Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 1 May 1920, p. 6

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1920 7 re FFG Classified Advertisements a --------) Rai per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ sertion, 5¢ per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by ey HELP WANTED--FEMALE INCREASED BUSINESS AND EN- LARGED DEPARTMENTS DE- MAND THAT WE ENGAGE TEN OR FIr'TEEN MORE SALESWOMEN. THERE ARE OPENINGS IN THE "HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, YARD GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND JEW- ELRY SECTIONS. AMIBITIOUS GIRLS AND WOMEN DESIRING A CHANGE IN POSITION WILL FIND OURS A CONGENIAL STORIE TO WORK IN, WITH SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES OF ADVANCEMENT. APPLY IN PERSON AT LORD'S FOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON. LTG22-4tc WANTED--AT ONCE; EXP. DRESS- maker; also apprentice; steady po- sitions. 859 Elm street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1325. LTG22-4tc WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work; no washing. Phone Wil. 1328. LTG25-1te FOR SALE--GAS RANGE, NEARLY new; $40.00. Call 589 Lincoln avenue Friday, Saturday and Sunday morn- ings. T7--1te FOR SALE--FUMED OAK LIBRARY table; bed, dressing table; dressing mirror; dining room table, 6 chairs; refrigerator, 75 lb. capacity; reason- able. Call 9 to 10 Sunday or Monday morning. 892 Oak st. T7--I1te FOR SALE--AUTO FOR SALE--VELIE 5 PASS. AUTOMO- bile, excellent condition; new top, new paint. Price $900. Phone Win- netka 1135. T7--1te FOR RENT--GARAGE Tel. Winnetka 513-W. T7-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--THREE GOATS, 2 FRESH now. Andrea Cavallari, 1634 Forest avenue, Wilmette. LTG25-1tp FOR SALE--THE TEA ROOM. 551 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. L'TG22-4tp FOR SALE--MOTORCYCLE; TWIN Indian, 1915; $75: Phone Glencoe 155. TG6-2tp FOR SALE--LIMITED NUMBER PURE bred White Rock hens. Each with ten .chicks. $5 per set. R. S§ Hill, Tel. Winnetka 703. T7-1te WANTED--SOMEONE TO DO PLAIN] sewing at home. Address Weekly Talk B. 20 T7--1te WANTED--YOUNG WOMAN FOR general office work, preferably with some knowledge of bookkeeping and typewriting. Good salary. Address Winnetka Weekly Talk 'R.100.- TGT--I1tc WANTED--GENERAL MAID; GOOD cook; $15; first floor; no laundry; no cleaning. R. Hamill Phone Win. 447. TG6--2tc | WANTED--GIRL AS CLERK IN DELI- catessen store. Good wages. Lunch included. John Smith, 819 Oak st, Winnetka. T7--3te WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; must be good cook; no washing or ironing; best wages. Mrs. Earle S. Barber, 187 Ridge ave. Phone Winnetka 245. T7--2tc HELP WANTED--MALE & FEMALE WANTED--YOUNG MAN OR YOUNG woman with some experience as bank teller. Apply Glencoe State Bank. Phone Glencoe 126. TGT7T--I1tc SITUATION WANTED MALL SITUATION WANTED--STEADY PO- sition as gardener, caretaker with rooms; exp.; reliable; good ref. Phone mornings Evanston 3319. LTG25-1tp WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calecimining, paper hanging; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Company. Phone Evanston 6988. 2003 Maple avenue, Evanston. LT21-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--SUMMER HOME ON south shore of Delavan lake, Wis. 4 acres of ground with 200 feet lake frontage; 7 room house, modern with furnace; 6 room lodge with two baths and space for two cars; ice house barns, chicken house for 500 chickens; young bearing fruit orch- ard; price $25,000. Address P-93, Lake Shore News: FOR SALE--TWO APT. WINNETKA home: all modern improvements; fine neighborhood; terms. 752 Sunset road, Winnetka. . Phone Win. 638-R. LTG16-tfe TOR SALE WINNHTKA TO GLENCOE 6 room Brick, tile roof ...... $12,500 6. room StUceo ci.ciarencieen $6,250 8 room SLUCCO .. i. pcayrnissns $18,000 10 room frame, 1% acres ....$25,000 Frank A. Reid, 933 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods. TG6-2te FOR RENT--HOUSES hn FOR RENT--FOR ONE YEAR IN KEN- ilworth, unfurnished house; modern; 5 bedrooms, 2 baths; living room and music room. Attractive lawn. Rental £200.00 per mo. Apply Winnetka 362. TGT--Ite FOR RENT--FURNISHID ROOM FOR RENT--ONE LARGE FURN- ished room. P. D. Blake, 932 Oak st. T7--Ate WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--SMALL FURNISHED ROOM with privileges of light housekeep- ing. preferably near to station. Ad- dress Weekly Talk B 12. T7--1tp WANTED TO 5k RENT--ROOM FOR two gentlemen; near business dist- rict. Phone Wilmette 1920. Hollister, T7-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED--SIX ROOM HOUULbm wa room apartment, furnished or un- furnished, for 6 months or longer by reliable married couple. Excellent references. Phone Wil. 840-W. LTG21-5te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE. ABOUT $60.00. Phone Evanston 4721. LTG25-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--USED UPRIGHT PIANOS, overhauled. guaranteed. Dale and Sons, $25.00. Adam Schaff, $95.00. Cheney Bros, $75.00. Story and Clark, $150.00. Schubert, $135.00. Twichel, $125.00. LTG22-6tc | FOR SALE--BARRED ROCK PULLETS good strain; must sell on account of moving. 892 Oak st. Tite WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS hand furniture and household artic- les. Morris Crost, 1006 Emerson street, Evanston. Phone Evanston 189. LTG18-12tc WANTED TO BUY--BEADED POR- tiere. - Phone Wil. 1395. 401 Lake avenue. LTG25-1te LOST & FOUND LOST--LADIES' WRIST WATCH ON local car going to Wilmette on Tues- day. Owner's picture in case. Re- ward. Tel. Wilmette 698 or Winnetka 1200. 1 T7-1te Some Battle Now ) an 0-m-Oe +76 0am -O (030 x3 Word of Winnetka's unprecedent- ed school 'battle. has spread far and wide. It has achieved such im- portance as to prompt editorial comment in one of Chicago's big dailies. The accompanying editor- ial is reprinted from the Chicago Herald and Examiner of a recent date. Going To It There are fights and fights. For an example of the old-fashioned kind, knock 'em down and drag 'em out, one down and another come on, we recommend consideration of the sitnation in Winnetka. The question is of a school site. Shall it be out near the marsh, where there is plenty of room, twelve acres to play in, an outdoor hygienic institution of the most ad- vanced type, which some of the children must travel three miles to reach? Or shall it be less expensive, less "advanced", but central in po- sition? That is the main issue. But dozens of others are involved. If the shcool is on the marsh, omnibusses must run to collect the children. Evidence on the cost, the reliability and the morals of the bus system has been collected from all over the United States and presented elaborately to the citizens. The population of Winnetka is anywhere from four to seven thousand. The new school, as plan- ned, will cost from two to three hun- dred thousand dollars. Analyses of expense in ratio of population are as common in Winnetka as robins. The effect of private subscriptions on public education is argued on every street corner, of which Win- I netka has more to the square mile than any suburb in America. Neighbors of long standing glare and pass each other by. Both sides have publicity bureaus, which clog the mail with circulars. Votes in the coming referendum are as care- fully calculated as a millionaire's in- come tax. The feeling of last Tues- day's election in Chicago is milk- and-watery in comparison. We hope the matter is settled amicably. Time was when the popu- lation of Winnetka consisted of fifty-three Harvard graduates and their families, and a Mayor. That Russel, $145.00. Philip and Gope, $165.00. King, shop worn, $200.00. eR-note Cable Player Piano. $275.00, Easy payments. Patterson Bros, 828 Davis street, Evanston. | LTG25-2tc FOR SALE--1 WHEELER AND WIL- son Sewing machine; 1 Prince Albert coat and vest; 1 ladies' Jersey dress; 1 Gent's suit.; 1 ladies' spring coat; 1 ladies' blue serge sack coat. Phone Win. 727. T7--1te FOR SALE--6 BURNER 2 OVEN GAS range. Phone Win. 1114. T7--1te FOR SALE--LARGE PERIOD MAHO- gany library table, $50; cost $85: 163 Bertling lane. T7--1te TOR SALE--GARDEN AND BASE- 'ment tools, 163 Bertling lane. T7T--1te was plain sailing. But the winds of progress have blown up a rough sea since then. ANNOUNCEMENT Do not forget the University of Chicago Glee club and orchestra concert at New Trier High school, Saturday night. The concert is under the auspices of the Illinois Simmons club. Simmons college is the first college founded to equip women for self maintenance. It is located in Boston and is the. third largest women's college in the country. FOR RENT--GARAGE. 907 Ash St. | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND | | | TEMPERANCE LECTURE : | HERE SUNDAY EVENING | length in elms. proposes to plant the entire street | nue. The street extends A movement has been under- way, it is said, to convert the thor- from Winnetka avenue to North ave- |-oughfore into a state highway. What is characterized as "one of the worlds greatest lectures" is to be given in the gymnasium at Com- munity House Sunday evening, May 2, at 8 o'clock, by John G. Woolley, representative of the American Anti- Saloon league. Mr. Woolley's topic is announced as "When Good Men rule the World." Mr. Woolley is a lawyer, editor and reformer of note and every res- ident of the village is urged to hear his famous temperance lecture Sun- day evening. HOUSES WANTED FRANK A. REID Member Chicago Real Estate Board WINNETKA REAL ESTATE Hubbard Woods LAKE STREET IS NOW HUBBARD WOODS CALLED "HIBBARD ROAD" The Village Council has authorized the renaming of Lake street at the west limits of the village, "Hibbard Road" in memory of the late William Gold Hibbard, former prominent Winnetka citizen. Mrs. Hibbard, the widow, it is said, 033 Linden Ave. GLENCOE Tel. Winnetka 1300 Home Furnishings Section INCORPORATED FOVNIAIN SOVARE - EVANSTON AH ULLRICH Pres Economy Basement | Dresses of Plaid Gingham, $3.39 Women's plaid gingham dresses, in - sizes -36 -and 38. Smartly made with pique collars and cuffs, and neat surplice or Women's Gingham Dresses, $3.39 These" dresses are of "splendid quality nurses' gingham. In neat styles, in sizes from 36 to 44. The necks are so fashioned that they can be worn high or open. vestee effects. You may choose Dresses have long cuff sleeves. {from several colors and patterns. ' $3.39. They are $3.39. Women's Black Sateen Petticoats, $1.98 They are made with deep tucked flounces, in 36 to 40-inch lengths. Priced at $1.98. Other petticoats of black cotton taffeta of splendid quality, made with deep flounces and colored borders; 36 to 40-inch lengths, $2.95; extra sizes at $3.49. Women's Percale Aprons, $2.25 percale Percale Aprons, $1.49 to $1.95 Percale aprons in light shades; made to button in front or at side; square or V necks; all sizes; $1.49 up to $1.95. White aprons, made with long sleeves, square necks, Sizes 36 Splendid at $2.25. two pockets and belt. to 46. Children's Dresses (4 to 14), at $1.48 These charming little dresses, for smiling maids of 4 to 14 years, are of good quality plaid ging- ham. They have plain collars and cuffs. Several attractive styles. $1.48 is their price. effects. Sizes 4 to 14 years. Women's and Girls' White Middies $1.98 to $2.25 middy cloth. and open cuff effects. dies, $2.25; girls' middies at $198. Women's White Waist $1.29 Many dainty styles are included in this assort- ment. The materials are organdie or voile. They're fascinating tucked, em. Waists of Voile Here at $1.50 The variety in this as- sortment seems to have taken into account hosts of the newer style ten- dencies. Round or square necks, either plain or broidered, lace trimmed frilly affairs; tucked or or neat tailored models. embroidered. Sizes 36 to Sizes 36 to 44. Just $1.29. 44. LORD'S Economy Basement Self Service Zone Children's Coats $3.65 to $11.75 Clever little coats made of shepherd check mate- rial, in yoke or box coat Several smart styles, some with white collars and cuffs; others with plain colored effects. Splendidly made middies of a good quality twilled Have double yoke, sailor collar, pocket Sizes 6 to 44. Women's mid- LORD'S

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