EE t F Jocial Happenings 3 Winnetka Hubbard Woods. - by Ruth Risley = an av ary N ATTRACTIVE early spring wedding will be that of Miss Mary Eager Lloyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eager | Lloyd of Hubbard Woods and Theodore S. Cox, son of Mr. : : and Mrs. William Cox. The ceremony will be read this evening at 8:30 o'clock at Christ church by Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard, assisted by Rev. F. A. Budlong of St. Peter's church, Chicago. i Miss Katherine Lloyd will attend her sister as maid of honor and the Misses Muriel Wilson of Jacksonville, Fa., Blanche Riordan | of Flagstaff, Arizona, Priscilla McIlvaine and Maude Hinman of | Winnetka will be the bridesmaids. James Weart of Winnetka wit serve Mr. Cox as best man. Following the ceremony there will be a reception at the home of the bride's parents in Hubbard Woods after which the young couple will leave on an extended wedding trip. &- Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hoyt of Ash Lodge are celebrating their sixtieth wedding anniversary today at their winter residence, St. John's Terrace, Green Cove Springs, Fla. Mrs. Hoyt was for- merly Miss Emilie J. Landon. She and Mr. Hoyt were married in| I at the residence of Nelson Landon at Benton, Lake county, llinois. & v An announcement of interest is the engagement of Miss Vir- ginia Austin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt B. Austin of Evans- ton, formerly of Wilmette, to Kenneth Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burns of Evanston. Miss Austin is well known in young peo- ple's circles on the north shore, having attended New Trier High school. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gary of Hubbard Woods entertained a party of young people at a supper dance in the grill room of the Blackstone last Saturday evening for their son, Kellogg, who was home from Hill school for the Easter vacation. Their guests in- cluded: Marjorie King, Bertha Honore, Margaret Kelley, Arthur Meeker, Jr., Victor Elting, Jr., and Thomas Dennehy, Jr. The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union is invited to meet with the Wilmette Methodist Home and Foreign societies, in their church on Tuesday, April 13, for an all-day meeting. Mrs. J. C. Barry, County superintedent of the Prison Reform Work, will give the address of the ! afternoon. Mrs. Minnie Marshall! will render a group of vocal selec- | tions. Box luncheon at noon. Cof-) fee will be served by the Wilmette | members. | fe -- A large entertainment was given at the Winnetka Woman's club on Tuesday afternoon, April 6, for ithe benefit of the Boy Scout and Camp Fire Girls summer camps. Over two hundred bridge players found their tables in the ball room while an- other group of women filled the re- ception room to hear Mrs. Frederick Dickinson read Barrie's charming play "The Old Lady Shows her Med- als" Just before coffee was served, Mrs. Harvey Anning and Miss Kath- ryn Greene, gave short muical numb- ers which everyone heartily enjoyed. The committee cannot make any There will be a special meeting of y| the East Willow Street Circle on statement about the proceeds until | Monday afternoon, April 12, at the next week as the returns are still! home of Mrs. Harry IL. Orwig, for the coming in. It is also hoped that | purpose of sewing for the Pine some of the women who did not buy | Mountain school. The regular meet- tickets for the party will still send|ing will occur on April 20 at the their contributions for the summer home of Mrs. Lewis C. Norton, 370 camps to Mrs. E. M. Wortley as this Walnut street. : is one of our first pieces of com- munity work. The committee wishes to thank the many women whose splendid co-operation helped to make this party such a success. ---- Members of the Winnetka Wom- an's club are looking forward with interest to the afternoon of original poetry which has been arranged for the next meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club on Thursday after- noon, April 15, at 3 o'clock, under the direction of the Art and Literature department. A large number of original poems have already been sent in by various of the members, and the reading of these promises to be of great interest. Mrs. Harold De Lay, Mrs. Edward P. Farwell, Miss Laura Fisher and Mrs. Gertrude Kiper will be the hostesses for the afternoon. ---- An interesting meeting of the Woman's Society of the Congrega- tional church was held on Wednes- day. Luncheon was served at noon followed by addresses by Dr. Guy and Miss Eila Allen from the Chicago Lying-In-Charity hospital. The meet- ine was under the direction of the Philanthropy department, of which Mrs. Frank TT. Crawford is chair- man. ---- Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cummins of 763 Walden road, have purchased the James C. Linn home at 286 Ridge avenue, and will occupy it the latter part of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Linn are planning to leave about the middle of May for California. iin Mrs. Jesse B. Alton and daughter Jean. 577 Cherry street, have return- ed to Winnetka to reside. Mrs. Al- ton has been staying with relatives in Oak Park for several weeks, 'and Miss Alton has been with relatives in Evanston. ---- The members of the parish of Christ church are cordially invited by the members of the Woman's Cui'd and Auxiliary to an Easter party on Tuesday, April 13, at 8 o'clock, at the parish house. After the seriousness and quiet of Lent such a gayety as a party seems most attractive to us all Rumors are abroad of a delightfully entertaining program during the evening. he Guild is counting on all the men and The Rev. James Richard Austin, 639 Lincoln avenue, leaves tonight for Northfield, Minnesota, where he is to preach tomorrow afternoon at Carlton college. In his absence the Rev. J. W. F. Davies will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church. RE women of the parish accepting this : ; invitation. Not only the older mem- The Rosewood Ayeine Cole Vill hers of the charch who ma be al-| meet on Tuesday a ternoon, Apri hi y 13. at 2:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Paul ways countedon tohelp make it asuc- cess, hut also ihe comparative new- comer who perhaps may feel a little strange in the parish. Everyone will be cordially welcome. --_---- Mrs. Orval Simpson, 932 North ave- nue, entertained at breakfast on Monday morning at 11:30 o'clock, in honor of Miss Charlotte Nelson of Evanston, whose marriage to Arthur Fast. also of that city was an event of this week. The guests, eight in number, were members of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority at North- western university. Miss Ruth Trice of Emporia, Kansas, was also pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. East are planning ily ereee to spend their honeymoon in Boston, Miss Elizabeth Maucker of Rock and upon their return, early in May, | Island, is the week-end guest of Miss will make their home in Chicago. | May Holmes, 988 Elm street. Hunter, 1141 Chatfield road. A full attendance is desired as there is special work to be done. --p ee Siegfried Sasson, a young English poet of note, gave 2a group of his poems at the meeting of the Friday Evening club last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli B. Felsen- thal, 1123 Chatfield road, Hubbard Woods. ---- . Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Dyle and two children of Harvey, 111., were the week-end guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Weart, 278 Lin- dén avenue. The Great Out-o-doors The back to nature, and good health is calling today; in- viting health, pleasure, the beauties of the forest and open field. Free yourself from care and worry: Take ;ad- vantage of this opportunity in a Ford car. Travel where you will-- when you please -- most economically -- most efficiently--in good company--in good spirits--for good health. Cars sold on 12 months' time R. D. CUNNINGHAM M. P. LOUEN,Sales Mgr. Phone EVANSTON 4884 Exclusive Dealer C7 mmm roel CAR 810 Church Sirest EVANSTION UNTVERSAY, Insist on Genuine Ford Parts _ The North Shore Dancing club held its annual meeting on Tuesday even- ing at the Winnetka Woman's club. The club gave its final party of the season in the form of a dinner dance on Wednesday evening of last week. ---- fp Miss Maude Hinman entertained with a dancing party on Thursday evening at her home, 576 Oak street, in honor of Miss Mary Eager Lloyd and her fiancee, Theodore S. Cox. ---- James Weart, Jr., 278 Linden ave- nue, who is in attendance at the Uni- versity of Illinois, has been spending the past week at home. -- Mr. and Mrs. Earle S. Barber, 187 Ridge avenue, left on Friday of last week to spend several days at French Lick Springs, Ind. -- Mrs. Joseph E. Whniterbotham and daughter, Marjorie, of 899 Oak street, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Winterbotham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wormwood, in Springfield, Illinois. ---- Theodore S. Cox arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cox on Thursday, from Rochester, Minn. Through an error the name of Miss Olive L. Grover was omitted from the list of the nominating committee of the Winnetka Woman's club. ---- Mrs. A. C. Armstrong, 785 Willow street, has returned from a six week's stay in Pasadena, Cal ------ "Whidacre", the residence of Mrs. John R. Leonard, 861 Bryant avenue, has been leased for the summer by Mrs. Emmons Blaine, Jr. of Chi- cago. ---- Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ranney of 1011 Oak street, announce the birth of a daughter, Lucy Webb Ranney, on March 30. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Evans Larsen enter- tained at cards last Saturday evening at their home, 803 Pine street. ---- The Four Corner Dancing club will give another of their series of parties this evening at Community House. ---- Mrs. Francis P. Hunter and Miss Margaret Hunter of Winnetka, are at Virginia Hot Springs. The West Elm Street entertained on Tnuesday at of Mrs. Joseph Ericson, street. Circle will be the home 1108 Elm ---- A group of the young married set will give a subscription dance at the Winnetka Woman's club this even- ing. -- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Stixrud, of 607 Willow street, have issued in- vitations for a dancing party to be given on May 1. at the Winnetka Woman's club for their daughter, Miss Audrey Sixrud, Mrs. J. Trudell, 514 Linden avenue, is leaving May 1 to make her home in California. ---- Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Sax, have mov- ed from 969 Elm street to 838 Lincoln avenue. SEE Mary Pickford mn "Pollyanna" From the Novel by Eleanor H. Porter AT Community House Wednesday, April 14 Special Comedy Feature Evening Show at 8:00 P. M. MATINEE AT 4:00 P. M. Music by Miss Gean Martin General Admission 25¢ BOY SCOUT MOVIES Why Not Sooner? Sooner or Later Place your account NOW where it will do the most good. We have the most complete stock in the vicinity. Two Phones Winnetka 998-999 E. B. TAYLOR & CO. Hardware, House Furnishings, Garden Supplies and Exclusive Agents for Vaughan's Seeds SSSI SSSLS IS ISIS SSSI SSSI SSS SS SSS SSS S SSIS SSS SSSI SSSA S17 Lliiiiiliiiliiiuiiii NLL LLL LLL LLL dl lll ddd dll lll ldddil blll lll blll bled dT Ld Zl dd Td 77 77777707077, Hoy WAFFLES WITH MAPLE SYRUP 1866 SHERIDAN ROAD THE BARN SWALLOW #5552523 EYANSTON AFTERNOON TEA PLATE LUNCHES