aR | ESTATER Realty Board Meets Monday, September 13 May Discuss Advisability of Sending Representatives to the National Meeting at Denver The next meeting of the North Shore Real Estate Board is to be held at the offices of Clark T. North- rop at 556 Center street, Winnetka, Monday evening, September 13. This will be the third meeting of the Board in several weeks and is ex- pected to be of particular interest to every member of the recently form- ed organization. It is expected the members of the Board will discuss the advisability of sending a representative to the meet- ing of the Executive committee of the National Association of Real Estate Boards to be held at Dénver, Colo, on Septembr 21, 22 and 23. Real Estate Brokers of the north shore have received literature from the secretary of the national organ- ization outlining the procedure at the Denver session and embodying an in- vitation to participate in the dis- cussions. It is possible several mem- bers of the North Shore Real Estate board will attend the meeting. BUYS HERRING ESTATE G. M. Shutter of the Shutter-John- son Candy company has purchased the Sarah Herring home at 241 Essex road, Winnetka. Paul Schroeder company negotiated the deal. BUYS RAVINIA VACANT A. L. Swanson has bought the Martin Ettleman vacant property in Ravinia near Sheridan road. He will build a fine home at once, it is said. Paul Schroeder and company were the brokers. OKLAHOMA INDIAN LANDS WITH U. S. GOVERNMENT TITLE This is your last opportunity, for this is the last of these lands to be sold. These lands are located in the oil area and purchaser gets all oil, gas and mineral rights including _ valuable timber. You purchase the land out- right (in fee). Thousands of acres in this section now leased to oil com- panies and drilling now going on in every county. You can secure these lands in small tracts ranging from 40 to 160 acres at $9.50 to $12.50 per acre, and pay for same on small payment lan. Perfect Title-Bonded Abstract. live in Oklahoma and am in a posi- tion to furnish many Oklahoma Bank references. Call, write or phone D. G. WILLIAMS, 6230 Greenwood Avenue, 1st apt. Phone Midway 6921. --Adv. BUYS GLENCOE HOME J. E. Morgan of Oak Park, has pur- chased, through Paul Schroeder com- pany, the brick bungalow at 227 Mary street, Glencoe, owned by J. Doyle. BUYS RAVINIA HOME Walter Layton of the Hub Cloth- ing store, Chicago, has purchased the Hattie Nelson home at Ravinia through Paul Schroeder company. BUYS HUBBARD WOODS LOT A. Gordon of Chicago, has pur- chased the 100 foot lot at Hubbard Woods, owned by D. W. Metz, through Paul Schroeder company. J. IVERSON BUILDS GARAGE A permit has been taken out at the village hall by J. Iverson of Center street for the erection of a garage on his property, valued at $1,000. $2,000 GARAGE C. H. Phillips of 767 Willow street, is having a garage erected on his property. The building is valued at NEW WALDEN ROAD HOME G. E. Erickson has taken out a building permit for a new 6-room home at 797 Walden road. H. E. PAGE TO BUILD H. E. Page is building a new res- idence at 1485 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods. BUILDS NEW GARAGE A new garage, valued at $1,200 is being built on the property of Harry Bensington, 796 Walden road. ERECTS NEW HOME M. E. Kassner is erecting a new residence at 600 Provident avenue. The structure is nearly complete. CTL LE LEE Ed] ? Portable Garages and Summer Homes } GARAGES $145 up Why pay Gar- age rent? Investigate? Send for Catalogue. Delivered and erected in few hours. DUFFY PORTABLE HOUSE CO. 4307-19 W. 24th Place CHICAGO I Phone Lawndale 1877 Do you want a new artistic home with three baths near lake. We have four new homes for you to choose from. HILL AW WHEELER Wilmette Office Winnetka Office 401 Linden Ave. 743 Elm St. Phones 93 & 364 Phones 142 & 422 ALLLLILILLI LLL S SLIPS LIAS LS IIS SSIS LISA S IIASA IAAL IA SSIS R. M. JOHNSTON AND COMPANY Wil. Office: Opposite "L" Terminal Phone Wilmette 68 Win. Office: 558 Railroad Avenue Phone Winnetka 288 OFFER WILMETTE Modern 7 room home, well lo- cated, convenient to "L" and Steam transportation. All large light rooms. House newly dec- orated inside and out. Attract- ive buy at $13,500. NORTH EVANSTON Attractive 8 room stucco with- in 2 blocks of lake. Hot water heat, 2 baths, 2 glassed porches, occupancy any time. Excep- tional value at $18,000. WINNETKA 8 room colonial type, built 4 years, hot water heat, 4 large bedrooms, tiled bath. Extra well built, flaxlinum walls, lot 50 by 187. Garage. Price $13,500. NILSSLLLILISSLSSSSS SL SLSILS LG SAL SS SSIS ISSILSAAS LASSI SAS LLL ZT Edd Ld ZZ 2 dd 2 ddd dd dd dllidiids. aed dddaasesddddagiiiiaiiidiiiriin iz 2 ULL ddd dd ZT L277 2d 2 EZ 2 Fd ddd ddd ddd dd i 2d 2d Po ddd Ld dd ddd ddd dd ddd ddd lid, tion, garage. . . 405 Linden Avenue M. E. BARKER & CO. The Best Buys Today 7-room Stucco house in fine condition, fine lot, excellent loca- New bungalows, brick and stucco construction, locations, end of season, prices reduced. Ideal 8-room stucco, near lake and all transportation, hot water heat, 3 glassed porches, deep wooded lot, . $13,800 good east $18,000 Tel. Wilmette 484 ei Lh ys lS STATE JURISTS ENDORSE CANDIDACY OF C. W. VAIL The candidacy of Charles W. Vail for reelection as clerk of the Illinois WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1920 The state jurists have given | voluntary expression to the "highly efficient manner in which that office has beén administered by Charles W. Vail, the present incumbent". Mr. Vail is known on the north shore as the brother of Edwin E. Vail of Winnetka, an official of the Harding-Coolidge National Republic- | an club of New Trier township. Mr. Vail, whose headquarters are at the Supreme Court, possesses the merit of the unqualified endorsement of the justices of the Supreme Court. miners DOYOU NEED MONEY? We lend money on second mort- gages and purchase building con- tracts. Reasonable rates. Prompt action. Hallman & Koch 10 S. La Salle Street CHICAGO Telephone Franklin 2038 2 bathrooms, 4 porches, hot Pretty location. $18,000.00. able home. 933 Linden Ave. TWO BARGAINS Hubbard Woods: New white colonial home, with 4 bedrooms, with built-in bookcase and stone fire place. Double garage. Foxdale Ave., Winnetka, west front. Large, roomy, comfort- 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, breakfast porch. fl Nice lot and garage. Worth $13,000.00, but owner really [ wants to sell and will smash price. FRANK A. REID Hubbard Woods Phone Winn. 1300 water heat; large living room, FOR SALE-- WINNETKA ment, from 000.00 to the deciding. WINNETKA OFFICE: 524 Linden Street Telephone WIN. 1544 Residences, complete list- ings to meet every require- Lake front home at $200,- under $10,000.00. [It will pay you to see us before co [ILL & STONE er CS and NORTH the palatial modest home * > ESTATE | WILMETTE OFFICE 404 Linden Avenue Telephone WIL. 1644 es Hamilton club, Chicago, has beén a frequent visitor on the north shore. Advertising Is Economy Think It over--Advertise Do You Realize that the Thompson-Tammany platform commits Thompson's candidates {cr state offices to Take from the farmer every dollar by which his land in- creased in value since the World War started? Confiscate property of every business man and farmer? Increase the rent of every City and Farm tenant in the state? Strike at every home and home owner in Illinois To prove this read the Thomp- son platform. Stop and Think of Chicago's pitiful plight under Thompson's Tammany domination: . The City Treasury bankrupt. Taxes increased and the pro- ceeds dissipated. Enormous fees paid to favor- ites. Undue privileges accorded heel- ers. Contracts awarded at fat prices to henchmen. To prove this read the Chicago Comptroller's report. Patriotic Republicans: Bury Thompson-Tammany- ism under an avalanche of bal- lots Primary Day, September 15, by voting for John. Ogleshy For Governor rile Will Keep Tammany Out of lllinois Ee Attractive North Shore Homes Build now and save money mn and}Insurance SH Real Estate, Loans William Aitken "BUILDER OF MODERN HOMES"' [Telephones: Res. Winnetka 76 Office Winnetka 764 1065 Gage Street Hubbard Woods = = E = 2] = =} ES E Ee = = = ~