rubner er Dreatn «Lio uh, Waller Mrs. Louis Schmid, accompanied by Mrs. Roland Whitman. The assisting guest, Mrs. Kingery and Mrs. Jenkins played "Movement from a Suite" by Ries. --f-- One of the important social events for Easter week will be a large bridge party for the benefit of summer camps for our Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls. Mrs. Barrett Conway of the special committee in charge of this affair and Mrs. Eloise W. Wort- ley is secretary. The date is set for Tuesday afternoon, April 6. The com- mittee are confident that Winnetka women will back these splendid out- ings for our boys and girls by help- ing to fill the tables and by making this card party one of Winnetka's big successes. i Northwestern alumnae of the north shore will be interested in the re- sults of the contest in choosing the heroine of the Hermit and Crow musical comedy was staged last Fri- day and Saturday evening at the Aryan Grotto. Fourteen sororities entered the contest, each sending in one candidate to be voted upon by the entire ' school. Miss Bernice Wittman of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority was elected over the fourteen candidates, Hester Abbott, Alpha Phi came second, and Mary Esther Schneck, Alpha Chi Omega, third. ---- The East Willow Street Circle met with Mrs. Charles S. Pitkin, on Tues- day afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Brooke was assisting hostess. Sewing was done for the Pine Mountain School in Kentucky. Mrs. Carrie Prouty, who was a guest of the Circle on this occasion read a number of letters from the school, explaining its needs and purposes. The Circle is invited to meet with Mrs. I. C. Norton, who is to be assisted by Mrs. Ruth Hoag- land, on April 13. ---- A delightful meeting of the West Elm Street Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, 988 Elm street, last Tuesday afternoon The affair took the form of a fare- well party for Mrs. Harrold, who is moving shortly to Kansas City. She was presented with a handsome bak- ing dish, and a lovely bouquet of sweet peas, as a token of apprecia- tion of the work she has done for the Circle. Two groups of songs were rendered by Mrs. Gertrude Thurston. ate ie Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, have sold their home at 988 Elm street. to Mr. and Mrs. J. McCauley of Chicago, and will move into their old home 985 Elm street, early in May. Mr. McCauley recently re- ceived his discharge from the serv- ice where he served as a major in the army. A very interesting program 'was given Tuesday evening by the violin and piano pupils of Winifred Town- send and Marguerite Fitzgerald, in the Assembly room of the Brown building. children appeared before an audience which fully appreciated the fine work which they have done: Marion and Amy Crumlish, Margaret and Cynthia Richards, Beatrice Haas, Ned Porter, Barbara and John Herbert Poole, Myrtle Feiden, Helen Struggles, Rich- mond, Paul and Henry Corbett, Ruth Mary Harrison, Evadue Neuer, and Lillian Felt, Two members from Fond du Lac, Wis., Estelle Kalupy, a senior student, and Helen Ley, a seven-year-old pupil, showed remarkable talent, in playing the First Movement of Mozart-Greig, "C. Minor Sonata," with second piano, and also in group of solo numbers. Miss Kalupy displayed splendid style and technique in a group, including "McDowell's Polonaise," and a "Negro Dance" by Scott, also the Liszt fantasy with second piano. TUnusu- ally beautiful was the playing of Har- old Miller and Ruth Meyer, violinists. The assisting artist, Genevieve Fitz- gerald, harpist, delighted the audience with her artistic numbers. ------ A joint meeting of the women of all of the churches for prayer, will be held next Thursday afternoon, be- ginning at 1:30 o'clock in the Metho- dist church. Rev. Dr. Shoemaker of China will be the speaker. All wom- en of all churches are cordially in- vited. At this meeting Dr. Shoemaker of the Presbyterian church will tell of the needs of China. Migs Alice Brin- son of the Baptist church will speak on "Americanization and the Part We as Individuals Can Take." Time will be given to praise and prayer for this movement in which the church of today is so vitally interested. a... The Winnetka Relief and Aid so- siety wishes to remind "you once again, of the need for the old cloth- ing, shoes and household artic es, you will most likely unearth when you commence your spring house clean- ing, or begin to pack up to move to your new homes. Packages may be sent to Miss Kate Dwyer, 858 Elm street, or they will be called for by Mrs. Lawrence Stein. ---- . The thirteenth anniversary of the Scandinavian church of Winnetka was celebrated last evening. The ad- dress was given by Rev. Frank An- derson of Summerdale, and a trio of female voices also from Summerdale, furnished the musical numbers. ---- The women of Winnetka have been invited to unite in the Union services of the Wilmette Inter-church Woms- an's Missionary meeting to be held in the Wilmette Methodist church next Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. ---- Mrs. Douglas Smith of Hubbard Woods, accompanied by her daugh- ter, Mrs. Edward Ellis, left Monday evening to spend several weeks in Bellair, Florida. RA Mrs. and Mrs. Paul F. Williams of 487 Ash street, have returned from an extended trip in California. tf -- The Rosewood Avenue Circle met Thursday afternoon in Community House. Mrs. G. J. Barberry was the hostess. The following north shore |. The Ford Price advance came as predicted. increased $50.00 and closed cars $100.00. the Ford production. Fo W SRE. . is the vital question now as orders continue to more than double May we serve you by reserving a car for future delivery? bos. - I'd Cars sold on 12 months' time. R. D. CUNNINGHAM M. P. LOUEN, Sales Mgr. ih Phone EVANSTON 4884 Insist on Genuine Ford Parts Open car prices have been Delivery Exclusive Dealer 810 Church Street EVANSTON Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Harrold, 979 Elm street, are leaving March 31, for their new home in Kansas City. They have sold their home to Henry Parks of Ravenswood, who expects to oc- cupy it about May 1. I Former nurses of Base Hospital No. 14 have arranged a tea dance to be given at the Hotel La Salle at 3 o'clock, on March 20. All officers and enlisted men of the unit are in- vited. Ti The Lincoln Avenue Circle will meet with Mrs. Vernon M. Welsh, 791 Foxdale avenue, on Monday, March 15, at 1 o'clock. en Gf me The Hawthorne Lane Circle will meet on Monday afternoon, March 15, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Carl W. Hertel, 192 Myrtle street. a Mr. and Mrs. Adam Emory Albright, who have been in southern California for several months, have returned to Hubbard Woods. ---- Alvar Bournique will close his ser- ies of dancing classes next Tuesday afternoon with an informal party at the Woman's club. ten Bf ni Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson, 1025 Oak street, announce the birth of a daughter on February 29. --_---- There will be a subscription dance at the Woman's club on Saturday evening, ---- Mrs. H. M. Anning of 744 Prospect avenue, will return next month from an extended trip in California. To get good service from your car See your ignition's up lo par. Some h a v e considerable trouble getting started. Whatever your auto trouble is you ought to repair to this repair shop. LOT of neonle and automobiles Let McDonald's Auto Doctor look after your car's health C. M. McDONALD Tel. 307 519 Davis St., Evanston [Ug LOOP PRICES SUPER QUALITY EXPERT MECHANICS IN THE HEART OF WINNETKA ALL AMERICAN SHOE REPAIR SHOP Phone Winnetka 122 566 CENTER STREET WINNETKA LT ---------- BRANCH STORES Wilmetic--Central & Wilmette Aves. Glencoe--349-351 Park Ave. Hubbard Woods--Linden and Gage Streets R. H. SCHELL & CO. DEPARTMENT STORES Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings Household Utilities 800-802 Elm Street Winnetka, Ill. Private Exchange Winnetka 900-901 Winnetka Shoe Store Shoes for the whole family at the very lowest prices Shoe Repairing, Guaranteed Workmanship, by Expert Shoemaker | Polishes, Arch Supports, Etc. Save money by buying at home. Laces, H. LUENSMAN, Proprietor 804 ELM ST. PHONE 694 HOT WAFFLES WITH MAPLE SYRUP | THE BARN SWALLOW 450% 52 EYANSTON TELEPHONE EV. 3833 PLATE LUNCHES of i ~ le -- GL CRG 11S oT J |