"State University To Be Pioneer in ~~ Movement To Prepare Instruct- ors for Youth of Land - Because thirty-five per cent of the men of the nation had defects seri- ous enough to interfere with the per- formance of their full military duty, - and because practically all of these defects could have been corrected by proper physical training during the school age, more than passing at- tention is being given nationally to ~ the courses in athletic coaching at 'the University of Illinois. It is a new departure in academic instruction and the wide attention it is receiving is justified by the work to be accomp- lished. ot Train Instructors ~ A bill now before Congress will, if passed, require compulsory physical education in forty-eight states. To carry on such work, it is estimated that 66,000 trained men will be need- "ed. Less than 6,000 such men are now available; and so the University of Illinois is doing its share in the work. Should such a law never be enacted, the demand for well educated and trained men--specialists in Physical . Education--will exceed the supply for "many years to come. ~ Backed by the conviction that the usual defects could be properly cor- ~ rected through physical education in children--a view also held by Sec retary of War Baker, George Huff, director of athletics at the Univers- (ity, established the School for Ath- ~~ letic Coaching in 1914. That school is for the summer period only. Since then a four year course in Athletic) Coaching has been org 3 regular part of the University cur- riculum, completion of which leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science. Logical Pioneer With what has been called the best balanced coaching staff in the coun- try, and with an athletic record of which she is justly proud, Illinois should logically be wone of the pioneers in this movement. The coaches who have brought Illinois her victories comprise the staff of instruction in the coaching school, George Huff, in baseball; Harry Gill in track and field athletics; Ralph Jones in basketball and training; Robert C. Zuppke in football; George "Patsy" clark in basketball and base- ball; Arthur Schuettner, E. A. Knoth, and E. R. Knollin in physical educa- tion; John IL. Griffith in organization and management; E. J. Manley in swimming and intramural athletics; Paul Prehn in wrestling; and D. M. Bullock in training and massage. EVANSTON THEATER SALE TO MOTOR FIRM HAS FALLEN THROUGH It was announced this week that the Evanston theater property is again on the market, the deal with the Oakland-Phillips Motor company having fallen through. It was under- stood that the automobile concern was to remodel the theater and have a first class garage and showroom. It is learned that when the bids were opened it was found that the prices for such remodeling were prohibitive and the plans weer abandoned. In the meantime the Oakland-Phillips company has purchased the Evanston electric garage and is located ine. that building. The owners of the theater report that the old playhouse is again on the market. Trade Gas Cars at Bargains pletetly overhauled R. C. H. Touring, a good paint, bargain Reo Touring, new paint, ship gray paint perfect opportunity Oakland Coupe, thorou condition Oakland-Phil Phene Evanston 4250-6020 Ford Roadster with light delivery body com- Ford Touring, tires like new, good condition. . Maxwell Touring, equipped with starter, new Oakland Touring, blue body, red wheels, motor Oakland Touring, run only 4000 miles, excellent Oldsmobile 8, 7 passenger, 8 months old, good Oakland Sedan, only 6 months old, 4 doors ... Easy Time Payments If Preferred cheap outing car. . .. overhauled, a snap for 1085 1150 ghly overhauled, fine 1300 1500 1550 lips Motor Co. 1613-1817 Davis St., Evanston His "' Realest" --a bicycle. Encourage way to give him every CHANDLER'S Sard i) Give Your Youngster the Boy Scouts and bicycle clubs. will help him grow strong and manly, efficient and independent. It is one for a successful business career. ings Until 10 Fun him to join It opportunity Open Even- 7 Touring car or runabout with self starter and electric lighting ...£275 Delivery van, with self-starter 'and electric lighting Car chassis, with self-starter and electric lighting 1-ton truck chassis, with solid | rubber tires to rear wheels ..£250 | 1-ton truck chassis, with non- ! skid pneumatic tires to rear "wheels and detachable rims ...£280 NEED A MAID?--ADVERTISE 1 SE TR BERT [OE SA ED WL RI EVRY JET CEN ST FW SN eB GE 1 2] En WA ET Wh, TTA YO 8, VI, YF TA ERR, A Wa bor ISE DAYLIGHT and }) SRE GARDEN HOSE TO HASTEN It is imperative this year that you protect your garden against the hot dry spells-- that are sure to come. We have the most complete line of Garden Hose and attachments in Chi- cago -- absolutely essential to the success of vegetable and flower wing. Order your hose now w. is plentiful. Already heavy de- mands are being made on our stock. Our range of prices is so great any buyer can be suited , : . IH Salisbury. \ IF ITS RUBBER. WE MAVE IT. Headquarters for Garden Hose u and everything that goes with it Phone Franklin 5744 y 308-10 W. Madison St., Chicago 1] "ON YOUR WAY OVER" 0 SAT LT J) SET SRY SY PE 4 HE. New Velie fulfills your idea of what lo-day's car 1 should be--in design as well as silent, velvety per- formance. [ts style is matched by its comfort--its longerbody--really : broad doors--more room in its deep tilted seats and soft, plaited upholstery. And that new motor! Here is the net result of all that engineering science has gained in the last four years--an amazing power plant-- silent--powerful--a perfect performer on low-grade fuel--the greatest money-saver under any hood. A full line of open and closed cars. Come and see them. Winnetka Car Sales Winnetka 1565 723 Oak Street ALIS ISA LILLIA IA AISA LAS AAA IIA IS ILIA, iii 7 III. 77777, JAII SILI IIIS IIIS NZ 7777777 777i rizrrriiiiirizizzzzziziizizaizziiizrraieriiiiiias For the For the Shoppers For the Business Man Theatre and Dinner Party : | To Chicago At a Minutes Notice-- North ShoreLine CAN SERVE YOU NO TAXI, BUS OR STREET CAR NEEDED LEAVE WINNETKA: . ARRIVE CHICAGO 7:44 a. m. 8:14 a. m. 8:44 a, m. 9:14 a. m. 6:52 a. m. 7:22 a. m. 7:52 a. m. 8:22 a. m. Every Half Hour Thereafter: 11:22 a. m. 11:52 a. m. 12:22 p. m. 12:52 p. m. Then Every Half Hour Until: puck $a 2 with; RERRR TET VTT Rud n m. m. m. m. m. m. m. Fo - Then every half hour until 12:52 a. m. Last train 1:52 a. m. For further information, apply to the Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. NORI Si Winnetka Ticket Office Elm Street Phone: Winnetka 963