WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1920 5 | Social Happening. ; Winette "Kenilworth The other day we heard a man complain that it is impossible for him to make both ends meet on the income he is getting; and yet this man is 4 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Traver of Kenilworth announce the marriage of their daughter, Doris, to Walker Langan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver P. Langan of Chicago. living at 4923 Sheridan road. Mr. and Mrs. Langan are R. D. CUNNINGHAM . 3 r Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor of Kenilworth announce the en- Exclusive Deale gagement of their daughter, Dorothy, to Walter Jerould, son of Mrs. Frank Wheelock Jerould of Evanston. . | || : . | Do You Know This Man? | | i Ruth Risley driving an expensive car, wears silk shirts, travels in a 'set' who never | | miss anything and are great spenders. | | . Ld { Three years ago he was happy with the normal equipment of the . average man of the middle class. Money became plentiful and he Y Shel Golden 4S anniversary LR left UE w wey splurged. It tightened, and he is spending more than he earns. {i on a pre-nuptial wedding tour through the west. After 1 Ne visiting in Yellowstone Park they will go to the coast, Extravagance is responsible for his predicament. The pendulum | ! visiting at Victoria and Vancouver, in British Columbia. On their ' b dit is Lights hi di his livi hedule t t | | return trip, via the Canadian Pacific, they will stop at Banff and} swings ack and it is 1g time for im to adjust his ing scheduce to mee | Winnipeg visiting their eldest son Richard at the latter place. They his income, rather than try to stretch the latter to cover extravagances. | i expect to be away for several weeks and will be accompanied by : | | their daughter, Miss Laura Fisher, and their grand-daughter, Investigation proves it is not the fault of the income, but those newly | 0 Janice, > acquired expensive habits. | Of interest to the people of New Trier township is the an- . : . . . nouncement of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Halladay of the marriage of We can and will help him on one large item---dispose of that big car | | their daughter, Harriett Virginia Halladay, to Mr. Phillip King of and replace it with a FORD SEDAN. Wealthy, and well-to-do people Glencoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, on Monday, August 2, ! . ' . » | at the hotel LaSalle, Chicago. The couple will make their home in are buying Ford Enclosed Cars. Now is the time for this man to realize I | Decatur, Tl. . that he, too, should have a Ford Car. | | ll | | | | { M.P.LOUEN, Sales Mgr 810 Church Street Phone EVANSTON 4884. | A surprise is in store for the many | Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Dorland EVANSTON friends of Miss Dorothea Ravens- [have sold their home in Winnetka i croft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- and wy iE a SE rooms at =} : ward H. Ravenscroft, 677 Valley road, entral avenue, timette, on x i 1 | . = 7 . 1 Glencoe, in the announcement of Jor |B 1. The Sy a Spends Mrs. Raymond Wirtz, returned to| Mrs. J. Allen Haines of 854 Prous] Mrs. Morris Greeley leaves Win- | marriage to Harry Lipphardt, which | me. 1 ey ns 1e 8EWOOd [her home in Hamilton, Ohio, last | pect avenue, and her sister, Mrs.|netka short on an extended visit. | 109k place £1, rly GL of onacaite Minne gu a, | Wednesday after spending three| William P. Martin, of Lake, Forest, | | 1S week at the kavenscro ome, i |weeks with Mrs. Harry Rogers, 428 | have gone to Osterville { at 4 o'clock. Utmost simplicity mark- | Announcement was made recently | Ridge avenue. mm | v ! ed the occasion, since the Wedding |by Mrs. Virginia Mayo Goss of Ken- --_---- Miss Julia Hodge of Bloomington, | ! | date, which had been set for early - wc rh of the engagement of her| Mrse. Minnie Freudenberg, form- | IIL, who has been visiting Mrs. Carle- | | fall, was advanced, owing to the fact daughter, Frances, to Mount Vernon jerly of Winnetka, has left Rockford, | ton J. Holdrege of Winnetka, return- | | that Mr. Yipphard: has just taken | Hale. of Lincoln, Neb, [11.. to make her home in Los An- fed home Wednesday. i a position which necessitates ex- | agin on geles, California. --e-- | | tensive traveling. Immediately after| Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Odea and pd Miss Mary King, 672 Maple avenue, | i the ceremony the young couple left daughter of Winnetka, who are| Mrs. W. H. King left Tuesday for |left August 3 for Brooklyn, and | { for Philadelphia. They will travel spending the summer motoring in| Kennebuck Beach, Maine, to visit | Springfield, Mass. ! during the coming year. the east, have left the White moun- |relatives. | Mrs. Lipphardt enjoys a wide. ac- tains for the Maine coast. They will | i | LO ni 1 {| quaintance among the younger peo- ir.iurn mn September. | Mrs. Frederick. Dickinson, 12282 Lili ple of the north shore. NE Scott avenue, is in Micmigan for the | = RoE Mr. and Mrs. George E. Orr and |summer. E t S Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dennehy 'daughter, Jane, 806 Oak street, drove of x Kier Tk ro ; 0 0 ra fit gave a dancing party Tuesday even- to Cleveland, Ohio, and from there! Miss Ann Kittel left Monday for ing at their summer residence in } took a boat trip to Niagara Falls, her home near Green Bay, Wis. NEVER GROW OLD for a Winnetka for their daughters, the | fast week, ---- J Misses Mary and Virginia Dennehy. mmf Mr. Conners, formerly of Brad- The former, although she was grad- Miss Katherine Litch of Boston, |street's office, left Winnetka Monday uated from an eastern school in|\fass. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T.|to take a new position in Chicago. i June, will not be 8 dehdtonts of the 1H McInnerney, 355 Linden avenue. Mi Loui sg Greil 635 A few months make 1 coming season, but wi spend the Next week Mrs. McInnrney leaves 18S .ouisa ay ireeley, J . . . i winter abroad studying. Miss Vir- ior Charlevoix, Mich. Maple avenue, leaves August 19 for a decided change mn Eastman Film | ginia will return to schoo lin the] site the Adirondacks. a child =< chikiren ! | fall. | Mrs. A. N. Wales, 385 Ridge ave- . hn Ww . ; --p-- nue. with her sister. Mrs. Charles piss Masjoris Jvigoss, 73 Spruce grow that fast--but E have it--both auto- | Mrs. Burtrand Doyle and her two Butler, 100. Green Bay road, left this |Street, intends to enter "kockior ] raphic and non-auto- | children, returned from Cleveland.|wek for two weeks at Charlevoix, |college in the fall. photographs of the i grap : . : | Ohio, and are spending a few days Michigan. Tr children never grow graphic--in all the S1Z¢€s, § yi & TTS ia t : a Mr. and Mrs. Pearse of 968 Elm i with her mother, Mrs. James Weart, : TE ng Bo : . M carefully kept under § 278 Linden avenue, before leaving: Mrs. Frank Plowman and family | Street gre Spending vacation at : up. ake your ap- 2} {| for her new home at Oconomowoc, returned from northern Indiana last | Pine Beach, Mparinetre, Wis. 2 pointment 1000 | proper conditions and 11 /isconsi reek ir home at 421 Linden | eg : x = : | 5 op ; Re v 14 Wisconsin. --aa pres So thats Mr. and Mrs. Buy Mills of Haw- ready for your Kodak. Ei The Girl Scouts left Thursday for : th | Yorn Jue, Lo Sunday ane, . Sit H Lich a : oa : 2 efirt and Mrs. Chase are in Frank- [August 1, for the Dells in Wisconsin. : | Let our experts criticise {Hl Crist church camp at I rankfurt, Mr and i Ie ane | pied For your convenience we do | t I : | ichican, under the leadership of furt, Mich. adjourning le ETE Aaa SEntrae Arhor Vitie rod rour negatives--thev 4 the Rev. Gerhardt and Capt. Mar- church camp. Mr. Chase was former | Rosalind Deatree, AAEDOT NR Home Portraiture y g J || garet Clinch. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. choirmaster of Christ church. left Friday for a <¥isit with the may be able to help vou H Delay dre hose-iothors eres Blatchfords in Canada. Lk Totes y / i : Fr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitney and, oe Cora 1s an Rill ia crac makegood pictures better. iE Vera Chickering, 770 Rosewood and Mrs. Catherine Murphy, 990 og , Miss Sore Sie Tal B30 Seresy a c B 1 avenue, returned this week from Mr. street, drove to Benton Harbor, !1$ vacationing Dee, By g ne ay 2 {| I Davies' camp in Michigan. August 8 Mich., last week. the month of August. ' . | Adams Pharmacy | {| Charles Chickering and Pearson Wil- ifr | . . JB og S DI E . il liams, leave for Camp New Trier at! Mrs. George Thorne of Winnetka | si C fafles Swonderik, 748 Dene TUDIO E 782 Elm St., Winnetka iH H Watervliet, Mich. entertained at luncheon Friday in ter street, is visiting her parents in E Ph Win, 2.3 i iH a honor of Miss Katherine Harvey of Travis City, Meh Hoykburn Bldg., EVANSTON EB one HH | Mrs. Merritt B and children, Kansas City. iy : ; i |] ! as Merrit: fam 672 Pildren, Kansas City = Miss Katherine Murphy returned Phone Evanson 2238 E il | avenue, have returned to Winnetka Miss Vivian Ratcliffe has just re- | fre om 2 two weks ou ng TRL 5 J | from Lake Flacid, N. N., after visit- turned from Michigan. She will | Ne w Trier, at Watervliet, Mich. ST ! ing her mother for a month. leave around September 16 for Mount | -- | eft Holyoke. | Beginners! Come out on Tuesdays se ; | at the Playfield Golf links. Every Mrs. John Dilworth and family re- { Tuesday is Ladies' Day and in addi- turned to Detroit Saturday, after tion to golf, there is bridge and tea. spending two weeks with her mother, In order to make this a real success Mrs. Catherine Murphy, 990 Fig) everyone come out. street. nue nn Films developed Those snap-shots which you took on your vacation trip will b: pleasant reminders of the good time you had, if ycu let us dzvelope them. Excellent Moderate WINNETKA 750 ELM STREET Bring them in today Quality Workmanship E. A. KREBS, R.Ph. [UH THIS Service Chorges PHARMACY Pt one Winnetka 33 ---- OPEN SATURDAY EVENING, 7 to 8 p. m. ELM STREET. at Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA STATE BANK Now 1s the time to send money abroad We diaw drafts direct on any country, except Russia.