AXTTANTANTEVTATZ A YXITATATZT X7 MAT T7 ~AMTTT A XT VY LAVAVALZ LOO) VW ALD XY LALN, DALUNUNAL, AL ATYEYEY of fu 1000 ANTEX; XE -- rr SE WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED | HOUSES i" Se LJ] WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED house; east of railroad tracks; for assified Advertisements | =. sleeping porch. Mrs. Jas. Martin, 71 Bellevue Place, Chicago. Phone Superior 9876. T5-1te R : ; WANTED--SMALL FURN. HOUSE TO ATES--I10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ rent Yor rst two weeks in May; high sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by rent. Phone Win. 96. Buell. T5-1tp i i JANTED--M 4 S SS N Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore hia odode Ee a8 soos News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line furnished house for summer; family for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. of two adults; cash in advance. Ad- dress Weekly Talk, O-55. T5-1te \ a ] A 5 £5: AEP __ WANTED-- FURNISHED HOUSE FOR N---- RR -LN - summer; four or five months; pos- Sena he » i a sola i : session May or June; about 7 rooms; HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 2 adults; residents of Chicago, ac- VEE FOR SALE--USED PIANOS; OVER- customed to taking care of fine we hauled; guaranteed; taken in trade household equipment; highest ref.; on our New Piano: 7 willing to rent unfurnished per- in Wheelock, $90. manently. Address No. L-9, Winnet- 5 -- : 3 Schubert, $135. ka Talk. To iy INCREASED BUSINESS AND EN-! Storey & Clark, $95. GOOD OPPORTUNITY! WILL THE LARGED DEPARTMENTS DE- Hale & Co., $85. party who answered "ad" in Weekly MAND THAT W io) ENGAGE TEN OR Cheney & Co., $85. Talk on furn. house, $175.00 a month, FIFTEEN MORE SALESWOMEN. Emerson, $150. for summer, please send in address THERE ARE OPENINGS IN THE Kimball, $200. again. Address Weekly Talk O-56. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, YARD Russell, $150. T5-1te GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND JEW- A ELRY SECTIONS. AMBITIOUS GIRLS AND WOMEN DESIRING A CHANGE OF POSITION WILL FIND OURS A CONGENIAJL STORE: ' TO WORK IN, WITH SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES OF ADVANCEMENT. APPLY IN PERSON AT LORDS FOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON. LTG22-4tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GENL OFFICE work in Winnetka, some knowledge of book-keeping preferred; good salary. Address Winnetka Talk, B- 7 ; TGH-1te WANTED--2 GOOD GIRLS; 1 FOR general housework; 1 as . mother's helper and assist with second work; own rooms and bath. 277 Ridge avenue, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1538. T5-1te WANTED--WOMAN TO TAKE WASH- ing home. Phone Win. 500-J. WANTED--GIRL; COMPETENT FOR general housework; $15; family 2 adults; 1 child, 5 yrs.; no washing; small house; near station; every Thursday and Sunday; no upstairs work. 422 Ridge avenue, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1290. LTG23-1tc WANTED--AT ONCE; EXP. DRESS- maker; also apprentice; steady po- sitions. 859 Elm street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1325. LTG22-4tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; small family; $15 per week; no washing. C. P. Ross, phone Kenilworth, 1329. LT23-1tc i 88 Cable note player with rolls, $275. Easy payments Patterson Bros, 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG22-tef FOR SALE--BRONZES AND MARBLE statuary, cut glass and ornaments. $60 Lincoln avenue, Phone Win. 1532. TH-1te FOR SALE--CHERRY BEDSTEAD and springs; cherry bureau, wash- stand, 2 white iron beds and springs, Wilton rug, 13x10, several chairs, one pair high rubber boots, No. 8. Phone Win. 1415. T5H-1te FOR SALE--GOOD CONDITION; MA- hogany show-case. 859 Elm street. Phone Win. 1325. T5H-1te FOR SALE----CHEAP; PORCH FURN- iture, 2 upholstered wicker chairs, tapestry chair, leather couch, chif- fonier, parlor table, glass reading lamp, incubator. Call forenoon. 903 Ash street. T5-1tp FOR SALE--MAHOGANY TABLE, china cabinet, couch, ivory dresser, dressing table, chair, dining porch set, leather chair, linoleum, lamp, sewing machine. 439 Birch street. I'hone Win. 1188. TH-1te FOR SALE--BOOK-CASE, DAVEN- port and all kinds of household furniture. N. S. Moore, 564 Provident avenue, Winnetka. Phone Win. 550- R. TH-1te FOR SALE--FUMED OAK DINING room set, business platform scale and ice-box. Phone Win. 429. TGH-1te FOR SALE--CALIFORNIA REED- craft breakfast suite, glass top table, and 5 chairs, $125; Reedcraft fern- ary, $23; brown fibre reed floor lamp. WANTED--TWO WOMEN TO WORK in cafeteria; good wages; short hours. 1101 Central avenue, Wil- mette. LTG23-1te HELP WANTED--COOK AND SECOND $17; ivory wood bed (no springs), $10. 760 Foxdale avenue. Phone Win. 1157. TG5-1te FOR SALE--BOHN SYPHON REFRIG- erator; first class condition, $45. Phone Win. 1055. TH-1te FOR SALE--PORCH SCREENS AND storm windows, new gas porch heat- WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS 2 TEACHERS DESIRE TWO PLEAS- ant rooms for balance of school year, preferably in Wilmette, Kenilworth or Winnetka. Address Lake Shore News R. 30. LT23-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSE- hold goods of all kinds; we also take old clothes. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Evanscon 103. Night phone Evanston 5512. . . " LTG17-8te HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture and hous-hold artic- les. Morris Crost, 1006 Emerson street Evanston. Phone Evanston 189. LTG18-12te SECOND HAND Phone Wil. 1604. LTGZ3-1te FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--THREE PASSENGER Maxwell cab; in first class mechanic- al condition and appearance. hone Win. 537-J. T5-1te FOR SALE--SECOND HAND FORD roadster. See Judge Clark T. North- rop, 556 Center street, Winnetka. TGH-1te SEVEN PASSENGER CAR IN EXCEL- LENT MECHANICAL CONDITION: NEW BATTERY, 2 NEW OVERSIZE HOOD CORD TIRES IN REAR, 3 OTHER TIRES, 1 NEW. MANY EX- TRAS. PLOWMAN, 421 LINDEN STREET, PHONE WINNETKA 1131. LTG23-1tc FOR SALE--1917 OHIO ELECTRIC AT a sacrifice. For particulars phone Wil, 2435 LTG23-1tc -- --_-------------------- -- WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD WANTED--IN WINNETKA, BOARD and pleasant room in refined private family for elderly woman with best references. Phone Win. 749. T5-1te FOR RENT--STORE ROOMS WANTED TO BUY portable garage. k $ * Ae er and gas water heater; painted | FOR RENT--IN WINNETKA, LIGHT maid. Four in family. Briones ix dining room set, antique mahogany| working To aot Toons ed netka 608. adh sofa and miscellaneous household for Men's tailor; two ivory sitting WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL furnishings. Call 331 Linden street. rooms with built in mirrors. Apply housework; good wages. Phone Wil Mornings. Phone Win. 96. Buell. Mr. Baldwin, care Hill and Wheeler, 2422. LTG23-1te T5-1tp | 743 Elm street, Winnetka. T5-1tc = CoA FOR SALE--AT HALF COST, FULL ~ y TOU HELP WANTED--MALE & FEMALE powered mahogany victrola and FOR AL LY AYvous Help WANTED_MAN AND WIFE| cabinet, and 200 records, everything | FOR SALE--FULL BLOOD WHITE as cook and house-man in family of four. Phone Winnetka 608. 213 Lin- den st. Winnetka. LTG23-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED RELIABLE HONEST MAN for general work around house and grounds in Winnetka; permanent position; good salary. Address Win- netka Talk, K-71 TG5-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calcimining, paper hanging; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Co. Phone Evanston 6988. 2003 Maple avenue, Evanston. LT21-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--SUMMER HOME ON south shore of Delavan lake, Wis. 4 acres of ground with 200 feet lake frontage; 7 room house, modern with furnace; 6 room lodge with two baths and space for two cars; ice house, barns, chicken house for 500 chickens: voung bearing fruit orch- ard; price $25,000. Address P-93, Lake Shore News. LTG22-6tc FOR SALE--IN WILMETTE, 8 ROOM brick house, near lake; lot 41 by 217; tile bath; sleeping porch: sun porch and breakfast porch; garage. For particulgrs phone owner Wil. 2435. LTG23-1te FOR SALE--TWO APT. WINNETKA home; all modern improvements; fine neighborhood; terms. 752 Sunset road, Winnetka. Phone Win. 638-R LTG16-tfe FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSE. PHONE Winnetka 513-R LTG23-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--SMALL good condition. Talk O-49. WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE WANTED T0 RENT--GARAGE FOR small car, near Linden and Willow. Phone Win. 616. T5-1te T5-1te GAS RANGE; IN Address Winnetka in perfect condition. Phone Win. 1141. T5H-1tc FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SET; Early English finished oak. Phone Win. 662-J. T5H-1tc FOR SALE--TWO REFRIGERATORS; one pair velvet tanestry portieres, 964 North avenue, Winnetka. Ph Win. 431. TH-1tc FOR SALE--STICKLEY FUMED OAK library table, in good condition; top 36x66 inches. Phone Win. 881. TH-1tp WISH TO SELL: A NEW HOME ELEC- tric machine purchased last August; may be used either with or withou. motor. Phone Win. 1080. TH-1te FOR SALE--VELOUR DAVENPORT, rocker and chair. Mahogany bed com- plete dining room set, velour and silk portieres, curtains, pictures, baby | buggy. Phone 1330 Wil. 1311 Ash- land ave. LTG23-1te FOR SALE--BOX COUCH BED, BOX springs, hair mattress; porch rug and shades; handsome mahogany book case; wheel barrow; hose; garden tools; kitchen ware. Winnetka 970. LTG23-1tc FOR SALE--10 VACUUM CLEANERS taken in trade on our Hoover; $5.00 to $15.00. Also used mangle, 42-inch, $75.00; used Thor, $50.00. Pattersor Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG22-tfe Rock eggs for hatching. Place your 334. order now. Phone Win. TG4-4te FOR SALE--REED BABY BUGGY; good condition; child's play _pen. Phone Win. 1033. ThH-1tc SMALL BOYS BICYCLE; Phone Win. 1113. TH-1te FOR SALE--WHOLE REED BABY carriage, gondola style; in excellent condition. $25. Phone Win. 670-W. T5-1te WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS at full value on pianos, talking machines, sewing machines, washing machines and vacuum cleaners. Patterson Bros. $23 Davis street, FOR SALE in good working order. NOTICE Evanston. LTG22-tfe FOR SALE--A CREAM - COLORED Lloyd reed baby carriage; good con- dition. $25. Phone Wil. 840-W LTG21-5tc FOR SALE--QUALITY CAKE SHOP. Tel. Winnetka 1348 LTG23-1tc FOR SALE--_THE TEA ROOM 551 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. LTG22-4tp "FOR RENT--FURNSHED HOUSES FOR RENT--_FIVE ROOM FURNISHED 557 Lincoln ave. bungalow; large screened porch; adults only; $125 per month. Phone Wil. 977-W. LTG23-1tp WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED--SIX ROOM HOUSE OR 5 room apartment, furnished or un- furnished, for 6 months or longer by reliable married couple. Excellent references. Phone Wil. 840-W. LTG21-5te WANTED TO RENT IN WILMETTE Kenilworth or Winnetka, large house suitable for a home for teachers of the North shore. Address Lake Shore News R. 31. LT23-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURNISHED 2727 Isabella street. ROOMS LTG23-2tp FRANK WINNETKA 933 'nden Ave. Hubbard HOUSES WANTED Member Chicago Real Estate Board HUBBARD WOODS REAL ESTATE A. REID GLENCOE Woods Tel. Winnetea 1300 " "FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE. 1076 Oak street. Phone Win. 1160. TH-1te LOST AND FOUND FASHIONED LOST--AN OLD OVAL BREAST PIN; VALUED AS HEIR- LOOM; REWARD. PHONE WIN. 299. TELEPHONE LAKE VIEW 437 J. A. TORSTENSON & CO GLAZING CONTRACTORS PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS 860-902 FLETCHER STREET Near Belmont and Clark LLLLLLTT ITLL TdT TIE Td Fld dddddddddd, CHICAGO LL iieiiiiriririiniriiriizizzzzzzzzzzizzizzzzzzizdzzazazdzzadiiziariiiiriididaiiiiaiaiaauiiiiiiiiddddds ASS SSI SS LSS IIIS LISS SSS SS SILT SSSI SSSI SSIS SS SSIS SSIS STS SS SSSI SS STS SSIS ISLS SS SIS SSSI SSS SSS LLL S ASSIS ASIII SSSI SISSY SS SSS 4 LL TAL SLS SILL ILSISLLS SSIS SSS SL SS SL SSIS SSIS SSIS LISS SSS SSS S77 & North Shore Electric Shop JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor Electrical Contracting and Repairing Electric Washing Machines' Electric Supplies and Appliances Electric Vacuum Cleaners Electric Ironing Machines 554 Railroad Ave., Winnetka Tel. Winnetka 44 r-- = ---- = 5) Must be Sold by May 1st: 'Owner has listed with us two at- tractive 5-room bungalows, tile baths; built 1917. Lot 50x225 ft. For further information see . HILL & WHEELER TWO OFFICES 401 Linden Ave., Wilmette 743 Elm Street, Winnetka Telephone Wilmette 93 Telephone Winnetka 142 "Exide" Battery Service Practically every starting and lighting battery should be carefully inspected before the Spring driving season. We are fully equipped to do this for any make. Bring yours to us---let us explain just how and why a small expendi- ture now may save you trouble and inconvenience later. THE GTANT THA LIVES INA BOX 1007 Davis Street Evanston LOOK FOR Phone Evanston 1049 3 Prouty Court, Winnetka THIS SIGN Phone \Vinnetka 1387 > Illes rr Ll lI SSS SLSLSSSSLLISS SSSI ISLS LISS LLL SSS S SSSI SSSI SSIS SSS SILLS SSSI LS LIS LSI SSAA SASS STF Sooner or Later Why Not Sooner ? Place your account NOW where it will do the most good. We have the most complete stock in the vicinity. Two Phones Winnetka 998-999 FE. B. TAYLOR & CO Hardware, House Furnishings, Garden Supplies and Exclusive Agents Vaughan's Seeds LIAS IIIT LILI I LILIA LL II AIA LIS SALLI SS SI AA A SA ASS FA Fs FA AAI, WJ SSLS ISLS SASS SILL SSS LS SILLS ASSL SSS SSIS SILLS SSIS LISS SSS SSIS SIS S LL SSS SSSA SIS SSS SS