[JI | pening ES innetka.s Hubbard Woods | by Ruth Risley = li ill iar ainaay, EW TRIER circles will be interested in the announcement of the engagement of Miss Delafield Carpenter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Carpenter of Chicago, to William =dedl| C. Boyden, Jr., son of Mr. and*Mrs. William C. Boyden of 724 Pine street. Miss Carpenter, who is known to her friends as "Polly," was an active war worker in occupational therapy at the Elgin State hospital and at Fort Sheridan during the war. She made her debut this year. Mr. Boyden, who served as a lieutenant in the army during the war, is a senior at Harvard Law school. His father is in Poland doing Red Cross work and his mother and sisters are making their headquarters in Switzerland. No date has been set for the wedding. There are few youngsters these days who do not know the story of "Alice in Wonderland," and so there will be many of them who will wish to see this glorious myth in moving pictures. Next Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, "Alice in Wonderland" is to be shown at Community House, for the benefit of the Bryn Mawr En- dowment Fund. Winnetka and Hubbard Woods alumnae of Bryn Mawr, who are interested in the raising of the two million dollar fund include Mesdames Laird Bell, Frank Damman, Nathaniel Blatchford, Jr. Samuel Greeley, Malcolm Fleming, John Reilly, Bowy F. Tenney, F. Goddard Cheney, Sebastian Hinton and William utter. Mrs. Louise Ayres Garnett will talk about "Play Hours with Children" and give a little program of her own poems and songs for the Parent-Teacher's of the Horace Mann school on Thursday afternoon, April 22, at 3:45 p. m. Mrs. Garnett is one of the best known writers of children's poems and it is hoped that all of the mothers will make it a point to attend this unusually attractive meeting. A very simple but most attractive | club on Wednesday afternoon at 3 wedding was solemnized last Satur-| o'clock. This program, which, all day evening at Christ church, when Miss Mary Eager Lloyd, the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eager TJovd, was united in marriage to Theodore S. Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cox. The ceremony was read at 8:30 o'clock, by Rev. E'! Achley Gerhard, rector of Christ chur~h, and assisted by Rev. F. A. Bud'ong of St. Peter's church, Chi- cago. Th~ bride wore a handsome gown of white satin, trimmed in real old lace, used previously on her mother's wedding dress, and made with a court train. Her veil of tulle was held in place by a tiny wreath of orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of white sweet peas. The attendants wore simple girl- ish frocks of organidie, the maid of honor, Miss Katherine Lloyd, being in yellow, the Misses Priscilla McIl- vaine of Winnetka, and Blanche Riordan of Flagstaff, Arizona, wear- ing a pale shade of blue, and the Misses Maude Hinman of Winnetka, and Muriel Wilson of Jacksonville, Fla., pale pink. Large black picture hats, and arm bouquets of mixed sweet peas completed the costumes. James Weart of Winnetka served Mr. Cox as best man, and the ushers were Donald Smith of Chicago uni- versity, Harry McGosh of Chicago, Markham Lorry of Minneapolis, Minn.,, and Landon Hoyt of Win- netka. A reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd in Hubbard Woods, fol- lowed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Cox left immediately for their new 'home in "Mayo-wood" farm -in~Rochester, Minn. py YE A program of Russian music will be given at the Winnetka Woman's 'members of the club are invited to attend, is the last but one, of the series which has been given this year under the auspices of the Music committee, Mrs. Ralph Dennis, Miss Julia Marshall and Miss Edna Mec- Donald, all of Evanston, will assist on the program. Mrs. Louis Schmid will sing. ac- companied by Mrs. Percival Hunter and Mrs. Clyifford Ewart will play a group of piano numbers. An inter- esting composition by Kopyloff will be played by a string quartet. Mem- bers may bring guests on payment of the usual gift fees. par PR Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Clara Wagener of 610 Rosewood avenue, to M. Maguire of Indianapolis, Ind., on Saturday, April 10. Rev. James Austin Rich- ards of the Congregational church, read the service. After an extended wedding trip in the east Mr. and Mrs. Maguire will make their home in Indianapolis. --f---- The East Willow Street Circle will meet on Tuesday of next week at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. L. G. Norton, 370 Walnut street. Mrs. Royal Hoagland will assist as host- ess. Annaul reports will be given and officers elected for the ensuing year. The Circle deeply regrets of the removal in May of its chairman, Mrs. J. A. Morley and of several other members. --f-- At the morning exercises at the North Shore Country Day school, on April 29, the piano pupils of Miss Kathleen Air of the Columbia School of Music will give an in- formal recital. to which the parents and their friends are cordially in- vited. HOT WAFFLES WITH MAPLE. SYRUP | 12M. TO 5:30 P. M. THE BARN SWALLOW re: iohes "5 EVANSTON PLATE LUNCHES AFTERNOON TEA em i CENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH STREET CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A FREE LECTURE BY PAUL STARK SEELEY, C. S. B. OF PORTLAND, OREGAN Members of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church The [First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Tuesday Evening, April 20, at 8 o'clock Inthe Church Edifice THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED WILMETTE, ILL. M. P. LOUEN, Sales Mgr. Phone EVANSTON 4884 Ford Cars Are Getting Scarce Order in Advance Cars Sold on 12 Months' Time R. D. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer 810 Church Street EVAINST ON Insist on Genuine Ford Parts The Spring Institute of the Cook County Women's Christian Temper- ance Union will convene in McCabe Memorial M. E. church on Friday, April 23, commencing at 10 a. m. Afternoon addresses will be given by Miss Helen IL. Hood, state pres- ident and Mrs. Etta Root Edwards, ive president. There will be vocal solos by Mr. Joel Lay. ---- Mrs. W. S. Bacon, formerly Miss Katherine Blossom, is with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blos- som at their home in Hubbard Woods. She will remain until June 1, and then go to New York where Mr. Bacon is in business. ------f-- Mrs. F. W. Parker of Hubbard Woods entertained at luncheon at the Barn Swallow last Friday for Mrs. R. H. Brown of Boston, Mass. Mrs. Brown is president of the Alumnae association of Simmons college. ---- Mr. and Mrs. William Mordock of Salt Lake City have arrived in Chi- cago and are guests of Mr. Mor- dock's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Mordock, 645 Maple avenue. Mr. Mordock came on from the West to undergo an operation at the Presbyterian hospital. ---- The Hawthorn Lane Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank D. Duncan, 170 Woodlawn avenue, on Monday, April 19, at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Allen of Chicago Lying-In- hospital will speak. mrs Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Sax have moved from 969 Elm street to 838 Lincoln avenue. ~M, McDonald-- DISTRIBUTOR DORT LEXINGTON NATIONAL LE TTT TT Guaranteed overhauling and re- pairing of all makes of cars LTT Phone Wilmette 377 SERVICE 518 DAVIS ST. 914 DAVIS ST. Phone Ev. 307 Phone Ev. 224 EVANSTON, ILLINOIS SALES Advertise in Your Local Paper price. Convinced That it pays to buy the Best Food-- The Best Food is 100% Good. Cheap goods is never up to that standard. We handle only the Best, but we sell it at the lowest possible Our three way Plan enables us to do this. We sell for Cash--We give credit with a small additional charge We deliver 4 times daily at 5c per delivery. Let us quote a few of our Regular Prices. Fancy Bulk Butter, Ib. .......... 69c Kirk's Olive Soap, 3bars .......... 25¢ Very Good Bulk Coffee, Ib. ........ 44c Bulk Maccaroni (Italian) Ib. . ..... 18¢c American Family Soap, 5 bars ....4lc Bulk Spaghetti (Italian) Ib. ... ... 18¢ The Progressive Grocery 801 Elm Street, Winnetka Subject to Market Change A. LIPS Proprietor Phone Winnetka 888 and 889 A