ma A ---- men Classified Advertisements Bo per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. sertion, 5c per line. Copy must be in by ~The "motor hobo" jis a new word : _ --_-- coined through the habit of people ; Ire who steal and beg rides. Expert Clock Repairing Special attention given to Hall, Mantle, Chime Cuckoo, 400-Cay Clock, Traveling Clocks and Automobile Clocks. Clocks Called for and De- livered. ' INTERNATIONAL WATCH CO. Phone Monroe 5707 600 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago Dr. Miller, Hotel, Osteopath. North Shore Evanston. Phone 6424. LTG27-tfe A NOTE OF THANKS Mr. John Uttenreuther and family neighbors for the floral contributions wish to thank their many friends and and many kindnesses, during their re- cent bereavement. --Adv.LLT34-1tc = SCOTT JORDAN, Pres. and Treas. Est. 1854 WILMOT WHITAKER HELP WANTED--FEMALE Fg -- WE A FEW PERMANENT POSITIONS TO OFFER YOUNG WOMEN IT WILL BE TO : YOUR INTEREST TO CALL AND TALK WITH OUR CHIEF OPERATOR ABOUT THE RECENT INCREASES IN SALARLES THAT YOU MAY KNOW WHAT YOU MAY EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR, WILMETTE, WINNETKA, GLENCOE. -- -- LTG33-tfc "WANTED--LADY ENTRY CLERK ~ for 5 weeksk, during July and Aug- ust; must be plain penman and ac- curate; but needs no experience. A. S. Van Deusen,Central avenue and 12th street. LTG34-1tc WANTED--GOOD GIRL FOR LIGHT housework; willing to go to northern Michigan for summer; good ref. re- quired; best of wages. Phone Win. 284. LTG32-tfc WANTED--A COMPETENT, TRUST- worthy woman for general house- work; no washing or ironing; $18 per week. Phone Wil. 1314. ) LTG34-1tp WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work; with or without laundry; no children; good wages. 1001 Lake avenue. Phone Wil. 729-W. x LTG34-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work; family of 3; laundress one day; ref. required. Phone Wil. 1131. 411 Lake avenue. LTG34-1te HOUSEHOLD GOODS sold and exchanged; a top drawer $8 and up; gas stoves, parlor - set; library table;. rugs; cabinet sanitary cot; couches, spin- ning wheel; bed; mahogany dresser and chiffonier, mirrored; rocker, baby buggy; show-case; counters and lawnmowers. 808 Oak street, Win- netka. Phone Win. 1212. T16-1tc water-heater; $10 and up; FOR SALE--USED SEWING MACH- ines; Domestic, $5.00; Singer, $8.00; Wheeler and Wilson, $12.00; Wilcox and Gibbs, $18.00; Standard, shop worn, $35.00; White cabinet, shop worn, $45.00. Patterson Bros, 828 Davis Street, Evanston. LTG29-tfe FOR SALE--A SMALL ROLL TOP, black oak desk; two birch mahog- any chairs; double sanitary cot and mattress; reed baby stroller; very reasonable. 562 Hawthorn Lane, Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 566. LTG34-1te FOR SALE--OAK DINING ROOM table; plain electric fixtures; white legged rooster; cheap. Phone Win. 1515 T16-1tc FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, OAK book-case, dining room table, side board, gas range, old desk, chair. Phone Win. 58. T12-tf frigerator; ice-boxes, | WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED OR unfurnished, 8 or 9 room house, at least 2 baths, for long lease; occu- pancy October 1 or sooner. Phone Win. 356. T15-2tc WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or bungalow, furnished or unfurnish- ed; occupancy September or October. Phone Win. 913. T16-tfc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--TOY BOSTON TERRIER; female; bat ears; seal brindle; 9 pounds; King Peter strain; one year old; one of the best bred dogs in the country. Price $100. Phone Hanselman, Winnetka 5. LTG34-1tc FOR SALE--WHITE LEGHORNS, cockerels, 11 weeks old, for your next year's breeding pen, from hens with record of over 230 eggs per vear. Phone Win. 334 and Win. 746. TG15-tfe FOR SALE--PEDIGREED SHETLAND pony; thoroughly broken; gentle with children; price $100, including western saddle. Phone Wellington 4765. LTG34-1tc FOR SALE--SIX MEN'S SUITS, ONE ladies' Seal Plush Coat, long Crav- anette gent's overcoat. Phone Win. 232. T13-tfe FOR SALE--AIREDALE PUPS; MALES Phone Glencoe 799. LTG34-tfe WANTED--8 YEAR OLD BOY'S BI- cycle. Phone Win. 664-M. T16-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--GENERAL HOUSEWORK girl; small family; no washing; no heavy cleaning; good wages; ref. re- quired. Phone Win. 1272. T14-tfc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD goods and clothing; highest prices paid. Phone Evanston 103 or 5512. LTG31-8tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE care of 2 year old boy, 2 or 3 hours mornings. Phone Glencoe 370. Law. TG16-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--BOY FOR CUTTING grass and watering lawn, 2 days a 'week during school vacation. 540 Washington avenue, corner Bluff street, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 52. TG16-1te WANTED--A COMBINATION YARD man and chauffeur. 487 Ash Sys : -1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--BUCKBOARD, WITHOUT motor wheel, 724 Center street. Tel. Win. 551-R. T16-1tp WANTED TO BUY--REED BABY cart; in good condition. Phone Win. 1323. T16-1tc WANTED TO BUY--YOUNG, MEDIUM- sized house dog. Phone Win. 929. T16-1tp WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR cast-off clothing. Phone Win. 232. . T13-tfe WANTED--AT ONCE; CHILD'S LARG- est size velocipede. Phone Win. 647. T16-1te WANTED--WORK BY THE DAY OR hour; cooking and serving a specialty; best of references. Mrs. Susie Thomas. Phone Glencoe 438. LTG34-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calcimining, paper hanging, floor re- finishing; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Company. Phone Evanston 6988. 2000 Maple avenue Evanston. LT21-tfc BOY OF 20 DESIRES OUTDOOR work; assistant gardening; with meals. Phone Win. 1635. T16-1tc FOR RENT--STORE AND OFFICES FOR RENT IN BANK BUILDING. STORE OFFICES. Ayres Boal, 1029 Peoples Gas Bldg. % T14-3tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM; NEAR 3 transportation; suitable for gentle- man. Phone Win. 1609. T15-2te FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--MONTH OF AUGUST, 5 room furnished roomy bungalow, large screened-in porch, garage and garden. Phone Win. 657-J or apply 899 Oak street, after Monday. T16-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS MUST SELL MODERN LIVING ROOM, dining room and bed room suites; lamps, rugs, library table, victrola and records; brass bed, dresser; used only few months; will sell separately. 1421 Carmen avenue, Chicago. Arg- vle station. Phone Sunnyside 7812. LTG30-4te If you have property for sale anywhere on the North Shore, list it with A. R. EDDINGTON 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. £40 e Lt Opposite Villag Theatre FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--OVERLAND AUTOMO- bile, 83-B, perfect mechanical condi- tion; new top; newly painted; also winter top; by owner. Phone Wil. __983-R. TG16-1te LOST AND FOUND BOUGHT, | CADY M. JORDAN, Vice-Pres. and Sec'y Assistant Sec'y C.. H. JORDAN & CO., Funeral Directors Chapel at Each Establishment Complete Line of Funeral Furnishings 612 Davis St., Evanston Phone Evanston 449 164 N. MICHIGAN BLVD. CHICAGO 1522 E. 53rd ST., HYDE. PARK Phone Randolph 1346-1347 DO YOU NEED MONEY? We lend money on second mort- gages and purchase building con- tracts. Reasonable rates. Prompt action. Address Evanston News-Index Box-A 762 J. D. Toloff will give his ENTIRE TIME to his Evanston studio IX order that he may do full jus- tice to his patrons on the North Shore, J. D. Toloff has liquidated his studio in the Fine Arts Build- ing in Chicago, and will hence- forth devote all of his time and attention to the personal direc~ tion of his studio here. Mr. Toloff welcomes this oppor- tunity of being of greater service to his friends. J D. TOLOFF Phone Evanston 2178 1623 ORRINGTON AVE. $5000.00 FIREWORKS DISPLAY EACH NIGHT Big3-Day Carnival THE LAKE COUNTY | AMERICAN LEGION | LOST--AT NORTHWESTERN STA- tion gray silk umbrella. Miss Salve- son, 1072 Pine street. Tié-1te 1 I-room stucco home in Kenilworth, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, heated sun par- lor, hot water heat, 75 foot lot. Exceptionally well-built home. A BARGAIN A beoutitl Colonial stucco home, Only $13,750 RIT TT TE TH HILL & WHEELER Homes for Particluar People Winnetka Office 743 ELM STREET Phone Win. 142 and 422 LTT TH UTHITT at Foss Park, North Chicago Saturday, Sunday, Monday | ULY 3rd,4th and 5th SEE--- Donkey Circus Days of 49 Beautiful Girl Show Japanese Village Ferris Wheel Cabaret Shooting Gallery Dancing Girl Wheels of Fortune Dance Hall Jazz Bands Photo Gallery Prince Hashi's Death Defying Slide for Life