WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1920 jithout an attendant, on any public 'street or way. Driving by Minors: No person shall operate or drive a motor vehicle who is under fifteen years of age unless accompanied by a licensed chauffeur or the owner of the vehicle being operated. Vehicles traveling upon the streets or public way shall give the right of way to other vehicles approachir along intersecting highways from the right and shall have the right of way over vehicles approaching in same manner from the left. Police vehic- les, fire apparatus vehicles, vehicles transporting United States mail and ambulances have the right of way over all other vehicles. Upon stop- ping or slowing down a vehicle such intention must be signalized by the oustretched arm. Stop at Boulevards: All drivers of vehicles shall bring such vehicles to a complete stop before crossing or entering into any boulevard in the village. (Sheridan road is a boule- vard from North avenue to Winnet- ka avenue). Penalty: Any person violating any "of the provisions of the motor vehicle regulations shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than $10 and not more than $100. Additional Provisions 'In addition to the new ordinance, the Village Code contains the follow- ing provisions which may be sum- marized as follows: "1. No person shall drive any ve- hicle over any curb, sidewalk or parkway without protecting the same with planking, in accordance with directions from the Superintendent of Public Works. 2. No motorcycle shall be driven on any public sidewalk in Winnetka by any person of any age, nor shall any bicycle be driven on a sidewalk by any person over the age of twelve years. 3. Drivers of motor vehiclds emerging from the doorway of any * public or private garage located with- in ten feet of a sidewalk or where the view is in any way obstructed, shall cause the vehicle to come to a full stop, and shall sound a warning signal before proceeding across the sidewalk. 4. The operation of any automo- bile or motorcycle on the public streets with the muffler open or cut- out, is declared to be a nuisance and is prohibited. Safety Measures The foregoing regulations are de- signed to provide for the safety of motorists and pedestrians and it is earnestly hoped that every Winnetka citizen will co-operate in a reasonable observance of the provisions of these ordinances. : It will be noted that no regulation of speed is provided and this may be explained by the fact that speed regulations are covered by State . statute and are therefore uniform "throughout the state. It is the policy of the Village Council to enforce such speed regulations strictly, par- ticularly in cases where motorists disregard ordinary ~ precautions of safety and a consideration of the rights of pedestrians. The entire code of traffic regula- tions will be published in pamphlet form in the near future for distribu- tion to Winnetka automobile owners, it is announced. INDIAN HILL WOMAN GOLFER HOLDS TITLE Miss Elizabeth Klotz Wins Out in Bitter Contest in Women's West- ern' Golf Association Events Miss Elizabeth Klotz of Indian Hill retains the title of city czhampion of the Women's Western Golf associa- tion, by her victory in the deciding contest at Glenn Oak this week over Mrs. Melvin Jones of the home club. The contest, however, was a most bitterly fought affair and the Indian Hill star only took the title after nineteen holes of play. By missing an average size putt on the eighteenth green, Mrs. Jones lost her last opportunity of taking the cup and when she required six strokes on the extra hole the Indian Hill star once more had her name engravel upon the emblem. At the end of the first nine holes Miss Klotz led her opponent by 1 up, but the Glen Oak entrant soon squared matters after leaving the turn. On the last half of the trip, Mrs. Jones took three holes while her rival annexed but two. Victory came to Miss Klotz when her opponent drove into the woods and made a short recovery. On her third, Mrs. Jones was short again and required a fourth stroke to the green where she missed a putt and took six. Miss Klotz reached the, terrace on her third and negotiated the pitt for a par four. The cards follows: Miss Klotz-- 56 Miss Ruth Burnett of Beverly an- nexed the second flight final by dis- posing of Mrs. W. W. Haerther of Evanston by 2 to 1. : In the third flight the prize was awarded to Mrs. Gj Wisner of Olympia Fields who won from Mrs. B. C. Hardenbrook of Skokie by a like margin. Mrs. C. A. Rehberg of Olympia captured the fourth flight by eliminating Miss G. Porter of Ridge by the liberal margin of 6 and 4 to play. Avoids Beach for Swim; Body Found Week Later Edward Redeston, 60 Years of Age, Drowns While "Cocling Off a Bit" In Lake Waters The body of Edward Redeston, 60 years of age, Chicago cabinet maker, was found in the lake at the foot of Central avenue, Wilmette, Saturday, July 17, by chief of police E. G. Sieber of the Wilmette department. Redeston was reported missing by his family on Monday, July 12. Later, clothing identified by relatives of the drowned man was found in an order- ly arrangement on the beach of the Gage Land Tract, Kenilworth. At an .inquest held at the Scott Undertaking establishment in Wil- mette Monday morning it was assistance when in bathing at other swimmer in his younger days, relatives testified. In England, it was said, he had established a record for long distance swimming in the Thames. It was thought he suffered "cramps" while swimming Monday, The drowning emphasizes the warning so frequently issued by the Winnetka Park Board and in the colmuns of The Weekly Talk: "Do not go in bathing anywhere in Lake Michigan at other than the regularly guarded bathing beaches!" There are people to help you should you be in distress at the beaches! There is no one to come to your points! HANSELMAN'S ARM TAMES SHERMERVILLE BATTERS Hanselman's superb hurling led Winnetka"s Triangle nine to an easy victory over the Shermerville aggre- gation Sunday. The local flinger permitted only two scratch hits, The final count was 13 to 1. The Triangles will engage the UR delivery brings the best groceries to your door. We take unusual pains with telephone orders to ascertain that only well selec- ted groceries are delivered to you. We are as careful in the selection of your foodstuffs as you are compelled to be in some places. You can feel safe in ordering our groceries! "Watch the market basket" Jelly Glasses 58c dozen The Progressive Grocery A. LIPS, Prop. Phones WINNETKA 888-9 -- EO EE OE O EXO EXO snappy Highland Park outfit at High- land Park Sunday afternoon. Game is called at 3 o'clock. The team leaves the village on the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee electric an hour before game time. Followers of the local crowd are invited to at- tend in a body. OO O IO I0EI0L IOEX0 =] O El O Fl O EI OX in your pocket= If you buy your: el SUIT. ORIO FURNI14 . SUMMER TOGY | HINGS rr sure to come again. this for us. Phone 1077 We never urge a man to buy. L We invite you to come in. We make good "Nifty" clothes. J.H. DETHLOFF GENTS' FURNISHINGS 786 ELM ST., WINN ey OE O EET OE O Eee O ERI O EX OX 0) rp A = J! == If you once come into our store, you will be We treat our patrons with courtesy, and take a real delight in showing you our furnishing goods and shoes. s Our good goods and our reasonable prices do lll iiiiiiiiiiiiididdidididdddididiid SLLLLSLSLLLLLLSSLSLLLLILLITSS ALLIS LSS SILAS SISAL SSSI II, North Shore Electric Shop JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor Electrical Contracting and Repairing Electric Washing Machines Electric Supplies and Appliances Electric Ironing Machines Electric Vacuum Cleaners WE CLOSE AT 1 P. M. ON SATURDAYS DURING JULY AND AUGUST 554 Railroad Ave., Winnetka Tel. Winnetka 44 77 I ZEEE ae Edd ddd ddd dd bd ddd ld ddd LZ 777 MEYER BANK BLDG. Sn LER SL determined Redeston had left home A COMMON CONDITION early on July 12 to "cool off a bit." . | It was thought he took a ride on the "It says here that too many of our "1" to the Linden avenue terminal American girls are flat busted, said | from where he strolled along the the old Fogy, as he looked up from | |3ke shore eventually deciding to go the newspaper he was reading. He bathing. "Huh!" replied the Grouch. "So are; A coroner's jury rendered a yerdict too many of our American men. --| of accidental dgath by drowning. Cincinnati Enquirer. Redeston had been an expert iii iii SLL SSSSLILIS SSSI 2 Z Inn TI DISTRIBUTORS for NORTH SHORE and LAKE COUNTY 'GRANT SIX PETTITTE EEE E LEE ELL ELL ELL LE EL EL EL ELLE LLL ELLE LL LXE LX EL LL] Announcement We have taken over the Tra Room WINNETKA. It 1s our aim to give you the best prepared food and service. "A fine small car" GAGE MOTOR SALES 1629 Orrington Avenue EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Farrar aan att ET EX XT EE LE EE EE EE EL LEE LE We invite you to dine here and satisfy yourselves. 1H {THIH HDT The N BEARER EERE REE RE RRR RRR GEORGE E. and A. KELLER Formerly connected with New York Central Dining Car Dept. and the larger hotels throughout the country. ~ 551 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA ET A small amount of terrilory lef! for A-1 dealers LJ ve of oe oe of oF of of of oF of oF of obo oe oe ole obo vb Bob