8 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1920 GOLF CLUBS MECCA ON DECORATION DAY Golf Enthusiasts of North Shore Villages Plan Big Events Various Ccurses Monday on Golfers of the north shore are anticipating a big round of activity on Monday, Decoration Day, when special events will feature the play on every course in this vicinity. At Westmoreland there will be match play against bogey full handi- cap in the morning as well as the semi-finals in the Friday event. In the afternoon there will be 18 hole flag race including the least number of putts and finals in the Tri-day event. There will also be a mixed foursome in the afternoon starting first tee at 2:30 o'clock, and target approaching contest. For the women who do not indulge in golf the com- mittee in charge has arranged a card party. Dinner is at 7 o'clock follow- ed by dancing at 9 o'clock. More than 150 reservations were announced late yesterday. 36 Hole Handicap Glenview Country club golf will be featured with a 36 hole handicap play, 18 holes in the morning and 18 in the afternoon. There will be a dinner dance in the evening. The North Shore Country club is to have its regular Decoration Day play with special events of interest to every member of the club. There is to be a dinner dance in the even- ing. Indian Hill golfers are to engage in the regular annual Decoration Day play. There will be a dinner dance in the evening. Dinner is served at 7:30 o'clock. At the Skokie Country club plans have been completed for the custom- ary Decoration Day play to be con- cluded with a dinner dance in the evening. Because of the inclement weather which has postponed official opening of the clubs the Decoration Day play at practictally all of the clubs will represent the official opening of the season's events. Fagerness to get into the swing of the season's play is expected to attract hundreds of enthusiasts to the various courses. GRANGE OFFICIAL IN APPEAL TO FARMERS TO BACK TRUCK WEEK Directing the attention of more than one million farmers to the issues involved in highway transportation and good roads, Thomas C. Atkeson, Washington representative and mov- ing spirit in the National grange, Patrons of Husbandry, has addressed a letter to grange secretaries throughout the country enjoining their participation in National Ship by Truck-Good Roads week. Heartily Approves "In this connection," writes Mr. Atkeson, "I heartily approve of the oeneral idea involved in Ship by Truck-Good Roads week and atten- tron that will thereby be directed to the problems of highways, trans- portation and distribution." Harry Mitchell Be Your Tailor | Suits Made fo Order *20 Extra Pants Free With Every Suit HARRY MITCHELL 16 and 18 E. Jackson Blvd. Between State and Wabash CHICAGO --1orIor== TOON |==----=10m0r= As a preface to his letter, Mr. At- keson says: "The national grange believes that the time has come when all national government highways should be uni- fied in a single administrative de- partment and that a national high- way law should be worked out which will serve the welfare of the whole country and distribute the expense of highway construction equitable between the beneficiaries." Big Help on Farm Expressing his belief that there is a place for the motor truck in agri- cultural pursuits, Mr. Atkeson con- tinues: "It is conceded that there is a place for the motor truck on the farm and most particular does this apply to the economic use of the motor truck by farm associations. To secure the most satisfactory and beneficial use of the motor truck the nation, the state, the county must have suitable permanently constructed roadbeds to insure motor truck operations from the producers to the consumer. Not only is the necessity for permanent highway apparent in this instance but an improved hikhway is a step toward the improvement and consoli- dation of rural schools and the use of schools as rural social centers." Read The Want Ads On Page 7 GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY VETERANS OF THREE WARS IN PLANS FOR MEMORIAL DAY American Legion posts throughout the north shore are co-operating with the G. A. R., Spanish War veterans and other patriotic and civic organ- izations in plans to observe Memorial Day, May 31. Many posts will dec- orate the soldiers' graves in the cemeteries, many will send speakers to the memorial exercises in the schools, and practically all will send delegations to parade in honor of the heroic dead. In Chicago State Commander Mil- ton J. Foreman predicts a Legion division of at least 10,000 in the great veterans' parade being planned by the G. A. R., Spanish War veterans and the American Legion. Col. Abel Davis is in charge of the Legion ar- rangement committee, which is co- ordinating its plans with those of the older veterans, and Col. John V. Clinnin is in charge of the formation When You Need Ice PHONE WINNETKA 788 Very prompt Delivery Best quality ice The Augdahls Ice Co. WINNETKA zz rrr Pot Plants and Bedding Stock oxo OEIOL Village Theatre OF WILMETTE ALWAYSENJOYABLE IN 0 =O Mon., Tues., May 31 and June 1 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 Matinees Mon. and Tues, 3:30 CONSTANCE TALMADGE "In Search of a Sinner" -- OX O! Extra, Pathe News -- Comedy Wed. and Thurs., June 2 and 3 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 BLANCHE SWEET "The Deadiiot Sex" EXTRA--TRAVEL--COMEDY 1 OEIOL Fri. and Sat., June 4 and 5 =O ooo --1 OIOEL IOEIOX Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 Matinee, Saturday, 3:30 BERT LYTELL | 'Alias Jimmy Valentine' EXTRA--PATHE NEWS OLIOK 100K EXO Ey) C Willaid D TRACE MARR REGISTERED E are authorized declers for the most progressive concern that ever built batteries. We are pledged to carry out those policies of square dealing to which Willard giveswidespread publicity. We are authorized to make repairs, to do recharging and to sell the Still Bet- ter Willard with Threaded Rubber Insulation. EVANSTON BATTERY STATION 1648-50 Maple Ave. Evanston Corner Church St. Phone Ev. 4445 Mixed Gladioli, composed of choice varieties $4.25 for 100 Dahlia Plants in different varieties and also special compound variety. $1.25 a dozen JOSEPH Phone Winnetka 437 Florist and Landscape Gardener DEMSKI not absolutely fresh 734 Elm Street, Winnetka 7 YOU run no risk of getting meat that is our meat is all of the highest quality. WE try hard to be reasonable, too. the summer we carry the meats best adopted for summer eating. PETERS' MARKET 7272222227777 ry N at this market, and In Phone Winnetka 920-1 LULL LLL LLL LTT 7 Ti LT 77 ZT, of the Legion's section in the parade. Local Legion officials have invited all ex-service men and women to take part. GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY PAINTS Of all kinds in large and small cans WALL PAPERS. PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Finishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE Winnetka State Bank ELM ST. AT LINCOLN AVE, 1 Sound Facts From A Sound Bank From 20 to 30 years is the habit forming age. There are two kinds of habits--habits of economy and habits of extra- vagance. From 30 to 40 years of age the foundation of practically every fortune is laid. This is a 2 : , critical period in every man's career. From 40 to 50 years years a vast majority of men meet with reverses. At 60 years of age 95 per cent of men are dependent upon others for a living because they have saved nothing. When you have opened an account ycu have started right. Let this bank be your business friend. .Ask any of our officers how you can continue to better yourself. DIRECTORS HENRY P. CROWELL, 3 President, Quaker Oats Co. CARLTON PROUTY, Attorney LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER, President, B. Kuppenheimer Co. JOHN R. LEONARD, a Bridge & Leonard Commission Merchants WILLOUGHBY G. WALLING, Capitalist VICTOR ELTING, Attorney HENRY R. Cashier HALE, 724 Elm Street 0000 = are exceptional values. STENMAN'S GARAGE REPAIRS 0 Don't neglect to give your family the joy and good they will denve from having a car. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON STUDEBAKERS We are an authorized service station for Dodge car, and carry a complete line of new parts for repair work. Come in and inspect our used cars which are for sale. These Mechanical condition perfect. JOHN STENMAN, Proprietor TELEPHONE WINNETKA 841 ACCESSORIES : SUPPLIES : 0 | ee Dodge-Studebaker-Jordan Order your car now so that you can enjoy the summer months, J Winnetka, Illinois I == all zl