vention of the American Federation 3 0 net, first low gross and second low gross. po cl Eh AALS Pr l appearances. ILLINOIS BANKERS GATHER A false 'front may Xéep dprppear-| ances, but no man ever lasted who used false advertising to keep up the 'other fellow | knowledge of his Own unevenness. Ever n ep tells you most about how cro is has little % IN ANNUAL STATE SESSION The Illinois Bankers' association held its thirtieth annual convention on June 21, 22 and 23 in the Orpheum theater at Galesburg. The meeting =f OR THOSE of us who are of which is the summer shore. for an office force in the interests Boynton, James A. Patten, and Ward W. Willitts are vice-presidents; George R. Jones is secretary; Percy B. Eckhart is treasurer, and while among the directors are Charles G. Dawes, N. Landon Hoyt, Benjamin H. Marshall, Harold . F. McCormick, John C. Shaffer, John R. Washburn and C. P. Arthur M. Lowrie is manager, Wheeler. o on the north shore there are many diversions, not the least company at Ravinia Park. This is an enterprise unique of its kind in this country, an artistic treat which makes a summer within reach of it a pure delight to music lovers. This summer's season opens on Saturday with "Manon" and as the management reports all the boxes taken, it promises to be a successful one, weather permitting. Like all grand opera, this is not a self-supporting enterprise, but is partly sustained by generous, public spirited citizens on the north Louis Eckstein, who is president of the company, and chair- man of the board, devotes a large part of his time to it, and pays was a pronounced success, both in number of attendance and the im- portance of subjects discussed, all tending to the general improvement of conditions ts they exist today in! the state. The discussions were con- fined under three general heads: "What Can the Association Do to Minimize the Evil of Crime in This State?" The Function of the County Federation," and "How Can the Banker Best Serve His Community, the State and the Nation." Among the visiting speakers from other states was Major Lynn G. Adams, Superintendent of the Penn- sylvania State Police, who was scheduled to address the meeting on the morning of the 22nd, the title of his address being: "The Wave of Crime--Its Prevention and Cure." . going to spend the summer here opera offered by the Ravinia of the Ravinia opera. Charles T. An exchange aptly puts it when it says the whole secret of community building is knowing your neighbor a little better ; seeing his good qualities | and forgetting the bad, or at least v President Lynn Harold Hough of Northwestern University has return- ed from Des Moines, Ta, where last Sunday afternoon he addressed an audience of a thousand women who wer: delegates to the bi-ennial con- of Women's Clubs. His topic was, "The «American Spirit" and at the . close 'of his peroration, Dr. Hough was given a flattering demonstration. Th applause continued so long that he was compelled to rise in his place and bow to the audience. Following the meeting, hundreds of delegates pressed around President Hough to offer congratulations. Dr. Hough's remarks dealt frankly and fairly with national topics and in the course of his speech he took occasion to pay a glowing tribute to Robert E. Lee. General Lee was praised for his striking qualities of mind, for the courage and the genius he displayed as the leader of a fore- ~ lorn cause. When the speaker had | failed because the majority thought finished speaking of Lee, many of the southern women in the audience! were in tears and all were applauding hysterically. In a few moments Dr. 'Hough eulogized Abraham Lincoln. and the entire audience responded | enthusiastically. being sure that you are no worse than HOYBURN BLDG., EVANSTON SPECIAL As An Introductory Offer One Portrait, Special Ray Mount- ing in silvertone finish, size 12x17. Regular price $15.00, for This offer is made for a limited time only, that more people may become acquainted with our artistic portrait work and with our newly purchased studio in the Hoyburn Building, Evanston. MAKE APPOINTMENTS NOW. Photographer $5.00 THIS OFFER IS LIMITED EUGENE RAY PHONE EVANSTON 2238 Use of cigarets by women was he before you condemn him. condemned by the General Federa- tion of Women's club in convention in Des Moines, Ia. Resolutions recit- ing that the cigaret habit apparently is increasing among women and that the use of tobacco is harmful to them were adopted. Resolutions urging an educational campaign against the use of cigarets by yqnen and asking state authorities to prohibit the sale thereof to minors also were adopted. Efforts to get through a resolution asking congress to establish a feder- al censorship of motion picture films it was more of a state question. The convention closed Wednesday following the formal presentation of the new officers elected on Tuesday. SEMI-FINAL EVENT Events at Bob O'Link Golf club on Saturday, June 26, include the semi- finals in the Fellowship Trophy play which has been in progress through- out the month. There will be 18 holes, Match play, three-quarter handicap. There will also be an 18 hole, medal play handicap event with that you can order jt in the Pro-slate construction. You oo } 77 7777777777 277 rd ziiiiiiriiiiiiiiizzaiizizzizzziiiiiiiiiddlididz Let Us Show You A Beautiful Home for Your Car A garage that you will be proud to own. well satisfied with the service it will give you. A Pro-slate garage with its beautiful combination of gray green stucco-like panels, its Indian red roof and autumn brown English timber trim will really enhance the surroundings of any home. So complete and so well planned is a Pro-slatc garage into its new home that evening. A Pro-slate garage is an investment worth while. first cost is so low that it will pay for itself in a few months in the saving of rent alone. Let us show you the attractiveness and advantages of garage to really appreciate it. AE { OY You will be J . == morning and run your car R777 77d 7d dedi iiiiiiriiigiiiiiiiziiiiiiiite A777 rrr rrrrzriirariiiaiaiauuaiaiiiii Its will have to see a Pro-slate See our exhibit. Railroad Near Scott Ave, aE IP Talli Zi rrrriiiiaiiiiaiiiiiizrrrrzidiiaiiiaid Lr Aili Yar, If youfare thinking of building we can furnish all the material you will need Hulbard Woods Lumber & Coal Co. Sales . 5197 DAVIS STREET Phone Evanston 307 Phone Winnetka 452 77777 7777777777 rrriirrrrzrrizruiizziiiii ERS nn n nnn NOTICE To All Owners of Dodge Brothers Noch Vehicles You can now get service, repairs and parts for all Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicles at our completely equipped service station, 914 Davis Street, Evanston We have been appointed Dodge Brothers Sales and Service representatives for this territory, and our en- tireorganization is enlisted intheeffort to give all Dodge owners the highest type 'of service. C. M. McDONALD Service: 914 DAVIS STREET Phone Evanston 214 = EEN ee eA /