WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1920 | Moma Glub 8 mmm The Art and Literature committee o fthe Winnetka Woman's club had charge of the program at the meet- ing held on Thursday afternoon at the clubhouse. Mrs. Philip S. Post, chairman, presided and introduced the many members who read their own poems. Those who participated in the program, with their contribu- tions are as follows: Mrs. A. H. Veeder, Jr. read the fo'lowing of her original poems: "J ~ace in the Suburbs", "A Club Member", "A Group of Memories", "As Carol Swings", "A Boy at Twelve", "A Deserted Garden". "Concerning Spring, and "Spring", Mrs. Paul Williams. "The Unfinished Task", by Miss Fanny McAllaster. "A Celebration of the First Wed- ding Anniversary", Mr. Burnham read by Mrs. Frederick Dickinson. "The Boy Who Might Have Been Mine", (An Old Maid's Tale), "Alone" Miss Olive L. Grover. "Spring", Mrs. Raymond E. Dur- ham, Two Little Hubbard Woods Songs, Mrs. L. Harrison Mettler. "My Bird Fountain", "May Dawn", "October Twilight", "Blue Berries", Mrs. A. C. Maynard, read by Mrs. Frederick Dickinson. "Protest", "The Doll's Reception", Miss Amy MacIntyre. "Lines to Our Friendship" (Son-| net), "Sing Song Worth a Six Pence", "A Changing World, Grandmother's J.ament", "Tabloids of Cheer", Mrs. William A. Otis. "The Unity of Life", "His Nature", "Pete's Wife, A Rondo", Miss Kath- erine Foote. "On the Beach", "In the Suburbs", Mrs. Gertrude Kiper, read by Mrs. Jerome Frank. "Strawberry Pickers at Penobscot Bay", Mrs. James F. Porter. i "My Girl of Thirteen", Mrs. J. R. Fletcher. "A Gray Day in March, 1918", "The Year" (Free Verse), "Looking to the West", "Why", Mrs. W. D. Mec- Kenzie. "To. Mrs. . Post, Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty. "Inspiration of Repose", "Prayer; for the Year 1914", Mrs. Morgan K. Armstrong. "When I Look in My Baby's Eyes", "Spring", Mrs. Frederick Dickinson, sune by Miss Kathryne Greene. "My Country", Mrs. Ernest S. Bal- lard. A Series of Little Poems, "Child Life", Mrs. Harry Miller. "The Call," "The Bird", Mrs. John Ritchie, read by Mrs. J. R. Fletcher. A poem in English and French, M. Canuet, read by Mrs. Fletcher. Two Sonnets, "To Barbara, aged two and a half, and a little more", | "Elf Child", "Sleep the Mother", Mrs. Jerome Frank. TAXI DRIVER INJURED Earl Wood, driver for the B. F. France Taxi and North Shore Livery company, was in the Evanston hos- : pital this week suffering cuts and bruises sustained Wednesday when the front tires of a machine he was driving "blew" simultaneously caus- ing the car to turn turtle. Wood was found unconscious and rushed to the hospital in the local Boy Scout am- bulance. He returned from the hos- pital later in the week. He was not seriously injured. The accident oc- curred near the Country Day school. There were no passengers in the machine at the time of the mishap. CORNER CLUB DANCE The Corner Dance club will hold its regular monthly dance at Community House, Saturday evening, April 24. Going To Move? Read Page 7 OLIOK ee fe} co 46 14 "BOND BROS. ELECT & CO. CONT RACTORS 624 Davis St. - Tel. Ev. 944 EVANSTON, ILL. Also agents for the Judd Washing Machine and Simplex Ironing Machine CORIO E001 or=x00 = We are as parti- cular about the meats we buy as you are. It pays to be par- ticular because in the long run satis- fied customers are real customers. Peters' Market 734 Elm St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 920-1 Miss Kathleen Air of the Columbia School of Music, will give her an- nual Spring recital on Monday afternoon, April 26, at 4:30 o'clock at the Winnetka Woman's club, to which the public is cordially in- vited. ---- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Duncan have moved from 872 Pine street, to 1314 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods. Paul Hansen and family have mov- ed to 861 Oak street. They formerly resided at 927 Cherry street. Eat More Ice Cream We handle the well known Watson Ice Cream. This Cream 1s noted for its delicious rich flavor and quality. The Brick Cream consists of Six vari- eties: Chocolate Strawberry Neopolitan New La Salle Chicago Special at 55¢ and 65¢ per brick. The Bulk Cream- Vanilla-60c quart. We pack the cream for you in any quan- tity you desire. DUNCAN'S Confectionary Phone Winnetka 290 Mrs. Ralph M. Jaeger, formerly of Winnetka, now of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting at the home of Mrs. Dudley K. French. 503 Hawthorn lane. i Mr. and Mrs. G. A. E. Kohler, formerly of Indian Hill, have moved from 923 Michigan avenue, Evans- ton, to 111 North Jefferson street, Chicago. i fn Everett Wilson and family have moved from 645 Sheridan road, to 1089 Spruce street. Mr. and Mrs. William Blair have been called to Richmond, Ind., to at- tend the funeral of Mr. Blair's sister. PAINTS Of all kinds in large and small cans WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Finishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR WEEK OF APRIL 19th TO APRIL 26th FANCY GROCERIES MISCELLANEOUS (continued) Oranges, dozen ...........cveesoeninninn 55¢ up Miller's Chili Sauce, large ................ 50c Fancy Asparagus, bunch .................. 20c Miers White Grape Juice, qt. 75c; pint ....40c CANNED GOODS Armour's Grape Juice, quart 80c; pint ....40c Dernell's Potato Chips .................... 18c 2 Ibs. Manor House Coffee ............ sL10 Snow Drift ...... by sr ena roamed ix ens ih hs 42c 2 Ibs. Chase & Sanborn Coffee ........ 110 Full Cream American Cheese .............. 45c Chase & Sanborn Tea, 33 1b. .............. 43c Full Cream Brick Cheese ................ 45c¢ Baker's Cocoa, 1 1b. ....................e 80e OI Sardines: vu cise torment ses sonin 20c Hershey's Sweet Milk Chocolate, 15 Ib. ..31c Dutch Cleanser, 3. for .................... 28¢c Bunte Cosom, 1. IB: idee iui it dieves sivas 60c Libby's Grated Pineapple ................ 30c PACKAGE GOODS Good Luck Canned Milk .................. 15¢ Pillsbury Bran ......ccivees isons dinien 15¢ Sunshine Biscuits, large tin ................ 89c Minute 'Gelatine .............coo0uvnvvinens 18¢ Dr, Price's Baking Powder, large 25c, small 15¢c Savoy Tapioca ..... TR SE 15¢ Dromedary Tapioca ............cco0vnnnnn.. 15¢ MISCELLANEOUS Light House Washing Powder ............ Sc Ev-re-day Oleomargarine, lb. .............. 45¢ A B Extracts, Vanilla, Orange, Lemon Post Toasties ......ccnirisisreishoia sams 14c Almond, Ginger ......... 00... cn. 18¢ Fancy Assorted Cookies, 12 in package ..15¢c Rumford Baking Powder, large ..... .... 30c Veal Stew (no bone) lb. ...... ob JP PE I Riga 3 Se Home Made Pork Sausage, Ib. ...... hg oy 40c alt Porlilh. .....oocensanesomnrnssvssssaseres c : Salt Pork eos Bho by 'the Side or halt Cod Fish, Ib. ......o.0n a iii di vihalos 33c Side Abyss ee sinrssirransonrrsstsanasi noes 50c Beech Nut Bacon in Glass .................... 50c Telephones 78 and 79 C. A. FORBERG Dealer in Fancy Groceries, Meats and Hardware 1055 Gage St., Hubbard Woods Notice of Election School District No. 36 Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, May 1, 1920, an election will be held for the purpose of voting (a) For or against the proposition of authorizing the Board of Education to build a central school building on the site now own- ed by the school authorities, known as the West Elm Street site, lying between Elm Street, Glendale Avenue, Oak Street, and Lake Street, and (b) For or against the proposition of authorizing the Board of Education to' pur- chase for school purposes two pieces of land as follows: all that portion of block 27 of Win- netka not now owned by the school authorities (being the remainder of the block on which the Horace Mann School is situated), and also the south 260 feet of the east 218 feet and the south 200 feet of the west 222 feet (excepting streets) of block 35 of Winnetka, lying be- tween Linden, Cherry, Chestnut and Oak Streets, and to build a central school building on block 27 aforesaid. For the purpose of holding said election School District No. 36 shall be divided into four election districts or precintcs as follows: PRECINCT NO. 1--Shall be bounded on the north by the north limits of School District No. 36, on the east by Lake Michigan, on the south, east of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, by the center line of North Avenue; on the south, west of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, by the center line of Fig Street; and on the west by the westerly limits of School District No. 36. The office occupied by Wm. Aitken, located at 1065 Gage Street, in School District No. 36, is hereby designated as the polling place in PRECINCT NO. 1 for the purpose of holding said election. PRECINCT NO. 2--Shall be bounded on the north, east of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, by the center line of North Avenue; on the north, west of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, by the center line of Fig Street; on the east by Lake Michigan, on the south by the center line of Elm Street, and on the west by the westerly limits of School District No. 36. Room No. 1, second floor, Meyer Bank Building on Elm Street, in School District No. 36, is hereby designated as the polling place in PRECINCT NO. 2, for the purpose of holding said election. PRECINCT NO. 3--Shall be bounded on the north by the center line of Elm Street, on the east by Lake Michigan, on the south by the center line of Willow Street, and on the west by the westerly limits of School District No. 36. The room occupied by the Bartz Express and Livery, located at No. 2 Prouty Annex, in School District No. 36, is hereby designated as the polling place in PRECINCT NO. 3, for the purpose of holding said election. PRECINCT NO. 4--Shall be bounded on the north by the center line of Willow Street, on the east by Lake Mich- igan, on the south by the southerly limits of School District No. 36, and on the west by the westerly limits of School District No. 36. The store known as Indian Hill Inn, located on Winnetka Avenue near Wilson Street, in School District No. 36, is here- by designated as the polling place in PRECINCT NO. 4, for the purpose of holding said election. The Polls will be open on said day from seven o'clock a. m. to six o'clock p. m. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Dated this tenth day of April, 1920. (Signed) GERTRUDE C. LIEBER, Secretary. -