5. 0A LAN Sl 2 : WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1920 water are available, shall modern sanitary facilities. Contract Let for Water Main Ex- tension At the last meeting of the Board of Local Improvements the contract for the construction of a ten inch water main in Willow street from Locust to Rosewood avenues was awarded to James Viti, the low bidder on the work. This extension will be constructed in the near future as soon as the pipe can be delivered. provide Municipal Column Edited by the Village Manager Inspection of South East Pavements On Wednesday, August 14, the Board of Local Improvements, to- gether with the village engineer, the village manager, and the contractor, Mr. John O'Gara of Chicago, made a careful inspection of the system of concrete pavements in the south east section of the village. The purpose. of this inspection was to determine the additional amount of work to be required of the contractor to repair | defective sections of the work. WINNETKA MAN SLIGHTLY INJURED IN AUTO CRASH Automobiles driven by August Jutzow, 827 Oak street, and John Coutre of Ridge avenue, collided at the entrance to the Indian Hill Coun- try club Sunday. Coutre was slight- The inspection disclosed that the general condition of the pavements is excellent, the work being particularly free from objectionable cracking. At| a few points expansion has caused | the SiAbs 10 be raised up at the joints, 'achine were considerably damaged. | due to t H separators' noi having | The accident occurred when the | been installed in a vertical position. | Bytzow car, traveling south near thei : . ! . y In several instances, the finished club grounds crashed into the Coutre | surface of the pavement was found | machine as it emerged from the club to have been slightly damaged by | driveway. frost, giving a rough appearance] but Bot gfiscting the quality of shes AUTOMOBILE, INSURANCE DO yO the concrete. t a number When you drive an automobile with- of points the curb was found to be fout insurance and should accidentally cracked, or otherwise defective. injure a person your bank account and all your property is liable for the in- | jury or damage. X | Better call and let Judge Northrop tell you about Continental Insurance and relieve your anxiety. C. T. Northrop, 556 Center Street, Winnetka. ly injured suffering cuts and bruises about the face and hands. The | The contractor and the engineer were complimented on the generally successful completion of the work and arrangements were made for the satisfactory repair for the defective | portions. --Adv Sewer Connections At the last meeting of the Council | an ordinance was introduced abolish- | ing previous provisions relative to | catchbasins and cesspools on private | property, and providing specifically | that every residence where sewer and | PAINTS Ot all kinds in large and small cans WALL PAPERS. PAINTING & DECCRATING Floor Finishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE N. J. FELLOWS REGISTERED OPTICIAN Eyes Tested. Frames Fitted Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired Phone Winnetka 85 Room 3 Prouty Bldg. 777 rrizr7irriiirzirzizzzizizzizzzzzaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiidd UNIQUE STYLE SHO B. COPLAN Proprietor We are showing a new line of Tricotine Dresses, also Coals of the very latest cut and design. 1126 Central Avenue WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 2403 72777 id zirirriiiiiiiiiiiiziziiiiaiiiaiiiiii LULL, UR Lliiiiiiiiiiiii SMALL FIRE The local fire truck was called to 524 Linden street early Tuesday morning where a barn on the rear of the property was ablaze. There was slight damage. Or; TOTTI KOT 'RELIABILIT OIOX aS OI0 ) otKaday- Syst Sox 1 Ms & BOE ARIS mmo wR: pany & Cuts the High Cost of Re-decorating in Two Cheer up! Prices may be high, but here's one way to beat em: Use Hockaday's INTERIO on your walls, and you'll not have to re- | finish for five years or more. Simply | wash the dirt off. Hockaday's Interio is the only really washable wall finish. | Repeated washings don't injure ita bit. Can be applied on any surface. A child | can do it. Just flow on two coats, and | you have a hard, beautiful surface that | will never chalk, peel or lime burn. It goes farther---costs less---and is easier |, to use than any wall finish we ever saw. | Come in and let us prove to you that | INTERIO cuts the high cost of re- | decorating in two and solves all wall | problems. If your job is large, ask us to recommend a good painter. Body . . . . $5.50 Gallon Reducer . . . 3.30 Gallon Average cost on above basis after mixing $4.50 per gal. "Every Day is Hockaday" J. FF. ECKART ~OEI01 --T3=17; I0JOX JOE 0X | io om=------m1oI0= MILEOMETER Upon the reliability of the the comfort of your motor trip. Introduced a little over a year ago Mileometer, the mechanical road- guide for motorists, im- mediately demonstrated its value and establish- ed its favor with motor- ists. No books or maps to follow. It guides as you nde. : Illustrated booklet furnished free upon request. Write or call today "SEE THE MILEOMETER NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW" WINNETKA MOTOR CO. Phone Winnetka 165 562 Lincoln Avenue =IOE=IOK guidance you use depends 10EX0 JOIOLE = OLXO k= =Ok -~ o a o TommorT=m=morzon rl 7 Lr Za 2rd ZL diz Electric Washing Machines Electric Vacuum Cleaners 554 Railroad Ave., Winnetka 7 IIIA AEE II TALS I LL LLLL LI I ALLL I TELE ALLELE ASAE FAIL T LILIA AION ZiT 777777 E77 a 2 ddd Ld ddd ddd ddd dd ddd dd ddd ddd dd dd ddd 2d ddd Td ddd edd idle? North Shore Electric Shop JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor Electrical Contracting and Repairing Electric Supplies and Appliances Electric Ironing Machines WE CLOSE AT 1 P. M. ON SATURDAYS DURING JULY AND AUGUST Tel. Winnetka 44 77777777 iiiirriizzrrirzririiiiiiii OI 0 EI OI Oe OE O ee Ee OE O EO J O EJ OE O ee BARGAIN PRICES IN GROCERIES Here is another opportunity for you to save some more money. You should avail yourself at the first chance you have to come here and stock up on canned goods and groceries. Compare these prices with those of other competitors and you will be convinced that you cen get much more from adollar here than elsewhere. For week of Saturday, Aug. 7, to Friday, Aug. 13 FLOURS-- PEARS-- FOR BAKING-- Swansdown Pancake Flour, pkg. ........ 40c Colton Bartlett, No.2 can... 5. 00 india. 45¢c Richelieu Pancake voici... ficeirasrnsnss 15¢ Patsy, Noslcan flat ..... 6h Ldn 20c ® CEREALS-- Morning Glory, No. 2M viii viians 55¢ now rl t Quaker Oats, 3% Ib. pkg. 30c; small pkg. 13c Monsoon Pears, No. Livood aia aii. 30c Armour's Oats, 2 for 25c; large pkg. ....30c PEACHES-- Corn Flakes, Kellogg's or Armour's for 25¢ Beverly Pree, CRN oe Els venta 45¢ Puffed Wheat. <18c; 2dor Jiabao 25¢ purdy, in heavy syrup; can... ..ia ce ivy 50c Per Pound #ie is Nes 38¢c Puffed: Rice, phe oi. iii dima, 17c Golden Eagle Melba, No. 2); .............. 55¢ Quaker Cracked Wheat 23¢c; 2. for ........ 45¢ Monsoon Brando: Nor Eso aa. cian 30c : a Quaker Yellow Corn: Meal [... oc... 13c Richelieu Yellow Cling, No. 2145 .......... 58¢c Wesson Oil, pint 40c; quart .............. 8c Ralston Wheat Food, pkg. ....... 0... 17c Sunical Peaches, extra standard, 35c; doz. $4.00 Lard, Ib. Coy rin Suki ev Seis ie slet res 28 Old Fashioned Scotch Brand Oatmeal ..20c CANNED GOCDS-- Rumford Baking Powder, pound can 25¢ Cream of Wheat & hunni dani a 32¢ Trojan Sugar Corn, regular price 25c; 3 cans MISCELLANEOUS-- COFFEES AND TEAS-- for-535c dozen cof. atc iio th ve $2.10 Richelieu Imported Olive Oil, quart can $1.90 Richelien, "pound ci. oii. vo iniBe tisnvss 55¢ Richelieu 'Salmon, tall can... uci vee 40c Golden Eagle Currants, pkg. .............. 36¢c Manor House, pound wi. oi in. Danie nes 55¢ Monsoon Tuna Fish, 2 1b can ............. 30c Safety Matches, 5 pkgs... tage on 29c Richelieu Orange Pekoe, ¥5 1b. 45¢c; 1b. ..87c Patsy Muscat Grapes, No. 1 can for ....20c Justice Brand Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 for....22¢ Our best bulk coffee, try it, pound ...... 41c Beverly Apricots, No. 2%; can ............ 40c Richelieu Black Pepper, reg. 2 for 25c;3 for 25¢c Green Ted. costprice, Ib. an vac dri, 65¢ Cascade or I. Brand Tomatoes, can 25¢ Ivory Soap Flakes... iii oabaiidualeny 10c Chase & Sanborn's Bulk Coffee db. a. 5h 41c QZ CH iis a aT er Rn Sy an «ae $250 Barnett's 2-0z.- Vanilla «50 nna aiasies 37c SOAP-- Libby's Sliced Beets: . ini. divesssors 20c Sani Flush. cont ala ies ans 23c Classic, - TODAS Or Sui vint nr alsssts ine stale nti 75¢ Canned Sweet Potatoes, No. 3 ............ 25¢ Gold Dust ZIatge ic iv oie av RS eka 29c Lenox: 100 Bars for inte cviirctilosiin: 49c¢ Richelieu: Soups; Cave os ainsi saves 13c Quaker Bulk Oatmeal. Ib: ...... coi vhs 7c CORN-- Price Baking Powder, 12-0z, ..........4, 22¢ Richelieu Mayonnaise Dressing, 10 fluid oz. 35¢ Richeliet, can vile vii sansassasvae sans 25¢ Arcadia String and Wax Beans .......... 12¢ Mason Jars; qi-isize, dozens... ib $1.18 CG ENEBeE CaN. ort ios vies sna aais was Bape rts on 19¢ Cestaco, No. 1 Tomato pulp 7c; two for 13c Pint. size, dozelys.. ion viv ddeivivain $1.10 Junior Sugar Corn, can 16¢c; dozen $1.78 Roman Gold Cal. Apricots, No. 2% ...... 29c Jelly Glasses, reg. price 65¢, dozen........ 48c PEAS-- Spread Eagle Brand Chinook Salmon ....3le Parawax, PRE... coo Tivsee vrrsvviina ni di 14c Monsoon Sweet Wrinkled, 18¢c; dozen -..$2.10 TJuxurie Pure Preserves. ..vivoi.ve.v. vies 40c Mason Jar Rings, pkg. ..... aud, 10c Cherub Stited; Can oii vst ees 25¢ Pofisco No. 1 tall Red Salmon ............ 35¢ La Belle Brand French Sardines. can ....19¢ Boillevard Brand ..o.. oh. ch Laan 25¢ Charter Oak Pie Cherries, No. 2%; ........ 55¢ Richelieu Brand Currants ................ 32¢ Richelieu Early June .......occonb ness 25¢ Getco Chinook Salon \, am 5 ius sensi. wo 38¢c 21 SPECIALS for WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Aug. 11 & 12 Calpac or Beverly Peaches, quality guaranteed, Richellen Coffee, J:1bs, ii nn ie Picaa sy $1.52 at a es SET Se tie meme mse ae we Ts i Quaker Oats, reg. size llc; large ............ 28¢ Ng Salmon, CAN io. fr. rv c : A 2 : . Runkels Cocoa, 14 Ih-Can i ..: iii teasvesnss 25¢ Chis § Safibors. RicheHen Manor House or 53c Marcellus Fresh Lima Beans 23c; 2 for ....45¢ Mazola Oil, QUAart 756; PINE «.......esnrersnra38e Richelieu No. 2 Pineapple, 38c; dozen ...... $4.45 a | a re ee aan i Sg RR Te Sa $1.07 Walnut Meats, Fresh Stock, regular price Richelieu Pure Boiled Apple Cider, gallon $1.50 $1.25: now per 1b. ...... a ts ee we 85¢ Vo GallON: ot ianississns sins vas vometnvinnnss 80c Richelieu and Libby Pineapple, No. 2%; ...... 53c American Family Soap, 10 bars ................ T4c QOZEN ii. iit says vss dinineis bie wns nibies oie $6.25 Light Brown Sugar dbhaie cave inn' vins viisninn 22c Richelieu -Apricots, No.2 .... iii anv 58¢c Richelieu XXXX Powder Sugar ............ 28c Brown Beauty Beans No. Vo. ...0 0 00. fd 9c Richeiieu 40-50 Prunes, large, 1b. ............ 32¢ Boulevard Brand Currants, at cost price, per packages. Sov Vari Ss aie std 28¢ California Figs, cocking and eating; regular price 43c: 'saler pre i Su vi i Sida 34c | | \ | | O | I o I Q I oO Hubbard Woods Cash Grocery ee OE OE OO J O10 (ee OI OI O IO TI O =X Telepnone Winneti-a 400 501 Linden Avenue HUBBARD WOODS C | ' v